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The Beatles - A Day In The Life

A Day In The Life
: A Day In The Life
: 4.77 MB
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: 248 İndirme
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: 168 İndirme
: 05-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Beatles - A Day In The Life )
  1. Tony Harris

  2. Tony Harris

    Let me blow your mind.Wait till you discover the film that's buried in the song itself. I'll let you figured that one out for yourself. Smoke a jointJoe Rogan Lucy in the Sky with diamonds. it's amazing.

    Tony Harris

  3. Tony Harris

    Isn't it funny how you're just picking out all the famous people out of the video, just like you're picking out all the famous people on the album cover.That's not a coincidence.

  4. EdhgarHall

    lennon had a great voice

  5. Alejandro Esquivel

    Una obra maestra 😲😲😲😍😍😍😍👋👋😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩

  6. JAK4MBM

    He blew his mind out in a car because he saw a giraffee

  7. Moises

    my favotiye song still listen 2019 saludos from TJ MEX

  8. David Glowacki

    Lasted just over 5 years.Big impact over the decades though.Rolling Stones so far lasted 56 years

  9. Sailor Chan

    It's a legendary4:19

  10. John Abalos

    When my oldest daughter was in high school she had to do a comprehensive history report on the Beatles an it impact on cultural music.She already knew of the Beatles but , not in debt.Later during her research she gained their interest to the reality of how they had changed music for generations after 50s rock& roll.Fast forward 10 yrs later ,I heard of a New York Broadway show group that were at the time ,the best Beatles impersonating act around.They went on a nation tour each city or college Orchestra joined them to add the instrumental backgrounds we all remember as the Beatles started to make new music.The Beatles had gotten burned out on touring by then an only did studio recordings for their albums mixed with a live studio Orchestra which the public heard on their albums, but would never witness in a live concert venue.To my surprise this impersonation Beatles band was planting a stop in my city of( Waco , Texas ) along with the ( Baylor , University Orchestra )which happens to be a Prestigious Orchestra in our state an nation.These tours were meant to show how the Beatles sounded live with a full live Orchestra integrated for Beatles fans to finally hear completely as recorded in the studios.The show was held at the university’s music hall , designed for music.Me an my daughter sat in the balcony which was awesome.The shows announcer Stepped out to front stage and explained what we we’re going to witness. The Beatles impersonation group was spot on Beatles,amazing.To make the music sound like Beatles,they played authentic replicas of the Instruments an even dressed in there different band Evolutionary costumes along with British accents. Beatles music is difficult to impersonate exactly , but not impossible it sounded that good!!!

  11. Hannu Hyvärinen

    Best song ever...

    JA VI

    That is a song of one direction :0

  12. Diego Silva

    The best song of The Beatles. But i hate the orchestra

  13. Jayesh Ajitsaria

    who's the beautiful women that appears repeatedly in the video at 0:21 1:18 1:24 1:36 1:43 1:46 3:42 3:39

    kernel panic

    Anita Pallenberg, maybe. . one of the most beautiful woman of mid twentieth century, imo.

    kernel panic

    Or maybe Patti Boyd or Maureen Faithful, all beautiful women part of that crowd and those times.

    The Dude

    Marianne faithful and Pattie Boyd

    Tony Harris

    She played in Barbarella as pretty, pretty (here's a another clue for you all) Duran Duran that's where the group got its name Duran Duran. She also played in the 60s classic blow- up.

  14. Esteban gutierrez

    this is realy awsome

  15. Mark Chirhart

    Papa Nez!!!

  16. domtron88

    Me: mom, can we have klaatu?Mom: we have klaatu at home.*klaatu at home*

  17. John Barefield

    Strangely I liked it better before the digital version.It's amazing this way too, though.

  18. Marshall Smith™

    Reflections Of My Life - The Marmalade

  19. James

    I never realized Michael Nesmith was there. What a gathering of all-stars.

  20. PikeWolf 12

    When i was young i was scared of the orchestral part in this song😂

  21. Shala Taebi

    great editing.

  22. I don't Know your name.

    The beatles are Soo much Better than Ariana grande.

    Bob Ruperts

    they're very different. in terms of songwriting i'd agree, cuz no one cuz beat the beatles, but ariana is the most talented singer in pop music today. if you're gonna compare the beatles to a modern pop singer, ariana grande seems an odd choice, cuz she is very good in her own right. comparing the beatles to the chainsmokers - now that's light and dark.

  23. tony albertoni

    Micheal Nesmith sighting.

