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Yanni - One Mans Dream

One Mans Dream
: One Mans Dream
: 4.09 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 114 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 81 İndirme
: 16-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yanni - One Mans Dream )
  1. Abbosbek Ibragimov

    Uzbekistondan bitta man bor ekanmanu. Xar safar eshitganimda xuddi birinchi marta eshityotganday yurak-yuragimga yetib boradi. Bunaqa san'atni Hudo yuqtirgan. Borligiz uchun RAXMAT🙏🙏🙏

  2. Анна Сухомерова

    Какую благодать для души, подарили эти чарующие звуки.. 👏👏👏👏👏💟💟💟💟💟💞💞💞💞

  3. Олеся Загнитко

    Волшебно 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  4. هيا نتعلم معا

    yanni you are amazing your music speaks and pour souls listening ياني انت مذهل 🌻موسيقاك تتكلم و الأرواح النقيه تصغي

  5. Kutu Baby


  6. Romantic day

    Bravo! <3

  7. Sitimaroh Maroh

    Terllalu tinggi,, sebuah nyata yg ada, baru aku tahu,, nuansabindah menjelma sukma tat kala mendengarkan musik yg selama ini aku penasaran, diapa gerangan yg jd pemimpin orkedtra yg bernuansa alam yg damai melebur sukma menjadikan kekuatan dlm diri menyendiri, ohhh ternyata seorang yg ganteng yg berasal dr indonesia pula,,, om YANNi, ,yg punya musik identik dg yg aku kenal ALAN WALKER,, smp bigopun blg waw siti maroh tahu ALAN WALKER, sedangkan dia yg sbenarnya aku pd waktu itu tsk tahu, ternyata ENGKAULAH sang komponis, , YANNI kumis gondrong kriwil, tanks, bravo for you, i love mysic from you all

  8. José Américo


  9. Sun Sunshine

    It’s wonderful 😭😭😭♥️ I’m crying now😭🙏🏻

  10. Harshal Nikalje

    So great and humble personality, yet so less subscribers. The only reason is today’s world wants people like JUSTIN BIEBER or KANYE WEST or etc. But we need more people like *Yanni*. He is great.

  11. Андрей

    Очень завораживает... Волшебная музыка. Красота...

  12. Наталия Хохлова

    THAT is GREAT!!!

  13. Lusine Karapetyan

    amazing ❤️

  14. Виталий Слухай

    просто чудесно!!!!

  15. Alfonso Rojas

    Alfonso,desde colombia.Desde el primer cd tributo,eres mi musico preferido.Mi esposa te ama.Yo te llevo en mi corazon.Tengo 10 CDs y 5 Dvd.Quisiera mas.

  16. Candan Colak

    "One"voman's dream🤗🥰

  17. Patrícia Dutra

    Yanni, a dream🎼✨

  18. Forever Gamers

    Allax velik

  19. eman Living with keto

    This legend will not stay with us for long time so try to enjoy his great work everyday.. I love you yanni as my king (king Husain) May his soul Rest In Peace loves you.. He introduce you to the Jordanian I was very small but I listen to you carefully everyday then 🌹🌹 love you so much❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  20. Ellyana Widjaja

    i used to choreograph a dance using your song. such beautiful master piece. thank you for sharing uour talent to the world. love from indonesia

  21. Magda Bueno

    A musica mais linda

  22. Ankita kumari

    We love u yaani....Your music make us feel live...thanks for such inspiring n energetic music

  23. Аида Надырова


  24. Kalidas .m

    I can't put it in words what I feel. May be it's an another universe. Or an another birth. Or good times of life I don't know. Or my longing desires I don't know🙄🙄🙄

  25. FelizNM

    I am imagjning the lyrics! Simply enchanting!

  26. farahJoma الليبيه لجمال البشره

    انت رائع شكرا جزيلا على جمال❤❤❤⚘⚘🇱🇾💐

  27. Irma Fonseca

    Obrigado, Yanni! Suas músicas são maravilhosas. 🎵💓💘

  28. Juanita Smith

    How absolutely beautiful!!! Tears....

