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Nirvana - Come As You Are

Come As You Are
: Come As You Are
: 3.44 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 405 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 368 İndirme
: 07-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Nirvana - Come As You Are )
  1. Raden Kresna

    Wish he really don't have a gun

  2. Sir. kuggeli

    Imagine driving a black dodge charger on a empty highway while the song is playing

  3. La Banana Azul

    So...he had a gun

  4. Brett Madison

    if only 90s alternative would come back, best music ever

  5. Paulo Salles

    Come spermatozoyde... waikape.

  6. I need 1000 subs.

    "No I don't have a gun" damn, it seems like he predicted his own death in this song.

  7. Tom Peckham

    Anyone else get stoned late at night while jamming to Nirvana ?

  8. Emerson Carlos Oliveira Ribeiro

    I looove this song


    Que buena música de lo mejor que escucho

  10. DC AC

    Movie about niravana would be awesome

  11. Matti Mela


  12. Jake Fry

    Somewhere between now and then music died.

  13. Space_Jam_14000 YT

    I remember when I woke to this song bc my cousin and my uncle stayed up to late blasting music for a party and I woke to this and it was mad loud I woke up lit

  14. pravstar1

    Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, as I want you to be.

  15. Greatest Ever

    Take your time, hurry up

  16. The Kakashi

    Freemason kill him, believe it me, that conspiracy illuminati

  17. ildemaromeroVB

    Gosh... I'm 22 and I wasn't even alive when Kurt already left us, and every time I heard his voice I feel that I lost a important part of my life without ever having it.

  18. Gabrielle Center

    I thought Kurt doesn't allow dogs. 😐😐😐😐

  19. SONS Of Anarchy

    This is my fucking death march

  20. oki Ox

    When Foo fighters is born...

  21. Yuottak Yuot

    i'm singing and crying

  22. maria fernandez


  23. central asia

    Xxx tentacion or Nirvana

  24. Graciela Santiago

    This is the perfect song to just get drunk nd live your life

  25. Jaden Henn


  26. Juice Scott

    "take your time, hurry up, choice is yours don't be late"

  27. Erick Reyes

    We still here kurt 🤜🤛✨🥀

  28. Mark5513 Freeman

    My all time favorite Nirvana song. The reason I bought the C.D. back in the day. Still love it to this day. HALLOWEEN 2019. 👍👍👍Anyone else listening today?😎🐶

  29. Faber Andres Jimenez Cano

    Azafrán azafran, esa no me la vi 🎶 🎶 jajaja

  30. Zica_____alex Lockhart

    Ля я наверное единственный в своей стране кто обожает гранж Привет из 2019

  31. rowlipsticks

    No one:My brain at the exam: *no I don't have a gun no I don't have a gun no I don't have a gun no I don't have a gun*

  32. Diogo Miguel

    Só quem é br da like. 👍🇧🇷

  33. özgür alkanat

    Gel Olduğun GibiGel olduğun gibi, önceden olduğun gibiOlmanı istediğim gibiArkadaş gibi, serseri gibi, eski bir düşman gibiVakit kaybetme, çabuk olSeçim senin, geç kalmaBiraz dinlen, arkadaş gibi, eski bir hatıra gibiHatıraGel, çamura bulanmış, beyazlatıcıya batmış şekildeOlmanı istediğim gibiBir moda gibi, arkadaş gibi, eski bir hatıra gibiHatıraVe yemin ederim ki silahım yokHatıraHatıra, ve silahım yokVe yemin ederim ki silahım yokHayır, silahım yokHatıra...


    Pleasee remastered thisss!

  35. Deucella

    Крышесносный клип!

  36. Brit Gilbert

    He said I swear I don’t have a gun to let us know in a quiet way that he was murdered cmon the lyrics say it all it was like he was talking to his killer and letting his fans know he would not shoot himself

  37. Rodrigo Gomez

    funny thing, actually

  38. Jose Linares

    Nirvana is one of those bands I hate to admit that I like.. I was born in 91 and been exploring from nu metal, grunge, pop punk, hardcore punk, grindcore etc.. and even tho I would like glam metal to thrive a part of me still likes nirvana.

  39. Deegan S

    who else fell asleep playing this for hours?

  40. Roseli Gonçalves

    Monstro do rock

  41. Ariel R

    " Heroes get remembered. But legends never die. "

    Sian xx

    Ariel R very true

  42. Artem TeRmInAtOr

    Come as you have a good taste of music 🎵

  43. Nairon Reis

    #ComeAsYouAreRemastered #Please

  44. Micael Igor

    Melhor ❤

  45. Diana Sanchez

    I was born in 1998 but my dad raised me with Nirvana, Metallica, Aerosmith, etc.Till this day, I am so grateful, dad!

  46. Dandy Camp

    Where would Kurt be today?

    discort support блок Страйкеры

    Я русский

  47. Roberto Santos

    Nirvana forever ❤️☹️

  48. Tommy Øien Hansen

    Someone like to help Me Out SL5 Denmark thanks a Lot.

