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Carrie Underwood - The Girl You Think I Am

The Girl You Think I Am
: The Girl You Think I Am
: 3.32 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 85 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 75 İndirme
: 12-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Carrie Underwood - The Girl You Think I Am )
  1. kbrigsby61

    Holy-shite, Bat-man...!! She actually relaeased a song which haz a 'pozitive-image' toward a male...!!! I'm dumb-founded...!

  2. Golden Nation

    I'm not a girl but this song describes my life

  3. AVAlanche Covers

    This song makes me cry every. single. time. I’m a daddy’s girl and I relate to this so much. 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. Ott Gavras

    Love this song so much meaning

  5. Desert Mermaid

    I remember buying this album and listening to this song for the first time with my mom in the car and we were both crying. I love how much I can relate to this 💕

  6. Mary Kathryn Zinn

    I think this is just so emtional to me so amazing.

  7. Leah Force

    2019 and I’m always going to remember the first time I herd this song! It has been a rough few years in the past but I was always reminded through family that I am loved! My dad is my biggest fan and he reminds me of that till this day! It makes me break down into tears every time I listen to it because all I want is for him to be proud of me, even in my weakest moments! Thank you Carrie for your music! You have impacted my life in so many ways! It’s pretty dumb, but when I herd this I remember saying out loud “this is going to be my father daughter dance and Carrie Underwood would be at my wedding and stay long enough to just sing this song and ‘Like I’ve Never Loved You!’”that’s probably not going to happen but BOY that would be flipping amazing! I’m super excited to see you June 16, 2019!!! I doubt you’ll be seeing this but if you are thank you for your music! It has saved me in numerous ways! Love You Carrie! Keep Singing With All Your Heart! 💜 ✝️

  8. Wild Child

    My grandaddy & God ❤💜💕

  9. Danielle Cundiff

    This song makes me bawl everytime. I'm a daddy's girl and i have fucked up so much in life ( addiction, lost my kids, criminal record...,) but my daddy is still there everytime to pick me up when I fail. He's very sick and i am terrifief to lose him.

  10. Sonya Rae

    I'm going to be losing my dad soon and suddenly it's really sinking in and I wish so much that I could do something to stop it.

  11. Maria Krauss

    Front row center in that little white churchI was singing at a baby laying in a mangerEight years old wearing angel wingsYeah, and to this dayThat's what you seeI've been daddy's little girl since my first cryAnd it was hard turning eighteen, saying goodbyeYou told me I was gonna take the world by stormAnd mama said you cried all the way homeYou think I'm strong, you think I'm fearlessEven when I'm, I'm at my weakestYou always see the best in me when I can'tI wanna be the girl you think I amI got my flaws and I've got regretsAnd I know there's more on the road aheadWhen I wonder if I'll ever measure upOh, I thank God for a father's love'Cause you think I'm brave, and you think I'm beautifulYou think that I can do the impossibleYou always see the best in me when I can'tI wanna be the girl you think I amOh, whoaOh, whoaThe girl you think I am, yeahOoh, yeahAll I want, more than anythingIs to make you proud of me'Cause you think I'm strong, and you think I'm fearlessEven when I'm, I'm at my weakestYou believe in me, yeah, you're my biggest fanSo I wanna be the girl you think I amI wanna be the girl you think I am

  12. Hannah Krieg

    People are honestly lucky to have dads every time I hear this song it makes me cry knowing I can’t have the father and daughter relationship as everyone else and just me being only a 12 year old having a step dad that does not love me like my father would is very sad, I lost my dad when I was a year old and now the scars that his loss left on our family will always stay thereR.I.P Mark Anthony Krieg Senior you will forever be in my mind 😢❤️

  13. marina choban

    Its a great song, are there any remixes out there? I like lively melodies


    This is one of the reason why I love country songs CARRIE UNDERWOOD

  15. Penquin402

    My cousin played this at his wedding reception and his wife danced with her dad to this song. I love this song. It's such a beautiful song

  16. Lauina Muncy

    My pawpaw is like my daddy I been pawpa baby day one so I'm pawpaw baby always and for ever 💙

  17. Derrius Russell


  18. Krista Volta

    I sang this at my showcase, I made everyone cry and I got a standing ovation, I adore this song

  19. Seth Duhon

    She's the best

  20. Katie Paul

    You've already done the impossible, now do what you want to do! I'll always be proud of you!!!

  21. Helene Jennings

    All I know is Carrie and Miranda are on equal terms; love them both!

  22. Linda Colt

    song is basically my little sister's and dads song

  23. joe scotia


  24. Elisabeth Fout

    I was just writing in my dad's fathers day card and I was listening to Carrie Underwood and this song came on when i just started writing his card. It made me cry.....

