This is from my childhood. I got the tape as soon as it came out. My eyes are teary every time I hear this. Something beyond human mind
My mum a,ways used to sing this to us
elle est géniale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If You Ask MeIn Sa'altu an IlaahiFa hua Rahman ar-RaheemAnzala Shara'a HaneefaRahmatal il-'AlameenRahmatal il-'AlameenIn Sa'altu an KitaabiFa hua Qur'an ul-KareemDamma Dustur al-HayaathiWa hawa nur al-MubeenWa hawa nur al-MubeenIf you ask me who my God isOn whose Name I callIf you ask me who my God isHe's the God of us allAllah, The MercifulIf you ask me what my Book isThat I hold in my handIf you ask me what my Book isIt's the Holy Qur'anThe Holy Qur'anIn Sa'altu an NabiFa hua Isaan un-AdheemAllaman ma SalumanJama'a dun Ya WadeenJama'a dn Ya WadeenIn Sa'altu an NaduwiFa hua Shaytaan ur-RajeemKhailun yadu'uli KufurinWa yu'id ul-Mu'tadeenWa yu'id ul-Mu'tadeenIf you ask me who my Prophet isI will say "Haven't you heard?"His name is Muhammad (Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam)A Mercy to the WorldsA Mercy to the WorldsIf you ask me who my enemy isI will say "Don't you know?"If you ask me who my enemy isIt's that same old devilThat same old devilIn Sa'altu an IlaahiFa hua Rahman ar-RaheemIn Sa'altu an KitaabiFa hua Qur'an ul-KareemIn Sa'altu an NabiFa hua Isaan un-AdheemIn Sa'altu an NaduwiFa hua Shaytaan ur-Rajee
ya allahsubhanallahallahu akbarallahu akbarallahu akbar
my favorite song to
best song that I had ever heardI love this song so much