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Avicii - feat Rita Ora-Lonely Together

feat Rita Ora-Lonely Together
: feat Rita Ora-Lonely Together
: 2.81 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 126 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 94 İndirme
: 27-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Avicii - feat Rita Ora-Lonely Together )
  1. Manuel Gonzalez

    y ahora quien hara canciones como estas??we miss you AVICII rest in peace....

  2. Gerard Kuijper

    The dude☯️

  3. Omarr Koroma

    coffee sometime... (myspace) bars

  4. Lou Gargokken

    Great song. One of my lifetime favorite .. RIP AMAIZING ARTIST AVICCI

  5. Bunty Mehra


  6. Sucursal Pomoca


  7. Gunslinger Gaming BGS

    Push My Luck????😂😂😂

  8. Magic Wolf

    Rip the legend of AviciiYou will be missed 😭😭😭

  9. Giang Vo

    19/11/2019 The heart not broken. ❤ AVICII❤

    Gam Animation

    Avicii will be missed foreved

  10. dany venegas

    Si la canción pertenece a Avicii, seguro es perfecta!!!

  11. Amy Martin

    Aviciis last song 😭😭

  12. vannesa Duran

    I miss him 😭😭

  13. Brahim Rahimi

    Respect from morocco🇲🇦💚❤

  14. Salah Ammari

    October 2023, who is else ?

  15. Josifabio Fernandes

    Rita ora demais...Isso aqui é flamengo 🔝🎼👏👏😊🇧🇷⚽️🎧

  16. MaTy

    Desde cuándo Luisito Comunica puede parar el tiempo? :0

  17. Kevin Borges

    puta puta

  18. Abdessamad Manox

    misse you my Brother Aviccii

  19. Pigsy 12

    1 more {*} for Avicii we love you

  20. jose carlos carbajal mestanza


  21. Rebeka Kołodziej

    I was crying when I was listening this song... for 2 reasons:1. Avicii died2. This song is beautiful!

  22. Rafael Ismayilov

    Rita ♥

  23. bernard dubreux

    Pour moi Avicii c'était un génie de la musique oublier jamais

  24. Calleb Onyango

    Rip legend

  25. erika estrada

    And I know, I can't change you and I, I won't change....💘💔

  26. 徐一

    R.I.P Avicii

  27. Chloe Victor


  28. Hbb Hbb


  29. mariam akofiani

    i love rita

  30. Ashutosh Joshi

    RIP legend 😭

  31. Kujokun 11

    Hey Brother, Wake me up, Without you.. 😥😥😥

  32. Hajrudin Murselović

    Very thin and malnourished girl 🤣

  33. nikbooster1

    Visuals made justice to the song.

  34. Alison Denisse Nieves Hernández

    love 💞😘😍

  35. Tõnis Köster

    You are most beautiful woman in the world,and your music 🎼 tooooooo.!!

  36. iikiaraii

    hes gone on the outside, but not on the inside <3

  37. 小布丁

    Avicii ...😢

  38. dreamer

    Zawsze będę tęsknić za tobą Tim 💔

  39. Agnieszka Maciejewska

    I love Rita Ora

  40. New Chamallow


  41. Janyce Perreira


  42. Ruchso F1

    November 2019? Amazing song❤️

  43. Mulhat Abdillah

    November 2019??????


    Me 💙

  44. nawapol verdu

    Avicii forever

  45. nawapol verdu

    Lonely together

  46. Shazayb Raja

    18+ 2:58

  47. nawal yussuf

    Stil love this song on november 2019🥺💔R.I.P Avicii🤕💔

    mikolay swiety

    Me too. It's still my favourite song and I think that's will be forever.

    Chloe Victor


    Jordan Malvin

    Im tooo

  48. ChimmyMangBTS ParkJung


  49. Earrape's Time Boi

    I still go to here, even its november 2019

  50. _17 aJYz


  51. Isu Martinez

    is my fav <3

  52. BatMax Entertainmet

    Noviembre 2019?

    Jesús García

    BatMax Entertainmet oui


    Oui 🙌💖

  53. Flyspit H

    Wasnt a fan of Techno..still isnt (i think its called) but F*CK me this guy had some very sweet vids AND beats..Whoever produced 95 % of Avicii's vids except the last one (it was about her..this one) is a FREAKIN genius and the tunes were spot on for the vid..(emotional context..) I was hooked and enjoyed it..GREAT producers..THANK you..

  54. German Moreno

    love that song

  55. Сергей Завроцкий

    Made in Ukraine 🇺🇦

  56. anieexrs68 _

    😢😢😢 tim want u back so badly

  57. Gunawan Fardas

    Play song 31 oct 19 ☝️☝️☝️

  58. Ashrapperr

    Before spm ??

  59. Hsu Pyae Pyae Lwin

    I miss you....

  60. ༒ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟ༒

    😭😭😭 RIP😔

  61. Patrick Pham

    rip avicii ◢ ◤

  62. Carmensdesserts

    I miss your news songs❤😭

  63. ka Ta



    Clean music definitely a legend left too early

  65. best life


  66. Munsif A.


  67. Furkan Öneş

    Şekerliyken güzel kafalar yaşattın bana teşekkürler AVİCİİ inşallah cehennemde çok zorlamaz seni zebaniler 😞

  68. 남오늘까엿어요

    I miss avicii..

