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Yusuf İslam - Hard Headed Woman

Hard Headed Woman
: Hard Headed Woman
: 3.47 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 52 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 34 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - Hard Headed Woman )
  1. Danny C. Jewell

    So he wants to be motivated by a women ,to do his best ,what a looser Yesterday and Today ,subscribe Thanks

  2. AmericanIsraeliJew

    When I was in High School I worked at a real high class ultra-modern restaurant.  They would play Yusuf's music very much and it sure helped the time go bye.  G-d bless him.

  3. Steven Janice

    I believe that is the Late Pete Ham from Badfinger at 3:05 accompanying Cat on this song. I have searched to see if I can confirm this, but no answers. ~:o(

  4. Angela Tiliakos

    Always loved cat Steven growing an still do

  5. Ninjewk20

    Might have found her guys.. My hard headed woman.. Imma give this one more shot and if it fails I'll punch my ticket. Wish me luck xox

  6. Sharon Carter

    Beautiful song now and then!!!

  7. NothingMaster

    He was an absolute musical genius in his days of Cat Stevens.

  8. Bill Jones

    Looking for a hard-headed woman, who'll make me hard too. XD ;) - Love the Cat, from day one!!

  9. Music Roolsman

    None better...Peace.

  10. Turkeyhome

    That looks like Peter Ham (Bad Finger) accompanying him.

  11. Baby Boy

    He already looked like a Muslim at that young age.

  12. Bordados Jannis Juandd

    Mas o menos me gusto👍👎


    This is music!! Love Cat Stevens!

  14. Baby Boy

    I lost my hard headed woman a couple of months ago. She said–'seriously fuck off'.

  15. Inès Hana G.

    2019 ♥️♥️

  16. John Stones

    This guy is dynamite!

  17. Baby Boy

    Trump fans stay away from this genius's music–he is a Muslim.

  18. Johnny Doggs

    He should go back to being WHITE da retard.

  19. Chris Corbin

    Still my favorite concert version of this song. Just Cat and Alun.

  20. Bru Raczin

    listenin' to this I just sail away...

  21. GoTeamCook

    When music was great.

  22. summerlamkin truthseeker

    222.thank you 💖🌠💖🎶

  23. AmericanIsraeliJew

    He could bring a lasting peace with Jews and Muslims that he only tries.

  24. Carolann Cannuli-Denton

    In this video, he's wearing my favourite shirt..He looks very soulful and a little high..and for me probably the most erotic thing i have ever seen in my life!

    Amber Fillmore

    Man, I was just adoring that shirt! Was wondering how hard it would be to find/make something similar

  25. Ellie Wong

    The most beautiful nonromantic romantic love song...

  26. Christy Thornton

    Hard headed but not hard hearted .

  27. Marco antonio Rodriguez

    Bonito tema! Gracias Yusuf por tus canciones!

  28. Marco antonio Rodriguez

    Bonito tema! Gracias Yusuf por tus canciones!

  29. Marty Smith

    Addendum; there's a sensitivity about him that drives me crazy. I just want to protect him.

  30. Marty Smith

    He closes those beautiful eyes. He looks so delicate and coy. A beautiful man.

  31. VICHENZO piccarreta

    Vous pouvez pas laisser des commentaires en français merci parce que pas touts le monde comprennes l,anglais ou le parle on vie pas aux États-Unis quoi sérieusement merde quoi moi je suis coratain italien du Sud je vais pas laisser des commentaires en italien seruis alors pensée aux autres merci

  32. David Maholchic

    Sound quality here is superb

  33. Marty Smith

    He appears so shy and timid. He closes those beautiful eyes when singing and twirls his foot. He is sexy as hell. I love him.

  34. Bayan Sophia Mohammed Walid Shadaideh

    To my Emperor DM ONLY YOU 🕊❤️⚜😘💋💎✨🎼🌷🦁🔥👑🌟💥🙏🏻 ... AD ... 🕊

  35. stuff n stuff

    this song is a complete beauty

  36. Maria Callous

    looks nothing like him...guess he's Islamic now. lol

  37. gail thomas


  38. Max Jackson

    I just happened accros a late 2016 video of cat and Chris coronell preforminging together. lots of validation in that performance both ways

  39. Masinoman Masino

    I found mine!!

  40. M O R O C C O AL - ADARISA

    Ancestors are Greeks , born in England ...I read a lots about him in Morocco ....

  41. Ricky Brake

    #7054-51 RAMOS J/6est. Since 1995<< SOUNDTRK_DEPT. (ADAM/99ST.)

  42. GoodVibesOfficial

    ♪♫♥ ;)

  43. pyewackett 5

    I'm hard headed . Not hardboiled ...

  44. Steven Pennington

    His music was with me through the worst of times and its still with me now, in the best of times. His music is my life.

  45. Christie Ditto

    Been hard headed all my life- grew up in 70's when women weren't as respected as men... busted my ass all my life, working 10 times harder than my fellow man just to prove myself hoping to earn half the respect that they were easily born in to, and given! Cat seemed to be the only one handing out respect during those gender in-equality days...gave me hope, determination, and a sense of satisfaction - someone actually got it- got me- respected and recognized my voice! Still boosts my confidence and sends my spirit soaring... wish more men were like him and listened to their heart and spirit

  46. Max Galarza

    I followed his advice and now I am happily married to a woman just like described in the song.