  24. Felipe Antunes

    ( THE VERSION : ) "THE MOMENT IN THE LIFE."( "A DAY IN THE LIFE." )( John Lennon - Paul McCartney -- Version : Arsênio Hemetherios - Charles Anthonny. )What I read in the newspaper, oh boyabout a lucky man that won a lottery.And they play with all ironylosing time of joy,sometimes with much annoy.The blue sky was transformed with white clouds the celestial scenery.Perturbation of mine had flown awaysecure now I am, so at this moment I will sit beside the cypress.I always like to watch a film, oh girlit must be good and also interesting.Popcorns into of paperit will be exciting and even gallant!Now listen a new found ....Hello! Pay attention ! It's time to wake up.Dress soon, do the house and get out to workbecause you are now very late!In the cities, it's always like this :This Time is not for me !In the garden there's the leisure to relax,you prepare yourself and than start to dream.AAAAAAHHHHHH .........I read the newspaper today, oh boytomorrow the day will rise.Now I will say goodbye,I just have to go :grow, die, remind, sing, smile and seeThe Sunset.I will listen a new sound ...........********************************

  25. Ozenildo Batista

    "Michael Nesmith, acompanhado de sua esposa, visitou uma sessão de gravação dos Beatles no estúdio número um, em Abbey Road, onde eles trabalhavam na música “A Day in The Life”, do álbum Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Aquela sessão, que estava sendo filmada, tinha uma orquestra de 40 componentes e outros convidados como os Rolling Stones Mick Jagger e Keith Richards e os cantores Donovan e Marianne Faithfull. As filmagens dessa sessão foram utilizadas para um video-clipe promocional de “A Day In The Life”. No clip Michael Nesmith apareceu conversando com John Lennon."

  26. Felipe Antunes


  27. dabatoir

    I've listened to this song my whole life but never seen this video. I'm in awe. What was this film for? Was it just a random party?

  28. Richard Johnson

    is this the first music video

  29. Felipe Antunes

    "I Walked In The Live".

  30. OldSchoolVibes 1978

    Amazing how "Paul's" eyebrows seem to change length at will...

  31. joe Rabinof

    Hey !You all !Another one !

  32. Felipe Antunes


  33. anna anna

    gostei bastante!!!

  34. cmtmj2006

    Pure genius.

  35. Manuel Osorio

    Ciudad de México 🇲🇽 2019

  36. Playy

    this is the best piece of music ive ever heard in my life

  37. Flamber

    One of the main reasons I’m watching this is because I had this stuck in my head during class and couldn’t tell if he was saying “having read the book” or not. Now I’m watching over and over.

  38. Jayesh Ajitsaria

    0:20 is he mick jagger? and who is the beautiful girl standing right beside him

    Mar Cazuza

    Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull no doubt...!!!

    Reece Comley

    keith richards appears a couple of times too

  39. C⃠H⃠R⃠I⃠S⃠ R⃠O⃠S⃠A⃠L⃠E⃠Z⃠

    Still my favorite song by the Beatles till this day

  40. Niveditha Kannadaguli

    3:27 when you hear a rumor about you.

  41. Guy Hayder

    I’m from Blackburn and glad they put us on the map!!

  42. serialkixz12

    Is that Michael Nesmith of The Monkees hanging with Lennon around 3:32 ?!

  43. Vincent Ardizzone

    A drug trip set to music.

  44. Zlatan López

    Mi wuevos son tus ojos como nadie escribe en inglés...a ver quién jala

  45. Dante Balcázar

    I'm curios to know, you people think this song is better or worse than Bohemian Rhapsody?

  46. Disco Ball

    Awww I thought it was a day in the life video. The Beatles pranked me.

  47. SinSlasher505

    Fun fact about this song John Lennon wrote the first part of the song but couldn't finish and Paul was working on another song (the "woke up fell out of bed part)But Paul couldn't finish his song either so John said screw it and put them together and now it's one of their biggest songs.

  48. Reed Collins

    Lennon= 🐐


    Where's the alarm clock? 2:19 missing.

    Paul Carson

    OMGWTFLOL left earphone

  50. Jerry Vivanco

    THEE....perfect Beatles tune!!!! SSSOOOOhypnotizing!🎹🎵🎶🎼🎸🎻🎹🎼

  51. Brian Poole

    Ah-ha, the remastered STEREO version vs. the original mono, and the Ultrasone headphones were superier to all the others mentioned in the post.

  52. The Dude

    Je n'ai pas de mot pour décrire les émotions que je viens de vivre. C'est tout simplement exceptionnel. Merci aux concepteurs de cette vidéo. Merci aux Beatles.

  53. Craig Harkins

    4:20 I always wonder if apple sampled this for the start up sound or if it was just a coincidence.

  54. Anim MusicTM

    4:18 did a piano just fell???

