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Alexander Rybak - İnto A Fantasy

İnto A Fantasy
: İnto A Fantasy
: 3.25 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 118 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 89 İndirme
: 09-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Alexander Rybak - İnto A Fantasy )
  1. baxrom qozoqov

    Good luck Alexander Rybak 👍👍

  2. Stacey Bobil

    Не знала что он писал песню для этого мультфильма 😅♥️♥️Очень красиво !!!!

  3. 이지민

    ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I love this song

  4. Shreeya Zutshi

    I'm really upset that I cannot download this song on iTunes in America :(

  5. Semanur Poyraz

    I think this child is symbol of Alexander's childhood 🙃

  6. AMELY

    One soul, several beautiful manifestations 💛

  7. Semanur Poyraz

    "You and me will paint it all in gold" 💫

  8. Yussef Alva

    Hay magia en todas las canciones de este chico !! Grettings from Lima Perú !! 😎 🤘 🇵🇪 🎶

  9. malena St


  10. Emma Haddock

    I can't live whiteout this song XD I love it 💙💙💙💙

  11. 9lovealways

    I want toothless doesn't everyone?

  12. Hanji jadey

    The memories, such a beautiful song ❤️

  13. Josbe

    this song always reminds of an old Viking folk song. now that i think about, it was probably was alexander was going for 😅

  14. Александра Шайкина

    Это потрясающе . Просто обалденно . 😂😂😂😍😍😍😍😍😄😄😄

  15. basketballplayer221

    I love this song but i can't download it or find on apple or anywhere

  16. Darush am

    Ilove you elecsander ribak I'm a Irani maiden iran I'm see you

  17. Wędrowiec Lisi


  18. Esen Tümer


  19. Кира Дэнс

    Это шедевр !!😺

  20. Patrick

    Game of Throlls brought me here.

  21. Hilya Habibi

    Yang suka lagu ini like ya

  22. Exploring With Mr Youtüübe

    *this song is strong every good*

  23. Edanur Karakas

    After HTTYD 3 this song can hurt you :,)

    NorthernStal The famously unknown penguin

    Its stabbing me

  24. arty katykat

    Dhdhdhdhd i love this song with all my body

  25. Dino Dasher

    Still good

  26. Дарья Власенко

    2:43 - 2:59 любимый момент

  27. Dobby 000

    Вы сняли этот клип до того как выложили часть ?

  28. Astrid Hofferson

    Awesome I love this song 💙💙💙💙

  29. GABRY M.

    What a beautiful song and video😍👏💖

  30. Юлия Давлетшина

    После просмотра "как приручить дракона" я могу думать только об одном, а именно :—"Почему у меня нет своей ночной фурии ?!?" 😭

  31. FantasticLycan

    I was five when the first movie came out - I have been a tomboy sinceI was nine when the second movie came out - I was so happy to see my best friends againI was twelve when the third and final movie came out - I cried myself to sleep that night, because I'd never see my best friends again.I am thirteen now, and I spend every night reflecting on the times when me and my brothers and cousins would fly around on our own dragons, and train them. I would teach them literally everything about dragons...I miss my friends. Hiccup, the socially awkward outcast, was, in a forever.

  32. Ragnar Þór Guðmundarson

    What? This song was not in the movie at all!

  33. Evelyn Emperado

    charming ALEXANDER RYBAK!!

  34. Evelyn Emperado

    still listening in 2019

  35. Νεφέλη Παπαδοπούλου

    I love you

  36. CraftyCrossfitter

    I’ve tried looking up this song for years. iTunes doesn’t have it. Spotify has it but it won’t play it. This is such a cool song. I’d honestly play it on repeat for days at work if I could.

  37. Evelyn Emperado

    love this song and the singer Alexander Rybak

  38. 정해인


  39. Mars 23

    Саша , спасибо , тебе за твоё творчество, с детства запомнила твой нежный , отзывчивый голос ! Я надеюсь у тебя будет всё хорошо в Норвегии , Привет из России 🌠

  40. emilywatson

    Hiccup is Alexander Rybak

  41. Nehir Çayır

    bir şarkıyı bokunu çıkarana kadar dinleme vakti :)

  42. Мария Георгиева

    2019? the hidden world ?

  43. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria

    bu adamı 2 hafta önce keşfettim ve çok pişmanım neden daha önce keşfedemedimki aklıma sokam

  44. Kara Kedi

    Love Hiccup love Alex 😭

  45. sPitternaut

    Is anybody else here because of that inappropriate Game Of Throlls cartoon?

  46. Артур Косорогов

    Хорошая песня

  47. Spirit Warrior

    That's awesome dude and I love that movie so much and I can't wait to to see the HTTYD 3

  48. 6B Lynge Vilfred Ganjavi Remme - Vestermarkskolen

    omg im dum, i'l can't stay here

  49. victor khengawt lord

    I can't stop listening this song,whos flying with me

  50. Lauren H

    I just got the httyd 2 cd soundtrack and this song is on there... I’ve fallen in love with it and quickly memorized the lyrics <3

  51. mile

    i'm angry bc i didn't know this song before

  52. Venessa ооо

    Да это же прекрасно!!!Вау!Молодец Александр!

