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Gorillaz - Lake Zurich

Lake Zurich
: Lake Zurich
: 3.85 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 80 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 52 İndirme
: 01-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Gorillaz - Lake Zurich )
  1. tenthbump6978 the king

    This is some good stuff 👌

  2. Marli Barbosa

    It looks like an 80's song (In a good way!)

  3. Brent Schmidt

    You guyz have upped yer game...LOL

  4. the incredible colorful world

    Did anyone notice the 1st second of the song was the beginning of Michael Jackson's "Rock With You"

    tenthbump6978 the king

    Are you sure

    the incredible colorful world

    @tenthbump6978 the king Yeah listen to rock with you then listen to Gorillaz, it's amazing how they transitioned it. Yet again it could just be different sounds that sound the same but I'm pretty sure that's rock with you

  5. Underworld Entrance

    Visualizer: *spins wrong way* Me: *wait that’s illegal*

  6. Mr. Avion

    This should be the opening theme for GTA 6

    tenthbump6978 the king

    It should

  7. Chocolate Cosmos

    My dad thinks the lyrics to this are "stars turn brown"

  8. Egg Thanos

    How to ignore the impending doom passing because you are literally going to get hit by a hurricane: Listen to Gorillaz while painting

  9. Aldo Ortiz

    whose face is that man in the video, isn't Damon Albarn ?? or Jaime Hewlett ????

  10. Areen G

    I've had this song on repeat for 3 days straight and I refuse to even listen to any other song that's not by the gorillaz now. I don't know what's happening with me. SEND HELP.

  11. Roberto Carlos

    It's rock with you - Michael Jackson

  12. Vaporwave Boy

    WE need aces story

  13. FazBear JoKeR87

    When is Murdoc getting out if prison?

  14. Salty Soda

    Sounds like a song you would hear in gta

  15. Dr. Galecko


  16. David Penaherrera

    I actually live in lake Zurich lol

  17. RealZXOOO

    Am I the only one that lives in lake Zurich il?

  18. Ryan Stavnezer

    Am I the only one that feels like this would work perfect as video game trailer theme

    Casper Moonshine

    Yes you are

  19. Noodle Pot

    Ilusión óptica

  20. ZillaKilla

    This song needs to be in the next GTA

  21. Drak Caprico

    The Now Now, Intelligence is Artificial

  22. Music and Game

    This is how video thanks you was use this video, thanks anyway

    Elise G.


    Music and Game

    @Elise G. Video Thanks you from Gorillaz :

  23. Luis Manuel Serrano Novillo

    Progressive techno! I love so much this album and this track

  24. Gavin Bannister

    New favourite song incoming

  25. Dedlegz Supreme

    Yoooo why did i think i was bouta listen to i wanna rock with you by Michael Jackson in the very start

  26. NicoleWattersonShow

    Daring Do song Lofn

  27. Throwin HEAT

    Reminds me of radio ga ga

  28. Pascal Steiner

    Züriseeee ♥️🇨🇭

  29. HDSoil

    It came to me Build a tunnel from Zurich to New YorkI find it hard to share this with anyoneBecause even to me it sounded ridiculousBut one morning After a long complicated nightI made my mind up To share my vision with the worldEverything that follows I’m not responsible forfrom the Now Now official website

  30. The Misunderstood Assassin

    Today is the 1 *year* anniversary of when "Lake Zurich" and its visualizer were released. 🤓EDIT- 9:00 P.M.: *finishes video 4 minutes later*Like with the music video for "Humility", I first watched this visualizer in the supermarket. I was trying to hide the fact that I was badly dancing to the song.

  31. mcdastardly 78

    This song starts like the song that star Lord is first introduced on in guardians of the galaxy that he was dancing to

  32. IIRAW

    GTA VI please Rockstar ;)

  33. Bustedrocket

    I always expect "Come and Get Youe Love" to start playing and it's screwing with me

  34. Fumber Bumpkin

    LCD Soundsystem's Get Innocuous but it's summer

  35. Ax E-Z Films

    Lake Zurich Illinois?


    some actually think, it's the Swiss lake, in Zurich XDwell, they aren't wrong? technically.... X)

  36. Evil black book

    It is projected that by 2020, more than 30 billion devices will be connected to the internet of things(iota ) Cryptocurrency and the sheer amount of data willing customers will be ready to share could be overwhelming. According to a report by Forbes, the IoT market will likely expand to $521 billion in 2021 with a CAGR of more than 50 percent spurred by increasing connection and optimism by enterprises.

    Gregory Barrientos


  37. Devin Reese

    very stereolab too.

  38. Devin Reese

    I could like listen to this all day and dance. I wish I coudl play a version and see how it sounds on natural instruments. Its so funky. Perfect track. I think this new album actually rocks. Esp this and humility.

  39. Devin Reese

    More cowbell ,. Lol.

  40. Devin Reese

    Lots of cowbell.

  41. Tyler Durden

    The drum beat intro sounds exactly like Redbone's Come and Get Your Love

  42. Daniel S. Lopes

    This music remembers me Rick James - Cold Blooded :O

  43. Giulia Bischof

    So why is it called after the lake Zürich in Switzerland?


    Lake Zurich, Illinois

  44. msAngie Quezada

    the beginning of the song sounds so similar to "rock with you" by Michael Jackson, but anyway i love so much this song. Gorillaz <3

  45. Christian Camilo Méndez Pulido

    The city of Townsville

  46. Robert Kidd

    Don't you understand? The visualiser is just there to hypnotise you!And it's worked damn well on me.

