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Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz

Saturnz Barz
: Saturnz Barz
: 5.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 73 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 46 İndirme
: 01-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz )
  1. mr orange wew

    What's the song in the very beginning

  2. Jack And Taylor

    I love how it takes Noodle a second to notice that there is a giant monster next to her

  3. TĀnBaLL 2.0

    No one's talking about how this is...kinda sad. At least watching 2D choking, watching noodle being paranoided and Russell's insomnia is Murdoc of course is happy as a clam.

  4. Wildmonkeyman 08

    The baaaaath

  5. I drink from my hydroflasksksksk

    Wait...that monster that haunted Noodle at 2:54 is that Beanos lmao

  6. Marco Lazcano

    God zong

  7. Lordoom Games

    This song is a masterpiece easily tops songs like Clint Eastwood or dare

  8. Oceolot

    5:00That’s y u don’t drink Pepsi before bed

  9. amarilis cirne

    Can you watch Lobeananddynamite

  10. Carar The Wendigo

    'Hey you guys I'm just gonna talk a baff' Proceeds to go satanic

  11. eggyolk42

    *2-D is slowly being consumed by his pants.*

  12. Tommy445

    penis murdocedit: thanks for 1000 lkes and hheart gorllazedit 2: thanks for 300 likes and pin gorillazedit 3: wow this really blew up thank you for making this your new slogan and giving me 15,000 dollars cash.edit 4: I have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

  13. jack williams

    whoever disliked this your mother sells hair bundles for 2$ a back bum ass bitches


    i agree jack williams down with the system fuck the government!

  14. Layna Moon

    JuSt a BePpErMinT tEa fOr Me. What a cutie


    murdoc penis

  15. Toluj330

    3:28 *Oh* ˢʰᶦᵗ ᶦ ᶠᵉˡᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ


    no you didnt cause you have adhd

  16. D- licious

    The only thing that keeps this video from weirding/ creeping me out is the song is good 😂

  17. RBeeZ

    Tbh the monsters voice is so bad and I won’t put it on my playlist because it’s so bad in my opinion but 2-Ds voice shines so well here


    im going to sleep what if i woke upp with 128 subscribers (subscribe bich)

  18. Даниил Кононенко

    Everybody be giggling about THE BATH, but show no respect to the BASS TZAR RUN


    russian idiot get out of amerca

  19. Andrewshka Kaplya

    Did I alone notice the "XD" on the house?

  20. juju the best

    The Beginning tho

  21. Spooky101 UwU

    Belle Delphine: *sells her bath water*Murdoc Niccals: I'm bout to end this whole girl's career


    send me bobby pictures please ladie

  22. I Have Crippling Depression

    Murdoc Niccals bath water for $30

  23. An Ice Cold Glass of Water

    I can't get over how Murdoc basically rubbed his dick against their new home at 4:46

  24. Blake Hackman

    Noodle: zit2D: zeetRussell: zleepMurdock: *ZA BATH*

  25. spoof

    I like how in phase one 2-D was gritty and tough and in phase 4-5 he is a *boomer*

  26. Red

    2:25 👆 click bellow to go direct to the songBut be awere that then you will lose *ThE bAfF!*But that's okay, you can see the *THE PEPPERMiNT TEA*

  27. Kylie Mae


  28. Bob Chivovich

    5:28 xD

  29. junior D.

    .........damn. it's already been over two years since this came out. Time flies fast when your not looking.

  30. Dylan Randles

    Who else feels like this pizza shouldn’t be here he is too creepy


    i agree please this pizza i cannot watch ths video without crying i could not enjoy this song because i cannot hear it over the screamas of terror coming from me how does it even talk it a pizza its not supposed to talk you supposed to et it


    i just peepeedmyself watching the song please gorillaz if ur reading this remove the pizza i had to change

  31. Juan sebastian Salazar escobar


  32. Диана Эльдарова

    press to button to begin

  33. Ivy Silver

    i had absolutely no idea this was a Gorillaz song this group surprises me every time-

  34. Flame Flame

    When you smoking


    me too bro i smoke my hair is black

  35. Glacies.Yin

    1:01 Murdoc has some strong nails

  36. Alexander von Crowley

    noodles is so beauty


    agreed bro alexander von crowley not like the pizza in the video that should be removed cause its so creepy and scary

  37. Memus

    My take is that noodle has claustrophobia , Russel has a sleeping disorder , 2D has an eating disorder and Murdoc has a drug addiction (?)


    the pizza is scary

  38. Sepulchre13

    4:46Everyone on the top floor: OH MY GOOOOD!!! That one guy: At least he took a baff

  39. nikaizikatka


  40. Josh Drew

    2:02 Teh Baff

  41. МС некеч

    Русские есть?


    i do not speak spanish but yes bro


    Those monsters sound like Damien Marley

  43. Okoma Gacha

    Russel: *goes to sleep on a bed that's dirty lol*2D: *eats all the food*Noodle: MUSIC TIME Murdock: *THE BAFF*

  44. Enimo

    Happy birthday Noodle

  45. The Latiator

    Remember when "the bath" was a meme? Good times.

    Ash J.

    The Latiator holy crap I found a recent comment. I'm not the only one going back to all the old Gorillaz songs 😅

  46. Joy Division

    Vince Staples

  47. Lala 2pac's Apprentice

    *That was one HELLAVA bath!* 🥺🥺🥴😵😬😲😳🤯🤯🤫🤫

  48. R E G Y M U J


  49. Adam Holdaway

    Anybody realized how Andromeda is playing in the background in the car at the end?

