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Ruelle - Storm

: Storm
: 4.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 294 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 278 İndirme
: 28-11-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ruelle - Storm )
  1. Three Months

    Am I the only one who didn't find this song because of Shadowhunters?

  2. Stop WHEEZING

    This sounds like war of hearts

  3. Iliana Ramirez

    I have flags that show the same image 0:01

  4. gacha galaxy

    I am Not hereFrom shadow huntersI'm from war of hearts, and I got their by Instagram edits 👌

  5. Nithya Nanthitha

    my heart just sinks when I hear this song , came from shadowhunters#saveshadowhunters

  6. nigthmarebeforegaming

    shadow hunters for the win

  7. Kabir Handsome

    I really connect to most of her songs. It even helps me to inspire for writing dark themed character/ storyline.

  8. amanecer oculto


  9. janthony's old sunglasses

    Everyone's like 'SHADOWHUNTERS OMG CLACE' like I didn't even realise this was in Shadowhunters until now, I'm literally here from a Good Omens edit

  10. jnurse24

    Am I the only one who sort of stumbled across Ruelle accidentally?

  11. Rafaela Schutz


  12. maxime djoudi

    Ni oubie .Ni excuse . we can fight for our rights .with honour . let's make peace with wars .the war will take place in the North

  13. Alejo Contreras


  14. mxrvlsns

    I am probably the only one who’s not from shadowhunters xD

  15. Nazar Maksymchuk

    This is real good. I am not seeing it on Spotify? Is it under a different name?

  16. Sophia

    Why isn't it on Spotify ughhj

  17. Attila the Hungry

    Eurosport brought me here, Ruelle made me stay

  18. Sandra Menegusso

    Forever shadowhunters 💞

  19. Ermis Papadimitriou

    I watched the show first, then after I finished season 1 discovered the books, so I just read the books then continued with the rest of the show. When clary and jace had their first kiss in the greenhouse this song automatically played in my head

  20. Lea Birman

    Clace first time😍😍😍😍 #shadowhunters #clace

  21. Ryan O’Donnell

    That Clace first kiss was amazing 😭♥️

  22. Lara Schwarzenbeger

    Im from shadowhunter but in 2019 😂

  23. Mouloud00 el

    Hey does anyone know what the name of the book after the city of bones is?

  24. Marianna Ray

    I’m in love with this song reminds me the moment that clary reconise jace (sorry for possibly mastaches but I’m italian)

  25. diamondintherough

    go subscribe to my channel need more subs

  26. Lisa Poindexter

    Love this

  27. Minelly Natalia Vieira De Sousa Natalia

    Lindo demais 😍😍😍😍😍

  28. Little Person

    Everyone else in the comments: i came here from shadoehuntersMe: i came here from a comic lol

  29. Azulethewolf 2

    Why do shadowhunters use like all her songs

  30. Nare C

    Ruelle is Amazing😍

  31. Marja's Vlogs

    is this song on Spotify?

  32. donnajoyes

    why can't i find this song on spotify?

  33. Monica Stockhill

    I love this song so much like you have no idea . I want to add it to my playlist on Deezer but I can't find it. Anyone know why?? If you know how to get it on Deezer plz let me know

  34. Larissa game

    I love this song♥️😍

  35. Elena

    CLACE ❤Like if you ship them

  36. ilham lovely

    #clace claceeeee😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨

  37. Rachel


  38. Chloe

    Jace and Clary's first kiss man #ShadowFam

  39. A Bored Nerd

    Personally I find shadowhunters incredibly frustrating and a complete disaster but I just can’t stop watching it. As a fan of the books it did suck to watch them tear Cassie’s story apart and create a mess. However, I respect people who love the show, like I said I can’t stop watching it despite my frustration towards it. I’ll give the show one thing. They have incredible taste in music.Forgot to add the fact that I actually don’t really like clace. I’m sorry. I know people are going to be incredibly annoyed for that but I feel like stating my opinion. I adore malec with all my heart though.Please respect my opinions. I’d love to hear whether you have read the books and whether you enjoyed the show.

  40. Klitos Kyriakou

    Wow More please!!! 😀

  41. Jillian Ponziani

    I probably threw my relationship with my boyfriend away. I don’t know what to do anymore. We have been together for only 6 months but I don’t care. He’s my first real love. This is currently helping me. I’m sitting in my room crying and thinking about this. I legit don’t know what to do. I don’t expect anybody to help me.

  42. Kennzy Dillan

    Ruelle brought me here!

  43. Neko Dakara

    Everyone is saying that Shadowhunters brought them here. I'm saying that Klance's dirty laundry brought me here if you know what I'm saying

  44. Lenna P


  45. ShadowhunterWarlock

    This scene literally had me screaming, the chemistry between the two is so outstanding. Words honestly cannot explain how much I ship those two 😍😭♥️ who saw the new episode and who sobbed?

  46. Maria Clara Oliveira

    My not abla inglês, and I love Shadow Hunters!

  47. bridgette balaba

    Damn... Hearing ds song makes me wanna watch episode 1x7 again and again and again. Ohhhh Clace...😬❤️

  48. Hilda

    Me to my cat.

  49. CelesteXD

    I used to love the show before read the books But then i read the books... and my whole life have changeThey changed a lot of incredible things from the books and i know that is just an adaptation but in my opnion the show doesnt make justice to the books But it doesnt mean that the show is bad, but i think that if the story was most like the books they didnt have to cancelate the show because we would have the amazing shadowhunters wolrd that i have loved in the booksIs just my opinion ok😂

  50. hely

    Ruelle songs make me feel alive

  51. alex love

    Perfect ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍

  52. Lea khf

    Almost two years and i still listen to it🤤❤

  53. Sophie Sabit

    Can I just say that I love this song. It is one of the songs that makes you tingly and all happy inside. Thank you Ruelle, for this beautiful music you have given us. xx

  54. ShadowhunterWarlock

    I got goosebumps and I actually almost passed out when they kissed 😂

  55. Erin MacBeth

    Shadow hunters is awesome. Still have this song stuck in my head. Anyone else waiting for the next season?

  56. Vicky Gan

    Clary is back at the Institute..."Well, like I told you the first time we met, you have the Sight. You're a Shadowhunter just like the rest of us" - Jace*Clary and Jace kiss, Alec and Izzy walk away* #ClaceFirstKiss

  57. zulema perez

    I love this song the kiss was beautiful

  58. Claire Humes


  59. Dd brown

    When they kissed man...that was what made me love them even more and this song was what tied it together😍😍😍😍😍😍😍#clace

  60. Eva Antonova

    is this song on spotify? I love it!

Storm Şarkı Sözü
I am caught off-guard by you
Like a wave I pulled into
It's a feeling I can't fight
Like a wildfire, deep inside

You're taking my heart, by storm
I'm lost in your love, lost in your love
I can't hold back anymore
I'm lost in your love, lost in your love
You're taking my heart, by storm
You're taking my heart
You're taking my heart, by storm
You're taking my heart

I am torn apart by you
It's a spell I can't undo
Oh, I can't escape it now
I'm into deep to get out

You're taking my heart, by storm
I'm lost in your love, lost in your love
I can't hold back anymore
I'm lost in your love, lost in your love
You're taking my heart, by storm
You're taking my heart
You're taking my heart, by storm
You're taking my heart

You're taking my heart, by storm
I'm lost in your love, lost in your love
I can't hold back anymore
I'm lost in your love, lost in your love
You're taking my heart, by storm
You're taking my heart
You're taking my heart, by storm
You're taking my heart

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