  25. Team Stanley uris

    This is beautiful

  26. Caitlin Domanski

    pure perfection i love this song i love all her songs i am definitely daddys girl and im gonna play this song for my dad on fathers day i love my dad and i love carrie underwood

  27. Mad die

    This is such an amazing song why isn't this super popular!?!?!

  28. Ryuji Omote

    Carrie Underwood - The Girl You Think I Am (Audio)

  29. Christina Sims

    "All I want more than anything... is to make you proud of me."Hits me every time.

  30. Amanda Thomas

    Listening to this as my first wedding anniversary comes up... this was the father/daughter song my dad and I danced to :)

  31. Carol Brookins

    I love this song it shows passion and heartbreak at the same time

  32. Donna Pool

    i lost my dad 1 year ago today and this song reminds me that even when its hard and missing him seems to much to find streagth and be the girl he raised 😢

  33. Craig James Service

    My Little girl always..........and forever. DAD

  34. hello kitty

    heart beat is in here twice

  35. Jules Valencia

    I will dance to this song at my wedding with my dad

  36. Elizabeth Nicole

    the last wedding i went to this was the father/daughter, mother/son song.

  37. Belle Rose Cheval

    This song is a true father love story from his little girl

  38. Follow John

    Carry as a Father myself my Daughter is doing well ! I think you Father is VERY PROUD of YOU and I wish we could see more of Him. God bless You and Your FAMILY ! DAD be apart of this GREAT DAUGHTER you rasied. God bless All the MOM'S AND DAD'S of AMERICA  because if we did not have them we would NOT BE HERE TODAY! Carry is THE VOICE FROM HEAVEN !

  39. Dani Lopez

    Before it was over, I was in tears.

  40. Mary Kane

    I love Carrie underwood's song she's the best

  41. Karinne Campos

    how to stop cry? 😞❤

  42. Andrex Padilla

    next single ❤

  43. Kamilla McKenzie

    wish my daughter has a fathers love i cry everytime i listen this song but thank god i knew a fathers love i did want the same for her

  44. Lizflowers

    those of you who are close to your fathers are so lucky. there are many of us who aren't so lucky. i hope to one day find someone who can one day be a father figure to my future son/daughter. this is the one song that gives me hope and id play it for my future father-in-law

  45. Mackenzie McClive

    I mean me

  46. Mackenzie McClive

    this is mean..

  47. Tom Richson

    Dating Gurus Exposed What the all the big dating gurusnever tell you about getting women.See:'s enjoy it!

  48. Maekyla Pratt

    This song made me cry

  49. Hayley Neal

    this song describes the relationship I have with my dad perfectly

  50. Jason Kornfeind

    Can't help but cry on this one. My dad was the one who loved me unconditionally. I was daddy's little girl and this song brings me back to when he was alive and i could talk to him and feel his love. thank you Carrie.

  51. Brigid Mccarthy

    This is song describes my life perfectly fine it's sad because it's a hard

  52. danielle birnbaum

    going to joe

  53. robert gardell

    I would bet that if Carrie's dad would show up at the concert in Oklahoma.  Carrie wouldn't be able to perform this song, then.  It would be to emotional for her.

  54. Victoria Olivia Valdez

    Carrie I love your song's and your music and I'm a big fan

  55. Katie Walsh

    Today is Father's Day and all I ever wanted was for my dad to notice me and love me. I always try to make him proud even though he hates me. This song makes me wish I have a better dad so I can cry tears of joy instead of tears of heartbreak

  56. CarrieUnderwood Beliver

    I love this song. this is amazing. it describes how my family acts

  57. Sebica42


  58. Jackie Butler

    For my Grandpa <3

  59. Melinda Spradley

    Im so blessed, Mama Loves You AmberLYNN

  60. Roy Henderson

    Maybe one day I will get to talk to Miss Underwood in person I'm one of her biggest fans

  61. Roy Henderson

    Is Underwood is one of the greatest singers that I know she will make your feelings and your thoughts come out and come together she describes her life and such proud down-home roots so strong so beautiful so talented Lord knows I could wish I could meet a woman like that and miss lady I am very sorry about your day I wish I had a dad that I could make proud who knows one day I might be up there on that stage I feel it coming and if I get my chance I won't let it go



  63. Desert Mermaid

    This is my relationship with my dad and it makes me cry everytime I hear it because I couldn't relate to anything more than this!

  64. C & Z

    Song means a lot to me!!!!!

  65. Nick Powell

    Does anyone know who the guy's voice is in the chorus?

    Nick Powell

    +GoochMastaStar thanks!


    +GoochMastaStar He did backup vocals on Heartbeat.


    +GoochMastaStar Sam Hunt only did Heartbeat.


