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Carrie Underwood - The Bullet

The Bullet
: The Bullet
: 3.84 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 51 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 12-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Carrie Underwood - The Bullet )
  1. Paige Batchelder

    Hi I'm Paige you met me one time with Londyn my friend I love this song would you like this comment if you remember me please

  2. Tomorrow is Yesterday

    This is a song about time. Time doesn't heal a bullet wound. It just keeps on destroying. Time doesn't help. The bullet keeps on going.

  3. Haydyn Mulholland

    my cousin 25 years of age passed away 2 weeks ago, his 5 month old son who is 5lbs in the nicu will never have any memory of him, his 4 year old will never grow up with her father, and he won’t be there on her wedding day. i pray for these kids everyday, and that for the baby boy my dad can be as great of a dad as he would have been. i love you jamie, rest in paradise.

  4. H.A M.

    I know lots of mothers who buried their sons. Mothers of soldiers of my country...

  5. Nancy Doney


  6. Sarah Meneghel

    I love her songs I know all of them by heart

  7. Saleena Berry

    Wow. How this song moved me. Just the lyrics alone, without a music video, is so touching and emotional.

  8. Marisela Fino

    I'm from El paso and this song just hits hard. When I think of all the lives lost it just breaks my heart, and all the milestone events their kids will never have with their parents. The hurt the parents feel to bury their child. The pain will never go away, the bullet keeps on going. My prayers go out to everyone in the world God bless you all.

  9. joel vasquez villanueva

    Beautiful song

  10. Music Mixer Now

    I'm an artist myself So how on earth do you get that emotional connection with your audience every time??

  11. marina n

    El Paso and Dayton, we’re praying for you. The bullet keeps on going 😪😪😪

  12. Lance Keith

    This song hurts even more after El Paso and Dayton 😞

    Sharon Dean

    I heard about them but honestly i didn't think too much of them. I was too busy crying for my own 27 year old Son that took his own life on 7-30-19. Leaving behind A 2 1/2 year old. Daughter and a 1 1/2 year old Son 😢💔 I ache for the Parents that lost thier Sons and Daughters.

    Lance Keith

    @Sharon Dean I know. That just makes the "mamas ain't supposed to bury their sons" line even stronger now.

    Lance Keith

    @Sharon Dean Also, I'm reaaaaaaally sorry about your soon. Seriously, that must hurt so much.

    Sharon Dean

    @Lance Keith I can not describe the pain. If you've never had a Child die its nearly impossible to describe the headache it leaves behind. I will say though that I hope and you will never experience for yourself. 💔😢

    Lance Keith

    @Sharon Dean It happened to my grandparents already. My uncle bit the dist, and my father came close this year. I know what you mean. Hang in there.

  13. Lauren York

    🖤💙🖤 #P90 #HCSO #WeAreHallCounty

  14. Theresa Rose

    Best album ever. So deep or as y'all say dark. It's really wisdom and that's all Light, sweetheart. Thank you for last year so much. Blessings to you and your family ✝️🌷

  15. Betty pedrson

    wow i saw this live and cryed sooo much

  16. SkyKing337

    9/11 TRUTH STOPS THE WARS. No more U.S. flag draped coffins of America's finest. No more USA fought wars for expansionist Israel. That's one way we stop the bullet! Support Christopher Bollyn's incredible 9/11 research. See: and his videos. Also see Adam Green, Know More News on YouTube and his excellent interviews of Bollyn. The Zionist elite and Neocons engineered the 9/11 attack on America for their political ambitions and greater [Oded] Yinon plan to Balkanize the Middle East, and they work hand in hand with their willing cohorts like the Bushes and the Cheneys, and others, who have huge investments in the military industrial complex and who profit from human suffering. Wake-up people, don't be hoodwinked again over another "boogie man" like Iran or Venezuela or any other country where regime change is promoted. Look at the deaths and continuing suffering of millions of people because of U.S. meddling in other country's internal affairs. NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL!

  17. Tracy Cool

    Yes I’m another mother broken My son murder by police officers Band TheeDetroit Justice for him🙏

  18. Paul Jirovec

    rest in pecace bill

  19. Ashlee Donkin

    My daughter loves carrie underwood so much and loves all of her songs.

  20. The Music Council

    This 100% CARRIE UNDERWOOD, music, voice, production everything, this is THE BEST song from cry pretty.

  21. Little Black Star

    Saddest song since 'Just A Dream'...

  22. Angela Bischoff

    I heard this song for the first time in concert.  I was sobbing!  Carrie your songs touch my heart.  It was beautiful!

  23. tapiwa kadzviti

    I can't wait to hear this in concert


    God bless Carrie Underwood. She’s heavily religious, yet she writes songs about sex, alcohol, suicide and death, and doubting her faith. She writes songs about life. Life is all about pain and learning from your mistakes. She’s one of the few religious song writers that are so open about these kinds of things. God bless, Carrie. God bless. ❤️❤️❤️

  25. Sophia Driver

    ”blame on hate or blame it on guns, momma’s ain't supposed to bury their sons” speaks to all of the shootings

  26. Josell Co

    The Colorado shooting. 😭"Mamas ain't supposed to bury their sons."