  29. 刁鳳禎



    One must also learn to give up dreams,the dreams that you have lived for. There is so much happiness in this too. There are so many things to do,other than following dreams.

  31. Delfina Muñoz

    Lomejor es pianista por siempre yanni no me canso de escuchar sus temas

  32. Enrique Rivera

    Gracias Yanni, No entiendo como lo haces pero tu espiritu y tu carisma nos hace a todos irnos a otra dimension con tan hermosas melodias, gracias por tanto Yanni, gracias maestro

  33. Valentina Inos

    *Dear 😇God Thank🙏You for BRILLIANT💖 UNIQUE💖 Great💖 Maestro💖 Yanni💖* 👏👏👏👏👏⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘*

  34. Тоня Иванова


  35. Martaptorres Torres


  36. 刁鳳禎


  37. Анна Сухомерова


  38. Dhruba Chakrabarty

    This golden track has a pretty similarity between it's melody and the name. How many times I've listened this, but it's as evergreen as before, just like our loving and respected Sir Yanni. "Sir, we missed you. Waiting for your 'Tribute- second chapter ." With regards from India.

  39. Ali Reza

    Nice 😍😍 I love you

  40. anh khac roi

    Hi, im from viet nam!! Beautiful music

  41. DiAlibek

    So talented and charismatic (without moustache eve more charm)😍But he aged so much😔 Time takes its toll.

  42. Delfina Muñoz

    Lo mejor de todos los tiempos

  43. Аида Надырова


  44. Куралай Мухамеджанова


  45. Shakirah Habiba

    How I love you Yanni!😚You have inspired me to learn the piano

  46. Rabia Rabia

    i love you sou match yanni ❤❤❤

  47. tomigek

    Beautiful fingers on black and white keys ... and music from all sides .. Man of the dream .. Music of the dream .. Soul of the dream .. Thank you, Sir....... From Russia with love ..

  48. سليمان محمد

    Thanks my best singer in the world best regard from saudi arab

  49. Liliana noemi Scheffer


  50. Oppo A3s


  51. Marie Pellegrin


  52. Natalia Lopes

    You inspired my son to be a musician. I listened to your music with him when he was a small boy and he told me he wanted to be like you when he grew up. He is now an accomplished musician with the United States Navy Band and has traveled to many parts of the world. He wrote to you when he was small boy and told you he wanted to be like you

  53. Нелли Я.

    Красиво !!!

  54. meme Hasan

    ياني اسطوره بزمن جاهلي عاق

  55. Khashayar Modaberi

    YANNI I'd like to See Your Concerts With Full Symphony Orchestra AGAIN As Acropolis, Royal Albert Hall & Taj Mahal & Forbidden City! PLEASE! I LOVE YOU YANNI, VERY MUCH LOVE YOU!❤️ THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS....❤️❤️❤️

  56. Сауле Хусаинова

    Дорогой Маэстро все как впервыи раз и как всегда все очень очень красиво и 🙏🙏🙏❤👏👏👏

  57. Edvania Gomes

    Tem um lugar lá ele toca sem para lag

  58. Mafs. Ms


  59. Spiral Salar

    i'm here for Persian subtitle. but there is no Persian subtitle....Anyway, thank you for everything....

  60. Santanu K Ganguli

    Dream transcending into divine touch .... Listening to this music is a spiritual experience.

  61. Aida Khan

    Эта композиция невероятная 😍

  62. Ahyar Stone

    Love you Yanni

  63. ramona blanca

    Un hombre talentoso .Y muy interesante!

