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Carrie Underwood - See You Again

See You Again
: See You Again
: 3.81 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 79 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 55 İndirme
: 12-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Carrie Underwood - See You Again )
  1. Judy Parkinson

    Such a beautiful song & video. Just tugged at my heart

  2. Kiersten Ann Mikowski

    I’ve always loved this song. I lost my father on October 7th. The pain is losing a parent is unbearable 💔

  3. Honeys Lps

    My aunts funeral was today. This was played at the funeral.

  4. Dannielle Collins

    Wow doesn't seem like this is real

  5. Paula Watson

    Song played for Bryson Boston and Bella Dinger. Great song.

  6. Joey Wilson

    This is one of my fav from Carrie. This song to me is all about my relationship with Jesus my Savior.

  7. Candice Bennett

    my mom died in a fatal car accident 2 weeks ago took her off life support fell 2 the ground i literally still feel like i am on that hosptial floor

  8. Rosie Widener

    I CCC and barely make it threw this song without crying. 😢😢😢

  9. Cvleigh

    Can’t stop listening to this everyday and every night since my 5 month old puppy passed unexpectedly 2 weeks ago

  10. Nuxy

    Miss you momma 💔

  11. joel vasquez villanueva

    I wonder how it would be like life after earth! Thank you carrie for putting faith and hope in our ways

  12. Wow Michaela

    Uncle Brian, I miss you so much😣😭💔but i know you visit me and my family ❤️🧡 💛💚 💙💜 I will see you again some day in Heaven 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  13. Alaina’s fun Channel

    One year ago my grandma,cousin,and grandpa passed away. I listen to this song all the time and I walls get sad but I will always know they are in my heart.❤️❤️❤️❤️

  14. Elizabeth Scott

    I have lost my grandma, aunt, and my pug. so this makes me think about them.

  15. Jodi Domingue

    To whoever has lost somebody special this hits in the guts.

  16. Brylie•Claire

    They played this song at my aunts funeral a few days ago:(

  17. jetythe2nd

    Just got done with her concert in Atlanta 2019 and this was my fav

  18. Raven Himelright

    I cry to this song ever time because we played this for one of my friends that was a bull rider and when he did one of his rides the bull stepped on his Hart and killed him. I miss him so much. he was like a big brother to me. I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN SOME DAY IN THE FUTURE😭😭. LOVE YOU BFFFL!!

  19. Lane Norton

    I love country music.

  20. Deb Dub

    NAILED IT...

  21. Brandie Severson

    Remember it's never good bye it is I will see you later

  22. Brandie Severson

    My husband and I are both veterans and my 2 oldest stepsons are both in the military now so everytime I see soldiers coming home makes me cry and I dont why.....gets me every time lol.....dang it lol

  23. Family Goodenough


  24. Dejza Real

    My ex boyfriend is going to the army and I love him so much. It scares me that he's leaving but I know I can't do anything about it but pray God protects him. He was such a good boyfriend to me. And I didn't realize how good he was to me because I was damaged in my heart didn't love myself. So I never knew what real loyal love felt like. But in the end believe what's meant to be will be. And I hope one day he can forgive me. ❤❤❤❤❤💔.

  25. Auryllene Gomes

    Maravilhosa 🥰🥰❤️

  26. David Bauer

    Miss u michelle

  27. Herbin Siagian

    Who still watching at 2020

  28. Theresa Rose

    Love this song. I am so glad you and your family are doing so well. That Light gets you through everything. Much Blessings to you and your family ✝️ 🌷

  29. Natalie Smelser

    My beloved stepdad is dying of lung cancer. I'm going to play this for him this weekend and let him know this song is how I feel about him. Also going to ask his permission to play at his funeral. :'(

  30. Jaime Duke

    It's took me six years to be able to listen to this song without crying after losing my son. Ok I still cry, But it's took a lot of strength to get to where I am now. I seen ur face for the first time in 4 years and couldn't move. God works in such wounderous ways. Mommy will always love you Shane!!!!!! No matter what!!!!! This song will forever hold a place in my heart. Thank you and good bless you Carrie!!!!!!

  31. kaze217

    This frickin video makes me cry every. single. time! 😭😭😭 -- So beautiful and touching..... I saw another comment here that said if you can watch this without getting emotional, than you dont have a soul. Yeah. What he/she said. Completely agree.

