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Yusuf İslam - The Wind

The Wind
: The Wind
: 1.79 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 65 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 44 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - The Wind )
  1. Princess Polybius


  2. Anonymous Human

    The Wind brought me here.

  3. Brian Gregory

    He still sounds amazing.

  4. solange loe-sack-sioe

    Beatiful! Touched my heart

  5. Gus Cli

    june 8 2019, hello future

  6. Maverick Crow

    How I Met Your Mother, Sing, This Is Us, all of it brought me here

  7. Jennifer Puhl

    Cat Stevens!! Beautiful still 😍

  8. a oneiill

    I brought myself herebut woah..what happened to the rest of it???

    a oneiill

    my mistake..thinking of's late...

  9. J Dizzle

    Just rewatched Almost Famous. Great soundtrack to a great movie about music, and this might be the best track! Amazing how his voice is almost indistinguishable from the studio version. Excellent!

  10. Steve Percival

    Aroha from Christchurch NZ

  11. Daise Sibanda

    This is us brought me here

  12. SVT

    Oh yeaaaahhh HIMYM

  13. Evi Purwanti

    I love you... 😂

  14. llad

    One of my favorite singers from so long ago

  15. Soi11

    Gorgeousness! This is one of the greatest songs ever written.

  16. Amy Fisher

    one of my favorite singer/songwriters as a girl, and still to this day. the most poignant lyrics and gorgeous melodies. thanks cat

  17. Moon Gazer

    The Cat and Alun doesn’t get any better then that

  18. Margaret Gaskell

    "The Wind"I listen to the windTo the wind of my soulWhere I'll end up, well, I thinkOnly God really knowsI've sat upon the setting sunBut never, never, never, neverI never wanted water onceNo never, never, neverI listen to my wordsBut they fall far belowI let my music take meWhere my heart wants to goI've swam upon the devil's lakeBut never, never, never, neverI'll never make the same mistakeNo never, never, never

  19. Murry Faquar

    Watching this, looks like a man who is at peace with himself...

  20. loleeta irving

    thank you thank you hugs

  21. M Singh

    It's strange, his new religion foes not permit singing and music, but yet here he is.

  22. steven rowe

    These word haunt me. Such a beautiful song.

  23. Kaleigh Sullivan

    I can’t even wish this was longer because it’s so perfect

  24. Faridah Dollah

    Salams Yusuf Islam/Cat Steven I are up with all your comforting songs and voice Eid Mubarak from Faridah Abdullah/Faridah Dollah :)

  25. James Wilson

    So sad he went to the dark side.

  26. Murdi Primbani

    wonder full musik

  27. Mary Stieber

    He is as sincere here as he was when he sang this beautiful song 40+ years ago. The same can't be said of most of his (my) generation.

  28. Authentic HeartSpace

    One of my most favorite, shortest songs

  29. Darwich Zanhar

    Diese Lieder sind schön

  30. Drake Frost

    a documentary called 'the imposter' on netflix brought me here truely beautiful song

  31. anxFN

    I could hear this song 24/7

  32. Anne Lise Cederkvist

    Where has this song been all my life? Thanks to a dear friend that just now sent me this link.

  33. auroraenergy777

    Pure Beauty

  34. MissGlittery One

    His voice is so beautiful.  Just the guitar and voice.  He is such a holy peaceful man.   I went to his second concert in Melbourne.  Cried through most of it as he touched my heart so.  He speaks of only peace.   Dear God please let those who hate come to understand that we are all the same.  All with the same hopes and dreams for our children.  God bless him.  x

  35. Elaine R

    This stays very consistent with the original. It's a very beautiful song.

  36. abdellatif azizi

    {)(} hcaw itisse7 fik tisse7 ... dah song in3ejartak de7awl habs .. itle93 ? {)(}

    Aya Ayouta

    abdellatif azizi cafe marina o 9lebti 3liha b tel dyalk

    abdellatif azizi

    Aya Ayouta ouiiii irmo kethc7awt . Guerba kbiiira {)♡(}

    Aya Ayouta

    abdellatif azizi &&

  37. tmay4911


  38. KINGMJ1990

    Has to be his greatest song...Just think about it..this 2 minutes is the best piece of music he wrote.

  39. Ambria Daniels Band

    I am so lucky I got to meet him after he played at the Monterey Pop FEst in Cali! He was so kind and mom set the meeting up. He still sounds the same! Amazing man

  40. A. Cat

    This guy ain’t bad for a youtube singer,he should go into a studio 🚶✌🏼

  41. M Rahim Arshad

    I think I am the only young boy who is interested in this Old Lad's peaceful melodies , MUCH RESPECTTTT

  42. salvation 2101

    sing brought me here!

  43. salvation 2101

    sing brought me here!

  44. salvation 2101

    sing brought me here

  45. salvation 2101

    sing brought me here

  46. salvation 2101

    sing brought me here

  47. salvation 2101

    sing brought me here

  48. William Horan

    Great song and featured in the film Sing which brought me here

  49. Elizabeth Long


  50. Ansh Wadhwa

    Ted and Victoria drive into the sunset <3

  51. kitty youtuber

    so relaxing

  52. bella stan

    perfect song

  53. Laura Znoy

    Juste magnifique ❤️

  54. Kali Ho

    How I Met Your Mother and Gifted brought me here

  55. Rahul Bhaskar

    He paralyses my soul with the music for just that time...

  56. aamish anwer

    best song ever i heard

  57. Mahmud Hossain Shanto

    beautiful....on a loop...

  58. Rizky Rakhmadani

    short song but a masterpiece, SING brought me here

    kitty youtuber

    Rizky Rakhmadani SING brought me here too.