  27. Dancemomsforever

    This song has helped me deal with my boyfriend’s death. I love Carrie Underwood!

  28. Eleane Lin

    I'm not crying you are...That was a lie

  29. Leslie Thomas

    ive lived this.the bullet is forever in my heart

  30. Kristy Barker

    Love this song

  31. Karen Gaudette McCarthy

    you are right no mother should have to barrie thier child no matter what, tears for this will never stop - karen Gaudette McCarthy

  32. Jasmine White

    The feels in this song

  33. Kristy Barker

    I like this song. Sorry honey. She's not the queen of country. But she's awesome. Loretta, Dolly and Reba are the queens. Only because Tammy has passed on.

  34. Ott Gavras


  35. Ott Gavras

    This song has a very strong meaning in my life ...😢

  36. Ott Gavras

    I think she already is....just love her 🙏🏻❤️🌹

  37. PrincessRose

    Yes Carrie! My favorite song since I started 👂👂👂👂👂listening to it everyday 😇🤗👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏

  38. Scott Cartwright

    The way she sings it its not a tear jerker...I dont feel anything,its a beautiful song but I feel no emotion from carrie,not emotional enuff..beautiful words,but delivered COLD..SORRY

  39. Scott Cartwright

    Love the words,and get the song,just dont dont like the melody or the arrangement..the way she sings it is BORING..SORRY...

  40. Glowslife

    This touches my heart my brother passed 5 years ago and still hurts like if it was yesterday

  41. Leslie Thomas

    and now i cry again.i stopped only a second ago.this is my son my life.

  42. bluediamondalarose

    can't get through this song without crying. Good job, Carrie! You rock!

  43. Hailey Scott

    My brother's song that passed away a year or two ago

  44. Bella Ella

    i'm crying oml

  45. JamieLynn 941

    This song hits home😭.. my brother died in 2016 and I don't know if I cried more my mom or because he was really gone... Ive never seen my mother cry in my life until that day. This song is beautiful and will touch alot of mothers❤

  46. Elise Burns

    Carrie, I'm not crying...okay I am. This song is so beautiful. You NEVER disappoint. I love you CU!

  47. Dixie Ford

    This reminds me of my big brother that died 3 years ago on his 18th birthday

  48. Dixie Ford

    This reminds me of my big brother that died 3 years ago on his 18th birthday

  49. Nancy Doney

    I know I already commented on this song maybe someone should take the lyrics from this song and love wins and send them to the president of the United States to let him hear these words let him relize there is more hatred in our world and he should say something positive not negative also to let him know how stupid he sounds when there has been a shoting lately he does not say something positive he says something like the people who woke up that morning should of had something to protect themselves witch to me was so stupid I thought did all of them say I better take a gun with me cause I am going to die today that was the Saturday where all of them Jewish people were killed

  50. Ligar Yogaswara

    I need this song on grammy!!!!!

  51. pamelac1964

    This song should definitely be the next single without a doubt.....WoW

  52. Chip Plowman

    I bought this CD because I love Church Bells and Before He Cheats. I was shocked. There is not a bad song on this recording. I went back and listened to all the American Idol performances and auditions. I never watched that stuff. I was working. She blows it away. I respect all the others who have been there before. But Carrie Underwood is on a different level. This is from a 50 yr old man that played guitar in several 80's rock bands. And is real excited because I got floor level tickets to Ozzy/Megadeth in Atlanta. She just has something that has never been put on the Earth before. Just a little girl from Oklahoma that can sing like hell. I thinks it's awesome.

  53. Theresa Gwaltney

    i love this song

  54. Ott Gavras

    Has meaning in my life, terminal ill son. 💔 I have him here at home with me, watching and trying to keep positive 🙏🏻❤️🎶🙋🏼

  55. Dian Rosario

    Oh my God!!!! Hit through the heart. Straight! Love u Carrie.. 😘😘😘

  56. Katelyn Jacobsen

    Wow this is sad but beautiful

  57. Piratesfan123

    Through his son he’ll never get to raise, his daughter on her wedding day wishing it was his hand she was holdingOk now I’m 😭 😭

  58. Ashlee Gresham

    I just lost my 6 year month old son to sids a week ago. Mommas should never bury their sons.

  59. May Hutto

    Miss you my Caleb

  60. Gregory Carlin

    Carrie you are Eternally Priceless iLoveYou ..Enchanted... Anything you ask it shall be given

  61. blaque 843


  62. Lana Mello

    this sounds like a sort of continuation to just a dream and it just hits hard

  63. Breanna Nord

    I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!! 💖💖💘💝💟

  64. Daniel Busby II

    all of her songs are perfect. she knows how to touch people's hearts.

  65. Savvy

    I will be there May 24th in Tacoma. I can't wait to see her live.

  66. Eclipse the wolf

    One of my favorite songs on this album so far

  67. Eric Gomez

    Anti gun song.. 🙄🙄😩 She’s gone liberal!

