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Alexander Rybak - That's How You Write

That's How You Write
: That's How You Write
: 2.79 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 129 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 100 İndirme
: 09-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Alexander Rybak - That's How You Write )
  1. Cassie

    Still love this song! Nice melody, nice message, and it is Alexander Rybak of course his music is great. :)

  2. alicia dominguez

    Alguien abla español

  3. Glaceomi Gaming

    I still dont belive how this song culdnt win ;-;

  4. Vins Khandagale

    Simply amazing.

  5. NerdilyDone

    I think the thing that ruins this for me is the lyrics. This would be a super hot instrumental.

  6. عہٰ۫ـِلآؤؤيہٰ۫ 'ۦ 'ۦ،

    اذا عربي شاف تعليقي حط لايك

  7. Angela Arsovska


  8. Funnyvids

    He gives me zac afron high school musical vibesThat’s not a bad thing

  9. Josè Nug

    Love this... from italy

  10. oxyo

    someone: im really social anxious but i would like to create a songalexander: lol just do it

  11. Alpaslan Dönmez

    better than the fucking chicken

  12. [ Sofia ]

    How to stay the same young after 9 years?

  13. Star Tv


  14. Im Clau

    Cómo que tiene 32 :vvv

    Im Clau

    Perdón que me acabo de enterar que tiene 33 😂

  15. Daniela GM

    I love Alexander

  16. Star Tv


  17. Star Tv

    😝 😜😕

  18. Star Tv

    xno ı'

  19. Star Tv

    duru dabarapatapa dapdaparapadapdap


    Norwegian music is becoming he pop country of the world Look at Sigrid

  21. Misha911

    Белорусы, ну наш земляк, слушайте! Значит, Беларусь в 2009 могла выиграть).

  22. Dikke Aap

    I like this song

  23. Star Tv


  24. Star Tv

    Şikayet tatlısı yedim suçsuz yere

    Star Tv

    İsmi doktor anne

    Star Tv

    Münever mi sacide mi öyle bişidi selamlar saygılar hıhı

    Star Tv

    Ama ben sarıları asetonla çıkarırım yakışmış demi

    Star Tv

    Olgunluğumu korudum

  25. Sally Remigio

    I , lo ve Alexander Riback

  26. Star Tv

    E ayıp olmasın bidakka hınhı

  27. Star Tv

    Seni reklam verdim haaahaaaahaha

  28. pauwels lore

    this good super good

  29. Fun music


  30. Rikke

    Instructions were unclear got my cat stuck in the ceeling fan.



  31. Agustín Ortega

    It looks and sounds like a clip from a Disney movie

  32. Libby Reed

    This song is better than the 2019 winner: the Netherlands


    Libby Reed no

  33. eef schulte

    After 9years still that celebrity crush that never goes away....😅

  34. Jay


  35. Slimy Goop

    i like it

  36. Roan Hannessen

    Nice song

  37. Marit loves Rachmaninoff

    I spent 30 euros worth of votes on this last year, pretty sure the one point that came from holland was all me


    First of all What where you thinking when you gave out 30 euros just to give this guy some points?

    Li Uzumi

    And now we won even though Norway should've won! The Sami guy was my favourite


    @Li Uzumi I agree

  38. Твакер

    Русскоговорящие вы где???

    •Уголок весенней Сакуры•

    Искали? 🌚👌

  39. Mysoul Iseverywhere

    The beat of that song reminds me so much of You rock my world by MJ

  40. Leon

    1:41 when ur in a bad mood but still try to smile LOL

  41. iikk uujj

    these tips werent even helpful XD

  42. 2brite4u W

    He’s the reincarnation of Arthur Kirkland wtffff

  43. Robert Thibault

    He should have gotten an award for putting people in a good mood

  44. Kris G

    I still love and use this!!

  45. Aygün Kazımova


  46. Jag är Jakob

    Great song but can we get a moment to the guy whering a red sweater hes awsome

  47. Eurovision MC

    I still can't believe it only received the fifteenth place...

  48. Камелија Николова

    That's how you srew up a song😂

  49. Blue_Fire Nova

    This is such a cute song and Alexander is so energetic. _Seriously..._ It's fun to watch

  50. Emma Elg

    Doesn't he look like Aaron from Mean Girls?

  51. General relativity

    Gotta love the irony

  52. Elif Koç

    someone should have warned him before sendin' this song to the contest... but still cute as hell

  53. Cakeu

    Did he stop aging? He looked like this in the Norway Eurovision 2019 too!

  54. KittyKatCassima

    In 2028, Alexander's song for the eurovision : *That's how you age!*

  55. Lunar Potato

    What’s the aging creme he uses, he hasn’t changed at all.....

  56. Beef Baby

    0:48 I bet that girl is squealing inside

  57. Beren Ercan

    10 k dislike ?????? 😯

  58. pixlebloxer Hernandez

    My boi is back

  59. RudzikTube

    0:19-начало песни

  60. Kasia Lange

    He is hot. Full stop.

