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Carrie Underwood - Church Bells

Church Bells
: Church Bells
: 2.96 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 99 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 84 İndirme
: 12-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Carrie Underwood - Church Bells )
  1. Paula Zapata

    I love this

  2. Roya Yassai

    Anyone else hear Church Bells in the last days of 2019 ?!? WHERE MY Christains and other people of faith?!? Unite, believe, shine your light...LOVE always Trumps hate...GOD BLESS YOU for your prayers.

  3. Shakey Jake

    I had a chance to go on tour with her. I would have been in charge of wardrobe but I broke my damned leg riding my bike.I told them it would not be an issue but Carrie herself said I wouldn’t heal properly.I am so bummed out but she was right

  4. Morgan Osterkamp

    Good song

  5. J J

    Best damn song EVER, ANYWHERE 🤘

  6. Nick Aoke

    Force of nature!

  7. Fabio Gutierrez


  8. Thomas Pulvino

    She is a great singer

  9. Sylvia Jean

    The Voice of Power 🎤💯 she's got the stage 💯😄👍⭐💯 by Sylvia Jean Lane 🐞💋💜🇺🇸🍬💯😄👍⭐ #1Hit

  10. Julia Cisternelli

    Miss Carrie Underwood is the queen of revenge and that is the tea

  11. Diana F Hansen

    kom til Danmark. vi elsker dig...................

  12. Grace Berry

    Jenny grew up wild, like a blackfoot daisyOut in the shack with a blue tick houndBroke as hell, but blessed with beautyThe kind that a rich man can't turn downShe caught the eye of an oil man dancingOne summer night in a dime store dressShe had the looks, he had the mansionAnd you can figure out the restIt was all roses, dripping in diamondsSipping on champagneShe was all uptown, wearing that white gownTaking his last nameShe could hear those church bells ringing, ringingAnd up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singingFold your hands and close your eyesYeah, it's all gonna be alrightAnd just listen to the church bells ringing, ringingYeah, they're ringingJenny was hosting Junior League partiesAnd having dinner at the country clubEveryone thought they were Ken and BarbieBut Ken was always getting way too drunkSaturday night, after a few too manyHe came home ready to fightAnd all his money could never save JennyFrom the devil living in his eyesIt was all bruises, covered in makeupDark sunglassesAnd that next morning, sitting in the back pewPraying with the baptistShe could hear those church bells ringing, ringingAnd up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singingFold your hands and close your eyesYeah, it's all gonna be alrightYou just listen to the church bells ringing, ringingYeah, they're ringingJenny slipped something in his Tennessee whiskeyNo law man was ever gonna findAnd how he died is still a mysteryBut he hit a woman for the very last timeShe could hear those church bells ringing, ringingStanding there in a black dress singing, singingFold your hands and close your eyesYeah, it's all gonna be alrightAnd just listen to the church bells ringing, ringingYeah, they're ringing

  13. Edina Arnold

    Tearing up cars, poison...She aint to be played with.Carrie Underwood is gangster!

  14. Michael Gosa

    would like to see the story of the video

  15. J J

    Fuckin amazing song 🤟❤

  16. Crystal Collins

    Lyrics Turn on the captions🤣

  17. Max Paquette

    you see me over here trying to write a song then i listen to this and we’ll my dreams are crushed. SHE IS SO GOOD AT SINGING SHE FUCKING AMAZING. how many likes is how much we all love this so g

  18. Jeff Meacham

    Stupid useless keyboard, Patsy Cline was and still is the best female country singer. You suck Carrie.

  19. Stephanie Jean


  20. Nandipha Buthelezi

    am inlove with this song

  21. Haley

    October 2019 anyone else




    Ты супер, песня супер!

  23. Dog Mom

    How can't you love Carrie? Stunning and a beautiful voice. 💯

  24. Jim Bob

    Carrie I’m on little brothers account but the day you cut your hair I cut my hair the Same day I didn’t know till a week later

  25. patrickshiu

    Literally the only county song I like

  26. Joy Militala

    okay wow i didnt know She could perform like this. Carrie Underwood might be the best country live performer,

  27. Les Claypool

    She is trying too hard to copy lady gaga. Honey you will NEVER be her so just STOP.

  28. Roya Yassai

    Church Bells music to my ears as a Christain...Say it with me: I am always welcome in my Heavenly Fathers House...He came for the Sinners not the Saints, Come as you are...Christains aren't perfect we are only forgiven...If the law of attraction were applied to Faith, many Christains would return to the Church and their Faith...Because of this realization, I've focused on my own life's issues and health. I've learned Life after trauma is a proccess, but some wounds can only be healed or assisted by God's Love. If you've only know damnation or condemnation in the Church then you won't feel God's love as a Christain and you will be the lost lamb...So as a Christain do I show God's Love to others?!? These are the dilemmas of those of us who have been broken...The stronger Christains I encourage to shine your light and welcome all returning souls with your demonstrations of God's Love...Just a Former Homeless Female Veterans perspective who's still in the process of rebuilding my life which includes my faith...Dont judge the healing proccess, just Love the person. Shine your inner light Christains, you are leading many back home...Like Me. God Bless You.

