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Gorillaz - Feel Good

Feel Good
: Feel Good
: 3.88 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 193 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 146 İndirme
: 01-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Gorillaz - Feel Good )
  1. eLem3nT

    I was expecting cartoon characters to come out and play.

  2. jeringaism jorge ferluga


  3. твоя мамка

    0:03 stinky

  4. Hardcore Gamer 1.0

    Esas si son canciones No como las de ahora.Grande mi Damon Albarn

  5. Youngboy Slime

    Where’s noodle:(

  6. Tony6Shot

    I swear to God, every time I've seen this song performed live, the lyrics are always different. Hell, even some covers use some different words here and there. Maybe this song is cursed.

  7. Logan Thomas

    What in shitty music is this

  8. juan karlos cardenas rincon

    F por la voz de 2-D :v

  9. Triseptic Fam

    me when i stub my toe 0:33

  10. Hetsantymapache 2

    Apoco estos son los que hacen las voces de gorillaz

  11. Bruno Mombelle

    Uncle Phill

  12. Matias Mortadela

    Uncle Phill?

  13. Eugenius! Pictures

    I can’t believe a kid can play that well!

  14. Jay Hollywood

    I think this a type of music to listen to whenever you're high


    Hmmm u have peeked my curiosity..

  15. Baldylocks Experiment

    Is that Mase from De La Soul?

  16. Menestas

    what if murdoc met those guys when getting arrested on mexico

  17. omarReex jackxxz

    amo gorillaz tocan hermoso en vivo

  18. Hasbi Faris

    play on 1.25thnk to me later


    best live feel good by gorillaz.

  20. Gaurav Joshi

    This song has got everything,groovy melody,great tempo and progression on top of a guy who' there to shout and laugh evilly.

  21. miguel angel martinez escamilla

    Ojalá algun día regresen a México :')

  22. Whats Good scrubb


  23. IRGY SPY


  24. Brad Cofrancesco

    Sounds like ass.

  25. adhitya

    0:32 when your toe hits the table

  26. Brody McConville

    They said stuff Rong

  27. Mister Afghan

    A master piece

  28. Henká X


  29. André Mousinho

    Amazing! Awesome!

  30. User Name

    I skipped right at 0:35 and i was fucking confused.

  31. Mashelo


  32. TheOfficialDarkbansheeVEVO

    0:33 epic

  33. Uncertainty Online

    I don’t know why people get uncomfortable with this live song. I like when the artists makes the music different live. Even if it is a mistake. It’s not the studio recording

  34. Lambert Cinema

    This is weird but, this doesn’t feel real

  35. Fabiaaan TS

    No sé por qué, pero la voz de Damon Albarn me encanta más ahora

  36. Dax Douglass

    I guess they couldn’t get their cartoon counterparts into here, like they did years ago

  37. Erick calderón

    Un asco la versión en vivo.

  38. galaxi gacha

    El quien canta es 2b omg el de azul

  39. Lil Cody

    3:09 even know he sang the lyrics wrong and he was hella off beat it still sounded perfect

  40. Francisco Romero

    Where was the concert

  41. daniel diaz m

    riete emrd

  42. Vlad Atom

    Gorillaz топ!

  43. Walmart emo girl :u

    Nobody:Literally nobody:Singers:*Changing the lyrics*Edit:except for the rap I guess

  44. Link Sk

    You're the best

  45. Diego Castro

    Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel Good(Change) Sha, sha (Change) ba da (Change), sha ba da (Change)(Change) Sha, sha (Change) ba da (Change), sha ba da (Change)City's breaking down on a camel's backThey just have to go 'cause they don't know whackSo while you fill the streets, it's appealing to seeYou won't get undercounted 'cause you're damned and freeYou got a new horizon, it's ephemeral styleA melancholy town where we never smileAnd all I wanna hear is the message beepMy dreams, they got her kissing, 'cause I don't get sleep, noWindmill, windmill for the landTurn forever hand in handTake it all in on your strideIt is ticking, falling downLove forever, love has freelyTurned forever you and meWindmill, windmill for the landIs everybody in?Laughin' gas these hazmats, fast catsLinin' 'em up like ass cracksPlay these ponies at the trackIt's my chocolate attackShit, I'm steppin' in the heart of this here (yeah)Care Bear rappin' in harder this year (yeah)Watch me as I gravitate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!Yo, we gon' ghost town this MotownWith yo' sound, you in the blinkGon' bite the dust, can't fight with usWith yo' sound, you kill the Inc. So don't stop, get it, get it (get it)Until you're cheddar headAnd watch the way I navigate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (Ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodWindmill, windmill for the landTurn forever hand in handTake it all in on your strideIt is ticking, falling downLove forever, love has freelyTurned forever you and meWindmill, windmill for the landIs everybody in?Don't stop, get it, get itPeep how your captain's in itSteady, watch me navigate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!Don't stop, get it, get itPeep how your captain's in itSteady, watch me navigate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel GoodSha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Feel Good

  46. Era Gamer

    Отожгли по полной, как же, сука, душевно, блять

    troye mellet

    Хахахаха русские везде

  47. Joe konia

    From moroccan leving in france respect

  48. ThanatOr

    2d in 3d

  49. Rebecca Mæd

    I appreciate that they don’t lipsync or vocode the vocals. It’s as live as it gets when they’re on stage!! 👏

  50. Eduardo Loyde

    Mames nada que ver, cantan horrible en vivo.

