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Ed Sheeran - Nancy Mulligan

Nancy Mulligan
: Nancy Mulligan
: 2.73 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 88 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ed Sheeran - Nancy Mulligan )
  1. Sma3in Hounaifi

    Fa parte della religione cattolica (protestanti)

  2. Faris Almutairi


  3. Mała Mi

    I have no sensible words... Just... Wow...

  4. genome v

    This things can never happen in my category of life!

  5. TheBellaBooShow !!!!!

    I am so glad I am 71% Irish

  6. Ben Moss

    You have more subscribers than Eminem

  7. 07Hannah

    Is this song about his parents ?


    His grandparents, they were irish

    Veronica M

    @lasso올가미 Nancy is still alive, William died a few years ago. the song Afire Love is about it.

  8. Chronic Water drinker

    BRAAH BRAAAH Stay away from ma daughter

  9. Aimlovesmusic 14

    Mulligan Like mulligan from Hamilton I’ll leave now

  10. Nicky T

    I love Irish music 🥰

  11. Jurassic man

    Good song eddy

  12. Carol Morris

    I'm Irish and love this little jig !!

  13. Laughingnote 313

    Turn it up full blast. You may lose a eardrum but it’s awesome.


    I am in love with this song...😍😍😍😍

  14. crispy toast4

    I guess you can say SHEE-RAN whith him

  15. Cody Smith

    Most catchy / clever song ever!

  16. Chronade NALLYWAYS

    That lyric "and the house that your brother bought ya" makes me wanna buy my sister a house!💖

  17. Aurora Dalton

    I am half Irish and every time I listen to this song I feel connected to my Irish ancestors

    Aurora Dalton

    Scottish American and like 2 percent German


    @Aurora Dalton Aurora ...u are interesting...NYC to meet you

    Aurora Dalton

    Nice to meet you to

    Horatio Nelson

    Lol I am german

  18. MagicalMelody24

    this song makes me consider starting with Irish Dance...

  19. david bader

    A song that pic me up when I am down so cool bravo ed

  20. Fredrick II

    The part I dislike the most is "don't care about religion" it hurts to see modern pop culture like this.

    Fredrick II

    @Isabel Ruiz They could just switch to protestant it would make it way easier.


    No...matter what the religion...just love what you love and die.

    Fredrick II


  21. Dave F

    Why was this not a single?! This song is so much better than Shape of You.


    You ...can feel the song are my brother.😍....this song me goosebumps

  22. the unknow

    Ed should do a song with Christy Moore I know Ed have played with Christy and offered him to play in corke park but I think Christy getting older and it would be great

  23. Donna Nicholas

    Proud to be Irish ☘️🇨🇮

  24. Susan Florio

    Same story with my grandparents! Grandfather from Chicago in the Coast Guard in Sturgeon Bay, WI. My grandmother delivered the mail there and met my grandfather. After many attempts, my Catholic grandmother, Catherine, finally went on a date with my Protestant grandfather, Gene. Fell in love and ran off to get married. My grandmother was disowned from her family and my grandfather was kicked out of the coast guard (he was an officer and they weren't allowed to be married). They moved to Chicago, had 5 daughters and were deeply in love until the both passed. I love this song, thanks Mr. Sheeran!


    @Susan Florio dad is also in coast guard and they are allowed to married

    Susan Florio

    @COVER INTERNATIONAL -INDIA Yes times have changed haven't they. This was during WWII and he was an officer, officers weren't allowed to be married. Not looking from anything more from you, glad we cleared that up.


    @Susan Florio thankx and plzz check my cover of ed sherran. ..plzz feedback on it. ..i want to improve

    Susan Florio


  25. Jacille Arnold

    My BFF loves Nancy Mulligan

  26. Tabi 7

    We heard that song in the english lesson since them I love it!!

  27. Julio Villaseñor

    someone in 2019?

