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Yusuf İslam - Sad Lisa

Sad Lisa
: Sad Lisa
: 3.45 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 83 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 63 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - Sad Lisa )

    well ,when the words come honest from the heart it goes strait to the heart thats why they get an honest man

  2. Jorge Alegre

    Dónde carajo estaba yo que no me enteré que Cat estaba en Viña??? Odio a los medios que sólo nos cuentan de los mediáticos actuales que se creen músicos... Ojalá Cat pueda volver por estas latitudes y yo enterarme a tiempo. Tengo el vinilo de la remera que él está usando en el concierto. Quiero la remera, jeje! Grande, grandioso Cat, tu música es inmortal!!!

  3. Jean-Marie Boucherit

    It brought tears to my eyes. The words are brilliant. A very personal song, I guess. Terror.

  4. Xerxes 450

    Every body has a sad lisa somewhere in his life one day.

  5. Clara E.

    How many people will feel understood, comforted and relieved with your song, Yusuf Cat Stevens? Thank you for shared it. Agacha la cabeza y llora sobre mi camisa. She hangs her head and cries on my shirt Debe estar gravemente heridaShe must be hurt very badly Dime, ¿qué te pone triste, Li? Tell me what's making you sad, Li? Abre tu puerta, no te escondas en la oscuridad. Open your door, don't hide in the dark Estás perdida en la oscuridad, puedes confiar en mí 💙You're lost in the dark, you can trust me Porque sabes que así debe ser.'Cause you know that's how it must beLisa Lisa, triste Lisa LisaLisa Lisa, sad Lisa LisaSus ojos como ventanas, goteo en la lluvia. 😢Her eyes like windows, trickle in rain Sobre el dolor cada vez más profundo. 😔Upon the pain getting deeper Aunque mi amor quiere aliviarla...Though my love wants to relieve her Camina sola de pared a pared. She walks alone from wall to wall Perdida en su sala, ella no puede escucharme... Lost in her hall, she can't hear me Aunque sé que le gusta estar cerca de mí...Though I know she likes to be near meLisa Lisa, triste Lisa LisaLisa Lisa, sad Lisa LisaSe sienta en un rincón junto a la puerta. She sits in a corner by the door Debe haber más que pueda decirle. There must be more I can tell her Si ella realmente quiere que la ayude,If she really wants me to help her Haré lo que pueda para mostrarle el camino...I'll do what I can to show her the way Y tal vez algún día la libere. And maybe one day I will free her Aunque sé que nadie puede verla... Though I know no one can see her Lisa Lisa, triste Lisa LisaLisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa😢😔🕯 😪

  6. Xerxes 450

    Time has passed, we are all getting older , but the song remains the same. the voice also.

  7. Dorothy L

    Beautifully sung.

  8. Pablo Abarca

    Quienes lloran esta canción, lo entendieron todo, saben de que se trata...

  9. Name

    Aw, that man crying was beautiful to see, so sweet.

    Jason Pashley

    Name , somebody hug him pls

  10. Timothy Bushnell

    Probably my favorite Cat Stevens song.

    saracen uk

    They are all good

  11. Lisa

    I am that sad Lisa

    Jason Pashley

    Lisa Christian . Hi lisa this is my most fav song , im sorry for your sadness an i sympathies with your pain . In life, you will realise there is a role for everyone you will meet . Some will love you, some will use you , some will teach you . But the most important people are the ones that bring out the best in you , for they are rare an beautiful people who make you realise why its all worth it. Hope this finds you in a happy place today an far from your sadness of 2 weeks ago . An empathetic Aussie, jase .

  12. salma kabbach

    Lisa ; lisa sad lisa lisa.....💫

  13. Rodrigo Camps Villagran

    Dudo en mi vida, que una persona como Maluma y todos ese tipo de cantantes, se presenten en un Festiva a esa edad y provoquen esta emoción tan maravillosa...

  14. Stephen Austin

    He got lost in religion for a while. Love is the best religion.


    he still practicing his religion.