  51. kin

    2d sounds like shit

  52. dirty dan


  53. Paulina Faz

    0:32 when you step a lego

    Bizarro The Chef

    when you find something so ridiculous, it's a joke

    Juan Lucas Fraschini

    My exact reaction

  54. Ste Williams

    Downgraded from 2D to 0D

  55. Pablo Velardez

    Ta loco..... Épico

  56. はぁ〜い、こってりはんだよ


  57. Mida Ric

    People don't know english.

  58. Liliane Conrado

    Sooooo cool!!!!!!

  59. Ando Buscando

    This makes me feel good

  60. Nizam Ali

    Yo podría ir por las cheves mientras escucho a Gorillaz. Pero mejor QUE LO HAGAN ELLASI know all the lyrics and hearing damon say them wrong is justFeel bad inc

  61. videos beleza

    Carajooooooo, se me erizo la piel al escuchar la risa malvadaaaaYo podría ir por las cheves mientras escucho a Gorillaz. Pero mejor QUE LO HAGAN ELLAS

  62. Arctic Wolf

    they are kind of bad in live.

    Why so SERIOUS?

    No it is just the fact that have grown up so ofc it doesnt sound the same as 10 or so years ago... and they dont give a damn about how they sounds to others they just have fun

  63. Diana Allen

    2:45 二千円!!When he started laughing(screaming) people knew what was nextjust some english comment passing by. carry on scrolling.

  64. Čelsi Yulya


  65. Medo hosny

    Carajooooooo, se me erizo la piel al escuchar la risa malvadaaaaYo podría ir por las cheves mientras escucho a Gorillaz. Pero mejor QUE LO HAGAN ELLASThis song is absolutely timeless

  66. Captain Buzzed

    That laugh tho

  67. Юрий Гусак

    чета тухлое выступление

  68. Sr. Anon

    Damon diciendo muchas gracias :""D

  69. Ana Recinos

    Uncle Phill is on fireCarajooooooo, se me erizo la piel al escuchar la risa malvadaaaa

  70. アゴ原八郎


  71. Binho dos Santos

    Unckle Phill Sing this song KKkkk

  72. Ondrej Tlisťoch

    Blur :-)


    Why can't the world just be one big Gorillaz 🌍❤️💙💚💛🧡💜🖤

  74. raymundopro201 YT

    bravo viva mexico

  75. Maycon

    Eu estou viciado nessa música

  76. Byrnesy

    Yoooo, this entire time i thought they were saying micheal jacksons heh heeh....

  77. H a - n e u l

    Su voz es arte !

  78. Wearnyboy87 Xx

    Thought he was uncle Phil for a second

  79. Fan Fiction

    Is that person really behind the 2D character I think not be I’m asking


    Damon Albarn is the person who sing (2D) sorry for the bad English x)

    Fan Fiction

    pptmcm thank you


    @Fan Fiction no problem!

    Help M'lady

    He's like 50 now, he used to be in a band called blur in the 90s. He's just super talented

  80. Kajtiolomeo Ziomeczek

    Anination or live which is better . Animation - like Live - comment

    Arthur Morgan

    Kajtiolomeo Ziomeczek both

  81. Blue Guy

    Omfg, he👏gets👏the👏lyrics👏wrong👏to👏prove👏he’s👏not👏lip-syncing👏

  82. Emmanuel De savage


  83. Fabio Msa

    ×1.25 suena bien

  84. Over.

    They do it very well

  85. New Jersey railfan Productions

    Is this pop or hip hop?

    Kish Jain

    New Jersey railfan Productions good question

  86. izzy yup

    What is he holding when singing that first verse?


    It’s a walkie-talkie thing that hooks up to the sound system

  87. Sarah Fayecroft

    DAMON’s Voice dammit 🤤

  88. Summer Zhang

    Damon is always brilliant.

  89. Amy 049


  90. Reaper

    Fun fact if you ever speak Spanish in front of people that dont know they will say "hey are you Mexican" Why because Mexicans are commonly know because they are on the new reason crossing boarder drugs and now Donald Trump. Please if you see someone speak Spanish don't assume they are Mexican they are not the only people that speak Spanish and they did not invent it. If your wondering why I am typing this its because that guy screamed Mexico not knowing there are other people.

  91. New Jersey railfan Productions

    Is this hip hop cause if it is I hate it

  92. Game Genie

    Блин, как это круто!

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