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Nirvana - In Bloom

In Bloom
: In Bloom
: 4.57 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 227 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 183 İndirme
: 07-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Nirvana - In Bloom )
  1. prizzzma

    Thr is so much beatles vibes in nirvana music, its like a prefect blend of sonic youth and th beatles but with a lot of cobain personality.

  2. María Dolores

    Les presentamos a los sustitutos de los payasos de la tele.Deberían montar un circo, seguro que se forrarian.Mejor un teatro ambulante como el de Manolita Chen.

  3. IdonotknowwhyyoutubeletsyouhavealongnamebutthisislitsoiamusingitandmynameisLenny

    Anyone here from the Lapfox/Halley Labs album Full Techno Jacka**?

  4. Niki K98

    This suits Dave 😂

  5. dmitriy savelyuk

    Прости Курт ! Мы все просрали

  6. Ava Madison

    ew they showerd

  7. Martin joffre

    90s puros😎

  8. Mecka

    never gets old

  9. MIB

    Калинкин ?

  10. Youtube OG Since 06'

    This song describes all kids born after 2000 who listen to music (garbage hiphop garbage everything) always have their eyes looking down at mini-computers. Not paying attention to whats REALLY going on. Damn shame.

  11. royce12ful

    I hope you all know this is a parody of Buddy Holly. NOT The Beatles.

  12. Nick Shannon

    Love the buddy holly look on kurt classic

  13. Boss Killa

    I like how the video has us looking through the television screen....never noticed it until now

  14. Melanie Martin

    I'm singing along....

  15. PISTOS

    I’m getting tired of being in a shell..

  16. Tony Casimiro

    Kurt looks like his dad here

  17. Niko 494

    The drummer looks like foo fighters vocalist


    Niko 494 im scared to actually say anything cause i might get whooshed.

  18. Shooting_Star78


  19. edwin alexander verdugo rincon

    No sabia que John Lennon fuera tan guapo uwu

  20. Artem Yutg

    Ну это бомба !;)

  21. Aimee Thomson

    Full circle man on the bus

    Aimee Thomson

    ...thanks bus driver

  22. Aimee Thomson

    I know who

  23. Nyonyo Reservoir

    Is Dave do the Purdie Shuffle?

  24. A Weird Mango

    Dave with his gum in the back

  25. Daniel Morrissey

    i can honestly say the stupid dumbass idot who introduces the band don't know exactly how to say the name of the band here is NIVANNA. hell no its prnounced #NIRVANA.

  26. Lowelife

    TFW the show's host butchers your band's name harder than a barista at starbucks

  27. el gato pelotudo

    :v ermoso

  28. Some Boi

    I can barely hear anything because of the screaming

  29. Aubrey Lion Swings

    20 years ago I met Doug Llewelyn and talked to him for 15 minutes. At the time I had no idea he did this. I regret not being able to talk to him about this.

  30. Mr. ENGlishJELLo

    Beatles Ed Sullivan TV show rip off music video!

  31. MorningThief83

    i am zero years old today when i found out that Dave Grohl was using a jazz grip in this video...

  32. Whatever Animations

    Garage band, anyone??

  33. Luke B

    Is that Rivers Cuomo?

  34. Miguel Alejandro Armoa


  35. AmazingKittycake 11

    Why dose Kurt look hella like Adam conover from Adam ruins everything

    AmazingKittycake 11

    No offense / I love you Kurt R.I.P 🖤 grunge will never die

  36. Natural Selection

    Weezer x Nirvana

  37. Isaac jafet Ortega martinez


  38. Greg M

    Was this Rivers Cuomo's first band?

  39. Sun

    I'm just now realizing that Dave Grohl does vocals for this song and oh boy, I gotta say that his voice really blends in well with Kurt's!

  40. Max Bostelman

    sellll the kiddddddsssss for foooooood

  41. Seth Frazer

    Here they are . . . nirVANa!

  42. 中嶋ままし


  43. Eisa Al HIJJI


  44. Nicola Doicev

    This song somehow relates to the music, produced nowadays: people don't understand the lyrics, and they all sing along like fucking idiots!.... But, fortunately, this wasn't the case with Nirvana.

  45. The Lonliest Monk

    Still the best shit ever!

