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Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark

Fear Of The Dark
: Fear Of The Dark
: 6.59 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 148 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 117 İndirme
: 23-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark )
  1. cati mini

    Non mais les gars , vous êtes sérieux là ??? À votre âge ? Faut grandir un peu!!!! Remarquez moi, j’me fais bien un lait chaud avec de la fleur d’oranger.......... Good night

  2. Sumo Th


  3. Caroline Durand

    Allo ses tristen

  4. WaybackTECH

    It's not a phobia. It's real, Google is watching you!

  5. Marcos Salustiano

    Essa música arrepia toda vez igual a primeira vez.E isso faz muito tempo.

  6. o costa

    Bruce fuck my wife and give me a son!!

  7. susanne williamsson

    After seeing Maiden performing this EPIC, legendary song in CHILE october 15th 2019............I´m totally LOST for words !! There simply ARE no words great enough !! The level of energy, passion and adrenaline was sky high, everyone was completely into it, I´ve always known Maiden loves to perform in Chile, and now I know why..........Up the Irons, forever and some more !!!

  8. Иван Фокеев

    Всегда приятно слышать

  9. Александр Сурков

    Это лучшее исполнение.... Боюсь,очень боюсь чтобы не последнее..Зажгли старики так,что молодым и не приснится

  10. tolentino ribar pasetti

    hino MUNDIAL !!!!!!

  11. edson rogerio marques

    vem para matogrosso. estou aqui e sou fan. tanks

  12. Manuela GEML

    Die sind einfach unschlagbar wahnsinn

  13. денис Семенов

    Старички то жжжжгут)))) слушаю рок с 1985 !!!!! Браво!!!!!!!

  14. Christophe Stoll

    The BEST

  15. Ademir Bortolin

    Inacreditável!!!!!!! 3 guitarras, é demais!!!!!!!!

  16. Mikha RedFox

    Во тьме ночной, при свете дня..пою я песню для тебя...

  17. Junior Todon

    na idade tão mais velhos mas a música é a mesma

  18. Junior Todon

    show show show

  19. Сергей Жбанов

    Запомните эти мгновения, пока легенды живы

  20. дмитрий маковецкий

    Каже я хотел бы встретится в живую с этим моэс тро

  21. Serugo frank

    They make sure they still your soul cursed hens

  22. Dennis 1981

    Ihr seid einfach die BESTEN 😎🤘

  23. boss miša


  24. Гадкий Я

    И?что могут нынешние говнорепперы противопоставить?только свое репговно

  25. Александр Хмара

    Может , когда то , лет через сто , кто то создаст подобный ШЭДЕВР.....Но , врядли)

  26. Ana Julia Rayas Solis

    Mexico???please please

  27. Wiktor Konewka

    I don't now how, but the voices this guys is AMAZINIG. Realy nice song Take Care Guys😀

  28. GNR

    La seule peur est de les perdre eux et nos GNR, Metallica, Axel, Scorpions, ZZ, et tous les autres. Quel bonheur de les écouter, merci les gars c'est trop bon dans ce monde de brutes...….

  29. Fabian Jaurena

    2019 florida uruguay 🤗

    guazapa perez

    Aguante Uruguay no' masLa Piedra Alta !!

  30. Carmen Araújo

    🇧🇷🖤Iron Maiden🖤🇧🇷Acho um absurdo que não teve show em Recife esse ano. 😭😭😭

  31. Alexander der aufs Klima scheisst.

    Fick die Hex

  32. Алексей Z

    Пиздец они старые

  33. Matheus De Oliveira

    You need Jesus

  34. Junior Andrade

    Esse batera é foda, méritos

  35. Lucas Brum

    vi ao vivo agora em 09/10/19 Porto Alegre Brasil Arena OAS

  36. Imreffi Mária


  37. Guilherme Araújo

    Essa banda emociona

  38. Jörg Tschech

    Einer besten Maiden Songs überhaupt !! Gänsehaut pur !!

  39. Gabriel Koch

    Brazil ai love iron maiden

  40. Vicente Rodriguez


  41. I’m Your Lord Satan

    Old school heavy metal still jamming 2019 Hail Satan HooaH!!!

  42. Джордж Оруэлл

    когда не заметил и постарел с ирон майдан)

  43. Василий Рубцов

    Согласен. Скоро вообще не станет легенд. Одни породии бвдут.


    Fear of the dark always be my favorite song 🎶

  45. Petr Petrov

    Двоякое впечатление. С одной стороны,день открытых дверей в приюте для престарелых, с др стороны ,классная музыка. Особенно ,когда солист молчит.