    NOLLER Hansen

    Jer dansker bror

  49. Gabriel Candia

    I love you song

  50. Adam Dulmage

    206 PNW

  51. Senshi Gamer

    You know, I cant really say this, because I wasnt part of the grunge age, but damn, I wish I was, especially in the making of music like this, the 2000s are dope, but I lowkey wish I was born in 1989


    No I don’t have a Gun

  53. RexBlazzer099

    Captain Marvel brought me here.

  54. Rodrigo Céspedes

    I know nobody read this... Hell, you don't even know english or this songs. I miss you Nayi, with all my heart.

  55. Liam Scott18

    Nirvanas best song!

  56. Ariues_Love

    this song is so much better than smells like teen spirit

  57. João Trigueiros

    this Song has something special... so simple, so intense, god. music miss nirvana and Kurt

  58. Uelton Junior Garcia

    Brasil 2019 like aí

  59. Sgt.Pepers World of tanks

    из-за этой песни у меня кассета начала писчать.

  60. SuFrogfoot Sniper

    Wake and Bake with Nirvana every day legalize it

  61. imnotmakingvideosrry

    dude this drew me in more than smells like teen spirit

  62. Paulo Junior

    Outro CLÁSSICO!🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  63. Dorkis Morkis

    I just see the sperm and I’m like wtf is this video

  64. Long Live The King

  65. The broken outlaw

    It’s late at night and my arms are killing me form playing the air bass guitar and I don’t care it’s a late night Nirvana kind of night


    Azafrán, azafrán, esa no me la vi...

  67. Josi Paiva

    Alguem em 2019😎🎶🎸🎧😆

  68. Ana Cristina

    Algum br 2019?

  69. Rene Rene

    Oct 2019 👍👍👍 this will forever be an anthem.

  70. Dennis Proctor

    The other two were jealous of him....probably put together cus of a record deal...more pressure on a tortured mind.

  71. Ronny Kazadi

    Come as you are, as you wereAs I want you to beAs a friend, as a friendAs an known enemyTake your time, hurry upThe choice is yours, don't be lateTake a rest as a friendAs an oldMemoria, memoriaMemoria, memoriaCome doused in mud, soaked in bleachAs I want you to beAs a trend, as a friendAs an oldMemoria, memoriaMemoria, memoriaAnd I swear that I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunMemoria, memoriaMemoria, memoria(No I don't have a gun)And I swear that I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gun

  72. Qyaan Ch

    That base line is awesome

  73. Wida Meriani

    Come as you are, as you wereAs I want you to beAs a friend, as a friendAs an known enemyTake your time, hurry upThe choice is yours, don't be lateTake a rest as a friendAs an oldMemoria, memoriaMemoria, memoriaCome doused in mud, soaked in bleachAs I want you to beAs a trend, as a friendAs an oldMemoria, memoriaMemoria, memoriaAnd I swear that I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunMemoria, memoriaMemoria, memoria(No I don't have a gun)And I swear that I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gunNo I don't have a gun

  74. ObnoxiousAgnostic

    Playing this to honor those affected by the mass shooting in Greenville today.

  75. Niki Gacha

    how much we miss you...

  76. JoeyD Gonzalez

    Rest In Paradise

  77. W e b o s

    La busque como “el azafrán el azafrán esa no me la vi” JAJAJAJ si salió Alv xd

  78. Michelle Candeira

    te amo, kurt 🖤

  79. Travis Peck

    Go on riot for rainbow6 BOSG acog ☺☺😌

  80. Marcio Ricardo


  81. rami mzayek

    Oh my god l was only 15 when I was listening to the best best song , come as you are. ...time is running so fast......2019 still love it.....

  82. C-Bones

    The people who disliked are probably have dislexia.

  83. Nocular

    Argentina 1992: come as you hey

  84. Lucas Sousa

    Música Boa 2019

  85. Maya Belle

    No one: Teens who think they’re edgy listening to this: aM i ThE oNlY oNe WhO lIkEs ThIs BeTtEr ThAn ThE tRaSh ThEy PuT oUt ThEsE dAyS?¿

  86. maria fernandez

    🏃‍♀️❤🖤🖤💛❤❤Natalia Tarnovsky!!!!😀🖤🖤🖤🙋‍♀️🤦‍♂️😀

  87. Pulsonar

    Few songs I heard in my life that sound so dark, menacing and yet beautifully fragile at the same time. Kurt Cobain had a poetic, song writing and musical genius in his genes for sure. I appreciate this song even more now than when I was a confused and bitter youth back in the early 90s, fighting my way up the international ranks in Muay-Thai, as well as through life as a penniless student. Simply a work of art.

  88. Steven Comer

    Kurt lied to us he really did have a gun

    Brit Gilbert

    Steven Comer I think he meant by saying I don’t have a gun has I would never shoot myself more or less

  89. Omar A

    Killing Joke - Eighties

  90. Mark

    Oct 26 2019 still rockin! who's with me?

    Brit Gilbert

    Mark I am 2019 hallos eve trick or treat Kurt was murdered !! Happy 👻 Halloween

  91. Brycen FLEMING

    Yes been waiting all day

  92. RHT 89

    No I don't have a gunButI have a Shotgun

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