buenas tardes,.me damiedo escribir en esta pagina,.pero me dicen que no se guarda silencio,.y sucede que yo no tengo suficiente material en demonio y esta pagina tiene la cancion EL666,.bueno,yo no puedo guardar silencio en este momento ante los medios de comunicacion pero cuando yo escribo ante usted en este momento yo estoy ante cnn.noticias internacionales,y tambien ante la prensa internacional,. bueno, comprendeme porfavor tengo que escribir la noticia,.alguien me observa sucede que el que a mi me observa me tiene que salvar mi vida con todo lo que yo quiero y yo amo,.porque me lo promete,.contesto los insultos para empezar sucede que cuando yo estoy presentando una declaracion para mi es sagrado,.yo me dedico a el sistem technologic,.y SUCEDE QUE YO NO SOY EL PENEN ON NEEDS,.porque yo soy en este momento en discovery en observacion que estoy presentando una declaracion,.pero si usted es el pene good,.papi hacedmelo rico,please,.. bueno,la imformacion que presento ante usted ene stemomentoe s asi,.-en elpais Panama sucede que losa dultos panameñas,.y consejo de guerramundial interancional de las anciones unidas en combinacion con arabes de Arabia saudita en el pais Panama,y arabes de Asiria en el pais Panama,.combinando con con chinas adultos de LA China en el pais Panama,.y entrelazando con un delegado americano de la nacion potencia United State of america mas alla de centroamerica,.sucede que lsoa dultos panameñas con millones de doalres por delante quieren comerle el huevo a el americano de la ancion potencia U.S.A mas alla de centroamerica,.por mas millones de doalres si pueden el doble en millones de dolares en el pais Panama,,.pero ahora cuandolosa dultos panameñas quieren comerle el huevo a los americanos de la nacion potencia mas alla d ecentroamerica sucede algo estraño no se come elpene porque no le toca elpene,.bueno,.HASTA AQUI,un momento pero ahora sucede que los mericanos con el el pene arrecho parado en arraechura con ganas de comerse el huevo gediondo mismo culo gediondo con los adultos panameñas y cosnejod e guerra mundial internacional de las naciones unidas,.mismo arrechura,.bueno,.HASTA AQUI,. un momento,.sucede que losa rabes de Arabia Saudita en el paisPanama,.y los arabes de Asiria en el pais Panama,.intentan ganarmuchos dinero en grandes cantidades bajo horror infrahumano y arrechura con adultos paanmeñas y americanos de la ancion potencia mas alla de centroamerica,.y sucede que losa dultos chinas de la nacion China en elpais Panama,ademasdeintentar ser iguan alosa dultos panameñasy cosnejo de guerramundial en comerse elhuevo arrecho culko gedindo con losa mericanosd e la nacion potencia mas alla de centroamerica y sucede que empeizan a tenere xito,.bueno estan rebuscandose tambien bajo usod e violencia y horror infrahumano cometiendod elitos criminales con losadultospanameñaspero si el gobierno delpais Panama presedido por el presidente Cortizo,y el ex-presidente con posicion de gobierno actual en el pais Panama se atreven a cometer delito mas grande contra mi para darse mas placer personal y la buena vida para decir ante todos que son la gente y que son en buena clase social de gobierno delpais Panama,.va a ver pleito porque yo voy a pedir ayuda,. porque el gobierno del pais PanamaNO mepuede forzar a tener chinas adultos maleantes de mal aguero en mi casa y mi tienda que VALE MI DINERO,. bueno,.un momnentito,.ahora sucede que interviniendo en el apis Panamaun delegado dela ancion potencia U.S.A mas alald e centroamerica sucede que eld efiende bajo usod e la fuerza milityar que losa mericanosd e la nacion potencia mas alla d ecentroamerica tienen elhuevo PENE arrecho parado con losadultos paanmeñas ne l pais Panama y puedens er felices pero que?sucede que ese delegado de la nacion potencia mas alla de centroamerica y los americanos de la nacion potencia mas alla de centroamerica NO TIENEN LA DEFENSA INTERNA DE LA VIDA,. para defenderse de lsoa dultos panameñas en el pais Panama,y losamericvanos son burlados,.porque pore jemplo el americano de la ancion potencia ha enviado miles de millones de doalrfes adelantados para comer con losa dulñtos paanemñas a el pais Panama,.pero ahora cuando losa mericanos de la ancion potencia U.S.A mas alald e cventroamerica con el pene