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HIM - Pretending

: Pretending
: 3.38 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 53 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 42 İndirme
: 15-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (HIM - Pretending )
  1. animen

    в массы

  2. Laurita852

    I still remember when this video came out. It was number one in my country, in Spain, in the most watched music program of the time (Los 40 principales). I was only 11 years old and I remember how excited I was and how proud I was because it became number one.18 years later I remember that feeling. I miss them :(

  3. Tamilla B

    2:17 😍😍😍

  4. Joe Guzek

    Love it!

  5. Anastasia Neubauer

    Still listening it in 2019 and will ever do

    Diana D

    Anastasia Neubauer me too ❤️

  6. Роза Покемоновна


  7. Andreas Kelemen

    ah... 2009, where good quality meant 360p.

  8. Kristian Harley


  9. burak ayan

    i want this to play at my funeral , such a beautiful song

  10. Chenyu Na

    Linde looked soooooo cute!!! can't help loving him

  11. Michael Lyle

    Played this a lot when I had a shitty life. Nice to hear it again now that I don't.

  12. Marko Scientist

    Good.But original is MUCH better!Add two octavas and speakers that will survive changing, playing under rain topless, when the rain goes melted by sound...When you run you go through blood, sweat and breathing of enemy forces with water and temperature, forcing water in air to concentrate...GOT IT?! YOU there?!:-)

  13. Дашуня Григорьева


  14. Daia Squl

    Okay but can we take a minute to appreciate how hot ville looks in that video? 🙄

  15. Kathy Jackson

    There is a music video for this song. Try searching tears on tape official video him

  16. deneilbaker

    Their best video

  17. bettycherrypie

    Still loving this in 2019

  18. Laura

    Bel vampirone

  19. Rafael Vinicius Montai Messias

    Brazil 2019

  20. Unchained

    still today I ask myself, how they filmed this.

    Torsten Scholz

    Have a look:

  21. ivan89pln

    2019 keep on pretending.

  22. Marko Scientist

    See my point better?!My predictable virtual and only way?! In ''.- And yours. :-) I organized it, mappets, having overwhelming power and fun at it. On it. Corresponding my majesty.Do you love me?! God of Wars. Real.- I know it is so. So strong life in me. So high and tough I am making my enemies crying that they have no such friends, colleague, boss.- Of nature they could not even dream about. Shining as something infinitive, endless, we have, all of us in our hearts. Like heaven going through you... :-) No regrets. :-)

  23. Proud Mommy26

    H.I.M and the amazing Ville Valo will NEVER die!! Been a hardcore H.I.M fan forever and always will be I have a heartagram tattooed on my finger for my love for them and how their music has gotten me through some hard times in my life!! Thankyou to the whole entire band and to Ville for sharing your beautiful lyrics and beautiful voice over a span of 26 years with us!! Love you guys!! :' ) gaahhh has the voice of an angel! #HIMfan4life #lovemetal4life #heartagramgirl

  24. Salma S

    Love is a flame that can't be tamed,And though we are its willing pray, my darling,We are not the ones to blameTrust is a word all lovers know,The glorious art of staining souls, my darling,We are not the ones to blameThe more we have, the more we want,And the more it hurts our heart, my baby,It always ends up in tearsSo keep on PretendingOur heaven's worth the waitingKeep on PretendingIt's all rightSo keep on PretendingIt will be the end of our cravingKeep on PretendingIt's all rightWhen doubts arise the game beginsThe one we will never win, my baby,It always ends up in tearsSo keep on PretendingOur heaven's worth the waitingKeep on PretendingIt's all rightSo keep on PretendingIt will be the end of our cravingKeep on PretendingIt's all right (c'mon) c'monSo keep on PretendingOur heaven's worth the waitingKeep on PretendingIt's all rightSo keep on PretendingIt will be the end of our cravingKeep on PretendingIt's all rightLove is a flame that can't be tamed,And though we are its willing pray, my darling,We are not the ones to blame

  25. Kat

    Still loving it in 2019

  26. HeathenGunner

    Used to listen to them 24h a day when I was younger, then started working and everything good in my life ceased to exist lol I'll allow them to save me once again

  27. nolan stocklin

    Still loving it in 2019.

  28. Андрей Киреев

    был на пиратском диске этот клип, группа детства ,,,,.

  29. Blue Jalapeño

    How fabulous Burton was in this video clip? Coolest young men ever.

  30. jodi/chris Reynolds

    This song got me thru rehab, 10 years sober , thanks guys , couldnt have done it without this band.

  31. Kaitlyn Amaya

    Damn I love them

  32. Igls Z

    Still loving it in 2019 [!]

    Proud Mommy26

    DAMN right!! #heartagramgirl4life #longliveH.I.M Ville was and IS an absolute genius and such an amazing talented big hearted man!

  33. The WICKED Che

    2019 So keep on pretending, it's freakin alright!!🖤👌🤘🏼

  34. Silvia Dos Reis

    Happy new year him lovers for 2019

  35. Jeannette Jiron

    Yo amo a HIM

  36. ultra kiz

    Ништяк песенка, да и клип. Помню, слушал эту эту группу ещё будучи студентом.

