mp3 indir dur

Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (8D)

Shape of You (8D)
: Shape of You (8D)
: 3.63 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 826 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 152 İndirme
: 13-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (8D) )
  1. Jasdeep Singh Keala

    I can feel it in my brain

  2. الامل الوحيد


  3. Zeyto Zeyto

    Very beautiful 😀


    OMMGGGGGGG im so excited

  5. Parul Begum

    anyone from bd?

  6. Parul Begum

    One valo song

  7. Burak Gök

    Mükemmel bişey

  8. قناة الترفيه

    Shape of you ☺☺

  9. Hubert Fechner

    o qra ale dobre

  10. Sudhanshu Bhatt


  11. Thomas Ellison

    I put a dislike so happy 😂😎

  12. Thomas Ellison

    Shape of you was cgi and hacked

  13. Thomas Ellison

    Cgi tech computer can do that paint that's a joke stop lying

  14. Tom Lemoine

    I love it

  15. Chaimaa Bouzidi



    Turkler nerede

  17. BLG beku

    Im from Mongolia is this best

  18. BLG beku

    Wow i like

  19. Isabella Medina

    who is listening this in november 2019

  20. joker Hak

    العرب احتلو الفيديو 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  21. Alaa metwaly

    Thanks so much

  22. زوزو سليمان

    I love it



  24. Ashwath Ashwath narayan

    Any one watch

  25. Ashwath Ashwath narayan

    Any one watch

  26. Dio Drive

    Malayaali Poli alle 😎🥰✌️😍

  27. Megan Bowen

    This sounds exactly like when I saw him in concert just a little auto tuned

  28. Akash Pal

    I is a Beautiful songsEau

  29. Mema K


  30. Mohammed Sarfaraz

    Take me number 7676593722

  31. العباس عليه السلام slman


  32. Asif Ali

    Nice pic and song

  33. Manga life

    Qui est français

  34. My Anjel my anjel


  35. doktor bay

    Only 8d

  36. Zahraa Aliraqi

    That amazing

  37. Kherbouche Toufik

    مين سمعها 26/10 /2019

  38. sara almasri

    Iowa state is

  39. hellow it's me



    Ed Sheeran singing this song in my room.

  41. jflight 7

    I don't understand people said '' it's so impressive ! '' the voice is just going to left and right with a bad echo...

  42. Speed Fresh

    Um....... 😵😵😵 Hahaha

  43. Tilak Mishra

    Anyone listening in 2016??🤣Stop these kinds of comments guys

  44. BOT Gamer

    Any one here from bangladesh...?2019

  45. Khadidja Ben rabah

    I Like 💗 this song is gooooooooood

  46. Mary vood

    Who is 2020?

  47. Barbara Bertoni

    I Love me

  48. Hello Mello

    اعم يحس كأنو الغنيي عم ترقص بألب راسو يحط لايك والله نحولت 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 وينكون يا عرب 2019 😽😼😻😸😹😹😹

  49. Elis Lõhmus

    Keegi siit on eestlane ka w😂😂

  50. Deepak Upadhayay

    Why ed sherren is moving in my room

  51. patricia vitallé

    Learn from a professional this is 8D!!!😒Left-right and up-down too

  52. •بغداد • [FM]

    This very nice 👍🏻 😳

  53. Rithesh Kr

    Heart brokes❤️❤️❤️

  54. M3LTED

    I thought my headphones died

  55. ammar TSK

    انتم كافره

  56. ammar TSK

    اغناي كفار


    Who listen for relaxation


    Any Indian, if yes then hit the like button .

  59. Priya dharshni


  60. mariam maram

    الصوت يتنقل من اذنى اليمين الى اذنى الشمال شعور غرييييب بس تحفة وانا بحب الاغانى جدا جدا والموسيقي هوايتى ان انا اسمع اغانى واذهب لعالم آخر تحفففففففففففففة 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  61. TIMON

    Askirna? Skirla Pato!

  62. Javed Edhi

    loving it

  63. Lilian Santos

    I love song

  64. Farrell Pagaduan

    Ware this👉 🎧Just like in the concert ☺️

  65. Masum Khan

    img .. so nice ... give me img plzz

  66. Masum Khan

    pic ...plzzzz

  67. Huzaifa Farhad

    2.3k dislike 🤔🤔

  68. Azra Zaki

    Please make love me like you do in 8d (Samantha version)

  69. Nazlı_Sıla 01

    dünyanın en güzel şeyifuIAUIVDGBİSkd

  70. Divyanshu Kumar

    Stop moving around ed sheeran...

  71. عماد مدهش

    الي يشوف انوا ابداع يفعل ليك

  72. TAPOG

    Заласкайте чтоб иностранцы подумали, что русские написали что-то умное😂👌👀

  73. melina hamzioui

    I am french

  74. Monika Mahipal

    A very good song of ed Sheeran Love from korea

  75. Freak Gamer

    amazing hit a like below

  76. Zehrah Minal

    Who is listening this in October 2019?

    jaydev datar


    extraordinary gamer

    listening in november

    Sassy's Back Sassy's Back

    Omg me :')

    Alae Army-Moa


    Arwa Abbas

    I liked not cuz I am here in Oct but by seeing the bts logo is the profile pic.. Armyyyyyyy💜💜💜💜💜

  77. namste bhaiyon avang unki behno

    Whose this cartoon character

  78. rahul singh


  79. pabloo marzano

    im from argentina and you?soy de argentina alguno de argentina? ahre

  80. Pinar Aras


  81. Dommeti Kanna

    nice super

  82. Aryan suman

    Nice beat man good job

  83. Kashinath Chandergi

    Just feeling like l am in auditorium . Amazing . Love it

  84. Charnjeet Kaur

    this is the first time when i have listen to 8d song and i love it. my mother also love it. she said o it's like voice is roaming between my ears.

  85. Emilia Mernes

    Alguien de México???

  86. ferdi Bektaş

    Vay amk🇹🇷🇹🇷

  87. Mohsen Feki

    What did you use to make video like that please

  88. nour souad

    Had disk kitsara fi dam4i man liman lisar xakoun lahdha

  89. Nilesh Kantharia

    Wow...jus wow

  90. Uygar Keskin



    mülteciler burayı ele geçirmiş kolay gelsin aviion music

  92. I am phenomenal

    Ed, keep moving around me 😘😘😘

  93. sumit yaduvanshi sumit ahir

    Very very nice 8d best

  94. yamaha yamaha

    Very good version....

  95. Jdjd Gegege

    عراقي قول نعم

    Jdjd Gegege

    مو عراقيه

    قدسية والعز عنواني


  96. Angel Ganev

    Beautiful track! Btw thanks so much for using my artwork, means a lot. If anybody's interested in how I paint, I actually have some art videos on my channel. Thanks! ^^ <3

    مهند الزميلي

    Love it 😍😘

    مهند الزميلي

    Love it😍😘

    Rosa Amalia Zetina vazquez

    @MS Group Entertainment fggx

    Luis Quirola

    No entiendo esta en ingles😭😭😭😢😢😢😰

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