  29. TravelingSamaritan

    One things for certain, lady sure can wear a dress. Oh-rah.

  30. ron campbell

    attention everybody make sure u get american idol winner FANTASIA new hot album called "Sketchbook" on OCT 11, preorders are available now at target com and amazon com make sure u get ur copy cause its gonna be a masterpiece and also dont miss "The Sketchbook Tour" which starts on Oct 17 in Columbia, SC Memphis St, Louis and more for tickets and more dates visit fantasiaofficial com

  31. AJ Hubbell

    Thank you.

  32. Hauptsache Puls

    Thats country? I mean its nice but don´t hide behind a mask you can't wear

  33. Kathy Kates

    This is one bad ass chick. Loved her the minute I saw her on American Idol oh so long ago :)

  34. Clairece Dauzat

    go carrie underwood u got this girl

  35. Jeff Meacham

    Her fucking Alvin and the Chipmunks voice is so irritating!!!

  36. Ashlynn Hill

    She's a great singer

  37. Roya Yassai

    Carrie, Church Bells cut thru the garbage people try to sell us, or offer us...Broken or not by Cumulative losses; I know my worth today...I am a child of God, not perfect just a forgiven Christain. In my heavenly fathers eyes I am his daughter and his Jewel always...Honestly Godly men know how to treat women...they don't chose, use or abuse them. Now Ring those Church Bells Carrie! 😁

  38. Shaylee Spradlin

    love your music

  39. victor mcguirk

    I love this song

  40. Francisco Vallejo

    She is so cool

  41. Skylor Chen a new ninja

    I needed this right now

  42. joel vasquez villanueva

    Carrie carrie carrie!!!!

  43. Makenzie Miller

    I love your dress!


    Woooooooo! Gooo Carrie I love that song😆😆😍💋❤


    Woooooooo! Gooo Carrie I love that song😆😆😍💋❤

  46. Aaliyah2012 Haueter

    Hit or miss

    joel vasquez villanueva

    Hit hit hit

  47. Aaliyah2012 Haueter

    I like her and church bells and I also like whiskey supposed to drown the memory and whiskey glasses do you like Jason want to talk about me want to talk about I know you you you you usually the kids only want to talk about me me

    Aaliyah2012 Haueter

    Hey poo poo what you want PP PE PE pee pee pee pee or poo poo pee pee hit or miss

  48. aqua gacha

    To all people think Taylor swift is queen the your WRONGTHIS IS THE QUEEN

  49. Jj Riv

    Marry me

  50. abie Almazar


    joel vasquez villanueva

    2019 baby!!!

  51. Makenzie Miller

    I love you!

  52. Love Joy

    💜country music stories ✍🏽👂🏾👍🏽the storyteller👩‍💻

  53. skunkymonkey13

    There some Killer thighs😍

  54. Lauren Brewer

    carrie underwood is the best

  55. Abbi Baylee

    she is the absolute best. this was one of the best performances at the Storyteller concert!!!!

  56. wendy eubank

    Luv this song

  57. Sue Carruthers

    I love her songs and videos.



    Robin Peryea

    I love this song it is a good one

  59. Elizabeth Hulley

    I’ve saw her in concert

  60. Clairece Dauzat

    And I can hear the church bells ringing ringing

  61. Banana buttons

    The story here is dont ever let a man beat you even if you love him. Please dont be a victim or a statistic for the po po.

  62. WhyEXE

    I like this song, but I never really understood it.

  63. Jeammie Villanueva

    Jenny grew up wild, like a blackfoot daisyOut in the shack with a blue tick houndBroke as hell, but blessed with beautyThe kind that a rich man can't turn downShe caught the eye of an oil man dancingOne summer night in a dime store dressShe had the looks, he had the mansionAnd you can figure out the restIt was all roses, dripping in diamondsSipping on champagneShe was all uptown, wearing that white gownTaking his last nameShe could hear those church bells ringing, ringingAnd up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singingFold your hands and close your eyesYeah, it's all gonna be alrightAnd just listen to the church bells ringing, ringingYeah, they're ringingJenny was hosting Junior League partiesAnd having dinner at the country clubEveryone thought they were Ken and BarbieBut Ken was always getting way too drunkSaturday night, after a few too manyHe came home ready to fightAnd all his money could never save JennyFrom the devil living in his eyesIt was all bruises, covered in makeupDark sunglassesAnd that next morning, sitting in the back pewPraying with the baptistShe could hear those church bells ringing, ringingAnd up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singingFold your hands and close your eyesYeah, it's all gonna be alrightYou just listen to the church bells ringing, ringingYeah, they're ringingJenny slipped something in his Tennessee whiskeyNo law man was ever gonna findAnd how he died is still a mysteryBut he hit a woman for the very last timeShe could hear those church bells ringing, ringingStanding there in a black dress singing, singingFold your hands and close your eyesYeah, it's all gonna be alrightAnd just listen to the church bells ringing, ringingYeah, they're ringing

  64. Lil Jay Johnson

    Love you so much 💟

  65. Carly Huffman

    You should be proud Mike Fisher,your married to a legend!! For real dawg!!

    joel vasquez villanueva

    Wow this is the best coment ever!!!!