  59. Paola Polanco

    this song spokes to the soul I love it

  60. Sean M

    *"The Wind"*I listen to the windTo the wind of my soulWhere I'll end up well I think,Only God really knowsI've sat upon the setting sunBut never, never never neverI never wanted water onceNo, never, never, neverI listen to my words butThey fall far belowI let my music take me whereMy heart wants to goI swam upon the devil's lakeBut never, never never neverI'll never make the same mistakeNo, never, never, never

  61. efcdom1878

    Rushmore bmh

  62. Criselda

    LyricsI listen to the windTo the wind of my soulWhere I’ll end up well I thinkOnly God really knowsI’ve sat upon the setting sunBut never, never never neverI never wanted water onceNo, never, never, neverI listen to my words butThey fall far belowI let my music take me whereMy heart wants to goI swam upon the devil’s lakeBut never, never never neverI’ll never make the same mistakeNo, never, never, never

  63. Hasrawati Medi

    Juno brought me here.

  64. Ron DayVoo

    He sings better now than ever

  65. Life Noell

    400th comment! Raised on Catcan't beat that.

  66. wilma ashe

    whatever u r believes we r all jock tamsons bairns

  67. snappy O

    Wow is that the same guy accompanying him as in the original? looks like it could be...

  68. Ron DayVoo

    His voice just gets better and better

  69. Sophie Capdeville

    whatever your name or religion, I love your voice dear Cat!!!! it always rock my soul from my youth to now♡

  70. Edin Modric

    How I met your mother brought me here😎

    essy Tk

    Which episode?

  71. fr ge

    I really don´t like him ! many years ago he said music is a devil thing, and years ago he supported the appeal to kill salman rushdie. this man is wearing a mask.ISLAM don´t Rock´n Roll ! ! !

  72. Michela

    HIMYM and This Is Us brought me here❤

    Rui Cantuária

    Me too ❤️

  73. Erdrick68

    All those years he took off from performing allowed him to preserve his voice. He still sounds just like he did in the 60s and 70s. Listen to the other artists from his era, they all sound like crap. I think Van Morrison was the finest singer of his entire generation and I can't listen to more than 2 words from him in newer recordings without getting depressed and turning it off, then digging out my vinyl of Astral Weeks and feeling better about the world.

  74. Allegra Logan

    Loved this and was brought back to it thanks to Episode 7 of "This is Us". Prefer this version to the original release, more mellow!!

  75. Analia S Monteiro

    I Love This Song, and Singer. 🍃🌾🍃

  76. Benson Wang

    This is us brought me here

  77. Frank Atack

    You sure as hell nailed that one Cat.

  78. Edward Stevens

    Almost famous brought me here. Anyone else??

    Paola Polanco

    Edward Stevens same

    Dhruv Erry

    Damn right! Love that movie!

  79. Adrian De León

    How I met your mother brought me here.

    Nassime Haouari

    Adrian De León your not the only one

  80. Michael Berthelsen

    Need this after the s**tshow that was this election...

  81. Arthur Gavino

    Gifted brought me here. who else ?


    Himym brought me in here

    Michael _

    Me Too. ;) Instantly recognized his voice! Had to find this song. So beautiful!

    Jelofe Otos

    Sing movie bring me here ..

    Jennifer Puhl

    Cat Stevens 1960s brought me here!! He is Yusuf and still as beautiful as ever. I am glad you all enjoyed this song. This song played in the movie "almost famous" you should see it!! My daughter loved it

    Arthur Gavino

    @Jennifer Puhl this song calms my soul.

  82. OrganicFreshArtificialSyntheticVitamins


  83. Marianna Marks

    one of my favourite artists of all time - more than 2 decades after I first heard the LP I still feel every word. Precious, timeless and a gift to the world that keeps on giving. Thank you.

    Norma De La Fuente

    Marianna Marks

  84. Sandra Kral

    One of the most beautiful songs ever written

    Sajjadur Rafat

    Sandra Kral gives me goosebumps everytime!

  85. Lou Curelop

    Such a beautiful voice and song! He still sounds so amazing! :)

  86. Marc Hulland

    born 72, heard elvis, buddy, and stones, ....but also this amazing sound! :-) if more of the world listened it would be a stronger ... better place!

  87. Kael The Invoker

    I very rarely say this, but this is better than the original recording.

    Denis McDowell

    Bullseye. A beautiful arrangement of a wonderful song.

    Norma De La Fuente

    Denis McDowell

    Allegra Logan

    Kael The Invoker Arrangements is better (nicer pace)!!


    i cant tell the difference. am I fucked up?

    Chantal Arko-Dadzie

    definitely. He has a beautiful and calming voice

  88. Jeni R Henderson

    I could never have imagined (back in the 1970s) that this song be improved upon. I was wrong xox

  89. Richard Wells


  90. auomauom

    damn this takes me back

  91. zouina bensadek

    A wonderful song with an amazing voice!

  92. Kitty Purrs

    may the peace and love of God be with you.

  93. Peter Jenner

    You're going flat on the second 'never'.

    Jordan Griffth

    You're about to get so much muff once all these hot chick's read your comment and see how good of a singer you are.


    It's called bass lol

  94. mario aranda

    folowing bliss

  95. Sieghart Seith

    Thank you for this song - so helpful nowadays for me.

  96. David Smithee

    He was, and is, and...with a heart like his...will always be, amazing

  97. alfredo reinaldo Alberto

    Great musician despite his religión .

    alfredo reinaldo Alberto

    You don't understood the matter, costa . What you said is the same thought I believe. Reggards.

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