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BB King - The Thrill is Gone

The Thrill is Gone
: The Thrill is Gone
: 4.97 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 112 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 84 İndirme
: 15-12-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (BB King - The Thrill is Gone )
  1. Zofia Marzec


  2. Carlisto Box

    NAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! guevonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa primera vez que escucho y se de este tipazo! gracias google

  3. piepelouse


  4. Lori Malkoff

    4.3k people took time to diss this performance? THIS IS blues HISTORY!!

  5. Ello


  6. Ello

    gitar SOLO

  7. Chouk Chouk


  8. Leo

    Falta Norberto

  9. Mehdi Stone

    anyone knows the 51min bb king live . it was delited -_-

  10. minabo taduro

    I saw "The master" in Argentina,he mades me cry and laugh,God bless u Blues Boy King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oui!!!! La magie existe!!!!!

  12. Miroslav Schulc

    how can 4.2 K put thumbs down they should keep be playing video games or just do crosswords

  13. Jacques Marlio

    What musicians. All comes from the heart. Thanks

  14. Galina Milova


  15. Ibrahime Ibrah

    Dernier tour ,soyez dans le souhait attendu d une grande notorîété qui vous imprégne, ne nous décever pas !?

  16. karim che

    Un grand chanteur et magnifique

  17. Anne-Lise Rislå Stangeland

    Sånn e d.

  18. AB94 Nemesis

    The best team, B.B.KING and ERIC CLAPTON

  19. Михаил Выборг


  20. Didar Zhumanov

    Das ist fantastisch!

  21. Osvaldo Vera cruz

    Assim fica a vida !

  22. Ashly Cordova

    Yoinever sya jfz know mjcht..

  23. Michael Harris

    This for me is the best soul soothing tunes on this plant and beyond for life and till the end...

  24. Юрий Левченко

    Нет слов.Слушайте.....!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Gabriel Marrero

    amazing!!!!!! that is music!!!!

  26. James Oliver

    There are sooo many years of great music playing musicians there....It kinda gives me a little glimpse of what Heaven must be like all the time ! Can you imagine the songs and the sounds ? Oh My God !! Jaws will be droppin and eyes will be poppin !

  27. Villa Gesell


  28. ROUDIER Alain

    Juste génialissime !!!!

  29. Teknik sipil Menyala

    nyaman sekali

  30. ThezeEyez7


  31. Ibrahime Ibrah


  32. Ibrahime Ibrah

    Exceptionnel , vraiment ; sans amphase..?

  33. Ibrahime Ibrah

    Le matador du blues depuis sa dcouverte jusqu' à son plébiscite comme king à juste titre , sans complésence...

  34. william Richter

    one of my favorite R&B singers ever

  35. mel


  36. Ricky Tucker

    he was are favorite

  37. Meditation And Meditation

    It Is Morning In India Now And My day Is Starting With This Song ::)

  38. Helen Wright

    I 💘 Utube😍😍😍😍😍esp. Watching Stevie Ray on it!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍Helen

  39. alienpioneer

    Robert Cray is really killing cool.

  40. Aljosa Radosavljevic

    Peva lusila iz sveg glasa!!!

  41. Bev Hamilton

    Mad talent on that stage! Sorry baby but the thrill is gone

  42. Meditation And Meditation

    Incredible ----- ----- ----- :)

  43. Олег Сеничкин

    Вещь слов нет

  44. Keith Hall

    eric too many notes claptout

  45. Leroy Jenkins

    Hey my mother is gone wildddddddd hey she were just crazy about b b king wildddddddd hey will get up early in the morning and put b b king music on wildddddddd it's time to get busy hey this chick will have you washing dishes and laundry and cleaning up the kitchen and bathroom and living room wildddddddd hey she just dancing her ass off wildddddddd hey at the of day wildddddddd she was a Joy for a mother and my father is just like my mother see a lot of kids don't have what me and my brother and sisters had both parents at the table wildddddddd hey they both are gone but they both love some b b king wildddddddd

  46. Jeff Fleck

    Oh My Goodness me oh my. Lets have a Lil soul. BB Lv Gt

  47. Gail Kalish

    Man, that is so true

  48. dopeSAV117

    THE MAN that lives upto his name! and paved the way for music today!

  49. Ged Higgins

    Loved it what a TUNE

  50. Hirthirt hirt

    Where are THESE black people gone. What a great man......and never rode a stupid Donk XD

  51. Captn Squid

    I like Robert Cray, Have a few of his CD's he has a rich style of play .

  52. German BG


  53. Patrick Thompson


  54. СССР

    КАРАУЛ! Вот это ДА!!!

  55. ольга к

  56. Adrian Vieyra

    El REY del Blues mis mejores canciones viva bb king 👑

  57. Deadly Poet

    This song is always there for me after a break up or nasty argument 😭😭😔

  58. John b

    The Thrill Is Gone de B.B King

  59. D Rivs

    JTOL Eagles fans,,, Our Philadelphia Eagles done did it Once. So what is stopping us from doing it again..???. Just NFL,,,, Regulation style. Hoddle Yaul. And let us Eagles put together our own Swoop Down Style. Eagles fan Darryl (drivs)Rivers out.

  60. D Rivs

    Yo,,yaul don't hear Eric klap-- play along side..,"BB-King. Yo Eagles let's just simply rise up above loosing and let loosing know..The trill is gone.

  61. Debra Lee

    I love it omg who's in here in 2019

  62. António zyzz perez

The Thrill is Gone Şarkı Sözü
The thrill is gone away
Oh the thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away
You know you done me wrong
And you gonna be sorry, someday
The thrill is gone away from me
Oh the thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away from me
Although, I'll still live on
But so lonely I'll be
The thrill is gone away from me
Oh the thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away from me
I know I'll be open armed baby
Like I know a good man should
You know I'm free now
I'm free from your spell
Oh I'm free, free, free now baby
I'm free from your spell
And now that it's all over
All I can do is wish you well

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