arrecho parado van acomerse el huevo arrecho con los adultos panameñas en el pais Panama,.sucede que el dinero en millones de los americanos de la nacion potencia mas alla de centroamerica lo puede pagar?porque los americanos no traen mas millones de dolares si van a hacer algo mas importante van comerse el huevo arrecho el culo gediondo con los adultos panmeñas cuerpo a cuerpo,.?comprende y lee nseñan a losa mericanosd e la ancion potencia U.S.A mas alla de centroamerica la arrechura,.comprende,.BUENO,.consecuencia,.SUCEDE EL USO DE LA FUERZAMILITAR BAJO PODER DE GUERRA,.Y SUCEDE EL HORROR INFRAHUMANO,.ELHORROR SINIESTRO BAJO RESISTENCIA MILITAR DE ARMAS MILITARES,.bajo maneobra coordinada militar de estrinque robo crueldad escesiva crueldad,.amenazando bajo uso militar de armas militares piden y suplican cometer canibalismo CANIBAL,. con uso de la carne,.cometiendo delito de mercado negro glandestino,.BUENO,.atodo esto sucede que yo no hablo de armas militares nucleares de magnitud de atomos,.pero en el mundo la MIERDA VALE MIERDA no soy yo,.pero tu no respetas a Dios para despues no entender que EL DIOS de los cielos el creador es solamente uno,.porque mucho es elhorror infrahumano,.pero sucede que EN MIS MANOS PESA LA RESPONSABILIDAD VERIDICA DEL MUNDO VERIDICO,.y ademas el mundo no es como es el trato conmigo,.yo soy una solamente y sucede que el trato conmigo es solamente UNO,.pero usted es mas,y yo no te lastimo,.y yo escribo asi,.pero tu tienes que saber que a mi si me quiere alguien en el mundo,.yo soy real princesa hija de mi papa,.y yo te tengo que escribir asi porque ahora por tener que presentar la imformacion sucede que yo tengo miedo,.bueno,.hasta luego,.yo soy la real princesa Yisel Angelica Marte hija de David,.......
this is the absolute best heavy metal.
What a classic!!!!!!
What's up
Achei que era o Axl rose
Mt chato rock
God bless God
Heavy Metal: proving that you don’t have to swear or sing about fuckin’ your bitch to be badass since 1970
Essa foi a primeira música que escutei do Maiden, daí nunca mais parei hehe
eles são os pelés dos metal kkk
Iron maiden outubro Rok 2019 🤘🤘💋
Miens oaifks oldas berodoa poeoakns psofkfnfns ñgpeogksngkd
668: next door neighbour of the beast.
4:51 = 10 on the line, System Engineer "spoken"
6,9millones de religiosos no le gusta este video
The Misfits mascot at 1:12, wonder how many people noticed?
when Satan and his followers are at the height of power, God will send an angel to destroy them...
What a fun campy video. Up the irons.
No man, you're not de most recent comment
Maybe im the most recent comment but, 6.9k popes saw this, or maybe 6k popes did and the other 9 hundred are devils that didnt like he kept giving everyone, the beast number
That Power in that voice !
Years ago there were two f1 teams and three princesses fighting over me. I am now cared for by a bunch of burnt out entertainers who obviously think they’re smarter than mi5 and royal aids!!!!
Using the great fender🤘🏼🇺🇸🏴
Le possessioni non sono ne' volere bene ne' amare ma solo appropriarsi della vita di una persona che non ci appartiene 23 10......
Pussy yussy 👹🤡🤘🖤💪
This song is about a woman who was once with. It's not even a satanic song. Bruce Dickinson quoted the truth about the song on Headbangers ball a few years ago.
Zuber się buja do tego
0:11 rare footage of a real teenage werewolf
Today we turn now to highway 666 woe to all
1:11 the misfits
It's not fair my parents got to grow up with this and I've got Cardi B
whats Cardi B? is that a loser rapper? jk i already know. LONG LIVE HEAVY METAL
I forgot that Eddie was *that* tall
Happy Halloween!
Everytime I play this my cat stares at me and starts to look like "Church"from pet cemetery 1😰😰😰😰
Best part: 0:00-4:51
Up the Irons
I love this video ❤🤘👹
Anyone notice the misfits logo in 1:12
666 de namber of de best
Hello did you know that on your left hand is the number 666 and the name Lee A glover in hand signs on your hand which you need to buy and sell with
The # of the BEAST. Great song.
Part of the soundtrack of my youth. Class of 84.
Dana H Class of 1983🤘
South park ruined this song for me now when I listen to it I can only picture randy in a witch costume
Strange to write a major-key song about the Devil.
792,54 inkl MwSt!!!!