  15. Sylvie Thierry

    the voice is the same !!!! beautiful sad song !

  16. richard abney

    sounds great but like it on regular piano like he did on tea for tillerman

  17. Ashraf Khan

    This is so you from bangladesh

  18. DV DODDS

    Hard to believe Cat Stevens is 70 years old and he still sounds great

  19. Claudio Estay Mascayano

    People crying in the powerfull song

  20. Cat M

    Tout est émouvant. Le public aussi. 💓

  21. john marcus

    wonderful - one of my favourite cat songs. So great to see him out there playing after all those years away

  22. Marie

    Such a beautiful song ; I grew up with Cat Stevens songs. On 30th of july 2018 (a few days ago) I became a grandmother of a little "Lisa" !!!!!!!!

    Cat M

    Marie yes, we grow up with this song. ❤

    Javier Alonso

    ¡Greetings! A new life to enjoy. Make sure she heards (listens to) Cat. Lots of poetry to grow a kid...

  23. Cat M

    Une de mes chansons "doudous" dans la mémoire... entendue au cours d'une soirée ? Ou toute petite ? Je la connais. Merci. ❤

  24. Carl Swenson

    Huge fan since the EARLY 70's. The song is actually about a ghost, but fits with any sad relationship.

  25. Victor sullivan

    Énorme merci Cat, une chanson de légende

  26. Judy Newton

    I have loved his music since I was a little girl, doesnt matter what his name is, doesnt matter what religion he gives his heart to. He is a brilliant songwriter and I will always love his songs and music!

    Karim Sanhaji

    🌹👍God says in the Koran((There is no compulsion in Religion.))All my Respect.

  27. Hello Music

    The legend

  28. Mad Haze

    The very best!

  29. spinztarella

    His voice remains the same. Beautiful

  30. OH_I _Will

    Much like the original release...sounds great but i prefer the Live 75 version more. Faster tempo and it's just grand piano and acoustic guitar...


    listen to it at 1.25 speed...closer to that 70's live version you speak of...

  31. Micidiale870


  32. ducThanh Dao

    Oh my god, his voice is still the same, so bloody good.

  33. KENIS F.

    She hangs her head and cries on my shirtShe must be hurt very badlyTell me what's making you sadly ? Open your door, don't hide in the darkYou're lost in the dark, you can trust me'Cause you know that's how it must beLisa Lisa, sad Lisa LisaHer eyes like windows trickling rain Upon her pain getting deeperThough my love wants to relieve herShe walks alone from wall to wallLost in a hall, she can't hear meThough I know she likes to be near meLisa Lisa, sad Lisa LisaShe sits in a corner by the doorThere must be more I can tell herIf she really wants me to help herI'll do what I can to show her the wayAnd maybe one day I will free herThough I know no one can see herLisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa

    OH_I _Will

    KENIS F. CorrectionMaking you Sad-Li

    iman thinker

    What's making you sad, Li?

  34. Lily-Anne Pelletier

    In tribute to my friend dcd RÉMI...

  35. Boris Hurme

    Cat Stevens is very underrated. He is one of the most talented singer-songwriters in the world. This is so beautiful..What a genius :)


    Why underrated? He left music in 1978 and returned in 2006. Almost 30 years he was absent from music and people still remember him and his songs. 30 years is very long time.

    My Tube

    I must agree!


    This is my favorite Cat Stevens song. Very good chord progression. His sound was unlike any other in the 70s.

    Jean-Marie Boucherit

    A genius. There were not that many around. John Lennon, Paul Mc cartney, Eric Clapton and cat Stevens.

  36. joseto sarmiento

    i was there, what a gig!

  37. Myoso doux <3

  38. folkmusicgirl

    Great, great sad song.  One of my favorites of Cat Stevens.  Quite an emotionally written song.

  39. sheriff akinode

    wow, nice one.

  40. oullah takane bghik awili hbiba diali

    how how emotional..2 people crying..remembering the old good time .. :-)

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