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HIM - Wicked Game

Wicked Game
: Wicked Game
: 3.59 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 103 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 91 İndirme
: 15-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (HIM - Wicked Game )
  1. Liz H

    While all the basic girls where screaming for the Rasmus I was worshipping satan with HIM *sighs* good ol days

  2. ngashjr

    This song is great starting from 0:00

  3. Роман Захаров

    Нет, чтобы по-русски писать, а трек огонь!

  4. aimee prinola

    Ugh..women...skanklicious heart breakers. I remember when men were heart breakers how did table turn lol

  5. Brandan Tourville

    90s Scene Kids, let's come together again we all miss those days. Lol

  6. SaveMeA.PieceOfThatCorn!

    I blast this song loud in my truck during rush hour. Lol. And dont care when people look and stare. HIM is fucking awesome!! 🤘

  7. Jerome Wagschal

    I wonder what Chris Isaak thought of that version...Maybe he liked it...

  8. Pom


  9. Allef Araujo

    who is the boss girl?

  10. Belladonna Noir

    Ville was only 20 in this video.

  11. Hagerblatz

    One of the best metal covers off any song

  12. Andy Kolb

    One of the best Cover Songs!

  13. Jr C

    Didnt know greta thunberg was in a band

  14. Zero 000


  15. Isabelle Bouchard

    The women casted as the dark angel looks like she would be her mother .....akward.....👎...

  16. Irish Mick

    Awful cover

  17. Teh1nternetPerv

    i think i may even like it more than the original

  18. Stainless DMC

    Absolutely brilliant cover!

  19. ricky hawkins

    I ain’t gay but that’s a pretty ma fucka

  20. Don Adkins

    I remember being in the navy stationed on the Lincoln I got my first apartment with 3 friends from the ship in Everett wa anyway we had huge him poster that hung over our fire place the mantle was lined with empty liqueur bottles we slept where we fell drank our asses off every night listening to music watching cky videos and acting like fools hands down one the best times of my life I miss those guys

  21. Caracal Ilya

    When the cover is better than original version👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏼😎😎😎

  22. Tim C

    This is like the videos for "Losing My Religion" and "Rock You Like a Hurricane" had a baby.

  23. DouglassRobert

    Love that beautiful dark angel queen and Her court. HIM make the perfect minstrels for Her.

  24. Ciro Caruso

    Come distruggerun capolavoro

  25. Dee Rousseau


  26. Hotrod Mustang

    For any guy who has been friendzoned!!!! Here's your Anthem!

  27. TIAGO BATISTA Freitas

    Oh my gosh!

  28. 💀😎👽🎶♩🗣🎙🗿♠💊♥💑🎢👹👺🙍💔🎡👫🙅💈♥

  29. Hagen Machold

    Jessy benny plönnings Florian

  30. anna-karin ljung

    Sååååå HIMLA JÄKLA BRAAAAAAA ännu älskar jag denna låt 20190930 ......Fall in love you break my heart

  31. Lillina Blue

    🤘🤙90s Historical Dark Rock Metal band🔝🧚‍♀️❤️

  32. kakakyjla

  33. Kevin Mckenny

    The perfect song to encourage men to red pill.

  34. Eva Denisova

    Anyone knows the name of main model?

  35. Belladonna Noir

    This song came out the year I was born.

  36. BEAR

    this song is my wife and her girlfriends favorite. awesome cover. probably best ive heard.🌲👀🌲✌

  37. Mario

    Real captain jack sparrow

  38. Marcia Locusta

    Wow. Sono 14 anni d'amore.

  39. Wellington Cruz

    ✌✌✌✌the best version

  40. shelbelleg2

    Hello my emo 20s God this cover is sexy as hell

  41. Mon Rose

    Ville Vallo was the Harry Styles of our time.

    Belladonna Noir

    Mon Rose No. Ville took influence from Peter Steele.

    Mon Rose

    @Belladonna Noir I don't think you understood my comment. So I'll let you have that one

  42. luis64epica



    Im listening in 2019...

    Rob Cracker

    It's now getting pretty close to 2020.

  44. Raswam Silvestre

    El mundo estaba en llamas, nadie podía salvarme excepto tú The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you Es extraño lo que el deseo hará que los tontos hagan It's strange what desire will make foolish people do Nunca había soñado que necesitaría a alguien como tú I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you Y nunca soñé que necesitaría a alguien como túAnd I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like youNo, no quiero enamorarme No I don't want to fall in love Este mundo siempre va a romper tu corazón This world is always gonna brake your heart No, no quiero enamorarme No I don't want to fall in love Este mundo siempre va a romper tu corazón This world is always gonna brake your heart, contigowith youQué juego tan malvado jugar What a wicked game to play Para hacerme sentir de esta manera To make me feel this way Que cosa tan malvada hacer What a wicked thing to do Para dejarme soñar contigo To let me dream of you Que cosa tan malvada decir What a wicked thing to say Nunca te sentiste así You never felt this way Que cosa tan malvada haces What a wicked thing you do Para hacerme soñar contigoTo make me dream of youNo, no quiero enamorarme No I don't want to fall in love Este mundo siempre va a romper tu corazón This world is always gonna brake your heart No, no quiero enamorarme No I don't want to fall in love Este mundo siempre va a romper tu corazón This world is always gonna brake your heart, contigowith youEl mundo estaba en llamas, nadie podía salvarme excepto tú The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you Es extraño lo que el deseo hará que los tontos hagan It's strange what desire will make foolish people do No, y nunca soñé que amaría a alguien como tú No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you Nunca soñaré que pierdo a alguien como tú, noI'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, noAhora quiero enamorarme Now I want to fall in love Este mundo siempre va a romper tu corazón This world is always gonna brake your heart Ahora quiero caer en la lujuria Now I want to fall in lust Este mundo siempre va a romper tu corazón This world is always gonna brake your heart, contigowith youNadie ama a nadieNobody loves no-one

  45. LeenDianno

    Várias gatas nesse clipe <3 <3 <3

  46. Walter Reyes

    When the cover have more likes than the original, lol.