  64. Sami Lebo

    الحلم هو الوحيد الذي يخرجنا من واقع الحياة الصعبة ❤️❤️❤️😭🌹🌹🌹 تحياتي لجميع المشاهدين ❤️21/6/2019 هل من مشاهدين وهل من مستمعين لهذه الموسيقئ الخيالية مع ياني ❤️❤️🇨🇦🇺🇸🇭🇺🇫🇷🇮🇪🇱🇧🇦🇺🇫🇮🇺🇾🇪🇬🇮🇶🇮🇱🇸🇦🇶🇦🇵🇸🇸🇮🇪🇸🇸🇾🇬🇧🇩🇪🇩🇰🇧🇭🇩🇿

  65. صبحي الخفاجي

    مااجمل ان يترجم الحلم الى موسيقى ياني الأروع ذو الاحاسيس المرهفه

  66. Zaki Zaki

    Baru tau kalo ini aransemennya yanni

  67. هبة الدالي

    حلمي اعرف اللي حاطين أنلايك ليش😅

  68. Nav ID

    I wish Yanni Concert in Pakistan. Good Music and it appreciation.

  69. Leysan Kashapova

    Мы тебя тоже любим 💞Здоровья тебе, пусть бог будет милосерден укрепит твоё тело и дух 🙏😘

  70. Τρελός με δίπλωμα

    Στην κορυφή μαζί με Παπαθανασίου.

  71. Cheryl Lehrman

    One of my favorite Yanni masterpieces....just gorgeous! Thank you, Yanni.

  72. Poornima Vijayagopalan

    Thank you.


    The "SAUDIS"?A miracle!!!Thanks.BAFS

  74. Elaine Rossatti

    Plateia linda, fofinhos, Yanni vc é um querido.

  75. sreynuch bong

    Amazingly ,I fortunate for all your sharing ! It’s meaningful - I couldn’t never forgot about it ! Thank you very much ♥️🌻🌹

  76. Regina Moraes

    Muito legal Yanni.

  77. Flor de jardin

    I love Yanni. Magical music. Greetings from Russia and Spain. 🎶🎶🎶😘😘😘👍🤗🤗🤗

  78. Sandra Godoi

    Ouvir Yanni faz bem a alma.

  79. jo jo

    Αγαπητοί Αδελφός Παγκόσμιο και μουσικός Γιάννης λατρεύω Mne Alsgerwatmany ότι το κόμμα από το μπλοκ συναυλία διακριτικό Hflatk Είστε προσκαλούμε σοφίτα δίπλα στο κόμμα σας

    jo jo

    لم استلم دعوى لحد الان

    jo jo


  80. jo jo

    Dear brother and the world musician, I love you so little. I would like to ban a party from one of your special concerts. Would you prefer to invite you to your next concert?

  81. Карина Черкасова

    тигра невозможно приручить... но, тигр - это всего лишь кошка. она хранит очаг и дом, но.


    il numero uno non ha bisogno di notorietà. il numero è noto a tutti e il mio numero uno è YANNI. Grazie di esistere!

  83. welo welo

    This song takes me to different place and make me cry thank you yanni

  84. جلال جود


  85. Анна Петова

    Как же я его люблю❤️❤️❤️

  86. Thawrs Mohammed

    😍😘You are wonderful man

  87. MrPepanos

    Very good music, very good composer, very good musicians... admiration from Slovakia.

  88. Mohamed Samer

    Amazing music

  89. November Sky

    u must dream & make it come true. everything is out there for grab! i LOVE YANNI!

  90. Fonoaudióloga coach vocal Lucileide Sat


  91. Ανδρέας Σμάγαδης

    Yanni as fresh and musical as ever! Γειά σου Γιάννη από Θεσσαλονίκη!

  92. Katerina Ps

    Yanni you are always amazing! Love you!❤️❤️❤️🔝🔝🔝

  93. Annalisa sorrentino


  94. Rosangela Ferro Santos

    Muito lindo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  95. Татьяна Дикая

    Божественно!Душа плачет!Хочет домой!

  96. Nosamodey Nana

    You are so great you give us hope and letus live our dreams 😘😘loveyou

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