  32. Jenny Sue

    I love this song it is heart warming for me so much..


    I lost my unckl on Monday in 2019 and I wut to visit him evry day and I cry evrey day whin I lisin to this song R.I.P tehl 11 29 - on last monday night

    Natalie Smelser

    So sorry for your loss. Losing my stepdad right now to lung cancer.


    Natalie Smelser me and my mom are praying

  34. Dakota Carlton

    To those of you who still have grandparents and great grandparents enjoy the time you have with them and see them when you can. I lost both of my grandparents and great grandparents. I only have my mom and dad left. My great grandma loved this song and I try to stay strong every time I hear this song.

  35. Bella Boo

    This was my great grandmas funeral song

  36. Maria de Lourdes santos

    hermosa hermosa

  37. james james


  38. Jessica Dillon

    Every time I listen to this song, I think about my loved ones who have passed away. My biological dad, my sister's dad, my grandma, grandpa, and my cousins in heaven. Until we meet again!

  39. Chris Nelson

    Rip my loved ones this is your song...see ya again

  40. Jhona Pedraza


  41. Pearls and Grace

    My two girls sung this at my Moms funeral.... beautiful and so emotional....the words touch a part deep in you...

  42. joel vasquez villanueva

    Carrie, my way to the heaven is amazing since i know your music!

  43. Rui Bento

    My love will never change America

  44. Rui Bento

    Beautiful as always

  45. Jill durham


  46. Bjarke L.

    Soon, we may soon come home. The Lord of our hopes cometh. Maranatha

  47. Irish RowRow

    In memory of my friend.who recently passed.

  48. Whitley

    RIP in jarrod!! I miss you and love you♥️. Always maker sure you tell the people you love that you love them... never lost contact with good friends.... wishing I never did..

  49. dr 92

    you may not be visible but i know you are here! I'll see you again!

  50. salamander xXxX

    Miss yall everyday

  51. Tina M Griffin


  52. Sara Sanders

    I love this song so much and 😍😄

  53. Laris Forschen

    Love you Carrie Underwood from dunseith North Dakota Native American Chippewa God bless you and your family I went to school with you and Lake agency Grand Forks North Dakota

  54. Amber Arena

    It is sad my grandma and Aunt died

  55. Savannah Ruth

    me when my pet fly dies

  56. Ernesto Alvarez III

    One day. One of these days I will make through this song without crying my eyes out. I have a dream dammit! 😭😭😭

  57. Abi Abs

    One of my good friends recently passed away :(RIP 2003-2019 ❤

  58. Terry Thomas

    I am crying...because my family hates me and my nanny is the only one who loves me and 6 of my family has died and one was my.....mother R.I.P. Laura Thomas

  59. Jordan Annette Irvin

    I will see you again David this is NOT GOODBYE. I know God won't let this happen to us forever. RIP 🕊

  60. KittygirlGamingHQ KittygirlGamingHQ

    My Grandpa died three days ago I dedicate this song to him I love you Papa rest in peace

  61. Chris Nelson

    To my grandpa grandma uncle Jim I will see you again! Let’s go bears

  62. robert buck

    I click to see a certain video and get a damn commercial....

  63. Brian Foster

    Love 💝 our family 💃🏻👁🌬🤷🏻‍♂️🤠

  64. Debbie Cotter

    This makes mes sad because the loss of my bunny he was my number one bunny i miss him so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🌈🌈🌈 he was such a sweet an affectionate bunny i will see u again cookie dough at the rainbow bridge 🌈

  65. Maureen Johnson

    Remembering the people who passed away on 9/11.🙏👮🏻‍♂️❤️❤️❤️

  66. BreaAnna Torres

    My good friend just lost her 6 year old in a freak accident. I hope she can stay strong and hold on until she can see her little angel again someday!!

  67. Ariel e

    Carrie it's so beautyfull

  68. Sinless Bacon

    I just lost my mom and sometimes you just need to cry and this song helps

    Lani Jo

    Sinless Bacon just lost one of my best friends I’ve known since I was a baby today was her funeral so I know it’s hard

  69. joel vasquez villanueva

    We should be happy to be alive and take every minute that we have with our family and friends

  70. princess sophia

    Everytime I listen to this amazing song I can't stop crying cause I miss my grandparents so much 💔💔💔💔

    Debbie Cotter

    I know i can relate

  71. Ismael Lopes


  72. Jeremiah Haubenreiser

    Very gr8 gang gang as they say...

