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Avicii - feat Nicky Romero-I Could Be The One

feat Nicky Romero-I Could Be The One
: feat Nicky Romero-I Could Be The One
: 4.36 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 361 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 329 İndirme
: 27-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Avicii - feat Nicky Romero-I Could Be The One )
  1. Daniel Daniel

    like it. nice ...

  2. Moritz Hausch

    Who still misses him?

  3. Arcadius K

    Live a life you wish to live before it's too late.

  4. David Piggott

    didn't realize this was barbados

  5. Catski

    This makes me feel sad 😿

  6. •C R•

    Se te extraña :c

  7. Menne Car

    Who is here in november? :)

  8. nikt

    Who is here in nnNovember 2019 :D ? | |V

  9. Jevin Foolkoaree

    Avicii please come back 😔

  10. Jake Harkanson

    PTO you idiot

  11. Alejandro Magno

    Me canso de follarme patos, crujen demasiado.

  12. hugo furgerot

    cé piun la musique avicii dj .

  13. xmannl1 forever

    Rip replay button

  14. Jaret May

    Alguien mas la escucha en noviembre de 2019?💙🎶

    Jose Miguel Azuaje Peralta

    fue mi primera canción de avicii😢❤💕

    Brayan Macías

    Recordando los tiempos en que era feliz :(

    Angelo Guevara

    no pues como pasan los años ya me siento viejo de solo recordar mi tiempo del cole.

    ruben ruiz

    @Brayan Macías zoggimió..yaama.y.nayahy.mmamamagmg

    juamplax vargas

    Yo 🥺

  15. Music Records

    te extrañamos mucho avicii <>

  16. Samwel Owiti

    is there a way you can like a song twice..

  17. AirSoft Mania

    This song will live on forever...Just like the man himself...Like for AVICII

  18. Nana Yus

    ◢ ◤

  19. Muhammad Hazli

    2019 power song i love you nicky romero..

  20. marshmallowbudgie

    the real question is--ARE we all just Jill's footwear?

  21. Genero Rendon

    me encanta

  22. kasha

    NOSTALGIA, viejos tiempos con mis amigos ❤️

  23. Julio

    King of EDM

  24. Ali Rojas

    Si sos de esas personas que trabaja mucho tienes que relajarte tomarte un tiempo libre dejar que todo pase disfrutar por que solamente se vive 1 ves

  25. Mejiindia boxeadora profesional de la UFC

    Buena canción wey viva mi mijiku

  26. DenDen

    Came here on my nostalgic tour! Damn those great times😍

  27. TOPPO [GM]

    Nostalgia do krl Man 😅

  28. صالح دوب

    ربي خرجنا من دزاير تفي

  29. Richard Ritielly


  30. Samuel Alder

    The ending !!! :O What a priceless song and performance, thank you, liberating

  31. Dai Nippon Teikoku Nagoya


  32. Scott Parker

    Set me free.

  33. Daniel San Lucas


  34. Elizabeth Quinones

    Love it....

  35. Zack Unsworth

    2019 anyone!!

  36. Jurandir Paixao

    Esse morreu de graça



  38. House moon

    Gooood nice 🎤🎶🎶🎶

  39. matias navarro

    :3 exelent song beoutifull :3

  40. Andres Monroy

    Jajaja al final atropeyan a la gorda

  41. Ismael Salina

    Me gusta siempre ..lo escucho..avicci...

  42. Ismael Salina

    Noviembre 9 de 2019..Buena musica relajante..respet..😎😁😀😅🙄😉

    Spad Chan

    Buen tema

  43. Widodo Wid

    Fantastic music and song... thanks & RIP Avicii 👏

  44. N0M3RCY1337

    Пошло, грязно, но как же показательно. Привет из России 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  45. noh4ir

    3:15 - does anybody knows the author of the book or is some sort of hidden message?

  46. Carlos Enrique

    Tantos culos y te suicidaste por uno.. ni el dinero ni la fama importan para que aprendan

  47. Marco Ramirez

    2019 y sigue 😍😍😍

  48. atticusfn

    What happened to EDM ;_; wish I could go back to senior year and see Avicii live, now I never will

  49. Klaudia Julia

    2:53 where is this place ...I'd like to ...

  50. andy vazquez

    I was readying that everybody wants to be in a warm place with a close sea.. let me tell you that my beautiful City has all of that even more... It calls Yucatán, Mérida if you wanna see why I'm saying this just look for information or ask me.... I'm not an agency travel I'm a person who live in a beautiful City and country 🇲🇽

  51. Daniel Sagar 030103

    Everyone should be like this woman , go out and life your life how you want


    the message in the music video could also be something like " Don't be like this woman, you'll only hope for nothing and even get hit by a vehicle"..........Just saying...


