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Pink Floyd - Marooned

: Marooned
: 4.96 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 84 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 18-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Pink Floyd - Marooned )
  1. Jefferson Suaza


  2. Ana Gabriela Nasser

    I cry every time, when I hear this music! This video is absolutely wonderful and I’m go deep into my soul

  3. Ana Revilla Fernandez

    Los Amo. Soy súper sensible a su música.

  4. FUnrealStudios

    4:11 just awesome!!

  5. Thiago Neo

    Can anyone tell where this was filmed?

    quba Ber

    Prypec, ukraine

    Thiago Neo

    @quba Ber Tks!

  6. Boa Ideia

    i think the satelite isn't movinng across the Earth but the Earth itself is spinning

  7. Felix Siamese

    I listened to this the first time I got high. It was beautiful :')

  8. Federico Velez

    who is the old running man ?


    Roger waters

  9. Nish

    one of the few things that can make you high without any chemicals (weed or similar shit)... Feels different when feeling ill. Feels different when sad. Feels different when happy. Feels different when feeling nothing! No wonder it takes you to another dimension every time you listen to it...

  10. Scottie Ulon

    Part of a 20 minute mini movie blu ray included on the special Division bell release

  11. GrandAdmiralGamez

    genie.avi brought me back here.

  12. Ulysses N.

    October 2019! Still magic and will remain forever. Greetings from Italy!


    Io ascolto i Pink Floyd da anni e anni ogni giorno. Danno il ritmo alla mia giornata. Eppure non mi stanco mai di sentirli, i migliori di sempre!

  13. Mariia Gerasymova

    this music is so perfect and eternal yet it touches your heart gently... radiation is almost eternal as well and it does not touch gently. Hi from Ukraine to all people of the world who listen to this and remember Chernobyl. Let us do not let those stupid people at the top of systems destroy this world. Because its our world.

  14. Flying V Martin

    What a beautiful "Into The Aurora" song.

  15. Sterling Nazario

    Definitely some detective music

  16. cookaboorra

    The consciousness of those who were responsible for that forever haunting that wonderful, destroyed place

  17. Bryn Barrick

    If there was a "god" it whould be called pink floyd stoned or sober.......

  18. Nicolas Sanchez Diez

    Who came to this video, because C de ciencia? / ¿Quién vino a este video por C de ciencia?

  19. T1000jts Android

    Очень красивый инструментал..........

  20. arthasproVEVO

    Billions of Planet 🌏 and we got the One with Pink Floyd

  21. Steve Smith

    I can only Like this once but I Love it so much.

  22. Linus de Vries

    Never simulate a power failure in a nuclear power plant if you do not understand the big picture

    Remote Broadcast

    Linus de Vries Teller was a terrorizer

  23. Micaela Soressi

    Both music and video are something literally out of this world - they never fail to bring tears to my eyes

  24. baramuchiful

    This video made my cry

  25. Qcoosa

    el interludio interestelar :3

    Vicente Yanez

    Es una obra maestra esto😍

  26. mwsc

    Someone running through Exclusion Zone. May be he ate some mushroom..

  27. Mr. Squidward


  28. Arunjyoti Banik

    That only song which can give you literal goosebumps when you hear it with your eyes closed even after you're high AF.

  29. HG L7

    I heard this song when I was 15, when I was going to painful times. Now, I'm 33 look back on experiences and I'm much happier.

  30. James Carlson

    Wicked video!!!! Feels just like im there!

  31. dragpag sh

    Best of from the album

  32. Gopika Krishnan

    20th October.

  33. ToxicMuttGaming's#1fan


  34. Александр Кролик

    Леонов писал картины..

  35. Saurav kumar

    03:14 pubg school

  36. Philip Camilleri

    love it....

  37. Tihomir Blažević

    I cried watching this...

  38. Yolanda Carias

    Este rolon si me hace volar !!!

  39. Rene Piepenburg

    This is us. The Pinnacle of creation. Homo sapiens, modern man. Unbelievable creative and utterly destructive at same time!

  40. Carl Y

    "David Gilmour can say more with one note than most people can say with the entire fret board" Dave Mustaine - Megadeth

  41. Alessandro Picasso

    A cada vez que ouvo pink minha alma viaja beleza

  42. Amadeo Sanz


  43. Al Bundy

    This is the music i would love to hear on my deathbed.