  28. maichka15

    This is lovely beyond words

  29. Chronade NALLYWAYS

    This song kills. Probably the best Ed Sheeran song ever!💖

  30. Chronade NALLYWAYS

    Let Ed Sheeran entertain me!💖

  31. Chronade NALLYWAYS

    What a good song!💙

  32. Vicky Stanley

    This song is amazing and I LOVE the video to it.

  33. Rose AJ400


  34. Fucc Feelings

    This song is like for movies

  35. Kashish Yadav

    Make its music video...plzz🤤🤘😍🔥

  36. Devine Marie

    The amount of spirit and love I feel when listening to this song is unreal...

  37. Ayesha Maungoo

    speed 1.5

  38. さとうあしと


  39. jk jk

    This comment section is just people telling the story of some English man who now thinks he's irish

    Veronica M

    Nancy Mulligan is a song about Ed's Irish grandparents. Ed has Irish heritage and Sheeran is an irish surname. If you listened to Ed's song Galway Girl, you'd hear him say he was an Englishman

    jk jk

    @Veronica M i know but come ON every Irish person would agree with me that we are SICK of this redhead thinking he's our fucking savour

    jk jk

    @Chris Bradley You are English to an Irish person but please do tell an Irish person your heritage just don't say your Irish

    jk jk

    Your dad is NOT Irish he's English

    jk jk

    @Chris Bradley listen being Irish is special it identifies you and everyone wants to be your friend. If your dad says he's Irish I've no right to say he's not but if he's born in England and so are YOU, your just as English as the next person who was born in England. There is no such thing as being Irish but being born in another country and if you went in to Dublin and said " I'm Irish but i was born in England and this is my first time here" someone would call you an eejit and slap you. So if your dad asked his Irish relatives what he was they would say ENGLISH.

  40. jk jk

    Me and my dad hate this song

    COVER INTERNATIONAL -INDIA your dad is religious ...???

    jk jk

    No we just hate how he's trying to be Irish


    @jk jk ohh... that's a small problem..,🤣😆

  41. Hexxay02



    Don't care about religion 😃


    Yes...😍🥰 who u matter what the religion

  43. Mr Potato gamer

    It's the greatest song ever

  44. いちごもち


  45. Taylor Dunne

    i’m irish🥰❤️

  46. judy channel tv


  47. Mars The Pro

    Nancy Mulligan > galway girl

  48. Anouar El massnaoui


  49. Anouar El massnaoui

    Bruh this is good

  50. Derpy PotatoFox

    I freaking love this! The sound is so crisp and sheerans voice is amazing!

  51. Myths and Anime Plus Ramen

    I can’t stop listening to this song. Probably put a million on there.

  52. Dark knight

    This song deserves a music video😍😍

  53. chloe georgeson

    my nan was from Ireland, and her last name was Sheeran, 🤔 I wonder if we could be related some where along the lines 🤔


    Lmao 🤣

  54. RiRi Branagh

    One of the struggles of being a girl from Belfast: Hearing songs call it Belfast town and actually preferring that title, but knowing it gained city status in the 2000s so having to refer to it as Belfast City instead

  55. Mmkay C:

    Im gonna marry the woman I love

  56. Pawel Jaworski

    White streak in jet black hair... it's like x-men

  57. J & j Jaidon

    I just realized it says 22 grandkids and this is about his grandparents so ed has a lot of cousins


    @J & j Jaidon are from America but you a know lot about Europe


    @J & j Jaidon how

    J & j Jaidon

    COVER INTERNATIONAL -INDIA I like to study stuff


    @J & j Jaidon are a interesting guy....btw from where did you read that


    @COVER INTERNATIONAL -INDIA a ginger is a person with red/orange hair ( not just irish but from every country)


    After Hearing This Song I Don't Think Anyone Can Resist The Temptation Of Dancing

  59. Nadia Iwanek

    22 grandkids and one of them is Ed Sheeran. I bet they are so proud 😍

  60. Prawn Cracker

    Doesn’t work as well without the accent I’m a proud Irish 🇨🇮

  61. Malva Aronson

    Very Happy love :DDDD

  62. Katelyn Vanderwende

    And am Irish and I have the ain’t

  63. Katelyn Vanderwende

    I can do the dance to the song and sing and play the 🎸

  64. Seruliaf

    How have I not heard this song before?

