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Ed Sheeran - Happier

: Happier
: 3.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 124 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 57 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ed Sheeran - Happier )
  1. Juliet Nandwa

    Litsening to this jam makes me bust to tears,,reminds me alot😩😩

  2. Adidas YT

    Cats: Meow MeowDogs: arf arfIdiots who wants likes:2019??

  3. Bernie Jaqueca

    Its very good ed sheeren

  4. alonna dragon

    Scribble sham💘🙀🔥😼💓♥️💕😻😽💗💫🏄🧝

  5. Szymon

    Why does a puppet have a more interesting life than me

  6. kelvin machado

    I love this video for me it's funny 🤣

  7. Johnny

    For the 2% who read this and struggling in life at the moment... people will tear you down but you will eventually get up and be stronger & happier for it. Somebody out there really does care about you. Remember that. ❤

  8. Madelief Its mee!

    2019✅2020🔐2021🔐2022🔐2023🔐2024🔐 Like So I Remember!

  9. Ye Yint Maung

    I'm really crying here...

  10. Siobhan Morrison

    *Me trying to listen to sad songs and have a good cry*Commercials: A PHONE MADE THE GOOGLE WAY Me: ah fuck

  11. Music røom


  12. Lilian 470

    100 M✔200 M✔300 M ✔400 M ✔500 M ✔😊😊

  13. Anda Plesa


  14. OX I AM


  15. my chanel

    Ilove my girlfriend so much...and even now she is still mine and I hope God allows us to be forever...I don't want to lose not her. She shown me something I wanna keep tiil my last breath...I know I'm not alone in here that feels that way...

  16. Justin Zap

    who is here before 308,016,660 views

  17. Hetiya Kath Rengma

    Hello ... November 2019 listener

  18. Daniel Lee Shehorn

    We are dealt cards to deal with when we are playing the game, which means we actually, we are losing at life. Life is a game, only if we lose.

  19. Tiểuu Vũ

    Ngày trước nó chỉ đơn thuần là bài hát yêu thích, nhưng bây giờ nó lại là câu chuyện của chính tôi. You look happier

  20. Matt J Depression

    Thanks for this Song

  21. LBVMZ army

    why you hurt your girlfriebd

  22. Roy Chernobyl

    dis sound like 'stay with me' lmaoo

  23. Sano Black

    I'd be happier if you would leave a comment under my video "Bridges".

  24. Wolf Reaper Gaming

    Found out I’m Medically discharged from the Marine Corps and then a week later my fiancé is leaving me sounds like a great life.

  25. Vicente brigame

    The original song is the Marshmello music or Ed Sheeran music?

    Veronica M

    Ed's song came out around 18 months before marshmello's song Happier, and is from Ed's Divide album released march 2017

  26. Iptissem Abichou


  27. RGXanimates Xtrm

    U know theres a mashup with marshmellows and his

  28. Niko Soear

    First time I've felt anything in years. I'll take it over feeling numb . Thanks ed. 7/8/8 forever babe. Have a good life.

  29. Elsira Ramires

    wow this is version is good, nice:Dawesome(´ε` )♡(o´ω`o) (o‘w’o)

  30. Noah Jackson

    This is happening to me currently, but younger version 😔💔💔

  31. maayan zim


  32. Luna Playz

    Why do i cry every time i listen to this song

  33. Troll_Man09

    I very very love this song💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤

  34. Rose Playz

    Idk why but I HAVE A FEAR OF PUPPETS


    Lmao...🤣🤣🤣..then it's a scary video for you

    Rose Playz


  35. Mark Alphy

    The taste of Ed Sheeran music is just something else.This song will still hold its relevance decades from now... Keep tabs with it


    Hey...mark u stole my words...😍

  36. Nigar Jalilzade

    Love this song

  37. b o b a g a c h a

    I did a gacha life thing on the verse _You look H A P P I E R, You do.._

  38. Dyo Mathye

    Everyone looks happier

  39. Inay Yanz


  40. Mridul roy official

    Anyone listening this song in 2019 hit like

  41. 은하Miyoga-Chan

    Is it okay if I share my story...?I will because I need advice... I'm honestly too young to be this miserable but I'm too advanced,At grade 4 I had a *secret* crush on my bestfriend. I got shipped with a lot of other people but not with him.... I'm now at grade 6 and confessed to him at August 11,I was thinking of confessing to him at his birthday,but I rushed,another girl at our school got a crush on him as well and it spread throughout my school,and ofcourse everyone shipped them. But there was something else why I rushed. We have a friend who has a cousin at another school,the cousin added her classmate to a group chat and her classmate got a crush on my crush. But when I confessed there wasn't really any problem,he had a crush on me and I had a crush on him too,but know its different,he *used* to have a crush on the girl at the gc but now,no. He has a crush on me and the girl at my school and I did a sacrifice I didn't like. I uncrushed him,but I still loved him,but seeing him happier with another girl just filled me with guilt. My heart hurts,I'm more broken than before and I'm crying in the inside,I regret everything that happened,but I was the reason it all happened. The girl,she used to have a crush on another guy,then she asked me for advice on how to uncrush him. Why? Since I used to have a crush on him too....Which means if I didn't give her advice this won't happen in the first place,I'm just broken with nothing now...


