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Yanni - Swept Away

Swept Away
: Swept Away
: 4.35 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 71 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 52 İndirme
: 16-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yanni - Swept Away )
  1. Jose gregorio Diaz

    Es la unica que tiene janni mas famosa. Pero muy bonita melodia.

  2. Cristina Sanchez

    Con este tema sueño es hermoso bailó me emociono además la vos de Yanni envuelve el alma y su música

  3. Randy Dayal

    7:43 - 8:15 I can hear this all day and forget all my problems...

  4. The Great Caramba

    This sounds better in terms of audio quality than the live video version.But it's YANNI just the same... the feeling is very healing. GREAT music...fanstastic sound.


    Lagu saat pejuang benteng takeshi melewati jembatan gilbaltar.. dan ditembaki bola sambil dibilangin bodoh sama raja dan prajurit2nya..

  6. Juliana Mutaqin


  7. A Razorpig

    Everytime I hear this song I think of snowfall in December.

  8. Shirelle Hill

    I had the tape of this concert and I loved it!!

  9. dannynpao

    4:41 violin solo amazed

  10. Jonathan Guevarra

    Siguro ginamit yata ito sa Tipong Pinoy Intramuros Episode

  11. Despo Baltoumas

    Yanni mas ekanaes swept away. Sehariteriya!

  12. Mutant Geer

    Estas canciones cuando era chico mi papa las solia poner a mi hermano y ami cuando viajabamos que chidos recuerdos.

  13. lujan barraga

    este. es mi tema favorito, de yanni.

  14. kosopet

    Mind is just swept away hearing after so many years Thank you Mohd.

  15. Nash Golden

    traduscan a Es pañol swept away porfavor !

  16. Jorge Antonio Garcia Mendez

    Es una pena que solo sea el puro audio(del cual se agradece)...pero verlo en tiene desperdicio...

  17. Herwindra

    Kapan konser di Jakarta :)

  18. Mohamed Habashy

    Since I was 10 years old I was waiting for the economic news on TV to listen to this music🎵❤

  19. Teguh Crbn

    beautifull instrument

  20. juan flores

    genio insuperable

  21. Hassan Shah

    My favourite yanni song

  22. Robert Samson

    Yes really SWEPT AWAY, yes, me!!!!

  23. Ryan Suansing

    I played everyday.

  24. Regina Guyther

    Swept Away is my favorite piece by Yanni. The Music is phenomenal. I can listen to this over and over. In fact I have.

    Despo Baltoumas

    Swept away bring so much joy and lifts your heart.]

  25. Rick Mars

    The best music ever.

  26. A M

    soothing .for last 20 yrs

  27. dragonfire2000ful

    Breathtaking and beautiful and cool and Epic 😎🔥🤩😇❤️

  28. eesita gos

    Really sweeping.Perhaps the most varied yanni composition.



  30. @minegocio

    great song!! Can you recommend some other musicians of this style please?

    True State

    Hans Zimmer, vangelis

    John Duenas

    I also listen to Enya mellow vocal tunes

  31. jorge aliste

    Porque no puedo acceder al concierto completo y en vivo del acropolis ????

  32. Lê Anh Hưng

    Nước em láy 2:20 ->2:40 làm nhạc nền kết thúc đài truyền hình!!

  33. Carolina Santos


  34. Paola Rodriguez

    KAREN BRIGGS is the best!!!!!!

    Regina Guyther

    Yes she is!!


    Yes indeed

  35. César Bautista

    Me encantó

  36. Luna moonfang

    The Greek Gods are very proud of him!

  37. 949AlexCM

    This concert makes me go back to the 90’s; when I was in the high school, beautiful music, beautiful memories

  38. Charlie Ramella

    Magnífico ... Soberbio !!!

  39. Joseph Bacon

    Yanni's live performance on TV introduced me to his music; my family soon after bought this CD. I was surprised when I later listened to his other CDs and heard the previous version of this song. He really added some "bells & whistles" (so to speak) to this for this live version!!! No drum solo in the original song!

  40. marcelino franco maldonado

    grandioso tema...hermosa ejecucion.

  41. Aal Ganteng

    Suka bangeeet...

  42. Nikos Gkan

    Μεγάλες επιτυχίες.