  46. Jo Jo


  47. Coffee GAMING network

    Person:I got the jobMom:cool what is itPerson:I get to dress up as a 50s background character and scream the entire time well reacting to music


    I am 100% sure that is old footage from a real 50s TV show. That's the whole point of the video.

  48. theSWUEY '

    Panini 😭😭😭😍😎

  49. drew_ onfire

    I like how it’s film from someone filming it by watching it on a tv screenEdit: I don’t know how to put it


    I understand what you mean; I think its cool too

  50. Александер Александер


  51. DPM

    Last time I listened this song, Krist Noveslic still had hair and Dave Grohl was still skinny.

  52. Xiomorrah Hogan

    Aw Kurt Looked So Adorable In His Glasses I Just Wish He Was Still Alive

  53. luan silva

    Gooood yeahaaaaaaa here go!!


    iM HIGH right now, this still a fkin fkin song today

  55. SubZebo 149

    R.I.P curt cobain we miss you

  56. Harry Brown

    This is a take on Buddy Holly on the Ed Sullivan show isn't it ? I'm a big buddy Holly fan too. Nirvana changed everything.

  57. THE GHOST 666

    Quien lo ubiera pensado de Kurt ... Todo formal que se miraba v: Y como murió v:

    Erik Brainin

    por fim alguien español

    THE GHOST 666

    @Erik Brainin ya avía comentado hace unos meses 0:

    Lordarker Darker

    JAJA y eso que no has visto a marilyn manson formal

  58. M Connery

    I never saw the video for bloom.thats truly strange..

  59. Robert Messner

    Those boys are just won day full!

  60. FoxyGhoul

    Muito foda

  61. Lianzuala Hrahsel

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kurt Cobain is on 🔥

  62. Areeb Siddiqui

    bro panini sampled this song

  63. Webbit2019

    This has a "Back to the Future" feel.. Seems like these guys had fun playing their characters...LOL

    Goggle products

    did you know that temple set is the same set MJ had on his Dangerous album cover and the stones had on satan's majesty? Complete with hanging planets, men in drag and animal print. this band isnt real at all ; ) they were/are here for mind control whether you want to wake up to it or not. Everything about them was staged to be a story with occult meaning behind it. Another completely stolen idea was the set of HSB which was taken directly from the 1940s show Uncle toms cabin. That too had men in drag, the exact same cross from HSB and a fake field of poppies. Its actually scary once you catch on. Corky love is a drag man who had vocal surgery to make him sound like a lady. And there is no video footage available of him pregnant cause men don't get pregnant through ass sex. I know, Its tough to hear but you're hero is a zero only placed infant of you and given a great story in order to hijack our minds and lower our morals for years and years, if not lifetimes. Did you know the baphomets uterus is known as the "lake of fire". What are the chances. What about all the bands this fake singer happened to love?? All transgender/homosexual names or women or death innuendos. All of them. The meat puppets, the butthole surfers, the breeders, Mudhoney (the stuff ass sex makes), dickless, the Buzzcocks, Scratch acid even had a cover with a drawn man with his broken dick a foot in front of him. What about the fact this band began and ended with a converse star? it was the very first thing we saw in the TS video, before the band and its done so well, I didnt realize it was product placement for 30years. But its the only visible logo in the entire video and our last moment with this tool, happens to have another converse star in there. Again the only visible logo in the entire image. Who owns Converse you ask? Nike. Their swoosh represents the ring of Saturn, as Burt is a luciferian here to worship the black sun of Saturn. It is also why he says in his last song to us (for the first 15 years of his fake death), in the sun in the sun we'll be as one (gender) then married (merged) and buried (gotten rid of) ; ) Didnt see that coming did you?? He by chance is wearing an inverted 9il in the inutero album art too. The photo with him pointing out his one eye with a perfectly cropped "flipper" shirt which happens to read 9il with a little plane flying into it when "flipped". Its all about inversion in the occult. Super tramp also had a super famous album called breakfast in America which happened to have 9II over the twin towers when inverted, seen through a plane window at breakfast time. Who else was famous for doing things backwards?? What about Nasa counting backwards?? Or MJ walking backwards famously. On the Moon ; ). Its all a dream and these turds are/were and always will be here to invert and pervert everything in you're life if you let them. None of it was true. None of it. Burt didnt write any of the songs you love, made zero Art you saw and certainly has no respect for women. The entire thing was a sham and you have been swishing it down with a silly straw like warm piss on a hot day.