  55. mondayasu

    I read the news today, oh boy今日、新聞である記事を読んだよ 何てこったAbout a lucky man who made the grade成功を収めた幸運な男の話だったAnd though the news was rather sadどちらかと言うと、その記事は悲しい内容だったけどWell I just had to laugh僕は笑ってしまったんだI saw the photographその記事には写真も載っていたHe blew his mind out in a car彼は車の中でおかしくなってしまったんだHe didn't notice that the lights had changed信号が変わったのに気づかなかったA crowd of people stood and stared群集が立ち止まり、それを眺めていたThey'd seen his face beforeみんな彼の顔には見覚えがあったけれどBut nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords彼が貴族出身だとは確信が持てなかったんだI saw a film today, oh, boy今日映画を見たんだ、何てこったThe English Army had just won the war英国陸軍が戦争に勝ったところだったA crowd of people turned away群集は背を向けて行ってしまったけどBut I just had to look僕は目を背けるべきでないと思ったHaving read the bookそれについての本を読んだことがあったからI'd love to turn you on君に関心を持ってもらいたんだWoke up, fell out of bed起床して、ベッドから転げ落ちたDragged a comb across my headクシで無理やり髪をとかしFound my way downstairs and drank a cup階段を下りていって、紅茶を一杯And looking up I noticed I was lateふと時計を見ると遅刻してることに気づいたよFound my coat and grabbed my hatコートを羽織って、帽子をかぶりMade the bus in seconds flat二階建てバスに何とか間に合いFound my way upstairs and had a smoke階段を駆け上って、ちょっと一服And somebody spoke and I went into a dreamすると誰かが話しかけてきたけど、僕は夢の世界へ入ってしまったI read the news today, oh boy今日新聞である記事を読んだよ、何てこった4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashireランカシャー州ブラックバーンで4000もの穴だってさAnd though the holes were rather small穴はとても小さいものであるけどThey had to count them all一つずつ数えなきゃいけなかったなんてNow they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hallいまや、彼らはアルバートホールを穴でいっぱいにするのに何個必要かも知ってるだろうねI'd love to turn you on君に関心を持ってもらいたんだ

  56. The_ Joker

    This classic or comfortably numb?What’s your favourite?

  57. Nate DS

    I wonder of this is what dying sons like...

    Mark Horton

    Let's hope that you don't find out for a very long time. The brain is meant to release a very powerful hallucinogen at the point of death. I'm in no hurry to find out.

  58. Natalia Oliva Peña

    can´t stop loving it

  59. pat waddington

    13k people can go and get fucked

  60. Roel Tijskens

    An indistructible piece of wonder. It has all the characteristics the Beatles are known for. Downright fantastic <3

  61. Tagbo Munonyedi

    As we all know, the song itself is magnificence personified, especially for 1967. It shows the band responding to the challenge that had been posed at the start of 1965 with the emergence of the Kinks, the Stones, The Who, The Byrds, PF Slone, and Bob Dylan as lyricists that were dealing with weightier topics and the same bands plus others like the Mothers of Invention, The Yardbirds, Cream and Jimi Hendrix that were instrumentally superior {and one has to throw the Beach Boys in there for sheer arrangement bravado}. The Beatles' responses of "Rubber Soul," "Revolver" and the singles that came out of those sessions left many gobsmacked and on the floor and they were only going to get better. Their 1967 output is outrageously wonderful {include in that "Only a Northern song," "It's all too much," "All together now,"} and so varied and diverse and daring and having three quality songwriters that were all going in markedly different directions is what puts the Beatles ahead of pretty much everyone at that time. It's not that their songs were better than anyone else's, they weren't necessarily, it's just that the sheer quantity, and the quality of song plus diversity of instrumentation and arrangement within that quantity left them unmatched. They thrived on competition and were pretty ruthless in battering their opposition. It's rather interesting to see what happened to all their competition from '65 and '66 ~ drug busts, breakdowns, crashes, debt, rip offs ~ and the accompanying slowing down or decline in the musical stakes.That never happened to the Beatles and their ruthlessness was part of that and a good thing too.I've loved this song for 43½ years and I still do. There's nothing about it that doesn't thrill me.I wish I could say the same thing about the video. I'm not impressed. I personally dislike that fast cutting style that "NYPD Blue" popularized on TV back in the early 90s though experimental film makers had been at it for decades. It is dizzying ~ and in the case of the video, frustrating. Hardly any of the shots are lingered on for a good look so one only gets fleeting glances of Keith Richards or Donovan or Michael Nesmith or Mick Jagger or whoever was actually attending the orchestral session of "A Day in the Life." It's actually a tremendous piece of rock history and validates the good relationship that the Beatles had with the Stones, tells you how much they embraced the Monkees and a lot more besides. I've read a lot about this session at Abbey Road over the years and I have to say, this video really does not do the event justice.Just an opinion.

  62. Mr Lewis

    I have a genius level iq.By far, this is one of my favorite songs.Grew up in the 70s.Listened to the beatles.Growing up.(Step dads favorite)John was a genius.No doubts.Beautiful song.Masterpiece.


