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Yusuf İslam - Gold Digger

Gold Digger
: Gold Digger
: 4.20 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 81 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 55 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - Gold Digger )
  1. miguel teixido

    La vuelta a la musica de Cat/yusuf Stevens es una gran alegria desde 2006 con albumes al nivel clasico.este actual es buenisimo.



  3. feedwinnie

    😉 &⚡🎸😊

  4. saiful baharuddin mohd bahari

    i love the soul

  5. Manuel Joga

    Come to Spain... Please...

  6. Cat Perez

    2018 💋

  7. Madeline Goodall

    This is such a powerful performance of a song that had to be written.

  8. Madeline Goodall

    Thank you for putting out the original video of Gold Digger What an amazing song, the lyrics are so true. This is my favourite track on the album Tell 'Em I'm gone

  9. Sandra Kral

    Love those electric blues.... Gold diggers and blood diamonds a story that needs to be told and you do it beautifully through song.

  10. Sandra Kral

    WOW !! .. this is fantastic !! .. I will never forget hearing you sing this in Boston 2014..on the Peace Train Late again tour !! Thank you for coming back to the USA Yusuf...

  11. mehlika ayyüzlü

    My favourite from this lp

  12. Robert M

    The Cat is back! He raised me .. listening to my parents' records as a kid.. as I was playing around the house. Thank you Yusuf.

  13. Super Sleuth

    I love the revival of the messages that I was first hearing in the late 60’s and all through the 70’s. It’s a second awakening.

  14. yassine Draoui

    Loooooove it

  15. Jamie Mcg

    First 😈

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