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Ruelle - Deep End

Deep End
: Deep End
: 4.61 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 244 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 208 İndirme
: 28-11-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ruelle - Deep End )
  1. Eman Ahmed

    The background picture is so deep

  2. Hole Animations

    who's tired, like me, from these L.O.L ads?

  3. Jake Morrison

    Another song turned into a battle sequence

  4. Republican RAPPER

  5. GAWD-_xx

    Camille is transitioning into a vampire in this song cause of that bitch aurora~the originals

  6. WorldOfIvy

    This is so beautiful omg I cry 😭😭

  7. Zepline Fatuma

    Her voice makes my soul relax and for a sec i just wanna listen with no distraction

  8. GutiePie TTV

    The story of Porcelain:Narration (mother) "Porcelain skin, like him, but not like him, it looks better on you.You act like a zombie now, ever since I told you what happened it seems you never speak.It's scary, honestly. I want to know what's going on in your head.When I saw you sitting on that roof, alone, staring down at the cars, I was mad and terrified, but only because of the suicide note in your journals."(one day, in Ohio.)A woman is walking to her apartment, she sees a strange man and he runs to her, she tries to get in as quick as possible, she is a Navajo, he's white.she fails to get in, in time, he rapes her on the spot.(a week later)She finds out she is pregnant, she's holding a clear blue pregnancy test, "I'm pregnant?" she says, she cries.(nine months later) she is giving birth on a bed at home, aided by her family.She has a baby girl, but the baby looks nothing like her.She looks like him...(a day later) the mother is put in counseling, yes, she loves her baby, but it's hard.(A month later...)"I think it's best if you give her to Sharla." her father tells her as she sits in the living room with him and he tells her this sitting right next to her. Her father is angry and upset, he'll never be the same. She'll never be the same, either. "I don't want to..." she says in hesitance, it's so awkward to talk about this, you understand him, but you want to yell at him for bringing it up. "I don't care, he's going to live on in her!" he says in anger and slaps her, she slaps him back and says "She will never be anything like him!" her baby girl cries and she runs upstairs to tend to her

  9. hely

    The only way to explain to someone what I am feeling right now.

  10. Nihan Levent

    What to dO:first take the control sure of what you mean by that. Smt winning not the one you really wanted. Take the control of yourself. That's how you keep in deep or basic. Catch Your Breath if you won't catch that will come by a storm

  11. Sharwan Singh

    Allow us to download them

  12. lucas Matheus

    Quem veio atravéz de Shadowhunters ?

  13. Uncommon Erin

    first thought when i heard this: sirens

  14. skrety sk


  15. Tarina Sparks

    Beautiful!❤ Thank you!🌹

  16. MrPink

    Another unappreciated talent. Ruelle reaches the deepest parts of me, the mark of soul and genius intent. I feel this track, with every bit of me.

  17. Vidster Games

    who came from shin art

  18. ily Hopper

    Ruelle and empress, what’s the difference?

  19. Darkiplier

    This is deep.

  20. Italo Alves

    Que música Gostosa de ouvir, puta que pariu

  21. mcr X

    Major pirates of the carribean vibes

  22. Jungcoconut Okidoki

    This is how my depression feels like... like I’m being submerged in water unable to breath or move or call out, the only escape is pain.

  23. Chenelle Spor

    When I listen to this, I can just picture myself in a body of blue water. I'm floating on my back in the beginning. The current is calm, as is the music. When the main course approaches, I am swallowed into the water. I am stretching my arms out towards the surface of the water while being dragged down. It's really blue and the darkness increases as I keep sinking with the dark, cold hand clasped around my ankle. When the beat picks up, that's when I start getting frantic and waving desperately. I'm just.. struggling and I can see my body floating through the murky water from a distance with a dark shadow beneath me, but it's not human. At 4:00 I break through and gasp for air, just to get dragged back down into the water and I start choking. My eyes are wide and fearful. The current surrounds me in a cold envelope and I sink further and further until I hit rock bottom and my body goes still. I am dead.

  24. Melissa Cobb

    OMG this song for when Jace was controlled by Lilith and Izzy and Alec had to pull him out of the hell he was in!...

  25. Viktor Lucca

    Who else is here because of The Originals?

  26. gabxmar

    From SIREN 💕

  27. FAiden

    The thing about Ruelle music.It sounds like it should be on tv. A movie or tv show. All of them.

  28. Brendan Whitaker

    When the person you defend the most has that one bad thing about him

  29. Hello. retro80s

    I came from a stand by me edit with 4:01 part🥺🥺

  30. Nasser Aljameel

    اغنيتكم نايمة

  31. S.Y Jukuda

    But Ruelle 😢😢😢🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤

  32. Okiem Marty

    Allways go to the light, every soul can go there anytime.The light accepts, forgive, understands. Never think that you do not deserve for light. Never. You are the light. You have the light in your heart. Remember this.Allways remember this.

