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Ed Sheeran - Afire Love

Afire Love
: Afire Love
: 4.94 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 2731 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 2651 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ed Sheeran - Afire Love )
  1. Rishi Raj

    Stop reading the comments and enjoy every bit of the music♥️

  2. Debotraya Rakshit

    *KIRTICHOW?!?!?!?! ANYONE*

  3. XxUniLizzyxX XxUniLizzyxX

    *goosebumps.*that is all

  4. Karen Holmes

    I love his song

  5. datgal

    I love Ed but nothing will ever beat his X album

  6. BuffyGacha

    I just found out that the chords for this were sampled from "Remembering Jenny" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hmm.

    Veronica M

    it's been credited somewhere, and not an actual sample plus Ed was a huge fan of the show years ago


    Veronica M no, I mean it as a good thing. Remembering Jenny was one of my favourite songs from the show, and the fact that Ed used it makes me respect him even more.

  7. Creepsclan 11

    Ed i feel your pain my nan has it

  8. kishan patel

    The kirtichow revolution has begun!!!!!

  9. Exile Gaming

    How many here after Kirtichow?

    Suman Singh

    Who 's that Kirtichow??U Indians😂😂😂Don't know that what u all eat.It's vry old song but there in India it will be in trend now😂If u wnna go to pst thn go to India😂😜

  10. Krish Bammi

    Anyone from Kirti chow?

  11. Skull Fire

    Anyone from kirti chow ?

  12. Dhairya Singh

    Kirti chowww fanns hit like

  13. Madhav Uppal

    Who came here after video of kirtichow...?

  14. Sachin Baish

    *Kirtichow* ?👇👍🔥

    queen b


    Bharti Kanojia


  15. Anova

    Who came here after kirt's video...And short the comments to recents

    Captain Aryan

    I do,I've come from the middle of the video and I also got to know that kirti also loves *Ed*

  16. TTV- FortniteHub

    I love this song everytime I listen to it, it always reminds me of my dad I don’t see him and that side of the family a lot bc it’s hard🥺Everytime I hear thing I cry my eyes out bc I love and miss my dad sm💔

  17. Elizabete Martins

    Tudas as músicas do ed me fazem lembrar do meu leãozinho ele anda sempre ao meu lado Elisabete Gonçalves aaa

  18. Keelan Lacey


  19. Icefreak 33

    holy this is 5 years old man wtf

  20. Send More Paramedics

    If you fell to your death todayI hope that heaven is your resting place 💙💙💙💙💙💙

  21. The_Only_F

    This is my all time favorite song I believe, top 5 at least.

  22. Emily Esposito

    When I listen to this song I cry everytime because it reminds me of my pop

  23. Miszcz Furii

    His songs decide about my mood... His songs are so deep... His songs are with me already 7 years. I feel so weird. I cant even explain that. He's one of the best artists i ever seen/heard. BTW this song is so underrated in my opinion.

  24. ironlui _503

    El mejor Ed Sheeran

  25. teddysphotos

    No one: Everyone in the comment section: shares a sob story about a relative

  26. shan garton

    How can he go from master pieces like this to the bolacks he’s done the last 2 years :/

    Veronica M

    Divide (2017) has deep cuts songs as well ie Save myself, Supermarket flowers about the death of his grandmother, Happier about his first real love, Dive, plus Nancy mulligan which is about his grandfather from Afire Love. No.6 Collaborations Project LP (2019) is fun side project. Ed's next solo studio album 'Subtract' will be lo-fi acoustic

    shan garton

    Veronica M yeah they were all good ones to be fair maybe not quite 2 years but this last year just commercial crap

  27. starlight 소 빈

    I haven't heard this song for a while 😔 still tugs my heart.


    This was the Song at my grandmas funeral 😭😭

  29. Celyna Barreto

    Putz lembrei de alguém agora :'( 💔

  30. ; Zoe Granger.

    Y pensar que cuando la lanzó para el público mi abuelito todavía respiraba ...como lo extraño, necesito escuchar su voz, sentir su abrazo, sentir el beso en mi cabeza, pero no pasará. Por favor, aunque sea llévame, para estar contigo.

  31. chuks marvin onyia

    This is my best Ed's song

  32. Alina Brawlstars

    Moin servus moin

  33. Cassie Rose

    My grandma died today of Alzheimer’s

  34. Flatout BeatZ

    ed sheeran more like ed gayran

    Flatout BeatZ

    just kidding dont kill me

  35. Sam Arnold

    my *insert family member* died

  36. Wladimir Gomes

    Tem algum brasileiro ouvindo essa bela canção?

