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The Beatles - Something

: Something
: 2.87 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 167 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 91 İndirme
: 05-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Beatles - Something )
  1. Daniel Cortez

    Giveeeee me likes pleaseee

  2. hiphopopposomus

    Dont mention her name EVER

  3. Raghav Rathi

    on one side i feel happy to see each Beatle with their partner, yet on the other side sad that no two Beatles are seen together.

  4. Furkan Ersoy

    Benim en sevdiğim Beatles şarkısı da budur enteresan.

  5. Severinate

    Yeh, but George got the 57 Les Paul. Pretty good deal....

  6. Javier Sanchez

    Amo esta canción!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. anni deacs

    this song is everything

  8. Andrés Bart


  9. Jose Markievich

    Lyla Harrison

  10. Pedro Joaquim

    E M A N C I P A Ç Ã O

  11. Dominic Holden

    If it needed any proof this track illustrates why George Martin was the greatest producer ever

  12. Solid Mental Grace

    2:43 paul giving the kubrick stare

  13. Dominic Jet Hahm

    This is a 1969 song. People in 2019 are still listening. This is music.

    Inesita Muniz

    Estou ouvindo em 2019, Brazil, Song worderful!💕❤


    I believe and hope that people will always listen to this.

    Robert Gonzalez

    Yes. Always

  14. Nicholas Dinh

    Nobody:Highschool kids 2:48

  15. Raquel Santos

    George was such a babe

  16. Nanda

    Something in the way she movesAttracts me like no other loverSomething in the way she woos meI don't want to leave her nowYou know I believe and howSomewhere in her smile she knowsThat I don't need no other loverSomething in her style that shows meI don't want to leave her nowYou know I believe and howYou're asking me will my love growI don't know, I don't knowYou stick around, now it may showI don't know, I don't knowSomething in the way she knowsAnd all I have to do is think of herSomething in the things she shows meI don't want to leave her nowYou know I believe and how

  17. Graceful Beauty

    2:44 why does John look so crazy here hahaha 😆

  18. First

    2:45 Paul looking like a serial killer. And you are next on his list.

  19. Batwoman's Fangirl

    Pattie is so beautiful

  20. Eric

    1:29 qdo uma garota está olhando pra vc e teu amigo diz pra agir naturalmente.

  21. maheergamer201

    please release let it be


    Nothing even comes close


    Best love song of all time by far


    TIGRIS ARK I agree. On this website, Something is just #11 as the best Beatles song ever, that's totally insane.

  24. David Vorobeichik

    Listening to this album on shuffle is like continuously holding sneezes.

  25. The Dude

    Think about it....Ringo and Paul lost both their friends and their pretty harsh ain’t it?

  26. TA pay

  27. Cam Knopp

    I'm getting some Professor Snape vibes from John Lennon in this one lol

  28. Carlos David

    Esto es lo que pasa cuando cuatro genios se juntan.

  29. Ariana Ticona Estaña


  30. assassin9

    The look in Paul's eyes at the end, is intense almost hypnotizing. If the multiverse theory is true and there are an infinite planet Earth's, Me's, you's etc.. That means there is a planet Earth where we do NOT have the Beatles! But there definitely isn't a world out there where I'm not stoned typing this.

  31. Oli Sonic

    guys. check out our roblox gf's

  32. Your Dud Roald

    1:40 I really like how everyone is happy and smiling, and then Ringo comes, looking like someone just took the last dorito-chip right in front of him.

    Nicholas Dinh

    And John looks unhappy too

  33. lll•A_German_Ewok•lll

    George harrison had a hot lady, ngl.

  34. Eliane Otto

    George and Pattie😍

  35. Angela Hernandez

    Mi "something" por siempre ❤A❤

  36. Chuck Norris

    Te la dedico ex

  37. David Grose

    A very nice film clip. Love the song.

  38. juan carlos ballesteros gomez

    this is SOMETHING enough for Harrison to share with his musicmates and girls

  39. MinerMaster

    something in the way, she movesattracts me like, no other loversomething in the way, she woo-oes meI don't want to leave her nowyou know I believe in howsomewhere in her smile, she knowsthat I don't need, no other loversomething in her style, that shows meI don't want to leave her nowyou know I believe in how*you're asking me, will my love grow!**I don't knooow, I don't know!**you stick around, now it may show!**I don't knooow, I don't know!*something in the way, she knowsAnd all I have to dooo, is think of hersomething in the things, she shows meI don't want to leave her now you know I believe in how

  40. Darren Mizon

    So timeless 💚

  41. greg.i

    One of the best songs ever written George really shines on Abbey Road

  42. Karl Johnsen

    1:40 her smile :o

  43. Moacyr Neto

    Linda canção!

  44. head space

    No pattie! = No Layla!

  45. Avu 。

    Paul looks very tired in this

  46. Angel Adriel

    the best love song ever crafted.

  47. lincolnsongsandmore

    I find this video to be very moving, not simply because one member of each couple is now dead but because it is actually very personal. I cannot recall any other time when the wives of a famous rock group (or anyone famous) are not only featured in a video or film but given such a loving tribute.

  48. Something Original :3

    back when cliche hadn't fully been established yet

  49. Titan Galaxy

    1:56 . This is a personal thing

  50. Luz Stephanie Hernandez Flores


  51. Jorge Mario Rodas

    I should have wrote her instead of hear in the fourth line in the comment below.

