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Carrie Underwood - Dont Forget To Remember Me

Dont Forget To Remember Me
: Dont Forget To Remember Me
: 3.35 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 132 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 116 İndirme
: 12-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Carrie Underwood - Dont Forget To Remember Me )
  1. Nguyễn Đức Yên

    Who listen this song in 2019?

  2. rachel seals


  3. rachel seals


  4. dolphin lover

    I'm 10 and I already lost my sister and my dad this song made me,ball out tears

  5. Smile Aries

    Thanks to God I have a loving mom. 💕

  6. lynncrf

    This song makes me sad, as my mam died young and has been gone for four years now. She was my world, my other half, and my best friend.

  7. Cindy Mell

    Beautiful thanks

  8. Tiffany Simons

    I loss my mother four month ago and this song just make me miss her more than I already do💔

    joel vasquez villanueva

    So sorry for your lost

  9. Tasha Hespel

    I only have my Dad Left but i always call him he's in a nursing home and I hardly ever get to see him i moved out on my own when I was 19 because my dad was and abusive acholic but he's the only parent i have left so i moved passed that still don't trust him around my son

  10. Matika Kelly

    Still listening in 2019?🥰

  11. My Crazy Life

    Just dropped my daughter off at college today on her 18th birthday. It was bittersweet. Im proud of her, but my heart hurts to let her go. I also lost my mama 2 years ago. It has definitely been a hard day for me.

  12. Steven Sushi

    2019 !?!??!!?

  13. Борислав Веселинов

    i'm hiding a loaded ak-47 under the bed and i am not afraid to use it. reveal yourself and i won't shoot you. who's cutting onions?!

  14. Ren hoyze

    It will be 2 years that my dad has been gone 😪, does it ever get easier?

  15. Jada P

    Try not to cry challenge go whoever is reading this

  16. Jada P

    How does she sing this song without crying?!? 😭😭😭

  17. Ken Ficarrotta

    Love this music by Carrie undrwood

  18. Theresa Rose

    I never thought about my mom going to heaven so fast, you never need her until she's in heaven. That was my story last year Carrie, so sorry and I thank you ✝️🌷

  19. Theresa Rose

    Your mother is a guilding stone for life 🌷✝️ Now you are a guilding star! Much love always!

  20. jmtv1963

    Sitting here crying wishing I could talk with my mother again, so much I would like to say to her. She passed before home computers and cell phones were a thing, she would be amazed at all these things we have now. I love you and miss you mom.

  21. hminga _

    here's a map, and here's a bible, if you ever lose your way ❤❤❤❤❤

  22. Jessica Collins


  23. bluntcity 6ix

    On a carrie Underwood listening spree

  24. joel vasquez villanueva

    Wow what a good memories!

  25. Tracy T

    Maybe I'll have a mom like that one day.

  26. zettie 123

    Carrie's songs has a way to bring all you emotions that you hide up again

  27. Oh Mother

    Sometimes I think people listen to me there was a song of hers on the radio I said she’s so pretty and then I comment come through not ☄️

  28. Beckyt7911-Carrie Underwood's #1 Fan

    Sad.. good job Carrie!! I wanna be just like you can we be friends?

  29. Karen Bitsoi

    They should sing this song at graduation

  30. Hannah Lozano

    I would do anything to spend more time with my sister, aunt, 2 great-grandpas, and great-grandma. hearing this song makes me want to see them more.

  31. Wayne Deklerk

    This is a very beautiful song l love it 😗

  32. Carmen Coleman

    This song always makes my heart hurt for my mama, i miss her every single day

  33. Tanner Tanner


  34. LittleB

    Country singers always have a nice style of filming their music videos. It just always feels like home. I am not a southern girl but I was born in Southern California so I am not sure if it is the same. I wasnt raised the way southerners were. Anyway. What I am trying to say is that Country music has a different style to their music videos that I just love. Especially with Carrie. Her videos are all gorgeous and the songs are catchy too.

  35. Crystal Jones

    My daughter is a Senior in high school and this has become my favorite song!

  36. Danielle Rickel

    i am big fan of Carrie Underwood

  37. 양희용

    감사 합니다^*^

  38. jetclntn


  39. Gina Skvarek

    I still love my dad do you love yours I still love my mom do you love yours 😘💕😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  40. Kassie Sabourin

    This is my grad slideshow song🥺❤️

  41. Faith Kikkert

    I'm singing this for my aunt Debbie who died may 7th 2017

  42. Faith Kikkert

    I want to be a singer when I grow up

    Oh Mother

    Don’t listen to people always follow your dreams Compassion is the key to success

  43. siva992

    This was just a song to me when this came out. Now it's literally my story because I'm 8000 kilometers away from home.

  44. James O'Garcia

    1:10 When she mentioned "we were loading up that Chevy" I thought it was a 64 Impala but it looks like a 62 based on the curvature of the front vent glass.

  45. Nouran Mabrouk

    Who is here in 2019 ?

  46. Deepak Raj

    Super song ji

  47. Char'Kita Hood

    This song brings still brings tears to my eyes.

    Char'Kita Hood

    @Oh Mother Wait, what?

    Oh Mother


  48. Samantha Massey

    I love you all so much for your music and my family is going to be the best time with my girls Emma and Stephanie are myself and wish them well to themselves

  49. Deborah Robb

    me too. its very touching and heart felt!!! especially when you wished your father could have been a better dad and not mistreated you... mhm.

  50. Andrew Kershaw

    She better not drink or smoke cause then her voice will start sucking

  51. Bob Younger

    Can you imagine making love to this creature, your heart ... Huston we have a problem.I’m in orbit.