    Ok Boomer

    Mr Lewis

    @Cogito whatch where you walk...The ice grows thin, quickly with time.

  63. FiatDuster

    The single greatest song in the history of rock.

  64. Joseph Ancion

    Imagine listening to this for the first time while high... I think I would throw myself out of the window at the first orchestral crescendo.

  65. Yura Yura

    my best song of the beatles

  66. blackknothing

    yes, I´m officially listening to one of the greatest pieces of music ever fkin´ created

  67. Brian Poole

    Why does it sound so different to me right now? I've heard this a thousand times before (Okay, at least a couple hundred), yet it sounded like the mix was vastly different and the effects sounded off and exaggerated at some points. I'm going to have to break out the headphones (when I say headphone(s), I mean, the Sony's, the Sennheiser's, the A.K.G.'s,....) now and do some further research..

  68. Roy Jeffs

    Woke up humming this song, this morning! Still fresh in the memory after such a long time! 😍

  69. jorGe AlfaC.

    2019 and still sounds futuristic!!!! WOW!!!!

  70. Golden Carmichael

    Everytime I listen to this song, I love it more

  71. SavageArfad

    Lennon Lives ❤️❤️❤️

  72. Chronic Randomness

    I came to hear an orchestra mixed with good pop. I came out terrified, in love with the dynamics, and engrossed in the whole thing. If I played it again there would be no way I could convince myself to click off of it.

  73. Thomas Becker

    Pauls bass!!!!

  74. Lee M Day

    When listen to this l wish life was three thousands years long ...OK it was Emerson who seid it before me but ldont care!!

  75. Dead Thoughts

    "I read the news today, oh boy" just hearing this gives me chills

  76. Lord Cobi

    Fun fact: This song is about drugs.


    It’s not about drugs, it was composed on drugs 🤯

    Tagbo Munonyedi

    @SavageArfad You're paradoxically both right. It was composed at a time when John was eating acid much of the time so that informed his viewpoint and visions. But the line "I'd love to turn you on" has been said by Paul to be a direct reference to drugs and that he and John were very aware of where they were going with it at the time. As it turned out, the BBC banned the song because of that line. They felt it might encourage young people that looked up to the Beatles to experiment with drugs.

  77. Budi Setiawan

    04:21 My PC when gaming

  78. Valentin Bostan

    OMG This music is in my Head all day.. 😊😊

  79. Matthew Robinson

    I get sad when I think of all the beautiful music that didn't happen due to a lunatic killing Lennon.

    Zanimate 98

    But it didn't happen mostly because the Band's members disagreed with eachother and broke apart.

    Richard Johnson

    @Zanimate 98 what if they reformed

  80. Lee Thompson

    Just to update everyone, as a Blackburnian, the council have got the potholes down to 3998.

    Tagbo Munonyedi

    @Lee Thompson ~ Very droll, Lee, very droll !

    Mike Williams

    Lee Thompson And it's only taken 52 years! 😊

  81. Johnny thunder iowa

    Look at Mick and the stones always hangin' round the fab four ?/ tryin' to keep up but these 2 bands Knew the WHO WAS THE BEST !! Pete and the lads !!

  82. Lary Dixon

    Meanwhile the entire Planet continues to bury itself deeper and deeper into oblivion.. Go Figure ! Lary.

  83. Manny C.


  84. Vantinmusic

    Why is this video so powerfull omg

  85. Zico

    I read the news today, oh boy 🎶🎵

  86. Patrick Cauton

    Reminiscing the past, memories tangled, meeting different people, unexpected events, challenges conquered and ran away with, cried, laughed, hurt, satisfied, etc.All of us experience this, I bet he or she is not human if he or she didn't suffer

  87. John Sandoval

    He did't notice that the light had changed...

  88. Daniel Brown

    I've always been a Lennon fan but man, McCartney's bass licks were always on point. He was clearly the best musician in the band

    Cornelius G

    Daniel Brown I like to think Johns as the better lyricist and Paul the better guitar player

    Daniel Brown

    @Cornelius G yes I concur. Overall I think Lennon is a better songwriter but I'm partial to John's material anyway so I may not be looking at it objectively

  89. Marcelo Calle

    first trip i ever had im my life... pure fear and wonder

  90. MEs61

    Love it when John and Mike Nesmith are talking..3:31

  91. Michael Keshner

    Ringo's drumming,George's slight guitar,John and Paul's vocals and lyrics,and George Martin being George Martin made the best Beatles song ever crafted which means it is the best song in history.

  92. Tan Dinh

    A đây in the life... một ngày trong đời Sống. The BEATLES.

  93. Lucas Gurrola-Rio

    THE BIG DEBATE:Who is singing at 2:49?


    It's obviously John

  94. otokonokotoko

    2:49 the sound of heaven

  95. Фанат Падона

    This is best song which I listen ever 😿

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