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Ruelle - feat Fleurie-Carry You

feat Fleurie-Carry You
: feat Fleurie-Carry You
: 4.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 245 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 214 İndirme
: 28-11-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ruelle - feat Fleurie-Carry You )
  1. Shoneta Tyrell

    Why is this song giving me Asgard vibes?

  2. Арслан Конусов


  3. Just Existence

    :) :D

  4. tina singh

    This is just so beautiful ♥

  5. Kavya Vandavasi

    who gave them the right to put so much talent in one video

  6. Lindsay Neumann

    So I have HEARD this song probably over 100 times but today something made me really LISTEN to it. It completely face punched me in the feels. I'm not going to lie it made me cry (in a good way). I needed this today.

  7. Liliana Beatriz Pintos


  8. Vbnm Zxc

    WTF L.G


    Eminem for life but these are god

  10. O'mara Marvin

    Every second of this song hitting me right in the feels 🥺

  11. Ancient Dragon

    Thank you.Best wishes to all who read this.From an Ancient Dragon.

  12. John Robb

    Fate brought me here.

  13. Adonia Cushman


  14. pjenslin1

    Wow!! I accidentally stumbled upon this song! What a great song! Beautiful!

  15. Adel Keita

    So beautiful, so peaceful, thank you! :)

  16. Kelly Kelleher


  17. Wicked X

    The feels . They're frickin deep...

  18. Syriane D.

    why is charlize theron there ? :D

  19. Daniel Marsh

    the voice, it's so different, it's hauntingly beautiful

  20. Barbara Babe

    Amazing 😉 Backs turn Alone

  21. Ryn 2011

    This song doesn't get the recognition it deserves.....* takes deep breath*I never say that...

  22. Joshua Magiera

    Don't know anything about Shadowhunters. RU-clip randomly played this video. Amazing

  23. Arch Yeomans

    I usually don't listen to this type of music, but it's good.

  24. Stephanie Prater

    When one of my little boys are sad or hurt I put their little hand on on my heart and tell them to give me their pain. That they will never be alone because my heart beat matches theirs. This song means so very much to me. It expresses pure love.

  25. Allan Stoney

  26. Lanyor 21

    From recommendation 🌚

  27. James Fox

    Right Here all along

  28. Ynech

    Interestingly made video. And the song is beautiful! Thanks to the authors ...

  29. Mohammed Tarique A. Khan

    I could never understand YT recommendations.!!!

  30. Thomas de Jager

    Prophet Isaiah 61 - Beauty for our ashes. Selah... xxx

  31. Tania Farghali

    Wow-what a beautiful and haunting piece...

  32. heathenbreathinfire

    I just wanted to say: your work for the theme of Shannara Chronicles really made the show for me. You're a wonderful musician, Ruelle.

  33. Jon Slimick

    Music pulled me outta the funk funk depression I was stuck in.. so glad it's over. There's alot of life yet to live to the fullest

  34. christoffer

    Perfect song

  35. Lagy Bug

    So beautiful song!

  36. Jonno Badder

    This is one of the most important songs in my life right now. When I need a lift up, I listen to this and remember that somebody IS out there and that if I need it, they’ll carry me, like I would for them. In short, this hit me right in the feels ❤️🤧

  37. Tammy Tabaka

    Not alone feels pretty alone sometimes love

  38. Heather Pierce

    What is song supposed to be

  39. Adriana M

    To me, this song is about the part of me that didn't die inside, but kept pushing me to get out of a bad situation and live again or really, for the first time.

  40. Keren Ginossar G

    Why so many unlikes? This was perfect..

  41. 揉津小太郎


  42. Devil Eyes

    Потрясающий голос.)

  43. Loud House

    I was under deep depression to the core. He pulled me out and saved me.

  44. Loud House

    Im getting married to this song to my extremely awesome husband

  45. Robert Hunter

    Her voice is loveley

  46. Ms.smrtyo


  47. Noor Hafidzah Shaharudin

    Untamed bring me here 🥰

  48. Justine Angela Cuamag


  49. Justine Angela Cuamag

    No one should unlile the video or else...

  50. Gayle Christensen

    My heart sings this song for my daughter, lost to an epidemic. I pray she finds her way out of the darkness, and that all of those bound by the chains of addiction, get freed. Thank you Ruelle for such a beautiful song.

  51. Connor Macleod


  52. fvck all2


  53. Hadi T

    مين سمير

  54. American Woman

    My new favorite

  55. ninnadellape

    You both have otherwordly voices, and the melody and the lyrics are fantastically beautiful!! Thank you so much for creating this piece of art! It was present in a important moment of my life, and I'll always remember it

  56. Rohit Gavit

    Love, a fhils

  57. Hannah Brandise

    Really? Commonly.. likelyniess.. later. Last time.

  58. 蕭柏洲


  59. Zot Tv

    Why haven’t she done more music

  60. Jessica Monteiro

    Ruelle- Amo.FROM:BRAZIL

  61. Truth First

    So very beautiful, music, lyrics and video!! ❤️

feat Fleurie-Carry You Şarkı Sözü
[Kıta 1: Ruelle]
Biliyorum, bazen bu incitiyor,
Nefes almak zorlaşıyor.
Böyle geceler uzun sürüyor.
Sen savaşma isteğini kaybettin.

[Ön-Nakarat: Ruelle]
Oralarda biri var mı?
Işığa kadar bana rehberlik edebilir misin?
Oralarda biri var mı?
Bana her şeyin iyi olacağını söyle.

[Nakarat: Ruelle]
Yalnız değilsin.
Başından beri burada sana şarkı söylüyorum.
Seni büyüleyeceğim, büyüleyeceğim.
(Not- Carry elde etmek anlamına da gelir)

[Kıta 2: Fleurie]
Biliyorum, nasıl başarılı olur, parıldarsın, hatırlamıyorsun.
Kalbin, uçmak için kanatları olmayan bir kuş.

[Ön-Nakarat: Fleurie]
Oralarda biri var mı?
Bu ağırlığımı alabilir misin?
Oralarda biri var mı?
Işığa kadar bana rehberlik eder misin?

[Kıta: Ruelle]
Yalnız değilsin.
Başından beri burada sana şarkı söylüyorum.
Seni büyüleyeceğim, büyüleyeceğim.

[Geçiş kısmı: Ruelle]
Yalnız değilsin,
Başından beri buradaydım.

[Nakarat: Ruelle & Fleurie]
Yalnız değilsin.
En başından beri burada sana şarkı söylüyorum.
Seni büyüleyeceğim, büyüleyeceğim.
Oralarda biri var mı?
Seni büyüleyeceğim, büyüleyeceğim.
Oralarda biri var mı?

[Son kısım: Ruelle]
Biliyorum bu incitiyor,
Nefes alması

Mp3 indir

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