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Klasik Müzik - Bach-Toccata Et Fugue

Bach-Toccata Et Fugue
: Bach-Toccata Et Fugue
: 7.82 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 335 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 263 İndirme
: 17-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Bach-Toccata Et Fugue )
  1. Mark Hopewell

    Very lovely. Thank you.

  2. El sole

    Beautiful x

  3. małgosia sandecka

    Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. incredible brilliance!!!!

  4. Buddhafollower

    i don't like it. her movements are too erratic and she plays it too quick....... she doesn't know how to add melancholy to the interpretation

  5. Bohodrum //

    kesin türk

  6. Bruse Dog


  7. Кира Микоян

    Какое оригинальное звучание! Очень интересно! Услышала много нового в этом произведении. Вы просто мастер!

  8. kiria pepe

    Beautiful thanks you, it was an experience to listen to!!

  9. Ellis Thompson

    Amy you are fantastic. Strong hands and bold sound. This is my dad. I hope you like it.

  10. nanasue 202143

    OhMyGoodness you are AMAZING...Absolutely Beautiful 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽You have been blessed with SUCH TALENT...God bless you and yours.

  11. John Luther

    Ravishing performance and the music heavenly .thank you.

  12. EmiL Shikhaliyev


  13. Mohamed X

    Cool 👍

  14. pascal TOPIN

    Sublimissime, Grandiose, Exaltant, époustouflant! MERCI pour ce temps suspendu.

  15. Scott Wiley

    Fugueing GREAT

  16. Global Trading

    Listening to the first few bars I didn't think I would enjoy this unusual version on the harp - but I continued listening and was bowled over by Amy's skill and touch. The 'ultimate' version of this masterpiece would be the Leopold Stokowski full orchestra transcription with Ms Turk playing alongside as a soloist during appropriate passages. I'm sure if this collaboration ever came about it would fill concert halls around the world. Anyway, this solo performance is stunning - what an accomplished harpist she is... Bravo!

  17. Gary Merrill


  18. John Medlock

    As far as I am concerned this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen a woman do!

  19. Nate B.

    this level of talent is the stuff of legends, I hope you're a millionaire

  20. Douk Newcomb

    standing ovation here

  21. Petru Ursu

    I woke up

  22. Ioan Cuibus

    Era mult mai bine cu brațele acoperite și capul acoperit!

  23. AlexAnder Frozen

    Thousand of likes! I feel pitty to give just one like.

  24. NN HH


  25. Toma Briseño

    Gracias 🙏 👽🥀

  26. Aquariusgurl 14

    That’s so beautiful 💗💗

  27. OnHoldAt50

    Rocked it!

  28. Sarkar Sarkar

    🌞🌻👌👌👌👍👍👍🌻🌞 excellent 👌🌻🌞


    Awesome Song!

  30. Totò Scenna

    Bella oltre che brava

  31. Stephan Schöneberg

    Oh Wow - great ... I didn't expect that it would even been possible to play Toccata on this instrument. Two thumbs up.

  32. TheRareCoin

    This stuff is great. I used to play piano.

  33. foxyroxstar

    The Queendom!

  34. First World Problems

    How tf did she do the pedal thing? Immense talent! 👏👏👏

  35. seungman kang

    Amazing! Great thanks for the music.

  36. Ronaldo Madrebien

    Such a talented woman

  37. Мітя К

    От з дівчатами таки можна знімать не тіко порно..........Всім хто робив це відео, уклін............Дівчіська просто супер!!!!!!!

  38. Мітя К

    Це потрясно...........Дуже добре!

  39. Мурзик Кот


  40. Владимир Сосновский


  41. Rumet Aydın

    Tamam hoş güzel ama çalarken neden bu kadar agresif çalıyorsun be kadın!. Why so serious!

  42. ЗАЯ ПИСЯ

    Это вся жизнь от рождения до смерти

  43. Elias

    Her expression show how intimate she is when playing with her harp, she know the g-parts that can transcending her almost to nirvana holy mother of god that was crazyI wonder out there maybe there's someone that can reach climax just by playing a piece with their favorite instrument, i wish i am one of them (ง ⏓ ロ ⏓ )ง

  44. Сергей Ф.


  45. Al Ec

    Couldn't imagine a better performance of this piece.

  46. Vasek

    OMG! Just amasing and so precisely. Bravissimo!

  47. karim koka

    Very skilled the least i can say

  48. Eduard Mihai


  49. Cristiano campos

    + 1 inscrito 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷😉

  50. Name Surname

    What a beautiful job, thanks for sharing.

  51. Thelonious Coltrane

    2019Almost everyone can carry a tune and sing songs...from Beyonce to a bum...can!But it is rare to see someone play a HARP this beautiful.Appreciate talent before we leave earth.Amy Turk is uniquely talented!

