mp3 indir dur

Ruelle - Game of Survival

Game of Survival
: Game of Survival
: 2.73 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 408 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 383 İndirme
: 28-11-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ruelle - Game of Survival )
  1. Joshua XOXO


  2. GoldenAppleSauce

    Who's come from the mv that fan make of before the star come out make an au

  3. D a n I

    this song gives me supernatural and stranger things vibes 🤪 love that

  4. Veronika P

    When I heard this song I remember to Supernatural

  5. Chase Walls

    Arrow brought me here!

  6. Zero 2 Hiroki

    Red Sparrow brought me here.

  7. monica puma

    Quien viene por una historia de wattpad? Yo de heist Jajaja

  8. Bilaky Doz

    Why me

  9. Pakhou Lee

    Anyone know monxx - survival? This is the intro for it.

  10. Synnaleoj Adnarim

    You make me feel I am in the sky

  11. Ambar Jesus


  12. arash farahani

    I'm a gay boy from iran I can't find any boyfriend because gay is not normal and legal in my country this song make me lovely and sad and I cry with song😭👨‍❤️‍👨♥️💔💔

  13. XTreme BBX

    When i listen this, i think in Scream the TV Series

  14. Zeke's Convergence

    This should be Kai'Sas Theme

  15. Ultra Jimaire


  16. Fractured Frame

    Fluerie and ruelle should do a song togetherWith tommie profit as they're producer anyone else agree

  17. Ace Hardy


  18. Jamie Maclean

    13 Reasons Why, and Gears 5 brought me here 😊

  19. Elpin wino

    I love this video ❤️ *_*

  20. Gacha Yulia

    1:22 for me)

  21. Troll1nator

    Bring Back H1Z1 Just Survive

  22. Karime Lopez

    I got here because of six flags fright fest, hellz bellez performance dance

  23. Jake Morrison

    I love it.

  24. Solehorizon


  25. RUdo Laco

    Amazing, i love it 💓

  26. Nikki Mivaj

    📲*00212645752301* *whatapps*📲وجـدت💁‍♂️ كــثــيــر مــن الـتـعـالـيـق عـن تـكـبـيـر الـقـضـيـب وضـعـف الانــتــصــاب وسـرعـة الــقــذفوأبـغـى أبــشــركــم😉 أنــي حــصــلــت عـلـى مــعــلــومــات كــثــيــر مـفـيـدة✅ هـتـنـفـعـكـم كــثــيــر ومــجــربــهــا شــخــصــيــا ونــفــعــتــنــي🤩🥳تــواصــل مـعـي🙋‍♂️ وأنـا بــشــرح لـك سـر الـوصـفـة الـواتـسـاب *00212.645.75.23.01*📲

  27. Natascha Hedegaard Andersen

    2019?Am I alone?

  28. Voizвидео.html

  29. Kiana C

    This is the song from the Darkest Minds I've been looking for it foreverrrrr and then came across it randomly lol.

  30. Chloe xoxo

    13rw theme

  31. Michael Hirch

    1:00 Hardcore remember to Shannara: until we go down Good job

  32. Käycëe - šmøkëy

    I found ruelle through this song absolutely amazing it's almost as if she has seen my life and made songs that can relate very closely to me for an example this song xx

  33. Trackerx 1990

    Her voice is like an ASMR

  34. Pımpwss Attpc.

    Eyewitness brought me here

  35. Jey Tey


  36. Grodan Flugsson

    Always thinking about Harry Potter when I hear the song

  37. seen graphic

    Me when i listen to the song:THIS IS THE WILD GAME OF SURVIVAL My mom:I love this song!Me when i brush my teeth: THISH ISH THE BILD GAME OF SHURVIVALMom: I like it.Me in toilet:THIS IS THE WILD GAME OF SURVIVALMom: ok stop...Me in sleep: THIS IS THE WILD GAME OF SURVIVALMom:...Mom:why did you do this to me last night?!Me: because THIS IS THE WILD GAME OF SURVIVALMom:f@*!#

  38. Hannah Willett

    The maze runner vibes and hunger games, maybe the early seasons of the 100

  39. Mcfurrie Nation

    Who’s hear cuz they like the hunger games?

  40. Marques Siebert

    Gears 5💪🏽

  41. Agnxxes

    Honestly giving me Maze Runner vibes.

  42. TheUltraGaming

    I think this song is not just a song I think this song is a song about how we are not here just to relax but yes to be warriors

  43. kathi_smitten

    Throne of glass vibes 🔥

  44. Batman Arkham Fan


  45. Federica Meo

    The beat is very similar to "fire meets fate"😍

  46. Anchy

    Anyone from Hotela Grand? No? Just me? Okay....

  47. JackDaN


  48. Squared

    Monxx brought me here.

  49. Trololololol Trolnol

    Gears 5 me trajo aqui

  50. Criminal 234

    I believe this song would’ve been so good in the divisions survival mode trailer

  51. Andrea Bartolai


  52. Silver Jim

    The Last Of Us Part 2 brought me here ❤️

  53. Meister

    Alguien más por el tráiler de dinastías?

  54. Κωσταντίνος Καλαντζής

    I came from a clip from the last of us 2 xd.

  55. RBK

    The last of us 2 😍

  56. GEIMZz

    Waiting for "STOP ALL THE PAIN" but it's never arriving lol

  57. Jack anundra

    dont forget the gears 5 trailer

  58. Jack anundra

    she is like a clone of billie eilish

  59. Julissa Guartasaca

    Es super fantastico!!!

  60. Salma Tashildar

    13 reasons why got me here☺

Game of Survival Şarkı Sözü
Who's in the shadows?
Who's ready to play?
Are we the hunters?
Or are we the prey?
There's no surrender
And there's no escape
Are we the hunters?
Or are we the prey?
This is a wild game of survival
This is a wild game of survival
This is a wild game
This is a wild game, game of survival
This is a wild game
This is a wild game, game of survival
This is a wild game of survival

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