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Yusuf İslam - Dream on

Dream on
: Dream on
: 5.65 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 69 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 51 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - Dream on )
  1. Cat Perez

    This is my most favorite song on the tea for the tiller man album, even though the whole album is totally awesome

  2. Durrotun Nsh


  3. Novmbr Nostra

    gonna buy you a toy comb them dark forrest hairs they call me home

  4. Danilo Vidal

    Genio amo esta canción


    Just beautifull , it remains me when I was boy, forty years ago . He is a great Master ; for ever.

  6. Matthew Bird


  7. Leon Nelson

    So many good memories with this music and Cat ! 👍❤️

  8. Amir Pi

    Timeless song from Mr. Yusuf! and so beautifully performed*********

  9. Pepe Grillo

    when it was made ?

  10. Pedro Silva


  11. ugly dude blogs

    YouTube should remove unlike button for this song

  12. Pepi Mateo

    Increíble!!!!!!! Preciosa canción, interpretada por este delicioso Cat Steven's!!!!! Sublime❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍😍

  13. Lachgar Maryam

    One of my favorite song it reminds me about the golden age

  14. Patrick Partridge

    Yusef you inspire me with how you changed your life the way you have done. Thank you for the music,memories and most of all for blessing us with your song again on your terms. Agape

  15. Kenny Ashman

    1:18 "I don't know where the sunbeams end and the starlight begins it's all a mystery." Flaming Lips - Flight Test

  16. Johnathan Thompson

    i'm 15 and i can relate to this song and my unborn son/daughter that won't happen in at least another 20 years wtf

  17. Karmen Jazbec

    whatta handsome man you were yusuf but it is ok to be old and slowly passing

  18. El Vasko

    Maravillosa canción.

  19. Ana Florido

    Nunca más en mivida te voy a excuchar mi Exmarido falleció, hace una semana, no nunca más sabes siempre me trajiste mala vibra, lo siento así fue, se las dedico, a todas, por ti por ellas descansa en paz

  20. Heinrich Ahrens

    I grew up listening to Cat Stevens and he has he grew as person he became Yusuf <3

  21. George Gilkenson

    I'm so glad we talked before you passed and we told eachother of our love and forgiveness… I will see you again in the Light someday Dad.

  22. Petru Carp

    Beautiful music!

  23. anjuman786ara Anjuman Ara

    Yusuf Islam/ Cat Stevens. You are great singer

  24. Darrell Steffens

    I would like to meet cat Stevens but it won't happen because I live in Illinois I loved all his songs when I was growing up

  25. Walt Johnson

    Beautiful. Just ... beautiful. Breaks my heart.

  26. ELMER Pacheco


  27. Lotfi Seddiki


  28. Universpro

    Guardians of the galaxy has the best songs

  29. Robert Mikita

    Awesome song

  30. Ashra Tempel

    Never gets old.

  31. hobb green

    my life in a bottle . what a beautiful song

  32. Ousmane Dramé

    Not only your music but your lifestyle, you're inspiration and motiva río

  33. K Kay

    I cant believe i met him , brunswick Australia, i said youseff hello , he was with his wife, he said salam , then said join us for a coffee in a cafe . So i did and had the best half hour of my life , what an honor, what a good man , who else would have ever asked an unknown like me to join him .

    mehlika ayyüzlü

    a wonderful memory, you're so lucky:)

    ekrem hacioglu

    you are lucky this happens very rarely

    James Whittamore

    A great story, the memory will live with you forever.

    Cam Knopp

    Woah that's crazy

  34. Daniel Mesery

    I wore out more than1 album of his ____ great stuff in the old days _____ and today also:::::::********

  35. Franz Gaspari

    Great voice,,,Allah bless you.


    2019 i love this song from LAOS or Lao P.D.R

  37. Justin Stewart

    Damn he performs the hell out of this song.

  38. Ellen McCullough

    One of the very best vocalists of our generation..and still is..I am glad he left the monestery..