  50. Ded4.

    1:57 damn. 2D needs some food.

  51. Lance Picaro

    Murdoc looks like Mad Mods green skinned cousin

  52. Lil Waffle

    Ok but help a sister out with the name of the song that's playing on the radio in the intro of this song plsss <3 !!

  53. GrayWolf Triskel

    Am I the only one that think they got an LSD trip?? 🤣🤣


    the pizza is so creepy i peed myself im so scared

    GrayWolf Triskel

    @Tommy445 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  54. Roger Martínez

    Great sounds and vibes 🌀🌀🌀

  55. Dale Harden

    Me: *trying to sleep in on a day off*My parents: 2:44

  56. uh oh

    4:26 I wonder what he is looking at

  57. Xtennsion

    2d, noodle, Russell, murdoc, all the names for the band idk why 2d is his name

  58. Charlefin

    Its not the sameGorillaz go to Next Level

  59. The Great Momba

    Are all gonna forget Murdocs pecker was out when this first released ?

  60. Sadkoni- Chan

    *T H E B A T H*

  61. XxCM VENOMxX

    Anyone know the song in the intro


    Gorillaz- ascension ft Vince staples


    Thank you


    the pizza

  62. Guru

    I can't understand a single thing Popcaan is saying, but it sounds good anyways.


    i cannot understand what anybody says over my screams of terror after seeing the pizza

  63. 日本語MayMay

    Ze *Bath* is like a wizard’s *portal*Too bad I’m not commenting on *Internet Explorer 9*

  64. TurtlezMC

    The nostalgic feeling i got when i heard 2d's voice hit me harder than my mom's flip-flop.

  65. Th3bigb3ard

    I love how most of the song is set on Saturn's ring


    fuck you

  66. Mango the Red Panda

    5:40 Cutest face ever

  67. MinecraftGamer 69420

    Ah yes-Good music-*Z A B A F F*


    hahah es bro funny joke please sign my petition to remove the pizza from the music video think of the children the minds will be forever corrupted after seeing this depection of stan in this new genre of music

  68. Jose Pesqueda

    Noodle putting the record is basically her fault

  69. Christian Car

    One of the best songs that gorillaz made nice job 2-d

  70. all star zombie

    *T H E B A L L S* 3:27 3:27

  71. FadingVitals

    why isn't here a 2:20 comment?

  72. Trenton Groover

    Who’d wanna take a bath in there eew


    groover ayyy thats a good name u getting groovy with the kids *funky dances*

  73. Rumblin’ Engines

    Z E B A F F

  74. Robby BopBop

    2D: Goes in inside the fridge. Joaquin Phoenix: Hood my beer

  75. Benbebop

    When he said "cars and bikes" that hit me




    Tommy445 thank you very cool

  76. Useless Piece Of Human Flesh

    Replays for sale!! 2:02 2:02 2:02 2:02


    idiot the start of the vio is 0 seconds

  77. Geo Gamer

    Z A A B A F F

    Geo Gamer


  78. Stla Oldfield

    My favorite part 4:00

  79. Diana Garcia

    0:25 *OK WHAT IS THAT*

  80. smiley satanson

    3:34 she's from japan she know where its going next


    hell yes

  81. Hailey C.

    6:31 2D is a absolute alpha male. He did something no man has ever done. Skipped 1 step


    the ;pizza; is soscary

  82. Hailey C.

    Noodle could f up that worm looking ass boi

  83. Vegetable Ninja

    All my lifeMaEffA hAMiBuNsuhMiHAfA mOOsHArt limyKnIFe

  84. Miriam Ramos

    Gostei muito isso q música


    la cansion es tremendo rap

  86. Brayan Vigil

    What’s the song from the beginning and gorillaz always have great music


    Gorillaz- ascension ft Vince staples

  87. Kim Chi

    Russel : gets harassed by a one eyed arm thing while he's just trying to take a napNoodle : trying to listen to a record but gets boa constricted by a worm2-D : Just wants a snack but gets violently force fed by an evil pizzaMurdoc : A druggy, nude, spacey bath


    m laughing thnk you chi khi waht the f word

    Kim Chi

    Lol , thanks!


    @Kim Chi please delete the part about the pizza i am so scared of the creepy pizza

    Kim Chi

    Tommy445 K well now I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm slowly being r/wooshed

  88. Jeremiah Calle

    At 5:13 everyone is frightened because of his dong

  89. furry animations

    The one time noodle has her hair up she wares glasses


    furry antimations you are ugly and stinky and fat

  90. Chubby Raichu

    I'm going to have a baffth

  91. Lowanna Goanna

    Murdoc: 👺🥒Noodle: 🍜 2D:🤢Russle😴

    Suction cup Man

    🍕: I am here for your pickle

    Lowanna Goanna

    Suction cup Man lol


    @Suction cup Man please delete this the pizza is so scary im about to cry

  92. Adam Ryan

    NobodySong: DiStOrTiOn

  93. Karina Hicks

    I’m getting anxiety just from watching this


    then end it all idiots

  94. Joy Division

    Murdac is keith richards heroin phase

  95. Big Loli

    *T H E B A A A T H*

  96. MeowMyr

    Everybody gangsta till the pizza talks.


    please delete this i am so scared of the pizza i was thi king about it last night and i peed and my wife is thinking of leaving me

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