  52. Jorge Mario Rodas

    This is an excellent song really as that special person we love has that "something" which is hard to describe and makes us love her and prefer her over any others. I feel that when I am near my wife. She indeed has something special that makes me feel good just being near her, and I am not bored despite we have been married 35 years now. And what's more my love for hear increases daily. I love her much more than I did when I met her and she was young as I was. Now we are both old but I love her and will, as long as I live.

  53. Kerry Ann Innes

    0.08 Goosebumps, that's all I can say

  54. //;;

    Put the video in 2x

  55. Stefano Piancazzi

    I love this song to much . The Beatles are the best band in the world. Love from Italy

  56. Queen Walker777

    Me: I'm not jealousMy brain: Are you sure?Me: Yep!My Brain: are you Really Sure?Me:... YEP, NEVERMIND

  57. Árpádné Perlaki

    beautiful song

  58. Alexey cherniak

    the slide solo is incredible so is the bass

  59. Tim Stewart

    Linda McCarthy was a freaking natural beauty.

    Freddie Lynn

    McCarthy - really?

    Amanda Greenstreet

    ITS NOT MCCARTHY It’s McCartney

  60. Phoenix

    Ringo doesn't like drum solos, awesome! The Beatles the beat! he's the best drummer ever, every song has a different drum style

  61. Phoenix

    Best formula! Thank you copycats, some very good but remember ... Only .... One .... Beatles!!!! Amen Love God!!!!!!!! : )

  62. Diegotudios 09

    Sin duda George harisson también era buen compositor

  63. Mayday

    Every time I listen, I'm in awe of how incredibly beautiful this song is.

  64. Konrad Verner

    Say Something :)

  65. Vijayan Menon

    One of the best love ever

  66. Wingrid Medeiros

    Amo, amo, amo ❤️

  67. turkey bean

    your mom

  68. roo255

    1:26Everyone: :|John: :)Everyone: :)John :/

  69. SebastianWB

    One of my favorite and most recognizable guitar solos ever❤️

  70. Randy Charles

    This is one of the best songs ever written. While I was in college I did an arrangement for three marimbas and flute. Even that was a joy to hear!!

  71. jamboreetime


  72. jamboreetime

    You UsA. ,don’t get it!

  73. christian rengifo

    Just something I noticed but when the Beatles and their girls look into each other’s eyes almost each of them just gaze at each other, Yoko tho is different. She blinks repeatedly. This might mean nothing but even John gazed at her with no interruption of blinking. Usually when someone blinks in times of vulnerability like say, a huge camera capturing what is supposed to be seen as true love they’re either lying or simply hiding something.

  74. Ernie Buck

    Only the one George thought was true was to him means anything in all this. Right??

  75. David Meyer

    I think people fail to grasp the idea this was not a video for the song. Back in 1969 there was no MTV, no youtube this was just home movies added way after the song was made.

  76. bastian saavedra

    I borned so late for listen on a live At The Beatles and George Harrison...

  77. ScorpioSoul13 90

    2:44 when your man is trying to tell you he wants you..

  78. Lizanne Whitlow

    11-8-69 This song released. 🎶🎶🎶🤎🤎

  79. Hanz Arschgen

    De Schorsch hott de beschden Geschmack...

  80. Harri Mersalo


  81. José Candal

    - Lead Vocal, Lead & Rhythm Guitars: George Harrison- Piano: John Lennon- Bass & Backing Vocal: Paul McCartney- Drums: Ringo Starr- Organ: Billy Preston- String Arrangement: George Martin

  82. Chipta Perdana

    You can have a favorite beatle... But you can never have a favorite beatles song..

  83. Arjan Plantinga

    back then on the old planet ...

  84. keefebaby

    Love the bass on this track

  85. Gino araujo Araujo

    Essas motos Kawasaki 1100 cilindradas kkkkkkk.....

  86. CK Boulevard

    Best beatle song. Listen to it on a cold cold winter afternoon while walking on the street... Great feeling

  87. Daniel Brown

    You know Lennon and McCartney were so impressed with this Harrison song, like he's finally arrived.Beautiful song Mr. Harrison

  88. Dan Carr

    Linda was beautiful

  89. David SegunPeter

    Tommorow is bring your girlfriend to work day guys Paul: is a wife alright?Shuddifrick

    Mitch Feder

    FYI, they were all married by the time this cobbled together promo was released.

  90. Alexandria Erckenbrecht

    This makes me feel single AF

  91. Martin Sloan

    Have always loved Paul and Linda💖

  92. Sloop

    Paul is so chaotic I love it

  93. Luka Coremans

    Chords:F F Eb GC Cmaj7 C7 FD7 GAm AmMaj7 Am7 DF F Eb G(Repeat)A C#m/Ab F#m A/ED G(Repeat, then end on C after the G chord)Outro: F F Eb G AF F Eb G C

  94. Renan Souza

    Who is the one who sings this? I just always assumed it was Lennon, but now I'm not sure

    Luka Coremans

    George Harrison :))


    Renan Souza it’s George Harrison

    Renan Souza

    @Luka Coremans Damn, he really did have a great voice! I thought he had written it for Paul or John to sing...wish they would let him and Ringo sing more

  95. Rel Sci

    Play this video on mute with Star Wars "The Imperial March" playing (both same length). Thank me later.

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