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Future - Glorified

: Glorified
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: 93 İndirme
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: 44 İndirme
: 11-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Future - Glorified )
  1. Ovie Ubogun

    You can see JESUS Christ on my Facebook page thank you

  2. Ovie Ubogun

    I can see the glory of God upon this three Men. JESUS is the light and salvation of our lives

    Malach4 Revelation 10 Luke 17 :30

    Shalom...Not to be different but since when does the Word of the Lord comes to Dr. so and so...The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet....3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3vs7

  3. Jaeman Minard

    I love this show! I always feel like the Lord is with me with His Spirit every time I sit there and watch this show!

  4. Justin Chamberlain

    What about Rev 3:5 gentlemen? That is a salvation text. Everything is quite good until 19:48 and then we get the dumbed down seminary jargon. We dont have the assurance of salvation because we prayed a prayer, or believe in a doctrine, or had a pastor tell us that were ok. We have the assurance of salvation because the Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are the sons of God-Rom8:16. If this man's interpretation is correct that all those who believe in Christ are "overcomers" then why is God, the Lord Jesus Christ, telling born again, blood bought christians to overcome???!!! If we all are just overcomers then there's no reason for God to extol them to overcome! Does God not know but somehow a dts professor does? Please-our christian culture is in the ditch because we have zero fear for God at all. His interpretation of 1Jn5 is false as well because the text stats those who have been "born again" have "overcome". If you think you can be born again just by repeating a prayer then you need to read 1Jn3 slowly.

  5. Jared Young

    GREAT SHOW! I don't agree w Jesus returning at anytime tho. But everything else was EXCELLENT

  6. Jared Young

    7 spirits is the Holy Spirit. Very interesting! I like it

    Malach4 Revelation 10 Luke 17 :30

    The seven Spirits of God is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is Revealing Himself in a seven fold way through the 7 angels or 7 messengers of each age...Each church begins,Unto the angel/messenger of....Unto the angel of...Its a Revelation to His bride...In the book of Esther the king sent (7) messengers to call his bride...its a type of Jesus sending 7 angels/messengers to call out His bride through 7 church ages and Laodicea being the last.

  7. John John

    Jesus did not sacrifice and die for the world - ONLY for the elect. a small number who GOD has chosen.

    Jared Young

    Sure he did. He died so that everyone who believes on him will be saved. Ps Calvinism isn't in the Bible

    John John

    @Jared Young Ephesians 1:3-14, Romans 9:15, , Romans 5-6,, etc

    John John

    @Jared Young

  8. Blaize Akpakwu

    We re happy to have you in our christian society. God bless you all.

  9. kjv lightsaber - sword of the spirit - word of god

    Ezekiel 32:7 When I extinguish you, I will cover the heavens and ... I snuff you out, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. New Living TranslationEzekiel 32:7 NLT: When I blot you out, I will veil the heavens and ... when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light.Ezekiel 32:7 - Bible Gateway when I shall extinguish thee, I will cover the heavens, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give its light.EZEKIEL 32:7 KJV "And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the ...“And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light.”Ezekiel 32:7 - When I snuff you out, I will cover the heavens and ... 32:7 (CEB) When you are snuffed out, I will cover the sky, and I will darken the stars. I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon won't radiate its light.*the days cut shorter??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*in the winter,the days are shorter,the nights are longer, 4th trumpet,days are shorter,the night sky light is shorter,and the total pitch black darkness is longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????*understanding those days will be cut short - no lighting from the moon or stars to shine in the night sky - total pitch black darkness - like in the vin diesel movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????*the 4th trumpet - 3rd of the sun, stars and moon will be stricken so that a 3rd of the total day and night sky light will not shine any light at all or total pitch black darkness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????*wrong understanding of days cut short by clearlywritten?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!* jedi master numerologist clearlywritten is now saying that the 2550 days will be cut shorter by overlapping 1260 and 1290 to force feed danielsweeks 2024 model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????*clearer understanding of days cut short!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????*days are cut shorter by 4 hours??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!night sky lighted by the moon and stars are cut shorter by 4 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????or more accurately a 3rd of the total day or 8 hours out of 24 hours will be *total pitch black darkness* like in the vin diesel movie pitch black?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those days be shorten - no flesh would survive or for the sake of the elect????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!does the 8 hours of total pitch black darkness with no night sky light at all from the sun, the moon and the stars during a 3rd of the total day - help all flesh or the elect people to hide from the fallen angels so they can sleep and rest during the total pitch black darkness?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in other words, the total pitch black darkness for the 8 out of the 24 hours of the day help the elect to hide from the fallen angels and get some sleep and rest during those useless 8 hours of total pitch black darkness????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*is this why jesus or god says do not harm the oil and the wine? - the elect uses the oil to light candles during the total pitch black darkness and the wine is used for drinking to pass the time????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* ur thoughts?go!

