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HIM - Right Here In My Arms

Right Here In My Arms
: Right Here In My Arms
: 3.21 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 77 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 63 İndirme
: 15-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (HIM - Right Here In My Arms )
  1. Mohd Fazli Ab

    Where else can you find guitar solo that sound like fart?

  2. Wrooblewsky

    Singer looks like Brandon Lee for a little bit

  3. Czarna Kreska

    I wish I was that girl

  4. Amélie Lacroix

    It is so fucking amazing! Real dark sense in these words. Real beauty in this music. Real rock in this riff.

  5. Angela Reich

    ja deutsch

  6. Valerie V

    He looks a bit with Cillian Murphy ❤️

  7. Foxy Lady

    Those guitar sounds...too hot!

  8. Natalie

    I have heard this Song so often and I think, this Music is the best Music ever. I am so Happy to listen this Music again and again. Ville is a great Singer

  9. Αντιγόνη Κ

    me in 3rd grade: This song is the shit!😜🔥me now (2019): oh my ghoood is been a long ass time but is still lit 😜🔥

  10. ipek yılmaz

    HIM ❤️

  11. Patzino

    Hi mom!

  12. sai kyou

    Hecc, I'm gay now

  13. JjaYJjaY


  14. Mehrunes'Razor


  15. Jovanka honacker


  16. no chance

    I can't believe they are not singing anymore for 2 years already. Really ????? They made me fall in love with my first boyfriend, they made me tattoo the heartagram on my wrist, they made me feel my heart beating everytime I was listening to them. I was still dreaming one day I'll attend to one of their concerts. I wasn't ready for this . I'm so heartbroken. 😥 So so so heartbroken. Omg. 😩😩😩


    I was obsessed with this band years ago when I was a teenager, I made my boyfriend at the time fall in love with them too and I also made him get the heartagram tattooed on his wrist! a few days ago I search them again on youtube for some reason, got nostalgic or something and found out they broke up 2 years ago but I honestly thought they did that way before 2017! cuz I hadn't listen to them for so long so I haven't even heard they stuff they wrote after 2007 or 8, around the time I stopped listening.

  17. Евгений Арефьев

    Russia is still waiting!!!

  18. Mother F**keress

    I could never like f**k to this song... How can you f***k to so much noise, it's beyond my comprehension

  19. Mother F**keress

    Vladimir Sršić

  20. Erina

    After all this time, I'm still returning to HIM...

  21. lila kikareas

    HIM will never get old

  22. Rada Ray

    Super song🤩😘

  23. Adam Baran

    The music is so Billy idol

  24. Igor Huigor

    лучшая песня на свете

  25. Denisa Grega


  26. IMelarious

    Omg i grew up on this song not listened to it in 7 years feel good to be back

  27. Som Yurk

    FloVeR - Serpent Poison FloVer- Secret Romance listen ! its great Love metal style

  28. vandalizam

    comments 3-4 years old... for this was published 1999. I think, .... 20 years

  29. Timmy Creative World


  30. Vika Star


  31. Nalaman Onixservices

    A good solo is missing 😡

  32. Himsita


  33. Marvin Cruz

    Thank you Bam Margera

  34. César Cascalheira


  35. Damon Salvatore

    Походу тут нет одного Русского...

  36. InsaneIn Damembrain

    Heartbreak? Uhh like a fan lol

  37. Kolprew

    she is the very meaning of beauty

  38. alfa romeo

    Ville is the Rock version of Sheldon Cooper 😂😂 rock on

  39. Georgia O'Keeffe

    when teenage me saw Ville fuck a mirror and discovered her sexuality

  40. Baron vonBullshit

    I think true happiness can be achieved by having a polyamorous relationship with Vile Valo and the Girl in the Video... Sadly this is also the only option ;)

  41. SajkoX Nightmare

    I've been listening to this song while reading ToG.

  42. Марина Сарапулова

    Вилли, это какое то притяжение, или не скромно, сексуальноооо.

