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Ed Sheeran - Castle On The Hill

Castle On The Hill
: Castle On The Hill
: 3.97 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 135 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 52 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ed Sheeran - Castle On The Hill )
  1. WhatAreYouDoing!-Podcast Highlights

    Dude needs to hit up Techon man get him on a track. His song Tail Lights is heat.

  2. Shadow Fire

    I may use this for a my talent show!

  3. SaRp rOllins

    Man November 2019!

  4. Mary-ann Poop

    I know but the dog singed it a bit better

  5. Mickel Lim

    beautiful song. music and lyrics, all

  6. suraj raut

    This song itself is a nostalgia.


    Love this song❤️🔥

  8. Offline

    This guy is precious, like 1 in a million. Just reading a visual journey... he deserves everything... worked his but off to get where his right now. Love u Ed Sheeran forever and ever ❤️

  9. K A

    I'm here because of Rottweiler of Masked Singer. Anyone else? Rottweiler/Chris Daughtry sang it better than ES!

    Ehab Haffala

    IKR! petition for him to release his version of the song.

  10. Ghanshyam Gurung

    Sun,17 Nov 03:06pm...2019

  11. The beastly Gaming And More

    It almost 2020 andmim still loving #almost2020

  12. un named


  13. Jason C

    I'm about to go visit a best friend I grew up with from the time I was 5 years old. Went all the way through High School together and he moved away. Have not seen him in about 25 years and just found him recently. Will be jamming to this song while on the way. This song so reminds me so much of those days.

  14. Maddie

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *When you find that song that’s stuck in your head*. -The shape of you is better-

  15. Joshua Hamilton

    See people talk a out life before the internet but showing it like this really makes kids feel

  16. Jag oda

    How was the polish beer 😂😂

  17. p a s t e l b e e

    This makes me think of my friend. she has been having trouble and she has no time for anything anymore, we used to play all day together and know it's like she disappeared..

  18. Gian Barcena

    broke muh leg

  19. Michael Howell

    I remember those days.

  20. Mura Ní Chanáin

    It makes me cry every time I listen to it! So powerful and poignant

  21. a oneiill

    ok ...Who REALLY wrote thissounds like Bumford and daugters

  22. Flatron

    you have the best song even take me back to london is my favourite i really love you ed sheeran

  23. Ophelia :-D

    Ich liebe dieses Lied.Jedes Mal wenn ich es höre, entfacht es diese Sehnsucht in mir, einen Band Harry Potter in die Hand zu nehmen und nochmal ganz von vorne anzufangen......Love!

  24. pav

    The story of what happens to you if you drink too much tyskie

  25. Temurua Flight

    No I did to

  26. Justin Ortiz

    Does anyone else wonder if the friends of Ed, think, "hes talking about me"

  27. CoachDChapman

    Brought here by Chris Daughtry (The Rottweiler) He made your song his tonight on - "masked singer" yo. He KILLLLLED IIIIT.



  29. Veronica M

    Lyrics are in the description but there is also a fun animated official lyric video for it :) Ed Sheeran - Castle On The Hill [Official Lyric Video]

  30. Kaylie Macy

    Heard this tonight when the dog sang it on “The Masked Singer”. Soooo in love!!! 😍

    Michael Howell

    Kaylie Macy same here.


    I still think the Rottweiler on the Masked Singer sang it better... He has a better and more powerful higher register that brings the song alive just that little bit extra.

    Mary-ann Poop

    omg that’s so creepy because that’s why I looked for this song, I love it so much!!

    Ehab Haffala

    @TacoMonsterNick true, cause the rottweiler is Chris Daughtry who has a phenomenal vocals.


    @Ehab Haffala Ya, my mom had me listen to his performance of this song to get a second opinion and I too think it's definitely Chris Daughtry. He's my favorite artist/band. It's rare that I or anyone for that matter can listen to every song a band has made and like them all. Not a single one I won't listen to.

  31. Michael Segovia

    God I love life

  32. KzCreationz & More

    If you don’t cry at this you are either very young or litterly have no soul.

  33. KzCreationz & More

    My entire family thinks this man can’t sing...... HOW AM I RELATED TO THEM?! LISTEN TO HIM!!!!

  34. UseCode ClawHeheNum

    Its fucking copy right go search up cletic thunder beat similar mean like really @ed sheeran dont get into a habbit

    Veronica M

    it's not but the song is co-produced by an Irish musician, so might be why you get that vibe...some ppl think of a U2 song :)

  35. John doe

    Aleays thought Shawn Mendes sang this

    Veronica M

    Shawn has covered it at his concerts, although he has covered a number of Ed's songs over the years. Ed co-wrote a song for Shawn's last album.