  37. Owen Tar

    Step 1. Go to YT SearchStep 2. Search this keyword: Mimi Draw Ed SheeranStep 3. Enjoy!Ed Sheeran - Afire Love [Official]collecting is an obsession, an occupation, a disease, an addiction, a fascination, an absurdity, a fate. It is not a hobby. Those who do it must do it. Those who do not do it,

  38. Yui Anderson

    I appreciate this song everyday of my life since we played it at my dear grandpas funeral, seem to always tear up. I hope if someone’s going through a lost of a loved one. This is the song to make you feel a little bit whole again

  39. Stephanie carrilha

    Minha música preferida!! ❤

  40. diamond anitah

    This song is both sad and beautiful.

  41. Kyle West

    Does it really matter what I have to say. Like fuck you. . That's my dad is what his kids would say an I'm not gay or anything like that but I love this music. Expecially the old an new songs

  42. Nilanjan Chowdhury

    This guy. Hallelujah <3

  43. Wotan Lead The Way

    Amber... 💔

  44. Celine Amazona

    so much memories with this song

  45. Celine Amazona

    good old days♥️

  46. Big Titty Namjoon

    Got extremely nostalgic and almost cried. Reminds me when i was 11 and my step dad bought this album and put it on my iPod🙁

  47. Madeline Santos

    Still makes me cry to this day 😭🥺

  48. Aja Wade

    This reminds me of my uncle he had surgery after surgery he was in a wheelchair he was a fighter he just recently just died I miss it’s talking a toll on my hear lost my God mom like 4 weeks before my uncle

  49. Joan Morey Alomar

    On di on lostia

  50. Joseph Nicholls

    I proposed whilst this song was on the radio...And she said yes ❤️❤️😭

  51. TZeik

    Fuck me Ed Sheeran, ai loviu <3

  52. Yolamda Kelly

    Beautiful, amazing song. Thank You.

  53. Doggo McDoge

    The chorus gets me every time.

  54. Miss highter

    God Blessed Ed sheeran.

  55. Antoinette Herndon

    So beautiful

  56. Timur Wilson

    This song is such a great one. Love how he uses words and imagery .

  57. Thipnalynn Udomporn

    Fc. Thailand ❤️

  58. Fruzsina Kincse

    i hope you can come to Hungary next year as well.🙏🥺💕

  59. AquaMoonKitty

    Who died?

  60. AquaMoonKitty

    I’m gonna cry

  61. aneen myburgh

    Haters rather don't hate u fighting a losing battle Ed sheeran has the voice we wish we all had..

  62. Jeremiah Mootseng

    To anyone who disliked ,is everything okay at home?

  63. Jeremiah Mootseng

    When the hell is youtube gonna invent a damn repeat button?

    PJ LT

    Right-click the video. Click "Loop."

    Yuvraj Singh

    @PJ LT Can't do that on a phone.

    Sofia Hauptmann

    Put the song on a blank playlist and loop the playlist

    Icefreak 33

    @Sofia Hauptmann yeah but thats so fucking laborious

    Hannah Nemo

    Jeremiah Mootseng they did

  64. Veronica M

    Afire Love' was written about Ed's paternal grandfather William Sheeran (from Ed's song Nancy Mulligan) and was played at his funeral. 'Supermarket Flowers' was written about Ed's maternal grandmother and sung from his mothers perspective. Ed Sheeran - Supermarket Flowers [Official Audio Video]

  65. eny margaretha

    Unpopular=2014,popular=2019,5 years?!

  66. Some Weeb

    When i hear this it reminds me of the anime "Your Lie in April" ;(

  67. Elizabete Martins

    Menhor cantor Ed tudas as músicas dele me fazem lembrar do meu leãozinho Elisabete Matos anjelo ❤️💝❤️

  68. retrospective

    2019 anyone oh ok just me amazing song tho

  69. Alexia Crislayne

    Brasil está ouvindo tbm❤️

  70. TacticsGamingYT YT

    2019 still here? ed sheeran fans <3

  71. loli lover 123

    It's so sad that people with Alzheimers can forget their best moments in life

  72. Carly Boardman

    What a sexy voice

  73. Richard Adams

    Doesn't make me sad makes me jam Ed MF'N BEAST

  74. Francis Lavoie

    So Ed sheeran his a buffy the vampires slayer fans

  75. Prudence Seabe Machola

    This is the first song I heard by Ed Sheeran out of nowhere back in 2015, I don't know where it popped up from in my phone. I still come back to it cause it helps with my emotions..the depression and the likes.

