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The Beatles - I Feel Fine

I Feel Fine
: I Feel Fine
: 2.15 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 187 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 146 İndirme
: 05-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Beatles - I Feel Fine )
  1. Marco Palhano

    Ringo is the guy who does nothing on the group work and then shows up for the oral presentation

  2. Javier Giustina

    0:56 ringo troll moment!

  3. BlurryTrench

    1:45 aww

  4. Wlodzimierz Ulatowski

    P dały też potrafią spiewac

  5. Wlodzimierz Ulatowski

    Jamę suwnan

  6. Wlodzimierz Ulatowski

    2plus2 była sobie u. Kraina

  7. Jay Whyeff

    What a great way to start ..., the progression The Beatles showed in their music is just fantastic. They will never be beaten (or equaled) in their originality.

  8. Harold Mackie

    they're the hottest band in the world

  9. Harold Mackie

    lip sync...older than we know

  10. Harold Mackie

    I know these guys r pretty good

  11. So Sick And Tired Of All The Needless Beating

    Where is Pete Best though

  12. Eric Schulze

    Love the Beatles but Paul is being a complete douchebag

  13. Jack Breceda

    Beatles, grupazo

  14. His Overlord Upon High

    Man so cool at :21 John looks at Paul, like is this right ? Paul smiles and shakes his head. That was all John needed. A quick smile. Back to another amazing Beatle song. I love The Beatles.

  15. Richo-senpai

    plot twist: Ringo plays the drum on the backstage through the exercise bike

  16. Howard Smith

    That,s what happens when miming goes wrong

  17. Garrett Smith

    0:12 Paul smiling all around

  18. Batwoman's Fangirl

    And this is the band i chose to stan

  19. msumungo

    They definitely wanted to do a Nirvana video.

  20. Rizky Nurkarima

    ringo just being bongo

  21. Jesus Francisco Garcia Grajeda

    Lo máximo

  22. Michele Paccione

    Back when John and Paul still looked at each other with love.

  23. lily bug

    1:44 HE'S SO CUTE

  24. Jim Hall

    wow 24 Million hits, goes to show you their music never gets old !!!!!

  25. Dani Rocksaurier

    Ringo the Great and the other three guys

  26. Barbara Nelson

    What does Paul say to John at the 1:00 mark? It’s right after Ringo’s wink.

  27. Barbara Nelson

    Why does Paul look a little pissed at the :0:21 mark@.

  28. Meño Tv

    2019 and still enjoy it

  29. Andrea Viozzi

    Omg wow beatles

  30. admtech69

    The most amazing thing to me is that Ringo could pass for his late 30s even today - the man never ages.

  31. valentina Ramos

    Paul mcCartney . Su rostro me encanta😍

  32. Billy Boffin

    They were as exciting 1962 as Elvis was in 1954. Thank goodness their critics have gone to dust. The song? It's sweet and will never be lost - I hope.

  33. Алексей Цветков

    Лайк по дефолту

  34. jack reed

    What a melody.

  35. monivideosable

    We are going to shoot the video today, don't forget your instruments: OK!, Ringo brings the cycle.

  36. Ashlyn Umpherville

    Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon JAMMING November 9, 2019 AT 7:43AM

  37. Celia Green

    Ringo's bike only has 1 wheel, no wonder he's not getting anywhere.

  38. Tim Burr

    Not an easy arpeggio to play even today. Kudos to you, George. You're hired.

  39. Jim Morrison

    Paul shorter or at most same height as John Lennon here. In the later years he was taller than John. Stranger than fiction.


    Jim Morrison -"In the later years he was taller than John"Where DOES this silly idea come from ?Sorry to have to shoot your fox, Jim - but, not so ! Paul has ALWAYS been marginally _taller_ than John. Even back in 1964: EVERYONE wore Cuban Heels in those early days - even John).

    Barbara Nelson

    marvinc999 Exactly right. Paul was just a wee bit taller than John.