    Veronica M

    Nancy Mulligan is from Ed's Divide ÷ deluxe album (2017) and about his Irish grandparents

  65. 8ball pool Master

    It sounds similar to the song played in tavern in ac4Trooper and maid was the name

    Veronica M

    this song about Ed's Irish grandparents, and it's their names

  66. Aym Larrie

    I was drinking beer when this song started playing and I felt like an Irish dude in the early xx century chillin at the local bar right before my life takes a sudden twist after falling in love with the wild and beautiful woman that's joyfully dancing on the table at the other end of the bar


    I am also dancing

  67. すた すた



    すたすた 日本人でえええす!!!!!!

    すた すた

    な、か、ま!!٩( ᐛ )

  68. Ryan Murphy

    Is bréa liom

  69. Carley Burke

    Hehehe god song

  70. Elaine Ruhl

    My parents have five son's and three daughters.......I thought that was cool.....

  71. Dank Exhaust

    It’s spooktober you can only like this for the rest of the month 😉

    gravity shots

    Dank Exhaust spook fest?

  72. Marija 123


  73. teatime uwu

    I had this song in my english classtest

  74. Pawn Pokrel

    Anyone October 2019?

    galaxy gamer2019

    Pawn Pokrel not the only one my friend!

    Pawn Pokrel

    @galaxy gamer2019 let's listen together once again(•‿•)

    galaxy gamer2019

    Pawn Pokrel we shall

    galaxy gamer2019

    Do u play PUBG if so can u join me I’m lonely 😔

  75. Marinelle Oriola

    I love this songgg! Made me feel good after a long tiring day

  76. Rin's Everything

    This song makes me wish I was Irish. I mean I have goddamn red hair but I'm mostly British and Swedish!

  77. Elita Sproge

    for some reason i call catholics cat alcholics

  78. Adele Farmer

    Hi ed sheeranI love your videos

  79. Aschen puttel_


  80. Meri Dolbakyan

    Nobody:Absolutely no one:Not a single soul:Ed Sheeran:ReL *Y* g *Y* oNLol love him tho my red haired angel ♥️➗👼

    sSniper Phoenix


  81. xt Surviver tx


  82. Noah Pogue

    I'm of Celtic decent and would love to learn the culture

  83. Carolina Garcia

    LOVE this song!!!

  84. shine star

    Don't care about religion I gonna mari the woman I love but her daddy said no

  85. Abhishree

    I love the irish music so much!!!❤🌼❤🌼

  86. Atul Bishnoi

    hey ed .. this song is actually amazing . i listened it on spotify....why dont you make a video on it....everyone is gonna love it ....

  87. abdirahman mahad

    If u watch today click the like 2019 👍🙏

  88. Astrid Mayfield

    In that last line of the first part it kinda sounds like he says something Algerbre just mee ok

  89. Antwan S

    Step 1. Go to YT SearchStep 2. Search this keyword: Mimi Draw Ed SheeranStep 3. Enjoy!Ed Sheeran - Nancy Mulligan [Official Audio]listen toThe voice that speaks inside.” “Books: a beautifully browsable invention that needs no electricity and exists in a readable form no matter what happens.” “Book

  90. Astrid Mayfield


  91. TheZhafer

    ningun culiao que use el :v o el ._.XD?

  92. Ytmashup's trash

    8 children jeez, my grandparents have 7 :) ,

  93. Yahya Khawaja

    Im hearing this from my car lol

  94. bruh moment

    This is perfection

  95. prithvi raj

    This. Is. Underrated!!

  96. Ella Mcmillan

    im gonna say this cuz i want to get it out: i listen to this song non-stop because it reminds me of me and my boyfriend. we fell in love on the first day of school this year, and we are so happy. my dad doesnt like him, but my dad doesnt know were dating. me and my bf have decided that the day i turn 18 were getting married,

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