True Blues from the hair to the shoes....... rest in power BB. I just hate that I was so young and never got to see this legend in person.
Set the speed at 0.75 like it was in the first recorded version.....slower than the one here, like back in the day.
Right on with the right on.
Music is love my love is music!Long live the King
REMEMBERING RILEY "B.B." KING(September 16, 1925...May 14, 2011) [09/16/2019]
I miss my Daddy ....love you forever, did you like when I played this at your homegoing 💙 I can listen to it without crying today 9/24/19
My favorite song from B.B. King. So many people never heard of it.
King 🤴
The African youngsters are getting it and the drummer is superb
Powerful voice.
Love.love.love this song💜💜💜
Any normal fellow disliking this? Easily his best track!
The whole soul created by the almighty is in Africa.
Actually Larry Carlton, thank God, is still with us... so 2 people from the band still walk the earth.
Who else came back for that Bassline???
Merci BB KING vous avez rendez tans de soul heureuse c est ma préféré
R.I.P. Mr. King... American Icon For All Times!
Love this song I’ve been looking for it for over 10 years great finding it!!!
Paix a son âme bb king Grand spectacle a kinshasa Guitariste munene
This was NOT what he wanted to sing they tried to make him into this crap.... This Wasnt BB King and what he sang from his soul you can see it in his face
That’s a serious matter
To give your love without any complications lol in today’s world lol
ForAfrica pur SHOUTOUTZ
Totally my FAVORITE SONG ,,,,😀😃
So glad I got to see B.B. King in concert. What a great man he was. Don’t think there will ever be another one like him again.
Riley B. King. ..............
i saw mohammed casius clay ali, in the audience, on his " rumble in the jungle " fight.
3:14 is what BBKing does to my soul! missed...so missed
Love ❤️ this song
I like to live the love that I sing about , in my song... Rest In Peace B.B King
Great, BB! Realy, your song reflects the love about music... amazing show in Africa... Rest in peace... Tks for your music....
Larry Carlton on rhythm guitar? He learned and found his own way to greatness.
i just love this one
BB King one of my greatest musical inspirations. This was a gem. BB never left the the Blues and was its greatest advocate. We are better off that BB lived...
Rip B.B.!
BB KING!!!!!!
There was no bluse man like this man.
Love this song being from @nother generation.
I f...love this song!!!!!!
demais bruxo, too good wizard, mucho bueno brujo. thanks for this.
My favorite BB King song........... he and the band are "COOKING" .........may he REST IN PEACE !!!!!
this was a good chance for black to people to rise and upgrade and unite however there were DEVILS WATCHING the end is coming
only don king could bring those artists to africa! RIP BB!
he's the legend of blues
Look at the joy and happiness in his face and soul. No other artist can get close to someone that gifted. Thank you Mr. King.
Such a simple line to live every day. Thank you, Mr. King!
Was that Don King at 3:45 ?
REMEMBERING RILEY B. "B.B. KING" (SEPTEMBER 16, 1925 - MAY 14, 2015) [09/16/2016]
MEMPHIS - is missing you
Toma meu Like!
my granny and her friend miss jackson used to jam this rip granny and miss jackson
Rip BB King....
I love this song....
Beautiful song BB King....
RIP BB King.