  40. Skippy Bean

    1:28Paul looks like he's about to puke

  41. TheBigHase

    2651 "people" are complete morons...

  42. TheBigHase

    George is like "Is this Playback!? Nah not really, is it!?" - Also feat. Ringo on exercising-bike.

  43. Elyorbek Abdullin

    1:11John: C'mon, C'mon. Don't stop! You deserve that Ringo for saying that "The Beatles are better than Jesus" and fail our band! Ringo: Ya got to be kidding me! It was you who said it, Not me!John: Idc, the problems are yours not mine...

  44. yea boi


  45. InsomniaB

    0:40 "Sorry guys im late!"

  46. Masahiro Nachi


  47. Wild Bill

    the best song writing team of all time.

  48. Chris Longski

    Nothing like making lip-synching look ridiculous...

  49. Patrick Ols

    This video clearly show why Ringo is the oldest but still look in great shape 50 years on

  50. Jeffrey Colebrook

    Igift you a new emerging word/concept free for you to enjoy have fun adding yourdefinition for the word.  Help spread! Jeffree of the lovevolution Lovevolution Love – vo – lu – tion  {luhv = vuh – loo – tuhn}   Yourdefinitions: fill in the blank for this new word 1.__________________Example5. Academic version:TheUnified Spacememory Network from cosmogensis to consciousness Haramein,N., Brown W. & Val Baker, A. K. F. (2016). The Unified Spacememory Network:from Cosmogenesis to Consciousness, Journal ofNeuroQuantologyTherecent developments of advanced models of unified physics have brought a deeperunderstanding of the fundamental nature of space, time, energy and matter. Itis becoming apparent that information and geometry are primary to explainingthese fundamental agents. In previous work, we demonstrated that the subatomicnucleon structure of the proton and recently the electron can be deriveddirectly from a spacetime holographic structure of Planck-scale quantum vacuumoscillators fluctuating as spacetime pixels, demonstrating that spacetime atthe very fine level of the Planck-scale is discrete with information quanta. Wehave found that when considering the granular spacetime information-energystructure from which we demonstrate matter and mass arises, the phenomena ofself-organizing systems that leads to self-awareness and consciousness isintegral to— and a natural emergent property of the feedback-dynamics ofspacetime information itself. In this work, we describe how the integralfunction of the information feedback dynamics of spacetime, which engendermass-energy, is the missing element in understanding the evolution anddevelopment of self-organizing physical systems in general, and the emergenceof the biological organism in particular. We evaluate non-classical quantummechanical phenomena of physical and biological systems in light of the Maldacena-Susskindholographic correspondence theorem from which an equivalence of wormholespacetime geometry and quantum entanglement is derived. We suggest that thePlanck-scale micro-wormhole entanglement structure of multiple spacetimecoordinates engender the macromolecular assemblies of living cells, and thatthis wormhole entanglement may function in the memory and learning capacity ofthe biological entity. Furthermore, the recursive information encoding feedbackprocesses of the quantum spacetime micro-wormhole network, which we refer to asspacememory, enables memory and learning in physical systems across all scales,resulting in universal evolutionary tendencies towards higher levels ofordering and complexity – foundational to evolution, sentience, and awareness.*Simplystated  , spread lovevolution the word! Thank you. Jeffree*Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics

  51. Matthias Rottler

    Poor Ringo!

  52. joeul7

    The Beatles just broke every rule in the book. such great band.

  53. Doug G

    I love the way Ringo played that bicycle

  54. Andy Stenson

    I believe that, just like Elvis, the Beatles will be more fondly remembered than all these new musicians today.

  55. King Robert

    World's greatest song writers/composers/singers but well lousy lip syncers!

  56. jojparasol

    well kids what have we learnedGeorge can't lip sync Paul is ADORABLEJohn is talented afand Ringo can play the bicycle

  57. Kaleb Sambrook

    0:32 Paul smiling was amazing!