  53. Ewelynnea

    Everytime I watch GoT season 8 episode 1 when Jon and Daenerys flying with dragons this song start playing my head immediatelyYes.. Come fly with me

  54. king Ghoul

    Still a great song

  55. KING XD o0O ZErO

    😭😭😭 so good

  56. Trevor Bird

    This song was not in the money

  57. Modern Retro Gaming

    Man, I wish he sang a song in the Hidden World.

  58. Sacred Fir

    Welp, this song is that much sadder after watching the third movie.

    Adam Houston


  59. Green Menace

    why wasnt this song in the movie

  60. Green Menace

    amazing song

  61. Hanse Andre Marina

    Watching this right after watching Httyd 3Now I’m crying 😭

    Adam Houston

    God that movie made me cry so much. It was brilliant

  62. Midnight

    Actually, this fits even more for HTTYD 3 instead of 2.

  63. Jacob Webber

    What a movie

  64. samara-art-and-music

    please tell me this was filmed in iceland....


    I think it is filmed in Norway

    Dinda Muhareni

    No It's Selje, west of Norway

    Dinda Muhareni

  65. Juca Jacarandá

    Melhor musica

  66. Triceratops Dude

    Anyone here after the Hidden World?

    Adam Houston

    Me, it was such a brilliant movie and it made me cry so much

  67. Logolas

    Who is here after 3rd part? :D

    Adam Houston

    Me, it was such a brilliant movie and I cried so much

  68. Ηλίας Λιασκώνης


    Ηλίας Λιασκώνης

    Bravo Alexander

  69. Swordsquire

    SWEET! I never knew this was Alexander!I love the end theme he did for the film Black Lightning. If you haven't heard it, you need to!

  70. Jomana 1

    أشعر بالتعب الشديد، لا أحتمل شيء مطلقا

  71. LeaderoftheFates

    I can’t listen to this song without thinking of the bouncing Daenerys boobs

  72. SherryHolmes221

    Esto tiene que estar en mi lista de favoritos😍

    Kenny Willer Ocampo

    Musica hermosa que extrañamente llega al habla hispana, pero gracias a youtube tenemos acceso a estas grandes obras.

  73. Andrew Leeming

    This guys so underrated

  74. Coverband Liquid Grooves

    2:56 the boy: omg Alexander rybak tough me

  75. Hannah Asher

    This was amazing!!! Good job!! 😊 (Also, where did the kid get the stuffed Toothless??? I need one)

  76. Faiza Amini

    Thanks this one is the best 🤗😍😊👍

  77. NAHUEL Afonso Bicci

    Red medusa's version is so much better

  78. Nir cher

    ты меня выручиля учу ету пеню на песу

  79. Jacquelindelas

    I want to buy this song so bad! Neither of the links are working for me to purchase it because I'm in the US. This is such an amazing song and video! It really captures the spirit of HTTYD!

  80. Snowy Lion

    Please make a new song for *How To Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World*

  81. Alva Lightningdragon

    What i'm gonna tell now is that... my friends don't like Alexander Rybak😕 But i love him bc he's Hiccup's voice and he's an amazing singer❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖

  82. ZeBrA 31_10

    Неважно, в какой год вы смотрите это...Это все равно остаётся хорошей песней и прекрасной историей дружбы...

  83. TAk0FeaZ

    Alexander rybak what? Rybak=berk

  84. TAk0FeaZ

    I want one more song and how to train your dragon 4 because i watched 3 THE BEST FILM EVER

    Adam Houston

    3 is an amazing movie but I still think 2 is just that little bit better. 3 made me cry so damn much. I'm going to miss the series

  85. Rain Cinderspirit

    Could you make a version with just the backing track?

  86. Arabic music

    Good Day. 🌷🌷❤

  87. KingdomHeartsFan3211

    Oh, how I wish that those of us who live outside of Europe could buy this song on iTunes!!!!!!

  88. Killing Spree

    I already saw this videoclip 3years ago and i come back just after watching httyd 3.I m too sad.I wish it won't be the last.

  89. shegi sunny

    Alexander just looks as hiccup

  90. arif yanar

    Amazing sounds.. Love from Turkey 😍

  91. Tom Preece

    Why was that kid crying? He must reached THAT scene.

  92. Saeyoung 707

    2019 someone??? ;~;

  93. Catherine Love

    Love how it says "official soundtrack for HTTYD 2" but not once in that film does it make an appearance


    It was meant to be on the US soundtrack but it ended up in the UK I think instead and possibly other territories.


    We Americans can't have anything nice. Other countries get options and all kinds of goodies. Music, games, automobiles, movies. It all comes here to the States to get neutered. Grr. >:[

    Lukey Scimeca

    It's on the soundtrack CD and is the credit song in certain countries.

  94. Sofie

    I'm officially jealous of Norwegians because for them it sounds like Hiccup is singing at the end of the movie

  95. girlwithwings

    "I have a dream you are there, high above the clouds somewhere" "I will be with you every step" "I'll keep you close forever" Kinda sad how it teases the end of the triology

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