    Hey...plzz don't blame yourself....Human makes mistakes...but God gives a second go and do what you feel right...and do it in a that you don't feel regret....I hope God may bless you and give u hope.....and atlast I want to say that....keep a smile on your face cause it will change everything...

    sagen mandi

    @COVER INTERNATIONAL -INDIA 😭 why I am crying....after her story and ... feeling strong reading ur comment


    Thank you guys very much,it feels nice to know some people can feel how I'm feeling right now :>

  42. Shiny Joseph

    Good awesome and amazing awesomely amazing

  43. Mimi_cutie Period

    I like this boy but he won’t notice me and I even changed myself for him but I grew depressed and now I don’t really care :( I guess he is happier now.

  44. Saad Freakin’ Adhia

    Right in the feels why do you break my heart Ed😖😖😖

  45. Roblox Roleplays

    2018✅ 2019✅2020🔒2021🔒2022🔒

  46. Jose Lopez Cruz

    this is my favorite song, i love since the first, you know something, i cry the fist,

  47. YouTube HM

    Anyone in month of 10/19

  48. Deborah Bianchini


  49. Banana kid

    only listen to this song in winter so they can’t see your goosebumps.


    Why I laughed and regret at the same after reading this

  50. zero two

    wow this sesame street ep got dark

  51. Williana Dourado

    Ed, the Brasil love you.


    And India too

  52. joan joany

    you will never know how i got 500 likes


    I know 😏

  53. Luna Da

    2049: i hope my kids see this and listen to it like me

  54. Hannah Hembree

    Anyone elese notice all the balloons in this video? Yeah, Marshmello, you've just been roasted.

  55. Arf Cover

    tuja wak arep

  56. Itzyourdailycookie

    I’m crying at puppets and balloons;-;

  57. Janet Gulapa

    Nag aalala ko tuloy si mommy jon

  58. trisha and kiza in forever sister

    My favorite song

  59. Nathalie Hernandez

    ¿Quién más piensa que este vídeo le quita seriedad a la letra? 😤😩

  60. Ethan Eda

    who else is crying over a puppet and a balloon cuz im totaly not

  61. Terentius_XX

    2019 anyone?

  62. LENA TV

    I want be to be for men


    Hi Lena tv...

  63. Jayventurous B.B.

    Ed lowkey got cucked by Elmo, smh

  64. Bikkel Thijssen


  65. Nour Salem

    its not that sad isnt it

  66. Kookie Chips

    ❤️ We love you Edsheeran forever and ever ❤️ 2019

  67. Venom XFiles

    I love this song I see my self on this song

  68. Soul x Mind

    I lost her,I lost myself,But I'm still happy :>


    That's what the real you....I am a song cover maker...I made a cover of perfect and photo graph by Ed Sheeran...

  69. Prudy SA

    I personally feel like if instead of Teddies real humans were used in the video it should've been more interesting. It's based on a real story after all.. Great song though.❤️

  70. TheSebastian57


  71. Le monde de gacha life Le monde

    I love you ✌️❤️

  72. Amanda Canley

    This song gives me HUGE Jane the Virgin season 2 Rafael vibes

  73. Joseph Vernon

    First time hearing this

  74. lina khalil

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Hapier "im Not happy"

  75. WOL FY

    I am soo single

  76. Epic Grey

    evrytime i listened to this song makes me cry💔💔 shereen christine

  77. Sir God

    I don't know why but when ever I listen to Ed's song, I think this must win Grammy award.

  78. Ami Sato

    Who are listening in 2019??

  79. Rob Morris

    This is the best sexiest video I've ever seen!

  80. tak tak

    Its real life..

  81. Thomas Hinrichs

    I love that its puppet it makes the video more beautiful instead of us getting an idea of an actual person we see what we want to see and put the face of that person on the puppets:):*(

  82. Jace Myers

    When you get rejected by your crush who you’ve liked since you met her in 2nd grade for a absolute douche bad but I guess she’s happier without her

  83. Brayden 1205



    Te amo BB😍

  85. Chioma Egwuonwu

    Ed Sheeran: happierMarshmello: happier

  86. Aline Martins

    Chorando horrores com essa música pqp

  87. Farjana Begum

    Happiness results in listening to the music and sadness results in listening to the lyrics.

  88. Ezhumalai R

    Who LiKe MJ HiT Like Here 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  89. The Demon King

    Miss you 😢😔😣

  90. Peloshuauchinango

    Its funny how the girl is a Balloon 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

  91. DaviGameplays E Hacks

    Q bosta

  92. shit posts ruins

    Hey look ma i made It vibes

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