  58. Robin Miersch

    Now another story:"She's in love with me and I feel fine.Yeah, I don't care cause I'm gay."

  59. Charles Beyer

    We see here that Ringo's cycling is far superior to Pete Best.

  60. Rachel Woodruff

    I love all the baby fat on their faces. Lol

  61. 1940b_ H.S

    imagine me in the 60s ...I LOVE BEATLES..Changed MY LIFE!

  62. Meg Taylor

    0:56 anyone else see ringo peer over paul's shoulder and wink?

  63. Meg Taylor

    0:21 john : She's happy as can be y'know *looks directly at paul*paul : *nods*

  64. Filip 76uk

    He wants to ride his bycycle he wants to ride his bile

  65. pyscho man

    great song but whos idea was this?

  66. Betsabe Covarubia

    Aún no entiendo el inglés...gracias por compartir.

  67. gioknows

    Pre Faul Beatles were the best.

  68. Renan Souza

    Why is George always creating his own lyrics, lmao

  69. hansschnier

    As always, Ringo's drumming is perfect for the song.

  70. Soggy Cinnamon

    I'm not completely sure if Ringo knows how to play an instrument, he was just sitting around in penny lane, he had an umbrella in help, he was doing a bad job drum syncing in hello, goodbye, and now he's on a f*cking exercise bike

    MemeGuy 7726

    Dfq bruh begone thot vibe check ok boomer

  71. Lion Boletaria

    Que culeros están los vídeos de antes jajaja, me encantan estos weyes

  72. DeltaBlaZe77

    Get excited see a Beatles song title you think for a second you might not have heard before, and of course it's an absolute hit you've heard many times before.

  73. Lucas Sona

    Quién pingo le hacía los videos a estos tipos?

  74. Isis Montes

    Who disliked this how dare they

  75. Philippe Forest

    Amazing ! Thanks !

  76. Vlasko60

    Possibly my favorite Beatles song. I love John's voice and phrasing and I love Ringo on the ride cymbal.

  77. Raymond Rocha

    Man I love this song and I love the Beatles!

  78. Brian Paquin

    Everything that was ever right in this world is in this video 🤣🤣

  79. Doom Tiger

    Some say he's still riding to this day

  80. HenGaoLaowai

    Paul checking out John's warm wet mouth at 0:18

  81. 1 3/7 Sugars

    this video is just one big meme

  82. Gary H

    THE greatest band ever.

  83. Yo nada mas

    Me encanta la canción, pero le pusieron muy pocas ganas para hacerlo ☹

  84. Anne Teller

    Does anyone read lips? What was George saying at 0.27?

  85. Greyson Bishoff

    0:26 - 0:31Cameraman: George stop singing into the punching bag!George: Wait. This isn't a microphone? Wtf?

  86. Appleholic1

    A lot of gym equipment there but only poor Ringo gets a workout.

  87. anna gates

    they all look stoned. lol

  88. RMLectronics UK

    Nice lipsynching and miming! Masters at kidology.

  89. Male Jackson :3

    Ringo da mis razones de vivir :3

  90. B J

    George with the amazing es 345! It is fascinating that he didnt use that guitar more. Does anyone know if it got stolen or something?

  91. Ricardo Martinez

    The inventors of modern music videos as well!

  92. Henry Thomas

    george says i dont know what im doing

  93. im1who84u

    Good job RIngo, now go get our cars and bring them around front for us.

  94. Robbie Gillum

    That’s a funny looking drum kit

  95. Mi K

    Thumb down for the adverts. Thumb down for the playback.

  96. Retos Con Sofi

    The Ringo❤ in time 0:40 awww🤩🥰😘😍

  97. James Duclos

    Hilarious and badly-dated concept video but good nonetheless!

  98. nassauleaf

    I learned a new Beatles song 😀

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