  39. Saeed ibrahim

    Nice sound ... And smoothly pronounce every words appearantly ..

  40. Basta Zèbra l'électron libre

    Pauvre mélenchon :()

  41. Tiberiu Götz


  42. ics mir

    HI Cat my friend of my soul for a long long time 🤙

  43. WrkStar Gaming

    Did this song turn into Father and Daughter because there is no son in the VIDEO🤣😂

  44. Banu Rahadi

    Saya penikmat lagu2 Cat Steven, meski saya baru lahir tahun 1982 tapi lagu2 dia sangat familiar...apalagi tahu kalo dia Mualaf...greetings From Indonesia.

  45. Kristal Price

    Guardian of the Galaxy brought me hear ... I need to hear these .. I love cats ex husband parents played he music all. The time

  46. brian elliot

    Being a religious fruity does not mean you are not a great songwriter, it just means you are a human monster.

    Angela Mcconnell

    I think everybody has their own beliefs but you can't take away what an amazing artist 😇

    brian elliot

    @Angela Mcconnell I agree with you, but the Cat called for the murder of Salman Rushdie.

  47. Sonia Silvestrini

    Lovely Voice!!!

  48. Finley 3

    Are Sami and Cat Stevens related?

  49. ekrem hacioglu

    Awesome timeless remarkable song, singer and lyrics , almost 50 years old and sill loved by millions . We love you Yusuf

  50. Carl Shoemaker

    I know, I have to go.

  51. Samantha Conway

    Cat Stevens was always my go to music when I was feeling down. And this is one of my favorites. But this one hit home with me tonight. Mother and daughter relationships are just as complicated as father and son. 😟

  52. agnelanna heavens

    see keifth he just like you and imiss himso

  53. Suze Cope

    This Beautiful song takes me back...Grew up in Seattle area 40 years ago fell in love with Cat Stevens, n was going thru it with My Mom, n I connected to this song! It was like I replaced the Father n Son to Mother n DaughterI was just a rebellious teenN now, My Mother's 5th year death is on the 18th, n it's making me Miss her More n more, n I find comfort in this songLOVE it, love the Passion

  54. nelson alejandro orellana romo

    Un buen amigo..✍️🎶💞💬🖤 Cat Steven 🍉😇😇escuchando los mejores consejos de 🍐🍉✋🇨🇱🇺🇲un Padre Celestial veniracristo. Org Sud🎶✍️🌎✌️

  55. Younes BEL

    Eternal touching words

  56. Rickee Bobasoski

    Happy Fathers Day

  57. Corbyn therapist

    Muslims worship Saturn. ⬛

  58. Nathalie Hape

    Beautiful man & fantastic music ❤❤❤

  59. Gramma W

    Cat?? Love ya brother!👍🎶🎶🎤🎤❤

  60. Félix Del Toro

    Mi canción. This is my song.

  61. bert wesler

    Hey Kat, why don't you blow yourself up for Allah and get your 72 virgins, already? In your case, they will likely be little boy virgin-butts

  62. J5 16GB

    I have never had a father, however I enjoy this song.

    Brenda Drumm

    It some

    Brenda Drumm

    J that remark went through by an error i meant to say sorry for u

  63. Feliciano ocop

    This song , reminds me for my father..mis u Dad..😍

  64. grazyna golińska

    jestes wspanialy

  65. Sierra Teresa Foley

    My dad has met Cat Stevens

  66. Jim McDonough

    I only have daughters. If I had a son, I doubt I'd be able to listen to this song, considering how emotional I get hearing it.

    Gastone Codotto

    Ogni volta è una grande emozione e l'avrò ascoltata almeno un centinaio di volte

  67. FZ Kroth

    guardian of the galaxy?

  68. Johanna Heinrich

    Immer wieder genial!

  69. Guilherme Belmont

    I can't listen to this song, but i like to cry.

