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Yanni - Nightingale

: Nightingale
: 3.74 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 95 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 78 İndirme
: 16-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yanni - Nightingale )
  1. Rhoda T


  2. Jackson K George

    first time.. i listened to this... whn im in total mood changed aftr hearing this..

  3. T Nator

    The song got cut off. Seriously?? Did you run out of tape? Can I buy more tape for you? You shouldn't even be posing any song, let alone this great song, if you don't have enough tape.

  4. Kholod Elhag

    Wonderful ❤️

  5. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Show diz for every lasting instead of kaisa kanjar pooo 😃😄😀😍

  6. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Whtever which comes to in our hands instead of striving 😃😄😀😍

  7. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Then You tittled even for a Small Bird as Nightigirle bcaz of Sunbird💥👍🏾👈😀😄😍

  8. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    V shud Nt Believe da One eyed person Such a Criminal 👺 👈 👉but da Bird even got 2 eye but placing for face to attract even wit one wht a beauty mainly innocent n everyone likeable 👍🏾👌👈😃😄😀😍

  9. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Merit Of Sunbird 👌👈🙏🙏🙏🙏

  10. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Nt only enough playing beauty of music shud create or choose da perfect to admire more so da great Bird of beauty Nightingale 👌👈

  11. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Whtever it's shud get time to show to play to expose n explain da realality 👌👈

  12. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    For eyewashly on da stages can speak or 2gether along one's family but in real hv to dig to know da truth👎😃😄😀😍

  13. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Shud come 👂 👀 automatically without hesitation✍👍🏾👈👉 u all bloody 😍

  14. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    Show me if anyone intelligent composers in da world 👎 👈👉 bcaz of Real Nyani Yanni 💪👍🏾👏👏👏👏😍

  15. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    But bloody incomplete rest of ending more fantastically 👈👉 U baursted 👞🏃

  16. JudgementRavi JudgementRavi

    It's waz my most likeable 2005 wow wow none can B so done well ✍🤝👏👏👏👏😍

  17. Eric Drisgula

    This dude has some seriously badassed thick jet black Greek hair and when he wears those white pants with a white of black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forarms I bet he drives the ladies crazy , I know my sister thinks he's hot as hell, she says he looks like a beautiful powerful Greek lion lol.

  18. Zoro_peronwave

    Tucun tucun

  19. Ge Jin

    Heard this in 2007 my first year of middle school after night class, feels absolutely fantastic at that night. Pure beauty

  20. Majeed Maniyar

    my heart is flying with this song....thank you YANNI ❤❤❤

  21. Βασιλική Χρόνη

    Μου λείπεις...

  22. Hashini Bandara

    Relaxing ❤❤❤

  23. Fathima Zenasus

    Finally found this after a long search. .Thanks Shazam AppMy fav nature the song travels many things comes to our mind...cold breeze mist snow rivers flowing birds singing ..flower blossoms .. sweet air..calm nd peaceful mind etc...Well done Orchestra ❤👏👏

  24. Fathima Zenasus

    Addippoolliii music aanu ith kolllangalude searchin shesham Shazam app kond innu njn kand pidich 😍😍😍

  25. Fathima Zenasus

    #NIVINPAULY Nivinchaaa 😍😍😘😘❤❤🔥*LOVE_ACTION_DRAMA*Addipwolli film njn kandu nkk ishtaapett ...Nalla comedy family entertainer...bore adikilla ..Aju Nayans Vineethum pwoliAthinte kude ee paat aa theathril scns edak varumbol aaaah 🔥🔥🔥🎇🎆🎉🎊

  26. November Sky

    This undying piece has Eastern influence omgn : ) thanks 4 posting wmd10 : ) nice to meet the precious bird : )

  27. Israel Torres

    Qué delicia de canción estupendamente lo mejor

  28. Rajoo Nair

    Yanni, my dear, wherever you are , you are still far away from me. I love you so much, dear..

  29. خالد الدوسري


  30. خالد الدوسري


  31. خالد الدوسري

    0 Dubai

  32. Andres Quiñones

    Ouh, me falta el aire (Y el corazón tucún, túcun, túcun)Hoy, va a correr sangre...Ya sé por dónde se mueve ese boom

  33. G.Dilan İnanç

    this is my childhood lullaby ı m still in love with this magical song ❤️

  34. Manjushri Gokhale

    Yanni is the piano goat G-greatestO-ofA-allT-time

  35. Angel Ramírez

    Music for the soul

  36. Eric Drisgula

    I listen to all sorts of music I don't care what it is if it's good talented music I respect that and this man makes some of the most touching , soul touching music, I feel free of all worry and stress when I listen to him play his piano. I'd so badly like to see him play live, just missed him play near by but couldn't even think of affording to buy a ticket unfortunately cause I'm in financial ruin right now but that is all ok and doesn't bother me when I listen to his music.

  37. Leul Mesfin

    they use this song to tell crime stories in my country

  38. lourdes gonçalves

    Top de lindo ....é fechar os olhos e viajar😍🎶🎵

  39. Diego SSJ


  40. Esteban araiza

    Es ÉPICO.