  47. Gonzalo Romeo

    that is not snow....are ashes..... cigaret ashes

  48. C MURPHY

    Bad ass!!

  49. Diego Colado De La Cruz

    Buena versión.


    Best Cover ever

  51. Genesis 12/A

    This sounds so weird on shrooms

  52. Julio Ugalde

    killin shit vilo. love it

  53. Angélica De La Hoz

    ¡Prefiero esta versión!

  54. Al Ra

    Годный кавер


    The lead singer sims to Wednesday Addams

  56. Joseph Freese

    Damn this song is so good.

  57. Giorgia Vetrugno

    I'm in love with his voice

  58. vrlja brlja

    I sugest you to listen Embrio cover of this song

  59. Cynth Enraptured


  60. Kiryn Kokoś

    gut jobung

  61. elena isabela stefan

    Chris Issac, give his beer ...

  62. allen perry

    Wow! I'm an accomplished drummer and folks this group flat smashed this song! Beautifully done! Great video! Great song to cover! First time I've heard these guys and pretty good first impression. Big love to HIM!!!

  63. bpd1976

    Wow unexpected, this was great.

  64. Natsumi Ikari

    Great cover, but my favorite will ever remain Adam Gontier's version.

  65. Khristel Monzelez

    came here from grace carters version go watch it!

  66. Erika R

    This is not the original audio or vocals. [Edit: HIM released a different version before on their greatest hits and this other HIM version is redundant ...and not as good.]

  67. Mr Strong

    Anyone know what key this is in so I can solo? Probably Am.

  68. Gustavo Loureiro

    Te vuela la sien !!!

  69. X_River_Of_Bones_X Hollow Nightmare

    Cory Taylor version is pretty good

  70. My MIKI

    I don't know who these people are but that's a pretty good cover especially when most covers of this song suck

  71. Vero Jacobs

    Nothing compares to this voice. I fell in love with Ville 18 years ago, and still, i adore him. 😍

  72. Roberto A Fernández R

    Dude looks like a lady

  73. butchtropic

    Came expecting a wreck, amazingly this is a really great cover!

  74. Juuso Rantanen

    still and always a masterpiece fuck!

  75. Lillina Blue

    I Love Him ❤️🧚‍♀️Forever ❗

  76. Sen & Jerry’s

    Women. Careless. Brutal. Heartless creatures.

  77. Adam Lindauer

    At least they are using the correct lyrics. No other cover uses the right lyrics

  78. Vurgun Alatas

    Wery beautifull voice

  79. dave duchesne

    My favorite cover EVER!!!!!!!!!!

  80. Nicola Wilts

    I like the guitar 😊

  81. Dead Frostie

    His Infernal Majesty - Wicked Game*Lyrics*-------------------The world was on fire, no-one could save me but youIt's strange what desire will make foolish people doI'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like youAnd I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like youNo I don't want to fall in loveThis world is always gonna brake your heartNo I don't want to fall in loveThis world is always gonna brake your heart,with youWhat a wicked game to playTo make me feel this wayWhat a wicked thing to doTo let me dream of youWhat a wicked thing to sayYou never felt this wayWhat a wicked thing you doTo make me dream of youNo I don't want to fall in loveThis world is always gonna brake your heartNo I don't want to fall in loveThis world is always gonna brake your heart,with youThe world was on fire, no-one could save me but youIt's strange what desire will make foolish people doNo and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like youI'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, noNow I want to fall in loveThis world is always gonna brake your heartNow I want to fall in lustThis world is always gonna brake your heart,with youNobody loves no-one

  82. Francisco Javier

    Still listening... 2019. \../

  83. Diana Niño

    God! I love him 😍

  84. Alex González Cervera

    1:22 what is smeagol doing next to Arwen?

  85. FlyingMonkies325

    Omg this was totally at the back of my mind all these years and i didn't know it god i needed to know this song :P the shredding in this is great too but his voice is incredible in ths :3 i've started to look back to 70s and 80s music firstly industrial darkwave gothic rock stuff and early 90s but on my list is some grunge bands for sure and could also use some gothic in there cos of my love of Symphonic Metal, MCR and AFI :P and of course they're a Finish band nobody does it better :P keep em coming YouTube.

  86. Dee Rousseau


  87. Miss Mad Cat

    Wow sounds great

  88. Darwen Stiven Cardenas Accilio

    Best covers1.Stone Sour2. HIM3.Three Days Grace

    Lucifer Black

    You've forgotten Marilyn Manson

  89. Max Boll

    Диана и Вилли боги

  90. Carolina Abreu


  91. Коля Пасічник


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