The Number of the Beast[Barry Clayton]Woe to you, oh, earth and seaFor the devil sends the beast with wrathBecause he knows the time is shortLet him who hath understanding reckonThe number of the beast for it is a human numberIts number is six hundred and sixty six[Bruce Dickinson]I left alone, my mind was blankI needed time to think to get the memories from my mindWhat did I see? Can I believeThat what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy?Just what I saw in my old dreamsWere they reflections of my warped mind staring back at me?'Cause in my dreams, it's always thereThe evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despairYeah!The night was black, was no use holding back'Cause I just had to see, was someone watching me?In the mist, dark figures move and twistWas all this for real or just some kind of hell?666, the number of the beastHell and fire was spawned to be releasedTorches blazed and sacred chants were praisedAs they start to cry, hands held to the skyIn the night, the fires are burning brightThe ritual has begun, Satan's work is done666, the number of the beastSacrifice is going on tonightThis can't go on, I must inform the lawCan this still be real or just some crazy dream?But I feel drawn towards the chanting hordesThey seem to mesmerize, can't avoid their eyes666, the number of the beast666, the one for you and meI'm coming back, I will returnAnd I'll possess your body and I'll make you burnI have the fire, I have the forceI have the power to make my evil take its course
i`m a big Iron Maiden fan, but i don`t like this video. because it`s a live performance put to studio music.
Der Song ist Sau gut 👍🤘
le chanteur ? Paul Di'Anno?
Will see then in PH soon!
does anybody besides me ever wonder why steve harris's forearm doesnt just burn up
El mejor grito de la historia
Iron Maiden are gods of music.
1:11 a misfits fiend?
Just fuking awesome
i use to watch this on TV but now i have to rent it or buy it >:( it's unfair
I always loved that red Ibanez destoyer guitar, finally bought me one about 15 years ago, and It's still my favorite guitar.
1:12 misfits
Se viene el concierto en Chile! Grande Iron \m/
Os crentes fanáticos vão a loucura!!! kkkkkk
What is up with the Godzilla injected frames lmfao
This is truley Steve Harris band, no goddamn whining aboutit faggots ☺🖕
It's a human number...
That Judas Priest song is really amazing
Pra esses cristãos fundamentalistas pirarem o cabeção.
God is dead!
666 😈
Fico imaginando se o Andre Matos tivesse entrado no Iron Maiden...
one of the greatest metal bands in metal history i love them there music has help me in my life for that thank u iron maiden
Anybody else see the Misfits logo at 1:12-1:13?
Essa foi a primeira música do Iron Maiden que tive o prazer de ouvir. Foi um grande amigo que me apresentou a música. <3
Papal song, if you understand it.
Me mojo el calzon v:
I want my long hair, black leather jacket and the ability to smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day again
I love led zepellin"!!
1:18 when stab your toe against a brick wall
Hahaha hahaha!!! 😂😂
Who else came from numberphile..
Create video and song reminds me of medieval Europe during the religious times in the ward and witch Hunts
Luved it then. Luv it now. No devil shit just a fkn ace tune from a fkn ace band ffs
Adrian Smith= likeDave Murray=comment
They're just as good as each other IMO.
Классный клип.
I love Jimmy drums
Timmy can waok 👼
Saludos desde Argentina, grande Iron Maiden!!! 😄PD: Islas Malvinas! 😛
Sex Sex Sex a Nummer mit a Biest ... Top
Needs to be played at 11 XOXO
I can't believe that I didn't notice that Godzilla appears in the video more times then I have thought of!
Clive Burr R.I.P
One of the best top heavy metal band
No Offense, Paul. But Bruce´s voice is the perfect melange of full-throated screaming while still hitting every fucking note - even the highest ones. And yes I love the first two albums with Paul but this is rightly the reason why they got on another level with their third record.
Who's listening in 2019?
Happy Halloween yall
Who's listening 1863?
Taco, I am Sorry instead of worrying about Defending my Country I should have been doing other things. Did not know I should have been standing on the corner begging for change and saving it, instead Stupid me Working 24/7 on a national Defence Project. A Nuclear hit in D. C. well I don't live there and gathering Union support to insure Oil Rig/Field Safety and other things, well it's not my job. Even if I had spent my days working on my Disability my ratting probably would have been increased at least something 10% whatever it would have helped. Somehow I should have done more to protect Donna and her kids also Failing people I left in harms way really bothers me. Law Enforcement made one hell of a Victorious move making sure there was no way possible for me to afford to get my Drivers Licence back. At least I would have Driven over and checked on Donna and her Family, gave her a phone No. to call if she needed. For some reason I should have known I do not have anything in writing so DON'T ASK FOR ANYTHING. THANK YOU AMERICA I know they are even watching Paul ect. in MN. Broke hard to do anything. Now why would I think Law Enforcement who were watching all of this happen would pay Restitution when all a few of them could think if he goes to Prison or gets Dead we get Rich and Nothing we did especially when this first jumped off is a crime. Glenn is to Screwed to get an Attorney so THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES. Thank You we Appreciate Your Honesty and Kindness.