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Klasik Müzik - Bach-Glenn Gould

Bach-Glenn Gould
: Bach-Glenn Gould
: 4.13 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 118 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 88 İndirme
: 17-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Bach-Glenn Gould )
  1. Marie-France Hily

    JS Bach lui appartient.

  2. francois braccio

    Le vrai Gould qui ne peut s'empêcher de chanter en jouant....

  3. Mises Hayek

    This vid fools no one. This ain’t gould

  4. Rachmaninov Piazzolla sounds more like Gould's.

  5. Florence B

    en interprète majeur!! excellent , le plaisir est là, merci à vous

  6. Athénaïs Gls

    Absolument pas Glenn Gould !

  7. Jes

    this is definitely Glenn Gould

  8. Elias W

    This isn't Glenn Gould !

  9. Christine Martin

    Glenn Gould doit se retourner dans sa tombe en entendant cette horreur d'interprtétation, cette soupe, cette mélasse ! quel scandale d'associer son nom à cette guimauve !!!

  10. tarkineWild

    Off with your head!

  11. Jess Tollestrup

    Aha, I don't think this is Gould.

  12. Sonate Romance

    Bach ? irremplaçable ...sublime moment.G

  13. philippe

    Ben BRAVO j adore encore & encore

  14. Nadia De Simone

    io non suono così bene...😓😫😯🤣

  15. Chrissy & Jonny


  16. Guillaume Thuillier

    Hi, i would like use your interpretation for a short movie. If it is possible, please contact me.

  17. westerner serge

    quand j entends ce prelude de bach..........

  18. ThePumpkin506

    Gould would never play it like this.

    francois braccio

    The real Gould who sings while playing ....

  19. armelle tréhorel


  20. Miguel Ángel Balaguer

    Glenn Gould?????!!!!!

  21. iLan Frid

    Not only is this NOT Glenn Gould playing but this piece is NOT Bach. This has an added measure (around 1:14 mark) which is incorrect. If you have the sheet music - which you can use the internet to obtain, you will see that this piece has 37 measures, which is NOT correct.

    Abe greenwald

    Wrong. There are different versions. This version includes the measure that's sometimes left out. That's all.

    Private Siren

    Why would anyone leave out one measure (sometimes) in the middle of a classical piece that was written out for all to see?


    Supervicious coz they didn't like it

    Fernand Chandonnet

    That's the Schwenke measure, added between the original 22nd and 23rd measures. It's also in Gounod's meditation.


    It does sound pretty strange and out of place.EDIT: I checked the patterns between measures and it messes the whole thing up, it definetely does not belong in the piece

  22. Egon

    Não deve mesmo ser Gould. Há um compasso equivocado, a mais na execução.

    Karina Torres Brandão Carnelossi

    Olá, Egon. Tudo bem? O compasso a mais é o "O Compasso de Schwencke". A melodia de Gounod foi composta tendo o prelúdio de Bach como base e com esse compasso a mais. Sem ele, a melodia não encaixa. No entanto, não foi Gounod quem o acrescentou, mas Schwencke, que substituiu o filho de Bach como diretor musical de Hamburgo. O prelúdio original é mais bonito e audacioso nessa passagem do compasso 22 ao 23. Contudo, tocá-lo e cantar a Ave Maria de Charles Gounod é uma verdadeira oração, que vale o compasso intruso. (na minha modesta opinião ) Grande abraço.

  23. Salwa melancolic

    not his style!!! not his piano, he plays in semi staccato!

  24. Beth Heinecamp

    Weird!  This is NOT Glenn playing!

    David Lloyd-Jones

    Agreed. And that piano! Ugh: it reminds me of Yamaha's early attempts, when they tried to penetrate the market by putting out these absurdly sharp and echoey machines.

  25. Hayk Saribekyan

    This is not Glenn Gould playing. His style of playing is completely different (with a different pace and staccato).

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