    @5105burakcan, i think its "dont be fat"

  52. Mike Ens

    Does anyone know why avicii come meted suicide

  53. Santy Gonzal3z

    Como se te extraña avicii :( Gracias por dejarnos estas hermosas canciones!!♥♥ Quien escuchándola en pleno 2019????????♪

  54. Тони Карк

    shang chi look cool (2:48)

  55. Eugenia Golovina

    My favourite song of Avicii

  56. Bryan Carrillo

    Alguien escuchandola en noviembre de 2019 encerio si q me trae buenos recuerdos esta buena música

  57. domenico masci

    📲*00212.679.620.248* *Whatapps*📲ولاحـظــت💁‍♂️ كــثــيــر مــن الــكــومــنــتــات عـن تـكـبـيـر الــقــضــيــب وضــعــف الانــتــصــاب وســرعــة الــقــذفوأبـغـى أبـشـركـم😉 أنـي حـصـلـت عـلـى مــعــلــومــات كــثــيــر مـفـيـدة✅ هــتــنــفــعــكــم كـثـيـر ومــجــربــهــا شــخــصــيــا ونـفـعـتـنـي🤩🥳تــواصــل مــعــي🙋‍♂️ وأنــا بـشـرح لـك ســر الــوصــفــة 📲*00212.679.620.248* *whatapps*📲


    Nadie te entiende Mohamed Atta

  58. Akotski1338

    The music video really changed my life for the better. Especially the part where on the to do list it said don’t give a FUCK. My brain just snapped right there and I feel alive now

  59. Sara


  60. Alex Luiz

    Cara eu me identifiquei e muito com essa mulher, estou passando por isso também, um dia ainda vou realizar todas as minhas vontades! Hahaha

  61. Nithilan Amudhan

    It's November of 2019, just became nostalgic to this

  62. Johnny Cappella

    When the song they had a backstory

  63. Jonathan Gonzales

    Am I the only one with those stupid video recommendations blocking the end? How do I get rid of them?

    Jāçkšøñ Ŵøødhøūšē

    Yeah it’s really irritating

  64. Luna

    🌟...und Er hat sich für alle Zeiten in meinem Herzen und meiner Seele verewigt 💝 Tim Bergling ❣ #AVICII... #inlovingmemory ~

  65. Colin Zzz

    1:54 lol

  66. EuÞhory

    Eu venho aqui e lembro do quanto esse cara era incrível. Nunca vou me arrepender da minha tatoo.

  67. Rage Sunday

    Live 4 this

  68. Trashy Chan PL

    I just realized this is another character who was hitted by car...First I saw was in John Newman's "Can You Love Me Again"

  69. Ridge

    All these older folks look back in thier day and reminisce on how things used to be, usually it being the 80's. Me, when I grow up I will be looking back to this 2011 music era and missing it. Everything was so new and original and everything sounded GOOD life was about partying and having a good life to match the music, now we have Cardi B -_-

  70. Hugo Jimenez

    De lo mejor en la música y aun la escucho el 06 Noviembre 2019 !!!

  71. jeshua ivan vidal nuñez

    k temaso like si piensas lo mismo crack

  72. SH33 -

    Who else is on a nostalgia train?

  73. Optical G

    If there was ever a perfect song🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏❤️

  74. yohn Bonito

    Hey brother......

  75. Thrallix

    I could have been your one but you didnt want me

  76. Farandy Mizan

    2019 - RIP Tïm, Amazing Performance

  77. The Shadow


  78. Matej Göndör

    You listen to this song in november 2019?

    Watana Pongsapas

    I will be still listening to it on 2069

    Amine Dif

    YoU English is shit

    Eugenia Golovina

    @Amine Dif your too))

    Jim Morrison

    No, YOU listen to this song in 2019.

  79. mil ja

    This makes me wanna move to some warm country that's far far away and start a new life there 😖


    u fucked up didn't ya, and now want to run away



    Christopher Fisher

    I'm down

    Samuel Muchiri

    Welcome to Kenya

  80. Arwi5

    0:56 what a female orgasm really looks like

  81. Sjdjjdn Zjjxbd

    Мне смысл вполне понятен но для того что бы так же поступить как она мне нужна много денег

  82. RoofTheProof

    Fat *** city B+tch!

  83. Anna Maria

  84. جامد البريقي

    📲*00212645760441* *whatapps*📲شـبـاب صــار لـي بــقــرأ🧏‍♂️ كــثــيــر مـن الــكــومــنــتــات عـن صـغـر الـقـضـيـب وســرعــة الـقـذفوأحـب أقــولــكــم بـمـعـلـومـة مــفــيــدة🤩 أنـي حـصـلـت عـلـى وصــفــة رهــيــبــة مـن الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الـلـي بـيـيـتـواصـلـو مـعـاه كـثـيـر مــن الـنـاسوبــصــدق اسـتـعـمـلـتـو كـم أســبــوع وصــار لــي قــضــيــب رهــيــب تـتـمـنـاه أي زوجــة😍هـذا رقـم الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ عــلــى الــواتــس *00212.645.760.441*

  85. Karan Nagdev

    if y'all like this song, y'all gotta listen to Jay hardway- Electric Elephants (Dastic Remix)

  86. дмитрий васильевич

    don`t know cool / suck

  87. Swirl AndTwirl


  88. Aris LC

    I think I hate my life too

  89. real zoe

    Live your life to the fullest, love yourself as you are, do what makes you happy and most important look both ways before you cross the road.. thanks Avicii this song changes my life ❤️

  90. Daniel Álvaro Condori Mamani

    aquí noviembre 2019...!!!❤❤❤❤

    Jorge Mario

    Noviembre 2019 y Todo El Resto De Vida♥️

  91. Blackpilled Saint

    And after a week of debachercy, she was found homeless under a bridge

  92. Emre Göl

    Avicii rip legend🙏😔

  93. Sharks17

    One of the most legendary tracks to come from the 2010's. Hilarious music video with a powerful message too.

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