  64. Webbit2019

    Dave Grohl hasnt changed...HaHa

  65. Bill C

    So this is what genius looks like...

  66. claudio jaque

    Boy sub to nirvana for kurts death :( sorry Kurt but I love the bamd

  67. fóbi comentários

    sdds dos tempos do Nirvana

  68. delboy20091

    This is from 1 of the biggest selling albums of all time, not much better ...

  69. Baerto Meneguzzi

    Anyone else tripped out by this music video? Especially the last quarter

  70. Jodi Campbell

    They are thoughrouly alright

  71. Reese Edgel

    ernnie errholds ou right u jedi mooo some this an try this out... doggums atackaing song chong moo i dunno man no prolebsm rifght, ok here it comes the dogugms attacked continue to 1995 jtyhe jedi moo this to a jedi moo escasty doggums attack moo bnm, dijed iu moo doggumasd attack the other jedi moo acxtually speaking german cool wiht it. no no no theres more! really dpom i ass hole moo the doggums attack again. ok. tnothing to woerey abnout moo ui dunno and i dunno this is chill nexzt up the rest of the book,. chillin nothing to worryu about

  72. Aidan Toonen

    he looks like shrek

  73. East Coast Surfer

    Me: This new generation will never really "get"-"it".. Smh.

    easton lavery

    ok boomer

  74. Rich Mabry

    it's ALL good n da hood☔

  75. Alex

    The Beach Boys

  76. João Marcos

    Som doido da porra ❤️🇧🇷

  77. Yassine

    they are coming hold on they're coming <3 <3 i love this intro

  78. Blueriboh

    If the 50s sounded like this then the music industry would be a lot different than it is today

  79. andrea slaski

    Thx freak ok. Dont be done.

  80. andrea slaski

    Ok baby

  81. andrea slaski

    Private Events Management is here for all your event needs

  82. - Grizzly

    These guys copied lil nas x!

  83. Carlos Matos

    Kurt looks just like Rivers Cuomo in the Buddy Holly video!

    Goggle products

    did you know that temple set is the same set MJ had on his Dangerous album cover and the stones had on satan's majesty? Complete with hanging planets, men in drag and animal print. this band isnt real at all ; ) they were/are here for mind control whether you want to wake up to it or not. Everything about them was staged to be a story with occult meaning behind it. Another completely stolen idea was the set of HSB which was taken directly from the 1940s show Uncle toms cabin. That too had men in drag, the exact same cross from HSB and a fake field of poppies. Its actually scary once you catch on. Corky love is a drag man who had vocal surgery to make him sound like a lady. And there is no video footage available of him pregnant cause men don't get pregnant through ass sex. I know, Its tough to hear but you're hero is a zero only placed infant of you and given a great story in order to hijack our minds and lower our morals for years and years, if not lifetimes. Did you know the baphomets uterus is known as the "lake of fire". What are the chances. What about all the bands this fake singer happened to love?? All transgender/homosexual names or women or death innuendos. All of them. The meat puppets, the butthole surfers, the breeders, Mudhoney (the stuff ass sex makes), dickless, the Buzzcocks, Scratch acid even had a cover with a drawn man with his broken dick a foot in front of him. What about the fact this band began and ended with a converse star? it was the very first thing we saw in the TS video, before the band and its done so well, I didnt realize it was product placement for 30years. But its the only visible logo in the entire video and our last moment with this tool, happens to have another converse star in there. Again the only visible logo in the entire image. Who owns Converse you ask? Nike. Their swoosh represents the ring of Saturn, as Burt is a luciferian here to worship the black sun of Saturn. It is also why he says in his last song to us (for the first 15 years of his fake death), in the sun in the sun we'll be as one (gender) then married (merged) and buried (gotten rid of) ; ) Didnt see that coming did you?? He by chance is wearing an inverted 9il in the inutero album art too. The photo with him pointing out his one eye with a perfectly cropped "flipper" shirt which happens to read 9il with a little plane flying into it when "flipped". Its all about inversion in the occult. Super tramp also had a super famous album called breakfast in America which happened to have 9II over the twin towers when inverted, seen through a plane window at breakfast time. Who else was famous for doing things backwards?? What about Nasa counting backwards?? Or MJ walking backwards famously. On the Moon ; ). Its all a dream and these turds are/were and always will be here to invert and pervert everything in you're life if you let them. None of it was true. None of it. Burt didnt write any of the songs you love, made zero Art you saw and certainly has no respect for women. The entire thing was a sham and you have been swishing it down with a silly straw like warm piss on a hot day.

