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Yusuf İslam - Raihan-Bismillah

: Raihan-Bismillah
: 3.77 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 113 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 94 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - Raihan-Bismillah )
  1. abdul jalil

    سبحان الله

  2. masteryh

    this is my wife

  3. masteryh

    @masteryh hcvuigflio9b8

  4. masteryh

    this is my wife

  5. masteryh

    this is my brother

  6. ClownFaceSG

    you must be insane to say that yusuf has even donated those things. you're totally insane. wierd much but i dont think so. anyways, this song is nice. i mean i love it.

  7. Dave LosAngeles

    Yusuf was asked to "prove" his loyalty to Islam. I loved his old songs, but now can't listen to them because of Cat donating tens of thousands of his own money to Hamas (traced to weapons) and performed for "fundraisers" (traced to Al Qaida). That is why he got on the FBIs "Do-Not-Fly" list. And, on film he agreed with Iran's fatwa to kill Rushdie. He still talks peace, but it's just to draw youth to his new religion. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER.

  8. Sakimonk

    LOL! I didn't know that Yusuf Islam spoke Malay!

  9. Mohammed Hussain

    rokker007 hahaha, man you got a ton of time on your hands. Just so the world know, rokker007 has a lot of time on his hands, all he does it go around every submission with Yusuf Islam's name and paste this claim he makes, which he can't back up hahaha. If there is a true islamic government yes we all muslims agree that salman rushdie should be done the huduud on. In a true islamic government, which currently none exists. What Iran did was promote vigilantiism, which islam does not support

  10. Dave LosAngeles

    On film, a reporter asked Yusuf his opinion of Iran's "fatwa" to KILL S. Rusdie. Cat said he "agreed with the fatwa,,,Rushdie should die because it said so in the Koran." I was deeply offended, that HE, of all people, would say such a thing. Cat has also performed for Al Qaida fundraisers.

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