  69. Tahir Aktaş


  70. Saucy Artzz

    🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌕🌑🌑🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌕🌕🌑🌑🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑I have no words😖

  71. xXAlexplayzgames 321

    Avicii is a great singer and dj Rita sings like an angelWhat else can be better than these both my friends are idiots for not liking this song

  72. Jaime Amaya

    *Im paying my respects😔💔By hearing him once againAnd remembering who he once wasAnd still is💛✨*

  73. Namibia's finest music viedoes by XO

    kings dont die We Multiply 🔄

  74. Siri Siri

    💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙VI SAKNAR DIG TIM💙💛

  75. Conquerer13

    Is it just me or is this song not just about an unhealthy relationship but instead a relationship with alcohol?-You're the high that I can't give up-I might hate myself tomorrow-At the bottom of the bottle, you're the poison in the wine-And I know I can't change you and I, I won't change-Let's be lonely togetherEven more tragic yet honest and beautiful now that we know how he died... This is an artist baring his soul for everyone to see.

  76. Julia Pacheco


  77. Paul Interpol

    October 2020?

  78. Nahuel Almiron

    Avicii Leyenda! ❤

  79. Joe Mama

    dude this guys music made me so happy all the time R.I.P 😔

  80. 雪野賀楓

    I miss you.

  81. Pēteris Ķiršakmens

    I miss you, and always will 😭😭😭❤❤❤❤we will always love you 😳💖

  82. Marco Scantimburgo

    You will never be alone ❤

  83. Lakshitha hemal


  84. zack freewifi

    Rest in peace avicii💚

  85. 콩이까미

    i miss u 😭

  86. Rıfat Kaan Yıldırım

    Rip avici

  87. stephen mura

    rip from fiji

  88. Nguyen Thanh PHAt this brings me here

  89. ThunderCat Japiə

    🔥 *LEGENDS NEVER DIE* 🔥 🙂👍👕👍 👖 👞_I miss you._ 😭 Who👇too

    Rebeka Kołodziej

    Same. By the way, I commented, because you pointed for a comment

    Paradise G

    @Rebeka Kołodziej I think he meant it... Maybe not

  90. DayBo T

    Why did he kill himself

  91. je t'aime papa

    Avicii tu nous manques

  92. Ningkhan Lunghar

    Avicii r.i.p😓💙We all miss you💙

  93. ElGonza xDD

    Mis respetos avicii pero porque metieron a luisito comunica v:

  94. Mus Buzz

    Love this song, give me memories

  95. leon kisaragi

    Lonely Togetter lyricsJapanesever.  Englishver.It's you and your world and I'm caught in the middleそれは君と君の世界のことで僕は板挟みさI cut the edge of a knife and it hurts just a littleナイフの先を切り落としたんだけどそれが少し痛いんだAnd I know, and I know, and I know, and I know that I can't be your friendわかってるよ、わかってるよ、わかってるよ、君の友達にはなれないってわかってるよIt's my head or my heart and I'm caught in the middleそれは自分の頭か自分の気持ちのことで僕は板挟みなんだMy hands are tied, but not tied enough両手が縛られているけど、物足りないなYou're the high that I can't give up僕が諦められないぐらい君は高いところにいるOh lord, here we goおお、さあ行こうI might hate myself tomorrow明日には自分がイヤになってるかもしれないBut I'm on my way tonightでも今夜僕は道の途中さAt the bottom of a bottle底の底でYou're the poison in the wine君はワインの中の毒さAnd I knowそれに僕はわかってるんだI can't change you and I君のことも自分のことも変えられないとI won't change僕は変わらないよI might hate myself tomorrow明日には自分がイヤになってるかもしれないBut I'm on my way tonightでも今夜僕は道の途中さLet's be lonely together一緒に孤独を味わおうよA little less lonely togetherちょっと控えめな孤独を一緒にEyes wide shut and it feels like the first time目をぎゅっと閉じるとこれが初めてみたいな感じがするBefore the rush to my blood was too much and we flatlined出血多量で死んでしまう前にAnd I know, and I know, and I know, and I know just how this endsわかってるよ、わかってるよ、わかってるよ、この結末はわかってるんだNow I'm all messed up and it feels like the first time今は本当に落ち込んじゃってこれが初めてみたいな感じがするI might hate myself tomorrow明日には自分がイヤになってるかもしれないBut I'm on my way tonightでも今夜僕は道の途中さAt the bottom of a bottle底の底でYou're the poison in the wine君はワインの中の毒さAnd I knowそれに僕はわかってるんだI can't change you, and I君のことも自分のことも変えられないとI won't change僕は変わらないよI might hate myself tomorrow明日には自分がイヤになってるかもしれないBut I'm on my way tonightでも今夜僕は道の途中さLet's be lonely together一緒に孤独を味わおうよA little less lonely togetherちょっと控えめな孤独を一緒にLet's be lonely together一緒に孤独を味わおうよA little less lonely togetherちょっと控えめな孤独を一緒にMy hands are tied, but not tied enough両手が縛られているけど、物足りないなYou're the high that I can't give up僕が諦められないぐらい君は高いところにいるOh lord, here we goおお、さあ行こうI might hate myself tomorrow明日には自分がイヤになってるかもしれないBut I'm on my way tonightでも今夜僕は道の途中さAt the bottom of a bottle底の底でYou're the poison in the wine君はワインの中の毒さAnd I knowそれに僕はわかってるんだI can't change you, and I君のことも自分のことも変えられないとI won't change僕は変わらないよI might hate myself tomorrow明日には自分がイヤになってるかもしれないBut I'm on my way tonightでも今夜僕は道の途中さLet's be lonely together一緒に孤独を味わおうよA little less lonely togetherちょっと控えめな孤独を一緒にLet's be lonely together一緒に孤独を味わおうよA little less lonely togetherちょっと控えめな孤独を一緒にA little less lonely now今は寂しいのが少しマシだなA little less lonely now今は寂しいのが少しマシだなA little less lonely now今は寂しいのが少しマシだな

  96. Doni Enn

    У авичи клипы всегда интересно смотреть

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