    +Nick Powell The people who did backup for her on THIS song are Perry Coleman and Hillary Lindsey (who helped write this song and does most backup on all of Carrie's albums.)

    Nick Powell

    +TheSlowReader thanks man

  66. BZH1975 *

    Beautiful song!

  67. Morgan Leath

    sitting here listening to this with my dad and I am trying not to cry. I love him so much.

  68. john roberts

    as a father , my daughter sent me this link earlier today , and today I'm touch in the deepest part of my heart to know that my little girl thinks so highly about me and I never realized til now how much she means to me in my life... she says dad this song is soooo u and I ... that really blew me away with such a smile like no other... with that being said always love ur kiddos even when they do wrong cause in the end they always think of u when u least expect it....

  69. Justrine Triplett

    u're dad is watching over you and he is very proud of u i hope

  70. lara croft

    :) awesome song I love this song :)

  71. Joseph Lturbo

    Lovely sound and beautiful beginning. Thanks to Carrie for her beautiful music.

  72. Sammi Jacobs

    God really blessed me with such a great dad. He's been through so much with me, and he has poured so much wisdom and life into me that I just can't thank him enough. Thank you Carrie for this wonderful song (as always :) )

    Richard Knight


  73. Debbie Irwin

    Daddy passed away 2 months ago. This song describes the way he always believed in and loved. I'll always be a proud daddy's girl.

  74. Katie Niwa

    beautiful song

  75. Daylen Carpenter

    This song makes me cry

  76. El El

    Love Carrie. Good country singers are storytellers. If not a whole story, their songs will at least reveal their experience and perspective of life, not just some fall in love or break up shit(you all know who I am talking about).

  77. Holly Niese

    im 40 and this my dad and i to a T. i love my Dad he is my everything . I dont know what I what i woukd do would do with out him .

  78. Burgandy Bott

    I call the most amazing man dad. He chose to be my dad when that other guy walked out of my life. I wouldn't have it any other way. The first time I met him I was jumping on the bed throwing french fries. #soblessedBeen daddy's little girl sence....that first french fry.

  79. brooke jenkins

    makes me cry overtime

  80. Yelena Taveras

    I Listen To this song every night and once i wake up for school listening i cry cause i know it's hard to not have a dad who was there for you..and im soo sorry for all the lost plle have..there in a better place now..this song touched my ❤ so much..I love you all. Im usually emotional but this song really touched hearts. 🎈👍I LOVE U CARRIE UNDERWOOD!!!💛💙💜💚❤💗💓💕💖💞💘💌💋💎💍

  81. Taylor H.

    I have never met my biological father, but I'm blessed to have a father now who loves me so much.

  82. Kerrigan Harris

    LOVE this song

  83. Michaella OBrien

    Just when I think one of Carrie Underwood's song isn't going to make me relate to my own life and swear I'm not going to cry she does it again lol that's why I love her music so much!!! Her music is what gets me through the day sometimes thank you for all of your wonderful music you have no idea how much it helps not only me but I'm it helps so many others as well 🤗

  84. Dona Hand

    Her dad wasn't lieing

  85. Paytons Gaming

    I cried in the first half minute of the video wow am I the only one?

    Claire Boyle

    Paytons Gaming no

  86. Daizyx23

    I can't even listen to this song without having a full-blown, ugly-crying sob fest. Curse you, Carrie.

  87. Lexi Bloss

    U are a super singer

  88. Haley Williams

    Love this song! This is he song that I want to dance to for the father daughter dance at my wedding (I'm still in high school... So kinda dreaming big here...)

  89. Emily Wyatt

    i am actally going to see her concert in march


    I love this song!!!

  91. Tammy Banman

    I love this song so much:)❤️❤️

  92. Amy Louise williams

    this song means a lot to me my mum and dad aren't together but they are still close I live with my mum but my dad does everything he can to support his 6 children, I just want to make him proud being the tomboy daughter he's my best friend he taught me to fix a car and shoot a gun and not to take BS from anyone I might not be the perfect girly girl my mother tried to make my I'm my father's daughter through and through, love you Dad xxx

  93. marissa falch

    I usually just skip over this song in her album but now just listening it is very emotional and true

  94. Ronnie Curry

    kx Oxnard's 7o x6i some other o9s z in x-rays kx x-rays a on

  95. Countrycowboy08

    This is like the "Don't Forget to Remember Me" but this time addressed to the father.. Love this one! Well, to be honest, I love all the songs from this album.

  96. Jon B

    instant love on this song.

  97. robert gardell

    This song, is what Carrie is trying to tell her daddy, face-to-face, but like most people.  Trying to do is nearly impossible actually to do.

  98. Autumn Erme

    This song is something I listen to at night. It reminds me so much of me and my father. Love it💖.

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