  73. Andrew Johnson

    i am 10 years old and my dad has been in the army for almost 16 years now and i have moved 4 times. he has been on to many t.d.y to count.

  74. Bill Harper

    Separation from those we love is only temporary and not forever because of Jesus who, before He went back to Heaven, promised His followers that for " a little while" they would not see Him but that they would see Him again (John 16:16-22) and be with them (John 14:1-4). What joy reunions are! Until that final reunion when we will never again be separated, God gives us precious memories to hold on to and keep us going. He sends His Spirit to comfort us. Thank you, LORD.

  75. Bec Coleman

    To Dixie you and Cole always knew when In was sad and y'all would come in and help me feel better my life and the world will never be the same without you two.

  76. mutai lennie

    Shadrack Kibet Ngetich...may you rest in peace ✌️

  77. nell Presley

    No one's gonna read this but my parents and all my gaurdians habe mentally abused me and this girl named jada came along and helped me she gave me faith and the she left before I could say I love you so this makes me cry and I'm fighting depression by myself now I know people have it worse thought wish gives me faith that it will get better

  78. pat wentworth

    This really helps honestly... lost a friend in an accident 2 years ago today, and just lost my grandmother yesterday. ❤️

  79. Drake Groves

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should NOT perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

  80. Lindsey Swanson

    Rest in Peace Mom

  81. Jessie Cha

    Lost my grandpa today...😭 This song...❤❤❤

    joel vasquez villanueva

    Hope u soon get through... music helps us... and thanks to Carrie we can connect her music with our lives. Hope ur having a good day

  82. Tara Thelen

    To my dad and my grandma have fun playing bingo in heaven save a seat for me I’ll see you again someday

  83. John Scarce

    lost my cat today. may seem silly but this song helped.

  84. Ashley Brown

    2019 anyone

  85. Ashley Brown

    1:32 my favorite part

  86. It’s Just Averie

    My dad died when I was 7....I don’t really have any memories of him because of how little I was. I’m 13 now and I wish my dad didn’t do what he did and I wish someone would have talked to him. I was 7 and I didn’t understand anything that was happening I was just a little girl happy to get off the school bus to see her dad. I’m 13 now and I don’t understand why he did it but I do understand why people have the thoughts of doing it. Life is hard but you’ll get through it trust me. I’ve had thoughts about it before but then I realized how I lost my dad to it and how much I would miss everything. Stay strong everyone❤️

  87. MeinBuntesKreativesLeben


  88. Daovone Vilaysack

    Thank You Daddy for continuing to guide and walk side by side with each step in my path . I forevermore love and miss you!!!

  89. I Was

    1:53 a beautiful stolen pick. Give it back!

  90. Tyler Davis

    Rest in peace Grandpa Love you

  91. FREEBE123456789 10

    I had this play at a funeral I was at and it has 7.5 thousand dislikes. W.I.T.H IS WRONG WITH PPL

  92. Ally’s Corner

    My grandma passed away 4 months ago and this was the song they played and everytime I hear it I start to cry 😢

  93. steve medlock

    Best song i heard in at least 15 years just out of Army !

  94. Ashley RoadTripTV

    Rip mommy I love you so much and miss you so much till I see you again 6/30/68 - 5/26/12 #gonebutneverforgoten

    S.O .S

    Ashley RoadTripTV my mom died 7/29/19

  95. Tabitha Ogola

    I Hate goodbyes😭😢😭😭

  96. Chansey Nielsen

    So Carrie Underwood came to the Stadium of fire, in Provo Utah and this was one of her new songs she sang and I just bawled my eyes out. I started thinking about my grandma. Boy I sure do miss her❤ This song touched my heart.

  97. Hanta Sero

    Please, please always appreciate, even the little things, people do for you, cause you’re gonna miss them when they’re gone.

  98. Dave Gamer

    This song is so beautiful. When I lost my wife of 42 years to cancer, both my two sons and me have dealt with it the best we can. I am a true believer in the afterlife as a Roman Catholic, and will one day see my wife again. Till then, your song helps so much, thank you.

  99. maria coffman

    my grandma passed away. it still hurts me

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