  10. marcie harris

    Praise Jesus 🙌🏻✝️

  11. ToReal4real

    What is it that Christians have against JESUS coming for His Bride without a spot or a Blemish BEFORE The Great Tribulation aka The times of Jacobs Trouble ??? I desire to understand it …I know it has plenty GRIEVED me :(

    mirio c

    @Bryan Rendleman the sheep and goats are the tribulation survivors think about they repopulate the suppose everyone got glorified bodies after the tribulation who repopulate it would be unfair for jesus to leave some normally

    Bryan Rendleman

    @mirio c yes they are the survivors that's what I said. But the goats go into hell!There are no sheep left if the rapture happens at his return as they are all changed at the rapture!So the rapture is not the same as the 2nd coming.He meets us in the clouds at rapture and touches down on mt olive at 2nd appearing.

    Bryan Rendleman

    @mirio c the sheep do remain human at his return because they have children as revelation states.That us why satan is released at the end of the millineal reign for a little while to expose those that don't want to follow Jesus and expose the sin in the hearts. Jesus chunks em down to hell quickly then the great white throne judgement.

    mirio c

    @Bryan Rendleman yeah my bad made a mistake completely agree

    Bryan Rendleman

    No problem. Have a good one.

  12. charlotte

    Thanks for your comments at the end Mark. Ron for a man that talks about the plain Truth..I was disappointed with your answer about over comers. No all that say a sinners prayer, become over comers.. We must continue to contend for the Faith, even as Paul wrote "work out our salvation".. so many pastors and Spiritual leaders these days are afraid to speak about living an obedient life in love for our Heavenly Father, but chose to say we are eternally secure in our walk as long as we said the sinners prayer.. That's just the being, God has so much more.. If we continue to walk with Him AND overcome!!!


    The OVERCOMER'S overcome the world FAITH. How much truer can he be? Abraham was accounted as RIGHTEOUS, because he believed God. We are forgiven our sins because we BELIEVE on Christ Jesus.Its simple, but true. We over complicate it, being mere humans.


    Rons answer was spot on. He gave a biblical answer.

  13. Bella Rose

    There will be a rapture but not before the trib. The 1 Thess verse doesn't prove pre-trib nor a secret element to it. It just proves there will be one. Doesn't say WHEN! Also if Jesus raptures the church then wouldn't that make a total of 3 comings and not 2 as in 2nd coming? Also, certain things have to be happening before the rapture happens so the notion of an immininent return makes no sense.

    Nats J.v.R

    I think you are confusing tribulation with Great Tribulation which is only mentioned 3 times in the bible. The tribulation of the church has been since the beginning of the age of grace. The Great Tribulation however is a very different thing - it is the judgement of the ungodly sons destined for perdition.

    Nats J.v.R

    [But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.] 2 Peter 3v7

    Nats J.v.R

    List of Raptures & Resurrections - 9 separate occurrences listed:1. The rapture of Enoch (Genesis 5v24 + Hebrews 11v5-6)2. The rapture of Elijah (2 Kings 2v11)3. The resurrection & rapture/ascension of Jesus (First) (Matthew 27v52-54 + Acts 1v9-11)4. The resurrection & rapture of the Old Testament saints (after His resurrection) (Hosea 6v2 + Matthew 27v52-54)5. The resurrection & rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4v16-17 & Rev 4v1)6. The resurrection & rapture of the two witnesses (Rev 11v11-12)7. The rapture of the 144000 (Rev 14v3)8. The resurrection of those who were beheaded (Rev 20v4) and the ingathering of the elect to Jerusalem from the four corners of the earth and heaven (Mark 13v26-27; Matthew 24v29-31 & Jude 1v14) (The ingathering of the elect on earth is a type of rapture - like Philip in Acts 8)9. The resurrection of those who are to be thrown into the Lake of Fire (Rev 20v12-15) KJV

    Nats J.v.R

    Instead of trying to understand the rapture - try studying the great tribulation - the "day of the LORD" and then see if you still want to be a part of it. There is more scripture regarding the Great Tribulation in the Old Testament than in the new. Start with these: Zechariah 14v12b / Joel 2v6 / Nahum 2v10 / Jude v13 / Revelation 16v20 / Haggai 2v6b / Isaiah 13v13 / Revelation 16v1 / 2 Peter 3v7/ Isaiah 34v2 / Revelation 9v18 / 1 Thessalonians 5v3 / Revelation 8:7 / Revelation 16v8-9a / Luke 21v36 KJV