  66. Carly Huffman

    I saw Carrie once,a few years ago....not bad,she put on quite the show!!!! Even sang some Paradise City!!

  67. Charley Varrick

    This game is not supposed to be free but it's different with this. To an extent.

  68. Charley Varrick

    Stop handing it out. If r.. ill make 300 copies for people that I have good feeling about n I'm done. Then silence n care about my process when have new PC .. we going to switch things up n think about public property, churches n land .. then after that think about others again or dont. It's your choice. Its not our fault no matter what.

  69. Alexander Maurier

    We NEED to hear this song on work radio

  70. Michael round

    wanda stop grabbing on my energy im carrie underwood I need tose what he is doing down here harry are you okay we tried to see where its coming from but i cant find you wanda is in my light and I cant see she was in prison and I know that they are grabbing onto your energy I have so many gifts im sandra underwod they took my daddy down and they keep asking what happen to harry mom and they can read down here and its not white people its seems like its black people and mexicans what going on harry you have dirty people on from magen I know they keep hurting me tooo they are white people hitting us from wanda bonsel she dont get it but Im from other countries

  71. George Gray

    Carry Underwood has the very gifted voice 1993 I was to Carry undwood concert filled a very great concert Carry undwood

  72. Mya and Amalia’s Outlet

    You are the best Carrie Underwood!!!

  73. Victoria Knight


  74. masterofallthings

    love how they do that dress change thing its so cool


    I love you

  76. roya yassai

    I'm lifting my prayers up to GOD, in the midst of a Life Hurricane and then the anniversary of my mother's murder and her birthday hit me and brought me to my knees...So once again...Its God, my faith, and Church Bells that have saved me from darkness. My mother's murder is still UNRESOLVED, the Anniversary of her death and birthday recently brought me to my knees. Some wounds are so deep they never heal... But I turned my grief over to God, Every Anniversary or her death, and Every holiday she is missed...There is a hole still in my heart and life due to my mother's unresolved murder. My faith has taught me to breathe thru the pain, and the courage to crawl when I couldn't walk because I've been overcome by this loss. Cherish the people in your life because in the blink of an eye they can be gone. Please if your a Christain, please say a prayer for healing over all victims families who struggle with tragic loss of a loved one. God Bless all, and thank you for your understanding.

  77. Jamee Duke

    Good Morning

  78. Jaésin Slate


  79. Jaésin Slate


  80. Jaésin Slate


  81. Jaésin Slate


  82. Todd Clark

    Forgive me

  83. Tara Skipworth

    Love you carrie

  84. Robert Woodward

    Join the club

  85. Jason Striation

    Has to be the most overrated artist of all time😕

  86. Abby Burk

    Good SongsCarriundaer

  87. Charley Varrick

    N what u say john is bull shit. Because if you want me or us to think of a British american as equal which I never will in a million years, but clearly they dont think of us as equal because we going thru hell to spend our own National currency or who controlling them. Everything else in play. But the money. So we can b american but cant live unless we spend a debt instrument. I'm not seeing equality there john. Regardless 1861 is a patriot / nationalist. So if i been harrassed, set up n spied on all because of one fucking word n I'm correct at the sametime, im going to kill a lot of u.. have a good night

  88. noxious89123

    If you like Carrie's sound, you should also check out Gabby Barrett.

  89. That Nerd

    Playback speed 0.25 time 3:29 no hate but I suspicious

  90. Samantha Bates

    I love this song and the message. But does she always have to wear slut short skirts teaching today's girls that's a good thing? She's got nice legs, but dang, show some modesty. Be classy not trashy

  91. Mitchell&amber Ballew

    I like this song

  92. Jordan Dill

    i heard that if you die and go to heaven this songs greets you...along with "God's Country"...also let us take the knee and bow down to our Country GODDESS

  93. Nick Carroll

    Wow she cute

  94. Flame YouTube

    Can she stop going to Fresno every year and actually come to Boise or Nampa at least

  95. agnelanna heavens

    dirty laundry with loakto and bobcox and herbie rac so jan and them can welfare for mikey and ernest craig because thought he walked on orrvilles water not a chance jenny with my black pom my ass wendy suck that out of marlene ass with your buick skylark and Lloyd black andersons ass mr Anderson can find nagels pussy darlaand Nancy shit forced puke and diet pill overdose with steve and Janice cali life style playing linda McCarthy campell kline linda cutright Watson workman james reve reid etckutzkutz

  96. agnelanna heavens

    since she sealed bobbys dick to the cross dana bambi betty Robert gene and Robert carrier and Robert play boy bunny ink prison conconerynee sueandgailguylambert then they can biker rapist form Maryland and ohio the Stanley can play carols roewadejacksonjohnsondelongkyleanderson so Vernon cant abuse that family

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