  46. William Gonzales

    UP THE IRONS !!!

  47. Card Maniak

    When your grandpa is cooler than you

  48. Valentim PlayList

    Olá tem alguma, pessoa ouvindo música boa😘🤟

  49. Слава Стел

    А как же скрреппы...? попы.... Лутше поют...

  50. Joeci Martin

    Para todo sempre Iron Maiden 🙌Tive a felicidade de assistir um show deles...haja coração ❤

  51. tomek wozniak


  52. Ignazio Vilardo

    adoro questa canzone 😎🤘🤘Up the irons

  53. Koushik Karmakar

    Dislikers have Fear of the Dark...

  54. Dragon

    Arrepia ! Br na área !

  55. Sebb Lutz

    Sends shivers down my spine - everytime.

  56. MadHatter123456

    Holy fuck! Those guys are still freaking awesome! After all those years! Amazing!!

  57. Alessandra Landim

    que banda, escuto desde os anos 80. evaldo landim.

    Otti Bus

    Yes girl👍

  58. Mohamed Fettar

    Drumer 😐

  59. leftcoaster67

    Phantom of the Arena.

  60. leen smk

    16m views! Wow I'm proud of this community

  61. Beso Lomou Throngjuba

    Metal is life.Iron Maiden is a legend

  62. Олег Барнаульский

    Как и мне !!!!!

  63. Олег Барнаульский

    Не спроста они соберают на свои концерты огромные стадионы .Значит очень многим нравится их творчество!!!!!

  64. Peter R de Vries

    I am a man who walks alone🎶

  65. Joerg Lerch-Thies

    UP THE IRONS.... IS..... WAS........ALWAYS EVER WILL BE!!!

  66. AcerHDGaming

    I was there that day with my father and it was amazing, over 30 000 people and I will NEVER forget that day.

  67. Richard Ikin

    Only Maiden can sound like this

  68. antivirus legend

    Setembro 2019 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷ouhh ouhh ouhh

  69. Ǥāɱē ƤŁāƳ Đĵ ƁāĐǤāƭā คหหεcคvคłcคหтε

    I loveeeeeeeee wow

  70. 12o BBM CBMMA


  71. Футбольный Обзореватель

    Боги снизошли на Землю

  72. BigLeftToe

    I love how Bruce is always having fun on stage man. Makes me so happy

  73. Federico Zaglia

    Power, power, power. A wall of sound.


    🇦🇱 no fear

  75. Дмитрий Мясников

    The best from the west!

  76. andrea giambrone

    no bruce dickinson no fear of the dark ,,,from italy

  77. Рустам Лутфуллин

    Рок навсегда

  78. Björn Hill

    old men, but great....


    Part of life .

  79. Damian Poźniak

    Będę tego słuchać do końca życia.Majstersztyk,Polacy zrozumieją,reszta płejmo - nie.

  80. Андрей Вжик

    Король и Шут?))

  81. Weldre Neves

    Fez jus o traje do clipe , o traje e um traje símbolo na cerimônia iliminatico fez justo a música fear the dark

  82. Theresia Keresturi

    The guy with long hair is Best!

  83. Andreas S.

    jaja der Specht weiß mehr!

  84. Nafis Sefat

    Oh man!!! i'm gonna miss them

  85. Marion Post

    Niet normaal super

  86. Aleksandar Stojanovic

    Madness forever,thanks!

  87. Jadraka Koskar popušić

    I njemu crkle sijalice?

  88. Gs 800 Sp Br Willian

    The best metal

  89. Bob Barker

    *Fuck they still are Amazing .... AWESOME GOOSEPUMPS EVERYWHERE*

  90. Marcellino Pagano

    Un brano pieno di energia bellissimo

  91. phil barthez

    Nous aussi Français nous Adorons Iron maïden Merciiiiii

  92. cremax army

    4 k dislikes??? I don't understand it

  93. Gonzalo Sarchione


  94. guilherme monteiro

    Do caralho🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾

  95. Tibi Speedo

    2019 amazing

  96. MostEffective #1

    Nobody:Retards:whO 2019?

    Roger Soto

    This is irony

  97. Diefor Drama

    Who don't like this video , maybe he's gay

  98. Alex Hamster

    Элис Купер?

Fear Of The Dark Şarkı Sözü
I am a man who walks alone
And when I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park
When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you're searching for the light?
Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's watching you
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one's there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you're sure there's someone there
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Watching horror films the night before
Debating witches and folklore
The unknown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
When I'm walking a dark road
I am a man who walks alone

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