    Bryan Rendleman

    He doesn't return to earth at the rapture. He is met in the air.I've studied both sides for 55 yrs but pretrib.Check out Dr Ken Johnson's vids on the early church fathers the rapture and the patriarchs.Think on this logic..if all the Christians are raptured at the end of the tribulation and given glorified bodies that can't reproduce as scripture states, Jesus then separates sheep and goats... then what sheep are separated... the sheep had to be raptured! Most never consider this quandry.Children are born in the millineal reign as Revelation states, so there are Christians left that have them and only Christians because the goats are sent downward at that great separation.Another quandry posttrib can't answer.Lastly, when is the marriage supper of the lamb because once Jesus comes down the second time he starts ruling and separating goats and sheep then reigns 1,000 years from Jerusalem.No marriage feast is mentioned from ch 4 in Revelation or from the 2nd coming return at the end.The 1,000 years end and Jesus destroys the earth and heavens and creates another. So, Where was that marriage supper.It had to be a pretrib rapture then the supper then the return and sheep/goat separation.People saved after the rapture during the tribulation re-populate the earth during the millineal reign. The rapture can only be pretrib logically.

  14. Saved by Grace

    Great program. But Irenaeus was a tertiary. I believe John was on Patmos during the reign of Vespasian because the Four Horsemen fit the description of the fall of Jerusalem, and Rev 12 says the woman fled into the wilderness after the Child went to heaven, which is exactly what the Church did starting in 70 AD before the fall of Jerusalem.

  15. Linda Hudson

    The Apostle John was boiled in oil first and when he didn't die, he was then exiled to Patmos.

    Darth Bane

    I like that they tried to boil him and failed...must have been like a hot tub for him...I'm kidding of course it was not a walk in the park but the fact that they couldn't kill him tells you how much God loves him. I love him too.

    Malach4 Revelation 10 Luke 17 :30

    @Darth Bane John could not die cause he had to write the Book of Revelation first and God's plan cannot be interupted.

  16. beforetheseven²

    Another great program, and one that will have the hard-shell pre-trib Rapture detractors running for cover.

    Bryan Rendleman

    @Sodium Lights most of those that didn't believe took the mark and those that are alive and didn't get the mark lost their chance for grace because grace ended when Jesus returns.That is the separation of sheep and goats.Thecsheep believed during the trib and goats didn't .

    Bryan Rendleman

    @Sodium Lights there is no faith andvworks verse. Especially in Revelation or Daniel. Faith is apart from works in all scriptures.Faith always stands on it's own on cerning salvation.

    Sodium Lights

    @Bryan Rendleman Always faith alone? Mind explaining the Old Testament? If it was always faith alone why did the Sabbath need to be kept and why did there need to be burnt offerings and smearing blood on a person's skin?

    Bryan Rendleman

    @Sodium Lights Romans 3; 19,21 and ch 4; 2-5

    Bryan Rendleman

    @Sodium Lights the sabboth is actually a day of rest , doing nothing.So it is the very picture of us not doing anything to gain salvation or reward.

  17. Parture

    1 John 5.4 is misread when connected to overcomers in Rev. 2 & 3. Everyone overcomers in the body of Christ but not necessarily at the same time. So only overcomers receive the reward of the first rapture. Do all Christians keep the word of His patience? No of course not. “He shall never see death” (John 8.51,52) is actually “he shall not forever see death” in the original, and “he shall never taste of death” is “he shall not forever taste death” in the original. “They shall never perish” (John 10.28) is “they shall not forever perish” in the original (The Englishman’s Greek New Testament with Interlinear Translation).“Shall never die” (John 11.25,26) is “shall not forever die” in the original.

  18. Parture

    The first rapture can't take place unless construction on the 3rd Temple has already begun so it is completed by the first 42 months of the Tribulation since the Antichrist will reign in the 3rd Temple. "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (2 Thess. 2.4)"But the court which is outside the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." (Rev. 11.2)

  19. Parture

    "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." (Rev. 1.3) What is this blessing specifically? Partial Rapture


    You are suffering from a case of bad hermeneutics.

