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Klasik Müzik - Bach-Moonlight

: Bach-Moonlight
: 2.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 251 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 185 İndirme
: 17-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Bach-Moonlight )
  1. cathy


  2. Kool Beenzz

    Beet oven is gud can he be in my School today

  3. ola osinibi

    I can play the full song. I'm grade 8. In the orchestra of London.

  4. Admiral Yi soonshin

    Immortal! Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is immortal and forever!

  5. snotgram

    like for coochie

  6. eithereor x

    To think that the most viewed video on the Moonlight sonata is a MIDI file. LOL

  7. Sir Trollsalot

    Thank you for listing this

  8. Walrus wall

    you could never make this

  9. cubs win

    Simply an amazing piece!

  10. Jay Ledezma

    If I was to get married I would create a show at my wedding on this song according to how life leaded the years throuout the way that life let to marriegeBeginning from meeting one another to negativity bad behavior possibly violance and vanity ungratefulness mistreatment to ultimately a remordles happy togetherness of sharing life with one another with love at it's highest pick.

  11. Dina Manuel

    he was claiming haven in his music ,,,and i really hope that he is in haven , he went through hell here!

  12. Greg Brock

    I watched my mom die of cervical cancer, her physical transformation from this condition haunts me to this day, sisters called, passed away, say I was was angry and alone would be an understatement,...on the freeway heading home from another exhausting day, I popped this C.D. In,..comfort I received from this piece was not cathartic but affirming,...I changed that day forward.

  13. Justin Richard EX

    The Dramatic!

  14. Julie

    Is this a reposting of the original video... I was listening to Moonlight Sonata with this image around 2001?

  15. Lucas

    Sublime 👏👏👏Saludos desde Argentum💙

  16. Orinbrim

    I was so confused about the recent comments, but I think it’s because OP changed comments to “newest first”

  17. Clarajin Morinje

    Hotel del Luna? 😂😂

  18. UwU


    Cebola Amarga


    jovan hayes

    @Cebola Amarga ay ayyyyyyyy

    Joe A.K

    @jovan hayes ayyyyyyyy

  19. TheNewKrookkud

    I don't know about everyone else, but I just like Catherine.

  20. jovan hayes

    yea this video was posted 9 years ago. we're all just a little late to commenting on it

    eithereor x

    Yes but it was composed in the 1800s to this is effectivly timeless

  21. Slick Ramen

    what the frick why are all these comments so recent

    Mist's World

    I'm asking the same damn question.

    jovan hayes

    @Mist's World no IM ASKING THE SAME QUESTION lol. i dont got any beef lol, i just wanted to add to the recent sea of comments

    Mist's World

    @jovan hayes 👏 aight

    cubs win

    Bizarre to say the least. I guess everyone is in a Beethoven kind of mood tonight!


    They probably set the comments to be sorted by recent, the person that posted the video.

  22. Savage Chincilla

    Good lord a lot of these comments are recent

    cubs win

    Rare to find this many people on the same page at the same time. It's a Moonlight Sonata kind of Friday night I guess!

  23. kishore Sasi Rtr

    Anybody waiting to hear @ 2k 20 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  24. Fat Panda

    so many recent comments lol

  25. Steiner _01

    Riquelme World Cup 2006

  26. Isaak Lema

    Y a t-il des français ici ?

    Robby Keith Mcall

    Ouai ^^

  27. Patrick Vídeo Reviews

    i don't know why but mario kart random box jingle remembered my this sonata

  28. Phillip Chandler

    woo woo..u left out a part..only a true listener would pick it up

  29. marwan flores

    Si estás buscando un comentario en español lo conseguíste

  30. BennyboigamerTV hh

    This is one of the only pieces that I want to learn

  31. C.K Meh

    wow has the sort by new comments always been a feature or am I just that unobservant?

  32. 6G Shad0w

    Wow comments are so recent, but anyways, what a legend

  33. LGF Firelex23

    bello rivederlo n 2019

  34. Nieves Salgado

    Rip xxx tentacion...wait what ?