  43. Mayombwe Mathias Mulumba

    'Swept away' you did in spirit... Yanni...!

  44. Mayombwe Mathias Mulumba

    Listening to Yanni again lifted my mood and brought good tidings...never new these compositions could stimulate such a soul healing edge... !

  45. anastasio gutierrez

    hasta hoy sigo escuchando esta musica..recuerdo cuando la vi por primera vez en vivo hace muchos años..por primera vez que vine a hawaii...

  46. Nash Golden

    i love it !!!! thanks Yanni ....

  47. Samah Mubarak

    I adore it through years..

  48. Delfina Terriquez

    Makes me fell that I'm elevating myself to Jesus

  49. Dyel Rodrigues

    Muito bom

  50. Marco Fontanesi

    decisamente armoniosa, evoca i momenti più belli

  51. Diana Zerpa

    Thank u!!!

  52. 김민지

    what a beautiful sound and it just like my family and my girlfriend

  53. محمد الركابي

    محمد عمار ليش نحذفت الحفله من اليوتيوب

    Ali Lovely

    محمد الركابي ..بسبب حقوق النشر من قبل الشركة المنتجة. .وهي بالأصل شركة ياني الخاصة. .لأن الطلب على هذا الألبوم يعتبر الأعلى مبيعا في التاريخ. ..

    محمد الركابي

    Ali Lovely شكرآ على التوضيح ممكن اعرف تتوفر في اسواق العراق

    Ali Lovely

    محمد الركابي ..تعم موجودة في محلات الcd والاقراص المدمجة..

  54. Kevin Ramírez

    where i can search the video of this song?? please

  55. Luis Sanchez


  56. bhupendra. sarkango

    It's simply superb ,a jewel in universal music...

  57. Kees Akkermans

    For me this piece is the true definition of the word "music".  It's simply PERFECT folks!

    Rick Mars

    Kees Akkermans I agree!

  58. Raymond King

    he is seriously grooving inthis one....

  59. Rudy Correa

    Lo mejor en musica

  60. Dodadeus

    Oh man, made me remember when I first met the love of my life and our early dates. Totally swept away. The fun, the utter bliss, not one care in the world except you and me, lost in each other. The hopes and dreams for the future.I love you, wife.


    Sounds very much like my dear husband and myself. About a month before we were to be married I had a heart attack... he nursed me back to health. He is not a man to say many words, but he shows me every day, that I am precious to him. He is to me, also, and I enjoy doing for him.

  61. njldst2007


  62. علي حسين ال مهنا


  63. Narciso Galan


  64. mr jusef

    لو سمحت بدنا الحفلة كاملة ممكن وشكرا

    W2w21975 Ali

    اذا كنت تقصد الألبوم الكامل للحفلة فلن تجده في الانترنت تستطيع أن تجدها صوت فقط على اليوتيوب...

  65. Karuppiah Nachiappan


  66. Yamen Mraiaty

    yanni انت معلم

  67. Andrés Eduardo García

    Min 7:30. What a beautiful moment #love

    Daniel Arteta

    @textex tex Wtf? Shut your hole.

  68. jose daniel Fernandez

    Excelente mil gracias por compartir este album de grandiosa musica

  69. Arturo Gutierrez Mendoza

    que cool

  70. Dianne Melim Glasmacher

    this is my second favorite track from this concert. different styles in one song. except for maybe dave matthews band, not many places to hear a violin solo with rock


    That was exactly what I was thinking... in DMB style... all over the place. Hahaha!

    japp rivera

    yep... got the same feeling as soon as violin started, the bass and congas, everything!!.... great music

    Alan T

    Try Thank You Scientist - Carnival if you like violin solos with rock

  71. Joanne Moonflower

    I wrote a song just now with this music

  72. Abdulwahab Almohanna

    until now I repeat it 10 times


    Same here

  73. Abdulwahab Almohanna


  74. William Rodriguez

    Music from heaven 💖🎹🎻🎼🎶🎵🎸🎺🎧🎷🎹🎹

    Maria Aguilar

    You are right!

  75. Alberto Quinones

    Esto SI es musica

  76. Pamela Alejandra

    melodía maravillosa.

  77. Elsa Delfino Gomez


  78. David Fisher

    I love it.

  79. Shruti

    Amazing....I just love Yanni's Music!!!!!

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