  37. kari Vlad

    Ummm ! Villie

  38. jozef vrbjar

    Sexy vile wallo

  39. anna-karin ljung

    magiskt bra!!!!1

  40. Kenton England

    I'll still be loving it in 2019

    Proud Mommy26

    Hell YEAH me too!! Has the voice of a fucking angel! \m/ #longliveH.I.M

  41. Midnight Vampire

    Still loving it in 3045

  42. Existence Constellation

    Love this song ♡

  43. Maresar Kunze

    I miss them :(

  44. Nøcturnal

    Where are songs like this nowadays? Only crap on the radio

  45. Dale Cooper

    I'm i guy who like girls but love HIM

    Nuno Carvalho Guerra

    Dale Cooper HIM love girls too! Just because they are handsome men does not diminish their craft and art at all. They are as far from a boy band as Metallica are IMHO

  46. lucas ribeiro

    Copini alpha life br kkkkk

    Macho dominante

    Dr.👓 Love kkkkkk

  47. Lostwebpages

    It was unhealthy how much I played H.I.M. in my truck when I was 16

  48. Wiltrud Friesch

    anybody knows why the official Vevo Video of this song and some others are deleted?

    Jonna Savolainen

    Wiltrud Friesch Maybe some copyright issues? I noticed the same thing :/

  49. Offsalete TS Team Sceptic

    me and ryan born same day different month I was borne june 11 so was he wa older though of ciurse

  50. Offsalete TS Team Sceptic

    RIP Ryan dunn


    Still loving it in 2018

    LillyMoon 27

    You're not a asshole if you're on a him video 💋💋💋

    alex steall

    2019 16 apr

    Proud Mommy26

    DAMN RIGHT! H.I.M will NEVER die!! Lol

  52. Melancholy And Me


  53. Tyler Estes

    This is in memory of ryan Dunn this played in hagert with him and Bam rip Ryan we miss you!

  54. グズマ

    My childhood.

  55. Vgabrielok LR

    2018 aguante Ville Valo!

  56. webnet15

    back 4 another listen.........time has flown by.............4 17 18

  57. Paul the 2 mikolaj Sørensen

    I don’t want them to disband. It will make my soul bleed

    Alex Swaggy Mane

    Too late lol, they disbanded on January 1st of this year...

    Joseph wolf

    Sadly they broke up January 1st of this year. Broke a lot of our hearts but their music lives on.

    Paul the 2 mikolaj Sørensen

    Joseph wolf I still remember when I saw them in Finland.

    Nuno Carvalho Guerra

    Paul the 2 marek Sørensen saw them live twice in Lisbon. Got appoint from singing so much both times. Best shows of my life along with Prince in 1992


    Look up ville’s new band, your soul will die

  58. Esarin X

    I wonder how dizzy they got making this video .. Lol

  59. Marissa Fuentes

    One of my favorite songs, but boy did the video make me dizzy.

  60. empty soul505

    Omg still so magical I love this band so glad I got to see them in Denver before they quit life regret avoided yessiree yay


    empty soul505 I'm having that regret haha last tour they had they came to the US but No where near me I was so upset

    empty soul505

    I'm_your_calico_cat Stay strong lol I'd be so heart broken

  61. James Mincks

    Song written for Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil.

    Wiltrud Friesch



    @Wiltrud Friesch Probably a joke

  62. teri3131

    Wishing they played this last night in Philly :(

  63. Jake Hjerpe

    Good song, shitty video

  64. Carol F

    <3 💜agram love❤💔 💔 ache every moment.

  65. AH_H

    Fantastic...👍 🌹🌹

  66. Alex Dorneo

    Haggard brought me here!

    Kissgirl09 Kissgirl09

    Alex Dorneo halerious movie


    Still loving it in 2017

  68. Tim Tuel

    i remember skateboarding to this shit, best days in my life!

    Tim Tuel

    west chester PA

    Alex Dorneo


  69. mari 6661

    T HA N K Y OU

  70. The Ni9ne

    This used to be my first gf's favorite HIM song. I miss those days...

  71. Yhanina Nassar

    Burton <3

  72. Katilynn Morrow

    This song, video, and everything about Vile is to fucking perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. Kay - Love Schwartz

    Thanks for the great quality. .excellent* )

  74. SovereignMC

    Saw HIM in Denver a while back. Dommin opened for them. Never heard of 'em. Now, they are up there with HIM in my favorites. If you like HIM, and haven't heard Dommin, check them out!!

    Kevin Post

    Thanks for the recommendation


    @Kevin Post You're welcome! "My Heart, Your Hands" is a great track to start with!


    Fell in love with Dommin when they opened for HIM a bunch of years ago 💜

  75. GOᑎᘔO ᖇEᗪᔕᑌᑎᔕ

    Seen H.I.M live twice, best gig i ever been too!.*Liked*

    Jeremy Hobbs

    Gonzo Redsuns Me too! I was supposed to go to prom with my girlfriend but she didn't like HIM so the night of prom me and another girl ditched her and went to the beach to see HIM

    Wiltrud Friesch

    in wich year (years)?

  76. Kamilla M.

    best music video!! :D

  77. bloosy

    Good video but it kind of makes me start to feel ill!! ... I think I'll just listen... :)

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