  35. Herman Castelan

    Wanted to hear this all of a sudden

  36. TheLamePianoDude

    yas queen

  37. Felac

    Beethoven:Spider-man:It's treason then

  38. me cago en la leche

    why is everybody suddenly posting comments


    no idea

    Aymeric tr

    @HumanTent Same lol

    med talks

    its being a year the same thing still happening

    me cago en la leche

    everyone is coming back to this video at the same time like are we all connected or what

    Isaak Lema

    It's because the comment on this video are sorted by new for any reason

  39. EB games

    I just found out the villains in this movie from my childhood names’ were connected to music. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. Lmfao, the sirens for all of y’all mlp fans or past mlp fans💀🤧😂

  40. Daddy s20


  41. Carlos Velasquez

    Hope my IQ doubles one day so I can play it

  42. Carlos Velasquez

    Beethoven plagiarized the Beatles "because"


    He wrote this two hundred years before the Beatles were even born. So how exactly did he steal it?

    Carlos Velasquez

    @KurtC65 he probably could see the future


    Music like that and a fortune teller?

  43. Angel Harris

    This song is truly beautiful it has depth and it’s just a magical peace that shall never be forgotten

  44. Maicol Marraffa

    grasias mille bhetoven per todo

  45. Jacob Wylie

    Ooga booga


    my singing monsters?

    Nishan Subramoniam


    Jacob Wylie

    I dig my singing monster not gonna lie


    @Jacob Wylie dig?

    Jacob Wylie

    I like it i mean

  46. Kennedy Wender

    Quanta delicadeza... Quanta perfeição

  47. RoyTheDON

    Yo the comment section when i first play this video is 30minutes ago, that’s some rare situations


    Bro you commented 59 seconds ago from me lol


    @Nirma 40 second ago from now

    فراس علي

    37minutes ago

  48. Slazyk

    Its a BEST SONG EVER ❤️❤️

  49. Nick McTavish

    Its a perfect music for a psychopath.

    Nick McTavish

    @JoJoestarbtw dude, do you know thing that we call joke ? well thats one of them, you should try it too



  50. Nate_396 foRrif

    Glad that the comment section is fresh af

    Nick McTavish

    yeah, its evergreen ☺️

  51. Bruno Batista

    Thank you Andrea Romano

  52. Tomáš a Anička

    *Reminds me Chernobyl Disaster*

  53. 강재현

    아름다운 , 감미로운 클래식

  54. Plasmariel

    *When someone says they are pianist and they play this song*

    Matthew Morse

    this is actually a very complex song to play

    Gyarados Rampage

    I'm with Matthew on this...

  55. Harrison Allen

    Make this the most liked comment ever.

  56. GhostLeviathenZ

    "Mozart writes Requiem in D minor" Beethoven, "Hold my hearing aides

  57. michael garska

    The feeling of loneliness in this song is beautiful.

  58. Talyah White

    Such a beautiful song. it has real depth.

  59. Mohsen Khavari

    He was an gifted man thank god for giving him that talent and giving us this opportunity to listen to

  60. Mico N. Aquino

    This video deserves billions of views because the world needs to know, Beethoven is one of the most important classical composers in history.💕🎹

  61. Daddy Devito

    Anyone know this mans soundcloud?

    Keiran Ferrier

    Yeah but this song is different from his newer works. This was before he got his face covered in tats

    stiutk 240799

    he is dead lol .....

  62. Alex Pallein

    When finna drop a new album frfr


    Fresh comment

  64. Chris Johnson

    This piece is EXQUISITE to listen to & is absolutely DELIGHTFUL

  65. Manuel Alejandro cen contreras

    Why this music is so amazing?

  66. Michael Mclellan

    This beat sweet, when the next album drop?

  67. Thomas Ruane

    Perfect music to play when you want to be alone from everyone and everything.

    Talyah White

    Completely agree.

    Thomas Ruane

    @Talyah White - Amen!

  68. Jhon Rusev

    There is horrible diseases called stupidity.The infected are 26 192 people.

