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Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad

I'm Glad
: I'm Glad
: 4.08 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 139 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 102 İndirme
: 14-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad )
  1. martins keshia

    This was my shit🥰🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥

  2. rihannaRih fenty

    0:25 Jlo ft pittbull🤣

  3. Niar Car

    que tal perra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. КИВИ


  5. Marian Tudor

    Beautyful video

  6. Mark Arsian

    ههه مرحبا

  7. Vanessa Berberi

    These lyrics kinda make me sad. To think she fell in love with him the day they met. The day i met my fiancee I had planned another date with somebody else later that day and i liked that other guy better so i started ghosting my now-fiancee and dating the other guy instead. Then a week later he blocked me out of the blue for no reason and i was so devastated for like a month when i just decided- eh, i'll just give this guy i ghosted another chance. Anything is better than being this sad. My now fiancee was my second choice ☹ also he's not very masculine and he doesn't "blow my mind everytime." He's also pretty damn boring honestly but i like that i don't have to deal with dating anymore- having stupid small talk, worrying about what the guy thinks of me and if we have a future together and if he looks like the type that would cheat on me or block me and worrying that i'll never get married or have children or find anyone loving and with a stable job. I'm glad i don't have to deal with those feelings anymore. I just wish my guy made me feel like whoever wrote the lyrics to this song every once in a while

    Vanessa Berberi

    Or are love songs just delusional and what i have is actually what most people have?

  8. Yanina Pinoargote

    Bella la música y la danza de Jennifer López en esa época era muy natural era ella actualmente ha cambiado demasiado se olvidó de dónde viene y yo lo admiraba desde que empezó la película de la diosa diva mexicana Selena debería recordar sus raíces actualmente no es ni la mitad de cuando yo admiraba a esa mujer ser humilde no es pobreza es el más grande🐶😉

    Yanina Pinoargote

    Selena está bellísima y a la representado un papel maravilloso🐶😉

  9. Yanina Pinoargote

    Amazing thes Dance so Song 😉🐶

    Yanina Pinoargote

    Jennifer Lopez remember do you Lefe

  10. chris georgallis

    Hustlers suits her

  11. chris georgallis

    Love this Movie 💚❤👏Great job jlo

  12. powerluchi

    She is fake. Her vocals are from Ashanti and Christina Millian.

  13. Yoan Paris


  14. Laine Farthing

    I love Jennifer beals but they should remake this movie w jlo

  15. Salam Alyamama

    هوا ده الماتور

  16. Dandy

    Dislike for Geri Halliwell "It's raining men" idea with dance exam(((

  17. Adele Nye

    I think it’s the difference between white peoples green chili and green chili who knew... reasons I cooked today, and sing on point, and am not completely broken. Thank you I’ll always love you more. A year wtf? Sad panda.

  18. murni minhae

    its my favorite song and very like this genre.

  19. Nargusha Abashidze

    October, 2019✌Like

  20. Hellen Hell

    Song cool, video disgusting.

  21. karina orozco

    Diosa total jenny..🌹🌹

  22. François De Preter

    high mama!

  23. Mario Plushies and Gaming

    Yes! All I gotta do is lose my stomach, arms, and stretch marks.... And BOOM J.Lo body !!!! Restarts diet/exercise plan for 100th time😪

  24. Liliane Beeckman

    Het panel lijkt de Europese gemeenschap wel.

  25. Liliane Beeckman

    Paaldansen kan ze blijkbaar ook goed in hustlers... zoiets.

  26. Kaori Kanzaki

    I know this is a remake of the famous 80s Flash Dance but that dance at beginning has so much Michael- Janet Jackson vibes. Idk I just have that feeling.

  27. Julia M

    How I want the same hips as Jennifer Lopez.

  28. Sura al Qayse

    جنيفر جسمه مثلي بس صدري اكبر😁

  29. Terry Curtan

    I wonder how many sit-ups it takes to get abs like that! I guess I will never know! :(

  30. mahsa sabbaqi

    She is a Goddess. That’s for sure

  31. Lu Miao

    I love men but no man alive has a body this incredible

  32. Tanya spain

    Обожаю !!! Odoro!

  33. yuri faxineira

    This is one of a few j.lo songs that is really good and timeless..this is what i call pure art..

  34. Suzette De Alba

    🎵🎶I'm so glad🎵🎶💜

  35. 殿下


  36. Mix Lennoxx

    She had a body double!! LOL

  37. arslan haider

    Her best song+videoPERIOD 💋

  38. Chapiz World

    She can’t sing you can definitely hear Natasha Ramos in this song

    jan ko

    Stop the hate girl.

    Chapiz World

    jan ko look up Jlos ghost singing she sound different in all her songs 💀💀no hate just a fact‼️

  39. Tohru Honda

    I saw the movie once.

  40. Shady Sat


  41. jilesnstyle

    I love this song and video. JLo danced her ass off.

  42. Martin GGPP

    Jlo & Pitbull 15 years ago

  43. Beverly Waits

    Sorry no offense, can't watch this, Just not the same at all!!😒😔

  44. Rob Rodriguez

    Something about this song!!! It's good 🤷🏽‍♂️

  45. Pablo Marconsini

    Só quem cresceu no Brasil assistindo malhação 2002 a 2004 sabe o quanto essa música marcou

  46. Wesley Barnés Vila


  47. Amy W

    Dang man! Can't you come up with your own ideas? Your own thing???