  61. Unicorn army :3

    Hey Alexander love your song fairytale :D

  62. Arlinelle Soleil

    *Don't write a song about writing a song for a contest about writing songs.* It comes off as cringy and unimaginative, this concept coupled with this pop sound which does not fit Alexander at all, and the generic music video, is what caused it to fail miserably. It's a clear, desperate attempt to be relevant, and it clearly backfired. People liked Alexander for the folk aspect of his style, the fiddle, it's what made him stand out. Don't sell out, this is proof it more than often ends badly, and kills art.

  63. Bianca Cares

    Actually this helped me write a song

  64. 『Ransom Videod』

    Step 3: get an earworm, and keep hearing this songStep 4: you just copied this song

  65. Cakeu

    Well well, you think you can win again huh? Jk. Its a good song.

  66. Sweet Teateateateatea Toony ツ

    Thanks for teaching me how to write a song

  67. Andrew Grimm

    In hindsight, this is not how to write a song.

  68. Kimarcy

    I wish a new song in Alexander Rybak Ft LIndsey Stirling.

  69. Love cookies es

    Wow!this song it's inpresionant

  70. Kris G

    I still like this song so much!

  71. Michael Wagner

    He has the same hair since 2009.

  72. Fatima Fatima

    I love that ! When i am dancing on this song i keep the Moove !

  73. Article 69

    Ok let me just take my notebook

  74. That's OK

    I thought this song should have won.And I come from the country of the singing chicken

  75. Will H

    This isn't how you write a song

  76. 111homell11 1

    i still like the 2009 one a lot but this is pretty catchy too

  77. Nintendo Geek

    The old man is living for this 😂

  78. Pokemon Go San Diego

    Anyone getting bruno mars thats what I like music video deja vu here?

  79. Zoldier.

    Polaczki dacie znać?

  80. Lina Pctrs

    I loooove this song ! It makes me smile ! Good job ❤️🎉 from France !

  81. Viksi Carica Stosic

    Idemoooooo Norveskaaaaaaaa

  82. David Khubaev

    Someone know that he worked for disney channel?

  83. Noah Aubrey Linus Sorensen

    That’s *not* how you write a song

  84. Ambrośe Taylor

    I am writing from Turkey and I think Norway should had won. Alexander's voice was great. Seni seviyorum, Alexander ! :))

  85. Annaliese Wyld

    Mate u’ve open the floodgates for potential lyrical writer, musical score composers, etc.Way to build up the future generations of music ❤️ from Australia

  86. meloman002

    Пародия на эту песню:"Засунь руку в штаны",Скажу тебе я в лицо.Сейчас узнаешь ты Как правильно чесать яйцо.

  87. Damla Yalçın

    Uh yeahIf you got a minuteGet down your ideaIt may do wondersMaybe disappearWho knows? Just get it downAnd nothing can go wrongGo find your rhythmThat’s how you write a song (hello)Enjoy the small thingsWith time they will get bigGotta find your missionA mission to pursueYou know you've got a talentWhatever it may beSo work your magicAnd sing along with meStep one believe in itAnd sing it all day longStep two just roll with itThat’s how you write a songCome onSing, shoo-bee-doo-bee dab dab (shoo-bee-doo-bee dab dab)Sha-ba-da-da hey (sha-ba-da-da hey)Sing it all day long (all day long)And that’s how you write a songScoo-bee-doo-bee bap bap (scoo-bee-doo-bee bap bap)Boogie boogie woogie hey (boogie boogie woogie hey)Sing it all day long (all day long)See, that’s how you write a songStep one believe in itAnd sing it all day longStep two just roll with itThat’s how you write a songStep one believe in itAnd sing it all day longStep two just roll with itThat’s how you write a songStep one believe in itAnd sing it all day longStep two just roll with itThat’s how you write a songStep one believe in itAnd sing it all day longStep two just roll with itThat’s how you write a songStep one believe in itAnd sing it all day longStep two just roll with itAnd that’s how you write a songSee, that's how you write a songAnd that's how you write a song

  88. Stefan Golebiowski

    How are you sexy? And where are you in Europe?  X

  89. Ameldan Calippo

    Very good.

  90. TheImpossibleSnicks

    Honestly it's a bop

  91. E & I Royale

    I'm from Israel and I think this is the best song in the Eurovision

  92. SIH CYS

    My favourite song in all of Eurovision

  93. Hirvee Rotta

    How can you believe in a song and sing it all day long if you havent written it yet!?

  94. _Vika_ Nebo_

    Обожаю его ❤❤❤

  95. Amit Binder

    WOW! IT GOOD!!!!!!!!

  96. Paru-chin Baka

    I can't stop reading "All Aboard!" as "All Abroad!" Aaaa

  97. Eurovision Song Contest

    Add or download the song to your own playlist: along with the karaoke versions: buy the official CD:

    Augustinas Petrulėnas

    Eurovision Song Contest ! m

    Sandra M.

    Eurovision Song Contest bh

    Dan Übec

    The average white person all around the world is the same: cheesy and completely uncoordinated. This video makes me cringe.

    love yourself

    You are the best

    Enrique R. Arroba

    Eurovision Song Cont

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