  47. Joel Ewing

    I'm still here in 2018

  48. AnimeAmimatorMizore

    I can't believe this guy is still making music too! Keep going strong, Yusuf!

  49. James J. Marlowe II, Esq.

    I remember when I first this over 45 years ago. As great today as it was then....

  50. InThe Zone

    So very little praise here for Alun Davies. For those of you who don't know, he is the accompanying guitarist. And what a genius he was.

  51. Claudia Fernandez

    Me gusta mucho esta canción , me trae muchos recuerdos

  52. James Mata

    I am looking too

  53. Julio Barberena S

    Una de las tantas canciones q me gustan y te hacen mesitar

  54. Brett Koeshall

    Cat Stevens back in 1970 at the Beat Club.

  55. Giuliana Rubino

    Cat StevensAlbum: Tea for the TillermanData di uscita: 1970

  56. Elizabeth Long


  57. Rachel Baker

    Beautiful song .... my Dad wanted my Mum 'a hard headed woman' guess he didnt in the end!

  58. Chris Corbin

    Glad Cat/using is sharing his music with a new generation. What is missing in the new concerts is the passion he used to sing with. I am his age and admit my vocal ability is diminished but when I sing I still feel the way I did 30+ years ago. I am happy he found the spiritual peace he was looking for and is still the kind sweet spirit he always was. The "road to find out" is different for everyone and not to be judged by anyone

  59. Rossella Ross

    So beautiful 💜💜💜💜is in my soul this song💟🎵🎵

  60. Raymond Hothan

    A true classic and my favorite song by Cat. He plays with real feeling and such emotion!!

  61. Julio Cesar Arboleda

    Siempre presente

  62. Nika Volkov

    Thanks papa leaving me this

  63. Peter Kutcher

    no doubt ,cat /yousuf is one of the greatest artists there is ,unfotunately never went to one of his performances, my loss,but hear him all the time.cheers

  64. Dan Diaz

    Nada como alguien cantando con toda el alma acompañado solo con una guitarra acústica de madera

  65. goca italijanski

    He is the best forever! <3

  66. John Ward

    Excellent live vocals !

  67. Patrice Marie

    .... Great Song! ...... OMG! ... WHY? ... OMG .... WHY?

  68. Paul Isaac

    I've loved this song for 40 years.

  69. Maranatha

    TOP SHELF!!!

  70. awingnaprayer2003

    A Creative Genius!!

  71. awingnaprayer2003

    God but I Love this song!!

  72. Elane Barnard

    I had this song typed over my bed on the floor in the apartment that I shared with 3 other girls in So. Miami back in 1974. Aw, the 70's. So wonderful... youthful memories. I felt I was a hard headed woman at 19. I still love love love this man.

  73. Anne Gwinner

    THANKFUL ...

  74. Sandra Kral

    He is so beautiful..

    Victoria Cunningham

    Drop the mic

  75. Roxane Steiger


  76. Francisco Sauceda Sauceda

    esta musica me recuerda a mi hermano que ya no esta asta lloro escucho bella musica tuvimos la dicha,de vivir este tipo de miusic

  77. Alan De Lima

    Aah essa musica ...

  78. Patti Smith

    Come back..... don't cook..... 😢

  79. Eden Eden

    My GOD he was sexy and this song was one of my favorites.

  80. Stef Hublou Solfrian Vojvoditz

    Such a good song. Such a deep kind of Thruts in the text... Such a fine reflection on the inner love movements, and the complexity of it all...

  81. J Zero

    🙋I'm right here!!!!

  82. Joan-Anne Burmaster

    "...they move so smooth but have no answers...when you ask "what'd you come here for?"....why?"

  83. Chantel Hampton

    Good music!

  84. Tiago Rodrigues

    John Frusciante 🎵Scar Tissue Live Rock Am Ring John Play This Song.

  85. writereducator

    Did you know that Cat Stevens had a career as a teeny-bopper pop star in England before he emerged as this folk-rock singer/songwriter?

  86. Jeff McDonald

    Just an addition to the information given at the top of this page: Not only did he create the artwork for the Tea For the Tillerman album, but he also did it for his follow-up album Teaser and the Firecat and for that album, he also created a full-blown children's book featuring the same characters on the album cover. I know because I have a copy.

  87. Y A S H J A I N

    *Anyone else Who came here just after watching **_GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY-2??_*

  88. Charlie Magri

    muslims say we get our money from immoral purposes and that includes music, but he still uses Western money and is just like the rest of them too.They call our women whores for being independent and claiming how much God hates them, but they break their own crazy laws when it benefits them!

  89. Happy Hamster

    In Trump's America he's not welcome.

  90. Sandra Carranza

    Love !!❤ thank you!!!❤

  91. Robert Cubinelli

    Gotta dig the Cat...I agree with his changing his name to Yusuf Islam....totally agree.

  92. Bliss Tew

    Miss those days with my young, lovely, funny, carefree wife listening to Cat Stevens, fishing off skiffs at Balboa, California.


    Bliss Tew Love from Aus.

  93. Ego Dominus Pro Veritat

    Oh the fucking hysterical irony of the "cop out" Muslim boy of old!!!!😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅🤔😇😄😄😄😄😄😀😁😂🖕

  94. Rob

    I played this for my wife at our wedding, she smiled and laughed only because it's was true. Thanks Cat Stevens.. for everything. Sincerely,a happily married man

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