  36. John doe

    How do you talk for hours and hours about sweet and sour? Those lyrics alone ruin the entire song .This song is pretty good though

    Veronica M

    castle on the hill doesn't have those lyrics, that's shape of you. 'talking for hour and hours about the sweet & sour' also means talking about a wide variety of issues, good and the bad, so getting to know about that person's life, which is why the lyrics also mention about ''and her family is doing ok'' :) it's not just Chinese food, so has a double meaning in the song :)

  37. antonio Joseph

  38. Flamboyant football

    I'm from where Ed Sheeran is from :)

  39. Flamboyant football

    I saved my self some money, I use the YouTube comment section as my calendar

  40. A2official _

    This is ed sheerans most underrated song

    Veronica M

    yeah, although was the 14th biggest selling song worldwide in 2017 :)

    Joshua Hamilton

    @Veronica M lol gottem

  41. Misha Levi-Abramsky

    This reminds me of stuff that I haven’t experienced yet.

  42. The Future

    It's November 13 today.2019 is about to end...And it's still my favourite song ❤️❤️❤️


    Bro you amazing


    same and u just reminded me its nearly christmas

    The Future

    @Nickxx how am i amazing?


    The Future cuz you like dis song

  43. Gabriel Cuconati

    This is just so heartwarming!!! Did all this really happen to you when you were younger, Ed?!

    Veronica M

    it's based on Ed's life growing up in small country town in England, the music video is filmed around that area. Framlingham Castle at 4:32

    Gabriel Cuconati

    @Veronica M So Framlingham Castle is the "castle on the hill!!"

    Veronica M

    @Gabriel Cuconati yes :)

  44. Unbiased Opinion

    This song deserves to be in the Billions when it comes to views.

  45. Issa Abdi

    i'm coming back in 2030. please leave a like so that i might remember if i'll be alive

  46. Lisa Marie Hadlow

    It's so nice to listen to music when we're sitting down ready for bed so peaceful and lovely and quiet please

  47. krizthunder dalogdog

    2019 baby

  48. Fernando Montalvo

    “One’s brother overdosed” 😓😞

    Mc Andrei Tuquib

    As soon as i saw this comment i hear rhat line

  49. Lokesh Korada

    When I was six years old I broke my legI was running from my brother and his friendsAnd tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled downI was younger then, take me back to when IFound my heart and broke it hereMade friends and lost them through the yearsAnd I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grownBut I can't wait to go homeI'm on my wayDriving at ninety down those country lanesSinging to "Tiny Dancer"And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's realWe watched the sunset over the castle on the hillFifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettesRunning from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friendsHad my first kiss on a Friday night, I don't reckon that I did it rightBut I was younger then, take me back to whenWe found weekend jobs, when we got paidWe'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straightMe and my friends have not thrown up in so long, oh how we've grownBut I can't wait to go homeI'm on my wayDriving at ninety down those country lanesSinging to "Tiny Dancer"And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's realWe watched the sunset over the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillOne friend left to sell clothesOne works down by the coastOne had two kids but lives aloneOne's brother overdosedOne's already on his second wifeOne's just barely getting byBut these people raised me and I can't wait to go homeAnd I'm on my way, I still rememberThis old country lanesWhen we did not know the answersAnd I miss the way you make me feel, it's realWe watched the sunset over the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hill

  50. Anthony Molina

    Estoy a días de graduarme y ya esta canción me trae nostalgia, me hace recordar a mis compañeros y amigos, todas las risas, las aventuras, los encuentros, no puedo creer que ya todo se acabará 😭.

  51. Kay Wingfield

    You are so good Ed

  52. Aswin henry joseph

    Magical moments are created in my thoughts hearing this song.. Thank you Ed. Love from 🇮🇳

  53. Karma Lhendup Bhutia


  54. Natalia W

    super muza polecam się na kamerzystke

  55. G Paul

    When we got paid we'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight... i like the lyrics to this tune. It's all good.

  56. Yvonne Smith

    Love this song the best in my opinion.

  57. TheDIY Godfather

    Why isnt this on spotify?

    Veronica M

    it's on spotify, just not spotify indiaCastle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran

  58. cool axe

    I m HomeSick😥😰

  59. jon suejoj

    While this Is good song, I like "beautiful people", because we are beautiful in our own way or another.

  60. Tanishq Gedam

    I miss my friends.

  61. Smik Bieber22002

    Every time i hear this I always got goosebumps


    Iam hear,a focal is a shawn mendes

    Veronica M

    Shawn has covered this song at his concerts but it's Ed's song

  63. Noahide

    My name is Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. I was born on the 20th of November 1972 in Kingston upon Hull in England in the United Kingdom. My websites are - Noahide Videos Bible: & Noahide Books:

  64. Ameya Kadu

    Listening to this song feel like rocketing out of earth

  65. xxdeer_ Squadxx

    Who’s dad told them too put this on?Just me?Umm .. awkward

    Avik Das

    Yep like beggar, and get a better dictionary kid

  66. Brittany Ortiz

    Bunnymund reignited trilogy rise of the guardians ice age toy story spyro reignited trilogy toy story 2 ice age 2 lady and the tramp lion king 2019 mlp movie phineas and ferb Jimmy neutron ice age 3 toy story 3 ice age 4 toy story 4 ice age 5 danny phantom movie video game music soundtrack castle on the hill from minipop kids and ed Sheeran team

  67. Marl Nazarro

    I miss my friends after watching this mv.😅😥

  68. Mutaz Ayed

    Am I the only one who thinks the song talks about every Millennials, 90’s born people

  69. Jan Apolsid

    3:56 "When we did not know the answers"Back when life was full of excitement and unpredictable adventures.