  41. Nanya Hopkins


  42. Marivi Guiliana Guerrero Torres

    Dios mío que excelente está melodía .... Parecen que susurran los angeles grande Yani

  43. saleh momtaz

    It wasnt what i was looking for but it pleased me.

  44. Soraya Cherrougui

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله روعة أستاذنا صوت البلبل او العندليب له صوت شجي يبعث المشاعر الخفية الدفينة من جديد شيء جميل له اعتبار و قيمة تقديرية الوجود جميل... الكون... ياالله.. جعلتنا نحيا من جديد تكرم سلام....

  45. Abhoy Singh

    It takes me into the heavens...into another world...One of the greatest compose of this dcade...❤💓

  46. Lynn Jacobs

    I've heard "Nightingale" hundreds of times and it leaves me in a state of relaxation , peace, and harmony nearly every time. Call it "New Age" or whatever, but it's absolutely beautiful and wonderful.

  47. Cien Años Después


  48. Carløs :p

    Esto simplemente *Es Épico*

  49. Abhijit Dasgupta

    Amazing music!!!

  50. SnackbarDreamer // m-salami

    Incomplete song, ruined my trip

  51. Loser Loser

    It’s related to my some painful memories😭

  52. cesar villeda

    Un rico, un pobre, un blanco, un negro, un loco, un cuerdo, Canserbero… epico

  53. salinda wickramarathne

    Finally i found it🤗 after 9 years thanx👍👍

  54. rqn1998

    amazing artist

  55. replicas red devil 507

    Canserbero x100pre

  56. Joseph Garrison


  57. Anesu Ncube

    So calming and reviving it never grows old !

  58. Umar Zaeni


  59. нрг монолова

    Так и охота поплакать, без причины

  60. Ni8CraWler

    Ill kill those country ppl who disliked this .this is so pure nd beautiful

  61. rose branch

    My almost 4 month old likes this song

  62. Money Counts

    No wonder I usually enjoy the bliss of flute with strings This one also proves that is the best combination ever

  63. S6N 6F G6D

    it makes me sad in a good way. it gives tears of happiness.

  64. ايمن سعيد

    احلى ميوزك في العالم للسيد ياني

  65. MôTơ - Halet

    Nghe nhạc mà cảm thấy có nghị lực ghê

  66. Mrs. Janessa Shelton

    This is so pretty and dreamy. I love this!

  67. haribo245

    Our souls are not from this World.

  68. Sofya Sos

    إبداع حقيقي

  69. Hamritha Seetharaman

    Excellent. Dedicated composing. He didnt bring music to us. He takes our soul to the music.

  70. Jacqueline Ganem

    Excepcionalmente divina 🌷❤️

  71. Hadeel Abbas


  72. agbaje korede

    couldn't read without playing his songs in my first year in college. i especially love this nightingale track

  73. sri sri

    The comments are memories.. i will come back after several years. sure

  74. Lonnie McNeill

    Just a beautiful sound!!!

  75. abhishek bhattacharya

    Sublime... tranquil bliss... enchanting ..evokes your spirit instantly... whenever I hear I found myself standing in front of snow pecked gigantic mountain range... thanks Yanni...for this timeless classic.. ❤️❤️❤️

  76. Abood Abood

    موسيقا هدوء و تبكي

  77. SimpleMind Dude

    Beautiful song

  78. Alwin Biju

    I want to cry without reason

  79. KittenLover

    My mom played this in the car when we were going to Vegas from Southern California my home. (Road trip) and I fell asleep. My dad uses this in my baby DVD vlogs. We love his music!

  80. Sumair Malik

    The violin part 😍

  81. Canary Waterslager - Bora Ergün

    Very nice music, thank you.

  82. Dhanuka lakshan

    After 8 years i finaly found this song,thank you youtube❤❤❤

  83. Mat _d4

    The Nightingale and the red rose :(She said"love is better than life,and the heart of a man is more important than the heart of a bird"

  84. Elias Astudillo

    Hermosa Música!

  85. Adolfo Espinoza

    Like si te jode que diga q camserbero es una mierda

  86. Friendly

    Heard this at my massage therapy one time... Been hooked since...

  87. Dybala Junior nice till listening in 2019

  88. abhishek bhattacharya

    It's sublime... tranquil bliss..🙂🙂🙂


    Nature song ❤️💕💕💕💕👌👌👌

  90. Christian Ali

    Reward me not with lavish reward. Hang no golden slipper upon my neck. Give me no gift. Honour me with no honours. Keep the riches of your kingdom for the blessing of your kingdom. For tonight I have seen tears in the Emperor's eyes, and this is reward enough. These are the jewels that rejoice a singer’s heart. For me there is no greater reward that could be bestowed upon me then this.

  91. bindu murad

    wow Rally very natural music melody .....

  92. marco gielen

    I get goosebumps everytime I listen to this song! It's amazing. I am 23 years old and love this kind of music a lot! It takes me to another universe while listening to it. It all fits so perfect!

  93. hussin iraq

    All die but yanni 😍😍😍😍

  94. SAYED AHMED9381


  95. Anabel Bravo

    Sounds like japanese or chinese music 🎐🎑👘


    You're right. Yanni created this piece based on a tale about China.

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