  52. Juliansmommy418


  53. Joseph Bennefield

    Timeejo love u. 💞😍

  54. hanna lunsford

    i love this song bc my gramma die she loves this song and she told me everthing she say in this song i miss her

  55. Kassie Sabourin

    This will be my grad song❤️

  56. Caelyn Makenzie

    every time I listen to this song, I think about my best friend who killed herself a year ago, I would kill for just 5 more minutes with her.

  57. April Violet

    "Even when it's not, I tell her everything's alright" hits me :,(((((

  58. Pat Souza

    This song musters of memories of my mother who is no longer with us. This song is not necessarily a sad song. But, it certainly musters up some good memories. Love it.


    Listening to this song for the first time ever... And I know I'm gonna listen to this song alot more times... 💯🔥👌

  60. Jason Ingram

    Hers a map and here's a bible, in case you ever lose your way. I love that verse

  61. krissy connors

    If there was ever a movie on Carrie’s life I pick Emily osment to played her ❤️

  62. Sexy baby baby

    You are so beautiful

  63. trinidadmartinezsr

    Carrie is so awesome!!

  64. LeeAnn Morrell

    I cry exactly like Riley Andersen from Inside Out everytime I listen to this song😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  65. Firman McHlis

    Eighteen years had come and goneFor mama they flew byBut for me they drug on and onWe were loading up that ChevyBoth tryin' not to cryMama kept on talkingPutting off goodbyeThen she took my hand and said"Baby, don't forgetBefore you hit the highwayYou better stop for gasThere's a fifty in the ashtrayIn case you run short on cashHere's a map, and here's a BibleIf you ever lose your wayJust one more thing before you leaveDon't forget to remember me."This downtown apartment sure makes me miss homeAnd those bills there on the counterKeep telling me I'm on my ownAnd just like every Sunday I called mama up last nightAnd even when it's not, I tell her everything's all rightBefore we hung up I said"Hey mama, don't forgetTo tell my baby sisterI'll see her in the fallAnd tell Me-maw that I miss herYeah, I should give her a callAnd make sure you tell daddyThat I'm still his little girlYeah, I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to beBut don't forget to remember me."Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to prayI haven't done this in a whileSo I don't know what to sayBut, Lord, I feel so small sometimes in this big ol' placeYeah, I know there's more important thingsBut don't forget to remember meDon't forget to remember me

  66. Ameilla Farquharson

    Where did you do this video

  67. Surv Gaming

    Her music gets me everytime I’ve cried for the past 7 songs I listened to

  68. Bernandus Gosal


  69. Christy Vines

    I lost both parents and i can't get back the time with them life is so short just call your mom and dad to say you love them if my parents where hear i pick up the phone and i will tell them that i love them and a second but i know where they are there with Jesus and when my time be up i be up there holding there hands and talking with them and singing gospel songs and having a good time.

  70. LENA RAJ

    Darn those onions!😄

  71. Mel Wobbe

    Eros rampinas

  72. Dazsh Cheatham

    Who’s still listening in 2018 ?? 🥰💕

  73. Justin Pullin

    Michelle underwood Baby brother Justin timberlakeSister danielle bregoli Sister misty spears Sister Megan swift

  74. Taylor Lewis


  75. Katie Funderburk

    Three days before my mother committed suicide last year she sent me this song. Obviously I know the song but I haven’t had the guts to listen to it since then. I think everyday what I could’ve done if I just would’ve realized what she was saying. Today is my birthday and it’s been a wonderful day but everything is absolutely horrible because without her nothing is the same. I turned 23 today and I never imagined I’d have a birthday without her.

  76. Joseph Garrison

    I want too dedicate this too Robyn MARIE PROCTOR,,,PEACE LOVE JOSEPH ,,good song,,for the entire family ,family-friendly

  77. Ashley Kutcher

    Her most underrated song

  78. Ashley Kutcher

    So excited to see this flawless human in concert next year ❤

  79. Latesha Jude

    I love this song and video!!!!  Thanks Carrie!

  80. Xralee

    “Tell memaw that I miss her, yeah I should give her a call”Rest In Peace my angel.

  81. HANK Hardon

    I wish I could f*** her😥

    Ashley Kutcher

    Go back to the asylum

  82. katon alphatoda

    every time im far from home and family and come across this song and then the Second verse come in, i'm like, T_T T_T T_T

  83. The Monalisa

    This makes me cry; God I know there is more important things, but remember me. 🙏🏾

  84. ClowToTheFace

    I would never forget. One Love.

  85. Irfan R.

    I love her

  86. Jennifer Pryor

    Be good person you have got brothers cousin's friends sisters uncles aunts

  87. Jennifer Pryor

    Be careful what say about your grandmother

  88. piper par

    Every time I listen or watch this song I almost cry

  89. Valerie agnew

    Wow, chills!

  90. Leslygx3

    my older sis showed my mom this song and she cried when she heard it❤️ because this is exactly what happened. This was in 2010

  91. Llyro Angel Dumali

    Please don't ever try to forget your big fan though.

  92. •Shadow Wolf•


  93. Rusty Brown

    A mother will always feel that. Check with my daughter Melody rose. Her daughter is the one I sing you with. Blessings to you and your family 🌷

  94. drive4christ

    This song was on the first country CD I ever bought. I listened to it who knows how many hundreds of times on my flip phone. Good times

  95. joel vasquez villanueva

    Carrie you are the bestttttt

  96. makayah torres

    i love you

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