  70. Control Oz

    Eh I’ve got a love hate thing with Ed sheeran but this I really appreciate. Great clip. And they cast a young Ed really well! I like how it ends with him today hanging with his childhood mates. I really hope they are the real kids he grew up with and not actors because that would make it extra special.

    Veronica M

    Ed knows some of the people at the end sitting with him but the lookalike actor is from Ed's old high school. Ed takes some of his high school friends on tour with him, and married one of them

  71. Melake Mesfin

    Guys i'm still Listening This song 2019/11/09 best Friday night ever I gotta kiss💏🤜 #Ed 👑

  72. Brenda Staub

    Watchin this for my Bday yahhhhhhh 💜♏️🤟🏻💜♏️🤟🏻💜♏️🤟🏻💜♏️🤟🏻💜

  73. Julie Blows

    'I still remember' 'When we did not know the answers' 😭

  74. Funny hext

    I love u ed

  75. Ainun Amaliani

    Who on 2017

  76. Hargun Kaur

    so it was our last assembly before all of us have to leave school and make a career , we had decided that everyone will sing together. we sang like 4 songs and this was one of them. all of us now have a sweet memory attached w this song and im a proud sheerio for being able to convince everyone to sing this :3

  77. Felix III Soriano

    This song somehow makes me remember my childhood friends. Life's simpler back then.

  78. Ay. Moses

    My life soundtrack

  79. Finn Conroy furlong

    I'm you're cousin I'm you're biggest fan

  80. Ruihao Wu

    The girl that got ed's first kiss must have been like:


    Sou brasileiro mas amo as musicas dele

  82. Samuel StringsOnKeys

    Whos still listening to this in November the 7th 2019

    Vanesa Koteva

    November the 11th 2019 😂🙃


    November 13th

  83. OGnubX D

    This song needs way more love

    Blitzwing Prime Minister

    Yep I agree

  84. Daniel Toth Music

    When I was six years old I broke my legI was running from my brother and his friendsAnd tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled downI was younger thenTake me back to whenI found my heart and broke it hereMade friends and lost them through the yearsAnd I've not seen the roaring fields in so longI know I've grownBut I can't wait to go homeI'm on my wayDriving at 90 down those country lanesSinging to "Tiny Dancer"And I miss the wayYou make me feelAnd it's realWhen we watched the sunset over the castle on the hillFifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettesRunning from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friendsHad my first kiss on a Friday nightI don't reckon that I did it rightI was younger then,Take me back to whenWe found weekend jobs, when we got paidWe'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straightMe and my friends have not thrown up in so longOh, how we've grownBut I can't wait to go homeI'm on my wayDriving at 90 down those country lanesSinging to "Tiny Dancer"And I miss the wayYou make me feelAnd it's realWhen we watched the sunset over the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillOne friend left to sell clothesOne works down by the coastOne had two kids but lives aloneOne's brother overdosedOne's already on his second wifeOne's just barely getting byBut these people raised meAnd I can't wait to go homeAnd I'm on my wayI still remember these old country lanesWhen we did not know the answersAnd I miss the wayYou make me feelAnd it's realWhen we watched the sunset over the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillOver the castle on the hillThank you for reading. I record covers of popular songs. I appreciate it if you listen to my channel! 😊


    Done brother..thank you for lyrics

    Muniya Rahman


  85. Christina 21

    This makes me miss my childhood I’m only 13. How

    Christina 21

    jon suejoj mate what?

    jon suejoj

    @Christina 21 lol mate wth I said read a book kid get out the house and kick it with your friends

    Christina 21

    jon suejoj damn okay

    jon suejoj

    @Christina 21 ijs

    Christina 21

    jon suejoj I love reading so ig that won’t be a problem

  86. lxn. da

    this song always makes me cry♥️😭

  87. Bikkel Thijssen


  88. Ahmad Wali

    “But these people raised me and i can’t wait to go home”

  89. DMY 47

    I never had a life like this.I wish I had 😢 😭

  90. DMY 47

    I really cried after listening this song.

  91. Tyra Davis

    Still loving this song anyone came back in November 2019?

    Just Russ

    Never left... One of my all-time "play this at my funeral so I can hear it" favorites.

    Che Dre

    Tyra Davis ayyy

    eiya martina torres

    Me to it is so good

    PP - 06GU - Cheyne MS (1494)

    Yeah I did

  92. Jeongho Koh

    Hard, isn’t it?

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