  33. Beyza Ekinci


  34. TJ 5

    I just move to another dimension listening to this song

  35. Louisa Clark

    You see a girl sinking, but is there anyone see a man with a face suffocating and screaming in no vain under the wate?I know it's a coincidence, but, kind of scary.

  36. Ruba Sarmad

    The originals team?

  37. trouxa trouxa


  38. XmalusiaX

    Kto od Marty w? 😎

  39. DİP WEB

    Keşfedilmeyi bekleyenlerden ;)

  40. Un Chat Sur Les Toits

    Panic attacks summed up in one song

  41. Queen of Terrasen

    Guys, I think it's great that y'all found her from Shadowhunters and all but it's kinda disrespectful to keep saying that - she probably wants to make a name for herself other than that and I feel like we should all just enjoy her voice instead of going I FOUND HER FROM SHADOWHUNTERS, GREYS ATOMANY and stuff like that.Thank you xoxo I'm not trying to spread hate of any sort, I just wanted to put this thought out therePlease don't let this get lost in the Sea of Comments...

  42. Nina Lynch

    Someone please put this on audiomack

  43. Fluffy 2dimaxx

    Ashely from a pole dancing video brought my here thank you, you beautiful talented queen🤩😍🥰🥰

  44. lindaBelmont88

    Love it as a girl that suffers from pmdd this how I feel at times 🖤

  45. Пудинг Лор


  46. Пудинг Лор

    Путин кто?

  47. Sudipta Saha


  48. Vanessa Cortez

    Her Voice Is Beautiful 💟💟 Shadowhunters!

  49. Loud House

    I lose control, its taking over. Feel this to the t

  50. Slade Wilson

    How i feel after watching hereditary

  51. kitty footprints

    THis song makes me picture in my mind a girl in someones dream trying to warn them and is asking for help to get them out of the situation

  52. Ericka Mchenry

    Once again I've found a song that's great for me and my book. It really explains not just the MC but all Characters and all that they've been through and what's still to come , The war that's coming. All that pain and loss but also love and happiness God!!! I love her her so fuckin much

  53. Nihan Levent

    I was always seeing the drowned person in this picture now i see that face.

  54. 女の子悲しい

    I'm slowly slipping into the deep end.Darkness has become my best friend. Light has become my hope.I am the fall of myself.I'm lost in the deep end.I feel nothing, darkness is acting weird. Light becomes my best friend. Darkness is taking over. Light is failing, Light is losing it's way. Darkness has taken over Light. *I* *Have* *No* *Help* *Please* *Save* *Me*

  55. Luma Freire

    I drowned twice, and this song describes the experience so well. The beat at the beginning is like when your heart starts racing. It's dark, ominous, everything is just pain and fear. The beat reveals the fight, the struggle, and the lyrics show how you feel about your current reality, and how there is a small part of you that kinda wants to surrender. And especially when you let the water inside, it's like some sort of twisted relief that kinda makes feel like your high, like you're dreaming, like all the agony is finally over before you finally fade into the darkness, into the deep end.

  56. Stand Out Stories


  57. So Nina

    When I miss a step on the stairs

  58. Axel Rodríguez Soriano

    Musica de los 2010: 🎼🎹🎧🎤

  59. Finn McDonald

    Arthur Morgan.

  60. Power_ Mind

    Ruelle and your music perfect ! ;)

  61. Moon of the Nights

    Çaylak dan gelenler 😁😁

Deep End Şarkı Sözü
Where can I go when the shadows are calling, shadows are calling me?
What can I do when it's pulling me under, pulling me underneath?
It's getting close
I lose control
It's taking over
I'm slipping, into the deep end
I'm in over my head, I can't catch my breath
I'm slipping, into the deep end
Feel the current within
I can't help but give in
Like blood in my veins
Darkness is sinking, darkness is sinking me
Commanding my soul
I am under the surface where the blackness burns beneath
It's getting close
I lose control
It's taking over
It's getting close
I lose control
It's taking over
I'm slipping, into the deep end
I'm in over my head, I can't catch my breath
I'm slipping, into the deep end
Feel the current within
I can't help but give in
I'm lost in the deep end
I'm lost in the deep end
I'm lost in the deep end
I'm lost in the deep end
It's getting close
I lose control
It's taking over
It's getting close
I lose control
It's taking over
I'm slipping, into the deep end
I'm in over my head and I can't catch my breath
I'm slipping, into the deep end
I feel the current within
I can't help but give in
I'm lost in the deep end
I'm lost in the deep end
I'm lost in the deep end
I'm lost in the deep end

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