  47. Konstantin T

    🇨🇭 Grüezi

  48. Carolina Simões

    The most laziest music that I've heard

    mousey touch

    it’s supposed to be chill.

    Carolina Simões

    I desagree, noodle.. it´s dancing, for me.@mousey touch

  49. Ángela Villarreal

    Musical orgasm.

  50. walkershinymudkip

    Too chill b r ooooooo........

  51. Zander Warrior

    is it just me or does the intro sound kinda like radio ga ga? I see what your doing Damon.

  52. eric vanM

    moo, i want my cowbells back

  53. Pop Gaming


  54. JLoveBomb

    Is that Rupaul’s voice at the beginning?!

  55. Paul Johnson

    Anyone else here from Lake Zurich IL?

  56. ash dc

    Grandmaster Flash is that you?

  57. Agent California

    This goes hard

  58. Bird Bud

    Gorrilaz has changed a lot. and in no case is that a bad thing. i like this change, don't get me wrong i love the "old" gorrilaz but i love this stuff. usually when artists make a change it doesn't work out to well but because the gorrilaz are who they are, they make this so beautiful. i love these guys.

    Bird Bud

    and trust me i didn't say this so i would get a bunch of replies i was genuinely telling the truth about these absolute lads.

    mousey touch

    I think I kinda get what you’re trying to say.

  59. robot- sensei

    Not my favorite but still a lit song

    robot- sensei

    Tranz bezt

  60. Wahlawigi

    1st listen- is good2nd-5th- mehA month later (6)- :D

  61. Bleeding Doughnut

    Reminds of ~Ninja Tuna by Mr.Scruff~ that Windows 7 song

  62. laranja amarela _

    Pure art

  63. ღRoxxღ

    Lake zurich, great song :)

  64. Palito de pez kawaii

    Anyone knows who is the guy in the mirror?

    Big Boy

    what mirror?

    Palito de pez kawaii

    1:54 D:

  65. Assassinhedgehog

    did the intro sample "rock with you" by Michael Jackson?

  66. Maest nyrme

    Love Love Love Love, Love Love Love,

  67. Alistair Cooke

    Why would anyone thumbs down this music? 🎶

  68. Gabrielito Castillo Flores

    Asi para invitarles a mi concierto que cuando termine la escuela lo voya festejar y sera en una pelicula llamada la era de hielo pero igual voy a ser un animalito

  69. Gabrielito Castillo Flores

    A quien le gusta

  70. goovay

    This song reminds me of little big planet rip

  71. Felix Cortes

    When the peppermint tea kicks in

  72. Valdir Moraes

    Vcs o bixo 👍

  73. Benjamin Gonzales

    Quien es español

  74. Hamez

    Boogy Woogy

  75. G O O D N A M E

    Am I the only one that thinks this sounds like it belongs in a Little big planet game?

  76. Acidic Pacific

    My favorite song on The Now Now

  77. Cadet Kaizr

    Just heard this in the mall where my school is.

  78. flor g

    dios, re cheto

  79. Xd xd xd

    Me encanta esto 😛

  80. Isabella McGarvey

    Whats being said at the end of the song? “Power in the sunshine or Coward in the sunshine “

  81. Chop109

    I actually live by this lake. Wow.

  82. the one guy

    Comment #41 of commenting on every video I watch.

    Gregory Barrientos

    Keep going.

  83. João Anão

    What means "Visualiser"?

    Elise G.

    It means it's not a music video but it's still an official animated-ish visual accompaniment

  84. Crag Gullunburg

    Rock with you

  85. Mallory

    what a way to kick off the of the best summers of my life!! thank you gorillaz

  86. MarkyMo

    Are the opening drums a Rock With You sample? sounds dead on

  87. Elohi Adanvdo

    TFW 2-D's mugshot makes him look like AKIRA

    Gregory Barrientos

    Akira Yuki from Virtua Fighter?

    Elohi Adanvdo

    AKIRA by Katsuhiro Otomo. It's 2019 now by the way boys, keep your bikes close and stay away from clowns, children, and drugs. @Gregory Barrientos

  88. Samo skips

    Esta rola está bien latina, ¿A poco no krnl? Me suena a una fusión de batucada brasileña con no sé como salsa pero sin ser salsa. XD

  89. Apple Sugar

    The BAF

  90. Jack 47 :v

    Ace is out of evil forever.

  91. Ace Copular

    I see the image in the center and I miss seeing Ace in the band :''c

  92. LoganBea77

    Oh lake zurich is in switzerland

  93. Veridis Low

    Daft punk have to collaborated with Gorillaz

    Devin Reese

    stereolab. this album sounds like stereolab.

    Kawaii Oswald

    Yes... * - *

  94. Caleb Kim

    2D's hair reminds me a lot of TetsuoActually, come to think of it the entire cast looks like something straight out of Akira XD

  95. taua sulusi

    can anybody send me the lyrics of this song? im singing it for my school talent show.


    You know they mexican when they type jajajajajajajajajaj

    Gregory Barrientos

    That would be GERMAN, my boy/girl.

  97. FBI ONU

    YES I love Gorillaz

  98. Leon thepro

    I like the album, but this just reminds me of menu music to a game like Buzz Quiz!

  99. Nicolas Dussias

    *M O R E C O W B E L L*

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