  76. Darshan Panigrahi

    July 2019!! Anyone Here...

  77. Isaiah

    July 2019 anyone? *We love you Ed*

  78. Chloe Hill

    My auntie nikky has this song at her funeral and I wanna do a dance for her so I can make her proud 😔💔 but such a beautiful song

  79. Patrício Andrade

    LetrasThings were all good yesterdayAnd then the devil took your memoryAnd if you fell to your death todayI hope that heaven is your resting placeI heard the doctors put your chest in painBut then that could have been the medicineAnd now you're lying in the bed againEither way I'll cry with the rest of themAnd my father told me, sonIt's not his fault he doesn't know your faceAnd you're not the only oneAlthough my grandma used to say, he used to sayDarling hold me in your arms the way you did last nightAnd we'll lie inside, a little while he wroteI could look into your eyes until the sun comes upAnd we're wrapped in light, in life, in lovePut your open lips on mine and slowly let them shutFor they're designed to be together ohWith your body next to mine our hearts will beat as oneAnd we're set alight, we're afire love, love, love ohAnd things were all good yesterdayThen the devil took your breath awayAnd now we're left here in the painBlack suit, black tie standin' in the rainAnd now my family is one againStapled together with the strangers and a friendCame to my mind I should paint it with a penSix years old I remember whenAnd my father told me, sonIt's not his fault he doesn't know your faceAnd you're not the only oneAlthough my grandma used to say, he used to sayDarling hold me in your arms the way you did last nightAnd we'll lie inside, a little while he wroteI could look into your eyes until the sun comes upAnd we're wrapped in light, in life, in lovePut your open lips on mine and slowly let them shutFor they're designed to be together ohWith your body next to mine our hearts will beat as oneAnd we're set alight, we're afire love, love, love ohAnd my father and all of my familyRise from the seats to sing hallelujahAnd my mother and all of my familyRise from the seats to sing halellujahAnd my brother and all of my familyRise from the seats to sing hallelujah(And all of my brothers and my sisters, yeah)And my father and all of my familyRise from the seats to sing hallelujahHallelujah

  80. Aidan Scroggins

    This is the first time I listened to this song and I cried because I just lost my one and only love but thing was it wasn’t her or me it was the fact her parents had issues with her other family that lives here so she moved literally thousands of miles away from me and I just got off the phone with the news and found out she broke her phone so now I really have no communication anymore😭

  81. Latieya Ray

    Still get cold chills

  82. Over Haul

    Shockzz nostalgiaaaaaa

  83. kelechi Dan

    Just found this 2019

  84. Naylin Ovalles

    I love this song and supermarket flowers because they make me think of my grandparents. When my grandfather fell ill, in his last days he didn't remember many things and many times he did not know who we were, one day my grandmother was feeding him and he stared at her and she said "why are you looking at me like that, do not you know who I am?" and he replied "Of course, you are the love of my life "my beautiful love "(mi amor bonito)" and she kissed his head and said "aaah don't scare me then" my grandfather died the Next day, I have that moment recorded forever in my head, they were married for 65 years

  85. Maria G

    58sec in had to clutch my chest in pain as my eyes began to water

  86. Z Stereo

    The lyrics has so much meaning

  87. Jacquelyn Marie

    Goosebumps every time. 🔥❤

  88. That girl Tyla

    My song playlist now consists of yungblud and ed sheerean I am an odd person

  89. Rachel Braxton

    So emotional song.❤️❤️🌊

  90. Samvel Tomeyan

    60 million views! keep up!

  91. selma souza

    cada dia amo mais estas musicas do ED

  92. MapheisstKarte

    you're going to feel the song the most when you're in the same situation as Ed when he wrote the song

  93. George Maweta


  94. Lavanda Sky

    i love you Paula :) always , i`m sorry i never told you

  95. David Illingworth

    This song is so close to me as I lost my grand parents to Alzheimer's

  96. Emma B

    Lost my grandad last year. How have I not heard this song already. ❤️

  97. john jaffers

    June 2019!! Anyone?? Lovely song😍


    July 2019

    Samir Shalian

    July 2019


    Ma chanson préférée 😍😍😍

    Юрий Торопов

    September 2019. I love this song!!!!

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