  52. Jesus-Regis Abdul Kthulhu Alhazred

    I think it's the strongest and the more existencialist version of the piece. Perhaps the best interpretation I listened, personaly. Cosmic and human. Unspeakable.

  53. W P


  54. Henk-Jan Bakker

    Bach obviously made a mistake when he wrote this for organ..... Or t took 300 years till finally someone was brave and skilled enough to do this piece of music right. Heavenly.

  55. György Rép


  56. UN-common Sense AUS

    What kind of uncultured swine would dislike such a piece of human & musical art & honesty

    raymond daubney

    Good question my friend, I so often wonder the same thing. In this case though, it's the number of troglodytes that surprises me.

  57. juan Romero

    Hermosa interpretación! Que instrumento tan místico

  58. Sahar

    you are so amazing .

  59. papaowl13803

    Talk about bringing life to this. Such LOVE and Heart. Thank you Miss Amy. Damn!!!

  60. Lucas Mazetto

    Fugue 02:59

  61. Barbod Boloukat

    You are very beautiful very niceI Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  62. Elijah Butterfield

    Ahh.. such beauty..Oh. The girls cute too.

  63. Islam Lies

    WHOOOO!...I didnt know a person could do such things!!

  64. Bohdan Mantula

    I suppose that all these dislikes belong to those who can play J.S. Bach way better on the harp.

    raymond daubney

    Nuh, they are mostly tone deaf and brought up on negro rap etc.

  65. omnaraiya

    This performance was breathtaking.

  66. RearAdmiralTootToot

    How do you know if you're a degenerate? Because you would give this a thumbs down.

  67. santini deutch

    Absolutely Sensational. Fabulous

  68. Marcus Arline

    This young lady is incredible

  69. sobreaver

    You gave it a great harpy justice ! :P

  70. Erick Pereyra

    You play the harp very well, you are very good

  71. amangogna68

    Really amazing !

  72. gary oakes

    If J.S. was alvie today he would ask you out for a drink

  73. Rosenblau

    I expcted Amy Farrah Fowler.

  74. Cristian Dinu

    I never understood why the harp players have to approach so graciously the cords of the harp. I mean, it's how you pinch the cords that produces the sound, not how delicate and gracious you close your hands to the harp. :)

  75. delia caputo

    Deleite al escuchar Bach en arpa!Felicitaciones!Gracias!

  76. NeilLB7

    Some people just have a skill that cannot be duplicated or understood. You can only watch and listen...and appreciate it. You cannot try to comprehend their ability to do it.

  77. nildo zepeda canales zepeda canales


  78. James Mcbride

    Fantastic talent, and beautiful with it, very gifted Lady.

  79. Tom Zeman

    Stunning brilliance! eat your heart out Darwin

  80. luis tello tello

    Excelente dominio.

  81. Tubbahvik Бахвалов

    Супер это вам не на клавиши давить

  82. vehrkalia

    Amazing, my compliments! Is that harp a Lyon & Healy?

    Amy Turk

    Thanks for watching! Yes, it's a Style 30.


    very great transcription, many thank's

  84. Tyler

    It’s missing a random cough in the audience but, otherwise close.


    teoman caglar I CAN’T HELP IT. I try to always be mature and not escalate an argument. I could have just said “No you” and called it a day. Lesson learned. Don’t let your memes be dreams.

    Conrad In Hawaii

    @teoman caglar Oh, sorry. I forgot the First rule of YouTube for a moment there: always write as nasty and demeaning replies as possible. My bad. 😆🤣🙄

    k s

    @Conrad In Hawaii what a fool you are.

    Evan Williams

    Nice one.

    Conrad In Hawaii

    @k s Ouuuuu... Lemme take a wild guess that you were looking Straight into a mirror when you wrote that reply, yes?... That was just Too easy! Sorry, but no points for you for intellectual writing this term. And we all Really hope that you are no longer in the gene pool. 😆🤣🙄

  85. Vlad Contemplator

    необычно , круто ! great performance 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠

  86. Brian J Smith

    Superb! Wonderful! Thank you! I love this!

  87. John F. Kennedy

    Is it a lyre or a harp?

  88. George Reynolds

    Simply excellent - bravo!


    Humans rock.

  90. Uncle Fugnutz

    Love to pla her triangle😀

  91. Rogerio Silva

    Ótimo. NAmastê!

  92. Tawelwch Gaming

    How appropriate.... Happy Halloween everybody!

  93. Georgia Walker

    Very, very, very, nice. Would you play at my funeral?

  94. Cynthia Campbell

    2,600 say 'thumbs down'??? No doubt soulless, bitter, haters of God and life. Pity them. They are living worthless, pointless lives and contributing NOTHING.

Bach-Toccata Et Fugue Şarkı Sözü

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