    Carlos Matos

    @Goggle products You should probably get back on your meds, and make an appt. with your psychiatrist ASAP

    Carlos Matos

    @Goggle products ..and seriously, this is a few friends from the Seattle area that formed a band, and yet somehow they are part of some gov't mind control conspiracy??? Get a fucking grip.

  84. Could ass mike Flow

    Who listening to this because of lil nas x panini

  85. Smaug SSS

    Хпхпапхах, Крист так странно дёргает головой, что бы показать наигранность и лол сразу вспоминаются Битлы которые точно так же делают, но всерьез

  86. The Kubi

    cristnov..are you there?

  87. mama goose meier

    Kurt is like:🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🤓🤓🤓🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓🙃🤓

  88. mama goose meier

    Dave is like:😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😉😉😉😉😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😎😉😉😎

  89. André Bazenga

    Dave Grohl having the time of his.

  90. shawn hapney

    Good natured smart- ass fun.

  91. David Cifuentes

    Nirvana in the Ed Sullivan Show

  92. Eisa Al HIJJI


  93. Sir Henners

    high key love Krist in this video

  94. manonbril

    Bonjour les français

  95. Mehdi Laanait

    So fucking good.

  96. Caesthoffe

    "fine young men from seattle"never heard that one before

    Goggle products

    did you know that temple set is the same set MJ had on his Dangerous album cover and the stones had on satan's majesty? Complete with hanging planets, men in drag and animal print. this band isnt real at all ; ) they were/are here for mind control whether you want to wake up to it or not. Everything about them was staged to be a story with occult meaning behind it. Another completely stolen idea was the set of HSB which was taken directly from the 1940s show Uncle toms cabin. That too had men in drag, the exact same cross from HSB and a fake field of poppies. Its actually scary once you catch on. Corky love is a drag man who had vocal surgery to make him sound like a lady. And there is no video footage available of him pregnant cause men don't get pregnant through ass sex. I know, Its tough to hear but you're hero is a zero only placed infant of you and given a great story in order to hijack our minds and lower our morals for years and years, if not lifetimes. Did you know the baphomets uterus is known as the "lake of fire". What are the chances. What about all the bands this fake singer happened to love?? All transgender/homosexual names or women or death innuendos. All of them. The meat puppets, the butthole surfers, the breeders, Mudhoney (the stuff ass sex makes), dickless, the Buzzcocks, Scratch acid even had a cover with a drawn man with his broken dick a foot in front of him. What about the fact this band began and ended with a converse star? it was the very first thing we saw in the TS video, before the band and its done so well, I didnt realize it was product placement for 30years. But its the only visible logo in the entire video and our last moment with this tool, happens to have another converse star in there. Again the only visible logo in the entire image. Who owns Converse you ask? Nike. Their swoosh represents the ring of Saturn, as Burt is a luciferian here to worship the black sun of Saturn. It is also why he says in his last song to us (for the first 15 years of his fake death), in the sun in the sun we'll be as one (gender) then married (merged) and buried (gotten rid of) ; ) Didnt see that coming did you?? He by chance is wearing an inverted 9il in the inutero album art too. The photo with him pointing out his one eye with a perfectly cropped "flipper" shirt which happens to read 9il with a little plane flying into it when "flipped". Its all about inversion in the occult. Super tramp also had a super famous album called breakfast in America which happened to have 9II over the twin towers when inverted, seen through a plane window at breakfast time. Who else was famous for doing things backwards?? What about Nasa counting backwards?? Or MJ walking backwards famously. On the Moon ; ). Its all a dream and these turds are/were and always will be here to invert and pervert everything in you're life if you let them. None of it was true. None of it. Burt didnt write any of the songs you love, made zero Art you saw and certainly has no respect for women. The entire thing was a sham and you have been swishing it down with a silly straw like warm piss on a hot day.


    @Goggle products nice

  97. Caroll Carvalho

    My first love ♥️🇧🇷

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