  20. samcor91

    these men are translating the book of revelation according to their own will. there is no biblical doctrine about the rapture. the rapture is a man made theory. these men should emphasize in rev 14 the message of the 3 angels. this determines what will happen to the world. Sunday worship = mark of the beast. keep the Sabbath = seal of God. If these so called professors of the word of God would speak about that they would unmask Babylon (Roman Catholic church) and they wouldn't want that would they. these men are teaching doctrine of demons just like it was prophesised in the end of times. do not be deceived, the Lord warns us several times about false prophets and teachers. God bless.

    Sarah Martis



    *WRONG*Jesus says *WE DON'T NEED TO BE TESTED:*Because you have kept My command to endure with patience, I will also *keep you from the hour of testing* that is about to come upon the whole world, to test *those who dwell on the Earth.*(not _us_ though!! He _just_ said this!)Two judgement seats for a one-instance judgment?? Why would God do that?? Makes no sense. There clearly are 2 judgements - one for believers and one for unbelievers so there must be two different appointed times for these two separate judgments - otherwise God would be judging from two different _thrones_ at one single time. Not impossible perhaps, however it makes absolutely no sense and God is not a God of confusion."In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you. I am going there to prepare a *place* for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.…" To go where the Father is (define that - from Jesus's perspective on Earth at that time) is *Heaven.* He says clearly he is currently seated at the Right Hand of God. That is *HEAVEN.* Not Earth. During Jesus's return to Earth, he's not spending time in heaven - he's coming to _Earth_ to set up his kingdom. Jesus says he will save us from the wrath to come, so Post-trib theory makes absolutely zero biblical sense and that can''t be denied. The day of the Lord TRANSLATED LITERALLY IS: The hour of JudgementWe are not appointed to wrath.The problem is not these men - it's you. You simply just do not know what the Bible teaches at all. Period.

    Matthew Curley

    Paul Philpott While I agree with you on most of your response I must disagree on the point you made about the Catholic Church. It is most certainly mystery Babylon I would encourage you to watch Robert Breakers teaching on mystery Babylon..


    Samcor91, please read Acts chp15, pay special att. to vr. 19 +20 and 28 +29. Also Colossians chp 2 especially vr. 16 + 17

    Bryan Rendleman

    Check out Dr Ken Johnson's vids. Harpadzo is and it describes the rapture as the mysterious snatching away like a theif steals is its meaning.I've studied both sides for 55 yrs but pretrib.Check out Dr Ken Johnson's vids on the early church fathers the rapture and the patriarchs.Think on this logic..if all the Christians are raptured at the end of the tribulation and given glorified bodies that can't reproduce as scripture states, Jesus then separates sheep and goats... then what sheep are separated... the sheep had to be raptured! Most never consider this quandry.Children are born in the millineal reign as Revelation states, so there are Christians left that have them and only Christians because the goats are sent downward at that great separation.Another quandry posttrib can't answer.Lastly, when is the marriage supper of the lamb because once Jesus comes down the second time he starts ruling and separating goats and sheep then reigns 1,000 years from Jerusalem.No marriage feast is mentioned from ch 4 in Revelation or from the 2nd coming return at the end.The 1,000 years end and Jesus destroys the earth and heavens and creates another. So, Where was that marriage supper.It had to be a pretrib rapture then the supper then the return and sheep/goat separation.People saved after the rapture during the tribulation re-populate the earth during the millineal reign. The rapture can only be pretrib logically.

  21. Yahwehsaves

    I believe that each of the seven churches is the the actual church (which is his body) in a specific time in history and that the present day church which of course again isn't a physical church but all believers together joined by his power our bodies being a temple in which he lives. Laodicea being the current day and final church, I believe the prophecy is spot on

  22. Darth Bane

    Of course I will be alive when he returns, I will return with him in spirit still alive and receive my new glorified body. Everyone will in a sense be alive at his return but my current flesh will have return too the dust of the earth.


    Darth Bane so if you return with Christ why would you need a new body? I mean where will you be when he returns? I'm confused just as your idea of thinking.

    Darth Bane

    @samcor91 We will be reunited with our physical bodies, Jesus is going to resurrect them to be perfect like his is, to be immortal in both body and spirit. When we die we are spirits like the angels for we no longer have our current physical bodies, but we know we retain a form that we recognize as ours. In revelation the dead will first be given glorified bodies, and then those still living will be changed as well that follow Jesus Christ.

    Tony Eaton

    @Darth Bane I'm confused are you saying you get your glorified body pre Daniel's 70th week or at the second coming?

  23. Debbie Scheer

    Please go to LONNIE MARTIN and hi Grace Bible Community Church on YouTube to rightly divide.

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