  44. Ray Gabrelcik

    Yeah, I listened to Pink Floyd--a LOT--when I was younger, and like with ALL the "Big name" groups, I/we pretty much put-em' on a PEDESTAL--we WORSHIPED them in a sense. Well, I never really paid THAT much attention to the lyrics at the time, but later, I caught a glimpse of what they were "preaching," yes, PREACHING! I SAY that because they were basically--number ONE--denying religion, and TWO, their songs seemed to "ECHOE" a familiar "tone." They talked of life as if it was nothing more than some haphazard, unfortunate event that we are thrown into, through no design, or desire of our own; that we just have to try to "make the MOST of it," and then...DIE! Very SAD philosophy they preached. Yeah, GREAT GROUP, but they know NOT as much as fans ASSUMED they did; they were, after all--just a PSYCHEDELIC ROCK band. And they have never apologized for THEIR part in participating in the "DRUG-CULTURE." Yeah, great band, but did they REALLY help the young people?

  45. Ullie

    One of the all time best songs from Pink Floyd, and one of the best songs from the Post-Waters Era imo

  46. Bakir Messaoud

    This is the majic of David Gilmour.. With one note he sends you to the space.. No need to play fast.. Just play with feeling

  47. Mt Krt

    Thank you. Beautiful 🖤🖤🖤🇮🇱🇮🇱🌎🌎🌎🇺🇸🇺🇸💋💋💋✈✈✈✈🛩🛩🛩

  48. Diego Mart

    Big Lie. The Earth Is Flat

    alan Patrick

    Right. Just keep walking until you fall off the edge

  49. Lucas Almeida

    Essa música não deveria nem ser comentada. só, escutada!

  50. mika

    Who needs a roger waters when this exists

  51. Julio Casanova

    La secuencia donde se muestra la picina olimpica con su cronometro en el antes y despues de la muerte se ese lugar dando muestra de la capacidad de la estupides humana. Estupides en forma de negligencia

  52. Gonzalo Araujo

    If I ever going to save the earth from a giant asteroid this will be my soundtrack.

  53. Seanus32

    Back in the day, it truly tapped me into the depths of my soul. Kinda still does :)

  54. - Meistrovich

    This song.. but also this clip is so brilliant, the mindset of the composer is so flawless..awesome.. just cannot find the right word. Thank you!!

  55. that one guy

    This comment section is extremely cancerous

  56. Claudionor Dionorclau

    So reliquia cara! 😎👍👊

  57. Claudionor Dionorclau

    So reliquia cara! 😎👍👊

  58. Irwin Bruno

    ... wao

  59. Marcos Elosegui

    God playing the guitar.

  60. Vito Panzella

    Questo video mi fa venire i brividi. Che spettacolo ❤️

  61. ParanorMadnesS

    Amo Pink Floyd! Gracias por la música!

  62. Pablo Gonçalves

  63. bilal siddiqui

    This deserves the best lyrics award

  64. Nancy Bean


  65. TiTi GroKKaNN

    Magnifique, une de mes préférées

  66. Buch Ilya

    Dyatlov's phantom

  67. VinchVolt

    What I'd like to know is how the guys behind this music video got someone to spend that much time in Pripyat unprotected.

  68. Tiago Belizario

    Since I´d play this song, I´d ever think how would about is a video to try mind the mix of emotions that It happens to me while this song plays.... This video above is the most closely as possible! Thanks and SHINE!

  69. Steve Page

    This song and video always gives me goosebumps

  70. Spice Cat

    Amazing ! PERFECT ! VERRY NICE ! Thanks a lot !🌹😉🙏🤘

  71. Игорь Украина

    Да, страшно смотреть на на остатки когда то цветущего города Чернобыль.


    Всегда любил разную хорошуюмузыку: bjork, radiohead, пепперсов, в разное время разное, Марка Нопфлера итд. Пинк Флойд естественно. Со временем все надоело, переслушиваю очень редко.Но Пинк Флойд, как железный остов после пожара -- все сгорело и превратилось впепел, а ПФ стоит так же высоко и гордо. Только Пинк Флойд в любое время сутокникогда не напрягает. Читал комментарий где-то, что если высший разум посетитземлю и обратится к человечеству, то первое, что люди должны дать в своеоправдание -- это музыку ПФ. Это в точку. Музыка ПФ - это больше, чем музыка,это больше чем тупой фанатизм к группе, это не секта, это в чистом видесовесть, разум, душа человека. Я даже участников группы воспринимаю больше, кактрансляторов. Меня никогда не интересовали их конфликты, я не принимал ничьюсторону, никогда не интересовал их внешний вид. Они просто передали миру то, чтоим послали свыше.Абсолютносогласен, что мерить "самая любимая группа" - это глупо (хм,каламбур), но вот Пинков я бы вообще не сравнивал ни с кем, потому что для меняони за рамками, это то, что вряд ли можно объяснить. Необъяснимое волшебство...

