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Pearl Jam - Black

: Black
: 5.13 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 69 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 09-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Pearl Jam - Black )
  1. 607roger

    Love pearl Jam this is when music was made from internal emotions....... not by todays standards i write a song some one sings it, It Means Nothing


    2019, algum brasileiro, se sim deixa teu like maxo(a)

  3. Music

    Stunning xxx

  4. Carrie Harrison

    When he gets aggravated at himself for messing up... it's ok boo!! 👌

  5. Joseph Blanchard

    *Anyone else noticed that the amps aren't even plugged in??* *The song/performance still sounds good though, regardless.*

  6. ShonColle

    I love singers who sound just like they do on the CD

  7. Rob Maclennan

    Still not much comes close to how stunning this is.

  8. William Oliveira

    1:37 the look when you fuck up the verse but have too keep up because your vocals are flawless

  9. Carlos Garcia

    This song is amazing and also reminds me to my ex-girlfriend

  10. missmaroon44

    Jackie Kluth ❤️

  11. missmaroon44


  12. Have-an-OK

    Listening to this after a bad breakup, it’ll speak to you in a way that nobody on earth can.

  13. Dale Upton

    Eddie destroyed me on this song the goosebumps i had was weirdest ive ever had dam i believed everything he said.

  14. gerb711

    "Black" (live) matters

  15. chris loftus

    As of november 2019, 1300 people disliked this?! 1300 people? What on earth is happening in your life when you'd watch this and actively dislike it.......?!

  16. Jt’s GST

    This song gives me goosebumps now that I know what it means

  17. Galih Gori

    Wow.. 1.3K Bieber fans watch this video.

  18. Ruthie R

    Watching these unplugged performances make me so emotional. So much heart. I love it.

  19. Jimmy Smith SR OUTLAW

    Rock on. ROCK ON.

  20. clintk57

    To deryk noyeahhnoyeahhnoo

  21. Patricia Cristhine

    Essa musica dói, venho sempre aqui quando quero sofrer um pouco mais 💔

    M G

    Patricia Cristhine yo también

  22. jack greenway

    I have tried and tried and tried but fuck me Eddie just sounds like he is in pain the whole time, then has a weird stroke, this is probably the worst MTV unplugged.

    Rhodri Meredith

    I think you mean the best by far mate

  23. Wanderson Lemos

    Quem ficou curioso é veio pelo meme do zangado

  24. Grant Daniell - Solo Performer


  25. seastar 421

    He is just so damn yummy

  26. samuel b

    what venue was this in ?

  27. Smashedpotatoe

    We all have that someone to think about while aching and remembering when this song is played

  28. Alejandro Castillo

    Who's on there way to 2020, still listening to this?✌👏👏

  29. Fernando Guido Blaya Olivares

    Cuando perdimos la musica , amigos , esto ya no se escucha , es nuestra generation perdida , 700000chilenis que no saben como defenderse

    Edilberto Martinez

    jamas se perdera....sonara hasta morirnos..entonces si solo dis sabra

  30. Maria Rosario Pangilinan


  31. Gustavo

    I love pearl jam

  32. K posada


  33. imtiaz alam

    Burrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhh this is superbbbbb!

  34. polaco vida loca

    Brasil 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  35. Lucero Serrano

    No hay nada más doloroso que te dediquen esa canción...y no poder regresar el tiempo 😭

  36. Joey Matthews

    This song will always hold a special place within me, beautiful performance.

  37. Jesus Lopez

    OMG 😲😍😌

  38. Ivo Espinoza

    Y pensar que cuando escucho esta canción 🎶 sigue enamorandome más y más cada día 🥺😍

  39. christy hackney

    1992 Eddie...gottttt damn! 100% my vision of Male perfection

  40. Soy Milio Músico


  41. Jamie Houk

    Just a really cute guy with a social conscience and great music. WOW what more could you want?

  42. Massena

    Minha preferida. Desde 2007


    Pretendo voltar após alguns anos e manter minha paixão nessa musc!

  43. Scott Owens

    I guess you can say I was just such a fan of all those bands , that I thought , and still think, all their unplugged performances were great. Including STP's which gets left out. Now , it wasn't an MTV Unplugged show, but Seether's One Cold Night acoustic show , and Cornell's Songbook and Unplugged In Sweden are great show's as well.

  44. Gisselle S

    that soul and passion missing so much in today's so called music.

  45. Elmas Nasıl Bulunur this link was the first among the videos of our video OUR MOMENTS OF FINDING DIAMONDS KIMBERLITE DEPOSITS DIAMONDS INSIDE VOLCANIC ROCKS To Find Diamonds Diamanten Zu Finden Come Trovare Diamanti Wéi Diamanten Ze Fannen Man Hittar Diamanter Encontrar Diamantes

  46. Ellen Gonçalves

    música muito boa aff

  47. gabriel Cardozo

    Como é bom ouvir essa música, que voz.



  49. beatrice edits

    i wish i could write like eddie

  50. Dawn Gentry

    And now my bitter broken ofnehatvwas Evey things

  51. Dawn Gentry

    Jayden guitar center best new taken care of the kids 😍😊

  52. Dawn Gentry

    Aaron maidens Brian is going well for you and your family a very happy birthday

  53. u no moo

    Nirvana were cunt swabs.