  68. Eriona Pillow

    I love this album because it's raw, and it comes from real emotion

  69. Meme060807 J

    My dad was home on military leave and was shot and killed while my mom was pregnant with me and right before my brothers 2nd birthday. He was only 19. This makes me think of my mamaw

  70. Courtmillett94

    carrie always adds a song that hits you right in the heart... she achieved once again... absolutely gorgeous and sad song my favorite on the album

  71. Mary Mayi

    ] believe this is my song. I can't fight anymore i never even knew quite when the fight began 1977 before? And I guess I really am as dumb as they say because I never even left the starting gate meanwhile they had my house car all phone life wired for days.... Lol PEACE IM OUT LOVE

  72. C-Gaming XD

    This song got me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  73. Sean Jenkins

    Maybe I'm just guessing but to me this song and Love Wins is referencing Trayvon Martin, Philando Castillo and others. Carrie's trying to take politics out of the equation and get people to empathize with these tragedies. Doesn't matter if u got slick mouthed to am officer, sold loose cigarettes or DVDs to feed your family, or was playing with a toy gun, once that bullet is fired that person's story is over and the pain keeps on going down the line. Brilliant song

  74. Its Me

    I haven't had a good "gut" cry for a while. Thanks, Carrie! xoxo

  75. Samantha Ristau

    I mite lose my little bruther =(

  76. whats_your_name_man _1781

    Just in case anybody is curious. This song is about the October 1st Vegas shooting. The unnamed man is likely based off of a a real person who was killed.

  77. Elton Menezes


  78. OneofakinD

    Beautiful song. We all come into this earth to some day leave, nothing can be taken for granted in this life...

  79. david gegax

    This youngen is sweet her voice is very nice.


    Much love for too carrie thank you

  81. Chanel Lynn

    it's a pretty sad tragic song since "Just a Dream" but it's a good song to make into a music video!

  82. Claire Boyle

    This song is so sad, but SO important. What a beautiful song despite the topic-her voice is perfect for this! First time listening!

  83. Christina Sims

    "blame it on hate or blame it on guns, but mommas aint supposed to bury their sons" i love her more than words can express

    mandy bri

    hey check out my cover and subscribe i mostly sing country music old and new and i some do reaction video to

    Elise Burns

    That is so true. She is the most GENUINE artist on the planet. She can tell a story like no other. I can see the music video to this even though its just the audio. I see the story. I see the pain. I see everything, she is the literal queen of everything.

  84. Rita A.

    For some reason the first thing that came to mind when she hit that high note was that boy in new York even though it wasn't guns that killed him so disgustingly

  85. Rita A.

    "You can blame it on hate or blame it on guns, but mommas aint suppose to burry their sons..." These are real tears.

  86. Ariel Huffstutler

    "Momas arent supposed to bary their sons" That part makes me cry.... :(

  87. kcbob77

    Quite the song to bring emotions back up as we near the 1 year anniversary of Route 91!!! The pain doesn't go away!

  88. Linda Seely

    The Bullet is amazing. I cried as my son was shot and there is still a hole in my heart. I can’t believe the words in this new song, I love it!

    Leona Johnson

    It has been a tough year with two suicides of young boys out of the five deaths in the family. This song hits so close to home😭😭😭

  89. KittenIzBae

    It is extremely sad how someone so fucked up can do a mass shooting.... like carrie sad ' mothers shouldn't bury their children'... at the beginning she says 'you can blame it on hate or blame it on guns', I blame it on guns and the people holding the guns... I understand if you are bullied and you want to fight someone but to kill people let alone innocent people? thats horrible.. I blame guns because it was that mechanism that ended up making the people die.. yes I understand the person holding it killed them but if guns did not exist then mass shootings would never happen... 'mothers wouldn't have to bury their children'... It just crushes my heart people could do this... rip a child, brother, mom, dad, cousin, etc, from this world....

  90. Don Cuajinoy

    The next singel

  91. Samantha Knighton

    Listened to this song the first time tonight. Oh wow. Definitely crying.

    Stephenie Messer

    The entire album is great.

  92. Audra White

    This reminds me of my nephew he passed away when he was 2 of a gunshot wound😞👼

  93. Kitkat Robinson

    I can so relate to this song. Rest in peace angel baby 6/27/18-8-16/18 😔😔😔

  94. KittenIzBae

    Literally the only song I have listened to that made me cry :(

  95. mondler&bechloeBallinger

    Wow!!!!! ❤❤❤😭😭 Tears! Chills! Amazing!

  96. Moriah Huntington

    I'm crying right now. 😭😭😭 It's so true. ❤❤❤

  97. Jalissa Musser

    I think this song should be played at every place because a lot of people a are killed by guns if you see flowers by the road with a cross it means some one was killed there its really sad by how many times I see flowers and a cross by the road ... By the way Carrie this song is awesome

  98. Grace Fogarty

    The most beautiful thing about Carrie is her Soul, reflected in this song! The world needs to hear this song ASAP!!!

  99. Gatorkissman

    Is this about a military member returning from war after taking a bullet for his country? That's how it resonates with me, i guess it could have any implications for the situations you've been through.

    Stephenie Messer

    It is she as her mom buried him before he got married.

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