  70. Muhamad Ibrahim

    Beautiful song♥♥♥

  71. Rick Donovan

    thank yo so very much for providing sanity while young and on the road ...I owe my life to you and now having traveled :) assalum asslakum spelling still still sucks ....thank you so very much always

  72. Marilyn Roberts

    This song reminds me of John Lennon's song "Imagine". Life & Love.

  73. Khalaf Khalfan


  74. Jane Dawson

    One o the most beautiful, timeless tracks ..from the first time I heard it, all those years has woven a ribbon through my life ❤️

  75. Lisa Capobianco

    I was 10 years old when I heard this, having lost my father to a heart attack a year before and this touched me immensely...


    🤗for you Lisa

  76. malikwaits1

    This song was written 48 years ago and still touch to people's hearts. Unbelievable.R.I.P YONDU!

  77. danielajabe nigerian

    This song always makes me so emotionalR.I.P YONDU!

  78. Ahmad Albaddah

    Amazing Brother ❤🤵🏽🇸🇾🇩🇪

    Brenda Drumm

    I've loved this lad and his music from day one still do and I'm seventy x

  79. liliana dearmas

    happy 72nd Bday to the sweetest soul

  80. zion warlock

    E bom ter vocês aqui família guardiães da galáxia👏👏🤘🤘🌌

  81. whisky parson

    j'ai écouté cette chanson en 70 j'avais 15 ans c'était des belles années dans la France insouciante

  82. Carolann Cannuli-Denton

    No one will ever look any cuter in this video..He looks slightly shy!!

    Lima Alexander

    I agree completely, that look of cuteness just like a puss cat, no wonder he's called 'cat'. Love you baby. You know in his Muslim garb, he looks like a king. Have a blessed day all.

  83. Joe Yocom

    I am 57 and ready to go.


    In 30 more years maybe.

  84. Ellia dowers

    I'm 11 year old girl and I love all of your songs! I have just realized you are much older then when you wrote these amazing songs, and when I saw your picture I was like.😲 but any ways I know your not going to see this but you are my favorite singer of all time! I will sometimes cry which is surprising, which you only need to know you can do what you want but I love you!!!!!❤

    Lima Alexander

    Sweetheart I know exactly how you feel. I was somewhat in shock when I discovered cat Stevens, to know it's been years didn't know him and just realised of a sudden we got a diamond all this time. And yes I cry at times when listening to him. He's special alright.. he does that to you....🐺🐺🐺🐺🐈🐈

  85. Joe B

    Only heard of ya as cat stevens. Your real name is beautiful and unique. Sad you lived in a time where it would probably scare everyone. I mean look at now. Still scared

  86. Luis Diaz

    A masters piece anyway we see it. I don’t know about you Mr Stevens.... but I’ll always call you Cat Stevens. Is imbedded in my mind. For more or less of 47 years give or take.

    Louise Theodorides

    He will ALWAYS be "Cat Stevens" to me....

  87. Karmen Jazbec


  88. inbeig


  89. Karmen Jazbec

    relax and take it easy

  90. MNSL 25


  91. Niko Aditya

    Why am i crying??? 😢

  92. angela green

    Love this song, knew from Jan who married my cousin! And now died 💖💖💖💖

  93. Kenny Singrajphak

    Every time i hear this song i have tears ... very beautiful

  94. Disgusting

    Didn't know the sheriff of nottingham could sing so well.

  95. Lima Alexander

    People please, just look at this man, isn't he just beautiful??🐈🐺🎶

    Carolann Cannuli-Denton

    Beyond belief!!

    Lima Alexander

    I truly pray that the movie makers will take a hint.

    Brenda Drumm

    He is I've loved this lad and his music since day one and I'm seventy now xx

  96. Lima Alexander

    Most unusual man ever, in looks his voice his hair beard is just him"cat" I love him his dad even. Both born to sing and entertain this world, God knows we need people like this luv you cat.....beautiful man, can 't express myself enough love your style..God bless you.

  97. Geraldine Vilcáez

    ¡gracias! por esta canción 😭

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