  54. PelicanBay1971

    best unplugged ever, and I'm not just saying that because I was backstage workin my ass off ;)

  55. Michael Kinsey

    Those too doo doo too doo doo's... I felt that 😭

  56. Sea Bass

    I like music.

  57. Dreamweaver _

    Thank you very much for this beautiful song,Pearl Jam. I am now going through breakup in my relationship,and magnificent voice of Eddie Vedder helps me to feel better.Hope I will cope with it.

    Samuel Ramos

    I hope youre vedder now

  58. Kenneth Jones

    This is dedicated to you. You know who you are ..........

    brother man

    Love my mom unconditionally.

  59. Goldenfeather

    Love pearl jam


    God bless AMERICA...

  60. ll_Ænema_ll

    I need to see the CEO of whoever the fuck hurt this man

  61. Juliana Jujuu

    Amoooo alguém escutando. 2019

  62. Daygles Figueiredo

    Pearl jam hoje amanhã é sempre 2019

  63. Ray Smith

    This song is still better than making love- 2019

    Pjotr Becker

    True my friend

    01 Waldgeist


    Mark ptz

    Imagine making love and listening to this

  64. Dikkim Rai

    What a drummer

  65. Guido Carapellucci

    To this day, one of the best televised live performances EVER!

  66. Finding Kate

    One of my favourite songs ever. 🖤 Would love it if you checked out my version of 'Black', I'm a huge Pearl Jam fan and I'm trying to get my music out to as many people as possible... If anyone sees this and wants to hear a piano/vocal version of this, click here. Love Eddie Vedder forever and ever and ever.

  67. Danfuerth Gillis

    2019 MTV live musicMTV - Woked 😂

  68. Paulie Ct

    To downvote this a some kind of crime against humamaity, what could you possibly not like??? The emotion is sick.

  69. Daiz Camacho

    Amazing song

  70. 24/7DotAChannel

    I remember when i was 15 i hated these type of songs because i thought it was stupid. Then life happened and after 10 years. I sit in an empty house near fire listening to this enjoying every second. Full of emotion pain misery sorrow grief yet HOPE. Its so understandable now.

  71. Alejandro Fernández

    Dave is the best PJ drummer, period.

  72. Thaissa Martins

    fui fã da Banda pearl jam black adoro essa música

  73. PackManDan35

    Eddie kills it live!!!

  74. Uluç Çon

    bu şarkıya o 1,2b disslike atan orospu çocukları ananızı sikim sizin neden ya neden senin de gırtlağını sikiyim ya

  75. Clara Praxedes

    Flawless theatrical performance. He literally acts in the song. Thanks, Eddie, for the best performance of MTV Unplugged!

  76. Jorge Mendoza Casana

    Para cuando 1080 :(

  77. GARGOYL330

    Nope. Fucked up the lyrics too soon.

  78. Scott Hatfield

    Flipp'n Amazing!

  79. kalebpost20

    He’s got Hetfield’s ferocity and Plant’s melodic passion. A beautiful mix. I’d take peak Vedder over most anyone as my lead in a hard rock band.

  80. Manu-Camus

    One the most important performances ever!

  81. Natasha Marvila

    Nunca vou me enjoar dessa música! Que maravilhosa ❤️

  82. Carl Devonport

    It’s not perfect or polished but it his something that can’t be explained

  83. David Dealmeida

    Eddie Vedder is #God

  84. Jacques Labuschagne

    Man this is a banger jam

  85. Osvaldo Pardo Sánchez


  86. O Gostoso Micael

    2020? Brasil?


    a lot of Brazilians love Pearl Jam

  87. Toby Shew

    He messed up, he didnt say "she gave me all she wore" in the first verse. Still my favorite band, then Third Day!

  88. MikeOnAMic

    Anyone still listening in 2120?

    Ollie Hussey

    MikeOnAMic yeah, can't wait for brexit next month

  89. eva Cebulski

    blijft top

  90. Evert HOTSjEeeh

    Holy shit this song grabs me by the soul every time specialy this live version from 3:51 ik can't hold my tears any longer

  91. Roberto A

    Canção eterna! Obrigado PJ 🤟🇧🇷👍

  92. Evol Betty

    You can tell this song means a lot to Eddie. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  93. Ribatejaaleez

    Just remember guys... this generation is ending... we are the last ones to have the chance to see some of this amazing musics live! just enjoy while you can.. when Eddie die it will be just Ariana grande shit all of that crap so... after we die our children can only see it in videos, this is crazy sad!!

  94. Montezuma X of the best songs ever.....

  95. Henry Windsor Rurikovich

    We rocked and we rock , deep song with great values of life throwback 💓 and memories 🔥 ( fans support)

  96. Leo


  97. Dannyb 68w

    No bullshit I've been here every morning for the last 2 weeks for this performance and honestly it has gave me a new found respect for the Eddy and his passion.

    Shooby Doo

    It's so beautiful his voice.. love it

Black Şarkı Sözü
Hey, hey, yeah, uh
Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did
All five horizons revolved around her soul as the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn, ooh
And all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything
Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black
Tattooed everything
I take a walk outside, I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear
Oh and twisted thoughts that spin 'round my head
I'm spinning, oh I'm spinning, how quick the sun can drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures have all been washed in black
Tattooed everything
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be yeah
Oh oh ooh
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, oh can't it be mine?
Ooh, ah yeah, ah ooh
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo
Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo, ooh ooh ooh

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