  43. Maria Masia

    One of My favourite songs😍😍😎😎

  44. Dániel Papp

    ÍÍkl bííkl 2120

  45. Aleksis Härkönen

    This song is full of passion!Loved HIM since I was kid 🖤Check out my version! 🔥

  46. Zoe Johnson

    Oh my he's so hot 😋😋😋😚😃

  47. Mega Rockstar

    I think there are more boys than girls that have a crush on him lol

  48. Sabine W

    2:30 - and she luvs it

  49. Joe Zip

    That was good music, now rock is dead.

    Diana Black

    there is hope. Maybe it is not dead

  50. Нат Вітів

    Hey from 2019 .When I was small I was in love with this singer

  51. Martha Laufej

    awww back when i was 14 years old

  52. Emma Newgate

    1st. Comment - Ville is so hot. Oh my God.Comment just below that one - If there was a man to turn me gay, it'd be Ville.

  53. Mateusz Mateusz

    it s ok

  54. Shmyga

    2019 come onnnnnn!!!!!

  55. Shmyga

    2019 come onnnnnn!!!!!

  56. Shmyga

    2019 come onnnnnn!!!!!

  57. Shmyga

    2019 come onnnnnn!!!!!

  58. Shmyga

    2019 come onnnnnn!!!!!

  59. Shmyga

    2019 come onnnnnn!!!!!

  60. Dea Nina

    Omg.i was listening HIM when i was in almost more than 15 years ago.bringing back the memories.

  61. MR. Killer

    Him,your are the best

  62. Рейк Рейк

    Охуенчик. Самое то, после тяжёлого трудового дня+бутыль пива!

  63. JaysonRoberts Standard

    I have literally been listening to this band since like 3. My brother showed me it and I have loved it since

  64. Sirfaust Lopez

    Yep. Still here.

  65. Crow

    Ville Valo vs Ricardo Milos

  66. Sk1Pp3R

    Vile remind me so much to Jim Morrison...

  67. jcooke222

    Hmmm. This hasn't aged too well.

    JustAn ItalianGirl

    What do you mean?


    @JustAn ItalianGirl That it sounds very of its time - early 00's when all that pop/punk pop/metal thing was going on. And no, them calling it Love Metal doesn't change anything I'm afraid.

  68. Sarah Gundermann

    Oh my gosh he is so fucking hot as hell in this Video 😍😍😍😏😏😏😏😏😏

  69. Filippo nio

    When i think/listen to HIM i think always to a Gothic church

  70. Michael B

    killer song... btw

  71. Georgia Khoueiri

    Ville looks like Lestat from Queen of the damnes

  72. Midge Mathis

    The most unapologetic and darkest of punk, rock music you only wish was used on your 80s and 90s particulars. .(Horror Genres) Yet of course can now.. Never be.Don't worry.. Up Next.. A Slice of Cooper.. Poison. LoVies..

  73. hel mie?

    Ville on vaan niin sexy😉

  74. Adrienne Harrison

    Viva la bam days

  75. Сергей Савин

    2019 смотрим?

  76. Maricor alcuaz


  77. tr3xy

    I'v been listening since this first released and I never noticed how "into" this the bass player was. lol! He's getting proper stuck in



  79. BluSca

    I remember Bam Margera’s videos 😭❤️

  80. Markus Laihonen

    ala peukku luikautettu. muistan kun tää tuli i hate!


    No miks vitussa katot tätä???

  81. Jopy Catalin Official

    2019 🤘🏻

  82. Arnela Pasanbegovic

    25 & still have crush on Ville 😂

    Kimberley Van der Haegen

    The same and I'm 30...

  83. SiNiSTeR_GRooVeS

    Type O Negative light

  84. Fryderyk Chopin

    Oh shit, it's HIM!

  85. Anakin skywalker


  86. Chopper Lorenza

    2019 😎👌

  87. Ewa Evicka

    She'll be right here in my arms 💞 kocham to !!! Tyle lat minęło, a w sercu w dalszym ciągu jest HIM... ❤

  88. Maria Spitsnadel

    My favourite song of all time, even after 15 years

  89. Анна


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