    Blue Gogeta

    Including you

  69. Janos Balogh

    Fantastic piece

  70. Flute-Gamer Souza Lima

    Muito linda e sentimental!Embora o nome Sonata ao Luar n foi dada pelo próprio Beethoven

  71. Iain Clark

    For a creepy experience try listening at 50x slower speed. David Lynch fans might know what I mean. ;)

    Iain Clark

    @Kamand sf Well, if you search youtube for: "twin peaks - ray shot evil coop" you might find something out. You might recognise moonlight sonata too....but it's different. Very different. Let me know how you get on.

    Kamand sf

    Iain Clark wow I just watched the video. It was creepy af ! But the song that I heard while those weird thing were trying to do something with the dead body was somehow like this song. In a weird way tho

    Iain Clark

    @Kamand sf You're totally right! It's the same music played at slow speed. Isn't it strange how it completely changes from something beautiful into something frightening? So cool!

    Iain Clark

    @Kamand sf Happy Halloween! :)

    Kamand sf

    Iain Clark it's kinda amazing ! But I gotta admit that sometimes the song itself has a dark theme for me. I don't know why. Thank you by the way. Happy halloween

  72. Tesmuk

    Why is everyone getting this in their recommended section now? I mean I won't complain it's a good song but still

    Kurtis C.

    I literally just came here from a YouTube search because I felt like listening to Moonlight Sonata.

  73. Dhyla Lovato

    Who still watch this video in 2019? 🙋‍♀

  74. DexnoTv

    *Que sad*

  75. soni joseph

    എനി മലയാളീസ്..... 🥰😍🤩

  76. Tomoyo Masami

    People who watched Detective Conan ep11This part 00:00 make me shiver

    Peacefully studying

    Don t remind me of Conan im desperately waiting for the 27th of November for a new chap . I feel like dying from each chap to the next one .Plus im waiting for a shinran progress but since the kiss on cheek we re stuck *cries desperately*

    Tomoyo Masami

    @Peacefully studying I am still in ep 258 and this anime is superb and i am curious to get to the latest episode

    Peacefully studying

    @Tomoyo Masami aa still a long way to go but it s worth it . You may become smart as well XD and for sure fall in love with the characters .

  77. Phillip Idunate

    And the name of the piano planer is??? Great information up there, but what an oversight 👀

  78. Deku Amv's


    JeanPier SBK

    Calla sopa do mamcacu

    Deku Amv's

    @JeanPier SBK kkkkk

    JeanPier SBK

    Calla mrd


    @JeanPier SBK kakakakakaka

  79. Sans the Skeleton

    Serious? I can barely see the comments from just 1-3 mins ago...

  80. M9 100%RoX

    Postado em 2010 e os comentários são tudo de 1 dia atrás , kkk tempos bugados....

    Deku Amv's

    Kkkk realmente

  81. Alejandrina Gonzalez

    This song is in every vampire movie lol

  82. 러스티

    my favorite music the first one

  83. Jared Allen

    I'm listening to this while fortnite loads lol

    lil hausmeister

    New battle pass is nice


    huh interesting

  84. The Gazebo Meister

    Imagine being relevant 200 years later and I can’t even be relevant for 20 minutes

    Frank Lloyd de la Cruz

    i feel you, man

  85. nikyoayuki

    I don't feel kind of thing—vibe...

  86. Linda K

    I didn't know what this was called at first. I just knew that I had never heard anything so beautiful.

  87. Patricia Quesada Dobles

    Escuchar está magnífica obra engrandece mi amor y agradecimiento a Dios, a su creación y a nuestros semejantes. Es maravillosa!!!

  88. Keilah Cadena

    it is a nice song when ur studying 📚🤓👌🏾

  89. Arthémy

    even not being able to hear didn't stopped him, never give up.

  90. alex 99

    Sehr gut! 🤗

  91. Murat Seven

    this pleasure is a “thing” that never comes to an end

  92. RedRUM 25

    The most beautiful song ever . ♥️♥️♥️

  93. Olga Steck


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