  73. Stu Ted

    CuleroS los ke dan no me gusta!!! pendejos no saben nada de arte

  74. Julio López Man

    👏👏👏👏 😉👍

  75. Manny Wilde Gibbons

    Anyone notice that the guitar mimics the cries of seagulls? I listen to Division Bell whenever I fly long distance, marooned in a cramped seat between two realities. Gilmour and Wright are my go-to medicine for sleep deprivation and detachment. It only took a flight from Toronto to Tokyo to finally hear the seagulls.

  76. Justin Franks

    should have made this the menu theme for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat

  77. Developer 9

    "One more Pink Floyd song"The biggest lie I've ever told myself.

    Kristin G.

    That's literally been me for the past 3 or so hours!!


    I've been stuck playing album after album for 3 years straight without stopping, help , HELP!

  78. 007Dufour007

    hello friends 💗"music is life " page🦊https: // /First place in the world “no profit “ in the sharing of "Music"🌈🎸🎤🎧🎵❤️and in the movies📽️ …

  79. Frangel la Bionda Docampo

    I never liked Pink Floyd,  pretencious, boring.… Basically that.

    Remote Broadcast

    Frangel la Bionda Docampo what do you like?

    Frangel la Bionda Docampo

    Remote Broadcast. Other things.

  80. 江州崇行

    So good

  81. Luke Bradford

    This song, nay experience, is the most beautiful of all time. Nothing can come close to it, Gilmour's guitar work makes quite sure of that.

  82. Trinity Davis

    I love this band because it's so deep, and it makes me...calm I just wish that more people would like the good bands instead of this new "billie ellish" and all that stuff these bands actually have a meaning and are just....awesome, lots of younger people won't get this but I'm only 9 and I get it, but have a great day :)

    that one guy

    Shut up

  83. Kayla Harrison

    Best guitarist ever ❤❤

  84. FZMello

    The feels...

  85. Rus Rydiy

    Пинк Флойд это что то . Как слушаю это нирвана

  86. Milmend

    Es magia.

  87. Mark M.

    When you feel like a failure you crank this up.

    Masterpiece Conspiracy

    No When We Think Marks Mothers Pussy Smells Like Dog Shit... Thats When We Crank It... Pussy Pig...

    Mark M.

    @Masterpiece Conspiracy 🤡 I am not talking about sex I was talking about loneliness and mental health related issues you god damn fool.


    Commarde Diatlov had it worst.

    Mark M.

    @mistercrowly86 true fun fact my dad is Ukrainian and he witnessed Chernobyl miles away.

    Kartik Mann

    Also Wearing the Inside Out off the Division Bell. Peace and love brother.

  88. N Dines

    I listened to this album everyday for the past 6 months. It’s now a part of me.


    You must sometimes listening this song. Of course definenlity very succesfull but really soo wrong

  89. JO B B

    Hello WORD!

  90. Dale Dalesson

    not bad

  91. Claus Damsgaard

    One half of anything is always only a half. No help in over-analyzing and an instrumental song...

  92. gayle jensen

    WOW, i did not know this amazing song by guitar god Gilmour had an amazing video to watch at the same time, double treat!!!

  93. Neil Duffy

    i remeber listing to this in 1979

  94. Dalmo Hernandes

    this is the most perfect video ever created. 105% approved

  95. Marijn van Riet

    This song says so much without any words

  96. Dark Star King

    Gilmour the type of guy to sing using a guitar.

  97. AlanOwen Spence

    What beautiful imagery! Thank you so much. It's all out of this world.

  98. sergeuskas82


  99. C White301

    Maybe one of David's best pieces ever. How one man can squeeze that kind of emotion out of strings on a piece of wood is truly incredible. The collaboration between David and Rick makes this a masterpiece of epic proportions. This is what makes The Floyd a truly incomparable band. No one else even comes close.

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