  48. Diego Fernando Cifuentes Quintana


  49. Amazighia : shawafa online


  50. Natalia Borgia

    Formdable 👍👍👍👋👋❤

  51. Joao Viictor Sampaio

    09/2019 e pra sempre ! Sz

  52. Javier JM

    Amazing flashdance movie tribute. ♡

  53. G.A. Molina

    I want this song for Super Bowl!!!!

  54. Ana Kumposcht

    Such an amazing video. She is such a genius of a dancer!!Best hommage to the perfect 80ties Film " Flashdance" i 've ever seen. And no need to talk about how stunning she looks since decades!!!

  55. buda buda


  56. nata tsintsadze

    love u j lo

  57. genute vadeikyte

    Tiek energios todel ikepei daug meyles jega ! Aciu ❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👍👍👍

  58. Dilara Fataliyeva

    september 2019

  59. Luis alonso Moran

    Flashdance is way better !!!Why copy????

    Blast Radius

    And Janet Jackson wants her moves back.

  60. alex roman

    J.lo acting in hustlers

  61. Vegas Summer

    0:43 0:58 Those dances moves are epic

  62. Georgi Bundev

    Stil Jenni Lo love you

  63. migdalia dejesus

    The best of the best 💛⭐🔥👑💃🔥💋

  64. Nicolukas Ortiz Perez

    esta cancion es malisimamente buena

  65. ranjard Melba

    I love this song and this vidéo ! One best of Jennifer Lopez

  66. brian g

    Is this copy version of Flashdance?

  67. Suraj Kumar

    Hey I am from India and I am big fan of Jennifer Lopez.

  68. Julia Silva

    2019 kkkk

  69. Colleen Kelly

    Talk about PLAGIARISM!! How DARE JLo steal this work from the "Flashdance" movie. Hope the lawsuit against JLo made it worth it.

    Israel Zavala

    Lmao old hag its not plagiarism, Music Videos are inspired by films all the time, the lawsuit was dropped there was no case! Know your facts before you comment and look stupid.

  70. massai joyner

    I wonder, is this how she got the lead role in hustlers?

  71. Anwa Baartman

    Anyone here after #HustlersMovie❤🔥💃

  72. maria dimitri

    The most beautiful and sexy woman on earth 🌏!!!❤️

  73. Bergmar

    Will this video ever be in 1080p?:)

  74. Vanessa Vanessa

    Excelente video! Igual a la peli...lógico! Es jLo!

  75. Israel Zavala

    How does this not have more views??? It's a Classic JLO Video !

  76. jo balda

    The first that I heard this song : 5/27/2003 big kisses from France 😘

  77. Valentine Maina

    September 2019

  78. P La

    Honey J Lo is just that Bitch 😁 luv her dancing especially when she flip in the air and twirl off the table I gotta learn this dance Why is this video so underrated especially when it comes down to dancing

  79. Jacky Castillo

    The baddest Jenny from the block💃💃💃🤙🏻

  80. Аян Бакенов

    Хороший клип и классные танцы. Дженифер Лопес прекрасная танцовщица и хорошая актриса и поет она неплохо. При всем уважении к Бейонсе о которой тут говорят некоторые, она не сможет лучше танцевать Дженифер Лопес. Дженифер Лопес универсалка, она любой практически танец может станцевать, она профи в танцах и в кино она хорошая актриса.

  81. Виктория Май

    Хороший клип)

  82. Banshee -44

    Can we plz not ignore the thumbnail if you've seen flash dance you'll know what I'm talking about

  83. rustic elegance

    Miss the dip hips Thank God natural bodies exist

  84. Nico H

    Still one of the best beats ever made.

  85. Mary Nhlabathi

    I'm only here to look at her thighs and her butt she's killing it her body issa banger

  86. Steph

    Jlo, appropriating everything in her wake since 98.

  87. Jassom77 Jassom77

    Everyone need jlo in music history

  88. sudhir singh

    Who's lisning that great song

  89. Mihaela

    sex gives women more courage- her very big upper body in that bikini is not good !! she was probably in prime activity and her hair looked nice here shame her music is just crappy

  90. Roshni Ali

    Hustlers finally going to give the film this music video deserved.

  91. Дульсинея Гамлетовна


  92. Sandra Valdez

    August 2019 anyone? 🔥

  93. melomana Gonzales A

    Maniac inspiration❤

  94. Bernie Kennedy

    This is why I love YOU JLO 50 25 18 Lesson is work hard no matter what you will make it BTW this is my fav JLO🔥🔥💃💃♥️

  95. Nerwa Askari a

    Этот клип открыл для меня новую Джей Ло супер

  96. Pratisha Dash

    I used to wait for this song to come on MTV ddamn

  97. Haydée Cázares

    I see what they did here.

  98. Charles Kyalo

    Its late 2019 and this song still sounds brand new..

  99. Bernardo Gerial

    2019 everyone??

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